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Chapter 38 Chi Yang's Swordsmanship

After walking out of the buying shop, Lu Zhong and Huang Shuyuan separated.

Walking alone on the street, his heart was full of excitement and joy at this moment.

The Dread Bear Skin finally sold for 280 spirit stones. Compared with the previous price of 170 spirit stones, it sold a full 110 more spirit stones, which is equivalent to 23 for an ordinary casual cultivator.

With ten years of income, it’s no wonder that Lin Zhongze and others would do that kind of thing.

Subtracting what Huang Shuyuan deserved, Lu Zhong got a total of one hundred and sixty-eight spiritual stones.

"Hunting a monster beast can bring such huge profits. No wonder people are killed by beasts every year, but those beast-hunting monks still keep going."

Money and silk are really touching people’s hearts!

Thinking of this, he became cautious.

With such a huge sum of money in his possession, Lu Zhong really looked at everyone like an evil cultivator at this time.

"It's time to buy two more spells."

Breath-holding and concealment can be done regardless of home. Once you know the Breath-holding Technique, you must also learn the Stealth Technique. The combination of the two spells can make you come and go without a trace, which is definitely a must-have for home travel.

"There is also a malice detection technique. If you have it, buy it too."

Lu Zhong had heard of this spell a long time ago.

Its function is very simple, that is, to detect real-time malware.

Just like now, if there is really an evil cultivator following him, he will feel a warning sign as soon as he uses the Detect Malice technique, knowing that someone has ill intentions towards him.

Another example is when you are in the wilderness, if there is a monster peeping in the dark, you can use this to detect it.

Although it has great limitations and there are many ways to avoid it, it is still an excellent early warning spell.

There were not many people on the street, and Lu Zhong walked to a shop called "Wanfa Pavilion".

Upon closer inspection, I found that it was rebuilt on the original site after being transferred to Shufa Pavilion.

After going in and taking a look, the store was decorated in a high-end atmosphere, and the types of spells sold were very complete, including almost all the spells in the Qi Refining Period. Naturally, the malice detection spell he wanted to buy was also available.

It is worth mentioning that various spell experiences and spell-casting techniques are also sold here.

Now, Lu Zhong felt itchy in his heart.

The "Techniques for Using Long-lasting Qi Watching Technique" should be the one Li Dong taught him.

There is also "Advanced Qi-Watching Technique, Basics of Master Kanyu" which is also a technique for casting Qi-Watching Technique.

And "One Hundred Practical Experiences of Qi-Wang Technique" is an experience book that teaches people how to use Qi-Wang Technique. The introduction on the cover page is a book that teaches people how to distinguish various types of auras and determine targets from the fluctuations of auras.

strength, as well as books on the application of qi technique in fighting.

"How much does this cost?"

"Five Spiritual Stones."

so cheap?

Lu Zhong thought, shouldn't this kind of knowledge be sold at a high price?

But after thinking about it, he understood.

Although knowledge is precious, it also depends on how big the market is. Low-level casual cultivators generally do not practice magic. It is estimated that this kind of experience book will not be sold for a long time, and many monks will try to figure it out by themselves in order to save money, so the price

It will be the same as the Qi Watching Technique.

When asked about the two spell-casting skills, the prices have indeed gone up, starting from double digits.

Obviously, skills and experience are not the same thing.

Lu Zhong decided to buy the magic spell and the experience together. Spending a little more money would save a lot of time. After careful calculation, it was actually very worthwhile. He pointed to several places on the counter and said: "I want this book on the art of gazing. Come again."

A book with tips on breath gathering, as well as concealment and malice detection. I want both spells and their corresponding tips."

When the shopkeeper heard this, he thought that a big customer had come, and he immediately came over with a smile.

"The stealth technique sells for eight spirit stones, and its experience book is a bit higher, selling for ten spirit stones... There is also the malice detection technique, which sells for fifteen spirit stones, and the accompanying experience book sells for ten.

The two spirit stones... plus the five spirit stones gained from the Qi Watching Technique, and the three spirit stones gained from the Breath Condensation Technique, there are a total of fifty-three spirit stones."

"Wrap it up." Lu Zhong said lightly.

After giving him the spirit stone, he put away the books he had received and walked towards the door.

At this time, Na Zhike ran out of the back hall, waved his hand and shouted:

"Fellow Taoist, please stay. We have just received a batch of new spells. Are you interested?"

"Oh, new spell?"

Hearing this, Lu Zhong stopped and felt a little curious.

The spell types in Wanfa Pavilion are already complete, what other new spells are there?

Phantom, Stone Armor, Sweating...

There were a bunch of novel spells, both names and functions, that he had never heard of before.

"This is a product that has just arrived from China. Fellow Taoist, do you think you might like it?" Zhike said with a look of anticipation.

"Coming from the Middle Earth? No wonder..." Lu Zhong flipped through the spell catalog and selected the spells he wanted while recalling the information about the Middle Earth in his mind.

The so-called Middle Earth literally means the land in the middle.

Middle-earth is the origin of the human race. The human race moved around with it as the center. After a long period of development and reproduction, it has created the four major cultivation realms of southeast, northwest and northwest.

Since it is the place where the human race originated, the Immortal Way in the Middle Earth is naturally extremely prosperous. All kinds of ancient sects have taken root there. It is not surprising that some new spells have been created.

"Being able to transmit these spells to Qingliufang in the southern wilderness, it seems that the Wanfa Pavilion is really powerful." Lu Zhong thought silently in his heart, and then pointed to a line of words in the spell catalog.

"Please show me this Chi Yang Fa Swordsmanship book."


Chi Yangfa swordsmanship can use spiritual power to form the shape of a sword and cause damage.

It is an adjusted spell that is adapted from magic swordsmanship and focuses on spell casting speed rather than power.

The magic sword cannot be shot out and can only be held in the hand to attack.

And the duration is extremely short, not even a breath.

At first glance, this technique seems to be useless.

But after Lu Zhong read it, he immediately decided to buy it.

"With this swordsmanship, I can make up for the inconvenience of the Qingshuang Sword in close combat. Perhaps I can also use this skill to surprise enemies at close range!"

The price of Chi Yangfa Sword Technique is not low at all. It requires twenty-five spirit stones, and you can buy the two techniques of Condensing Breath and Disappearance and the accompanying experience book.

It is expensive, so it naturally has valuable value.

Monks are still human beings, so they still have the inertia of human thinking, which will lead to blind spots when thinking. Before this Chi Yang Sword Technique was widely spread, few people would be prepared for this technique.

Being unprepared for Chi Yangfa's swordsmanship is the reason why it can be sold for twenty-five spirit stones.

What is certain is that many people in Qingliufang will definitely die from this technique in the future.

After Lu Zhong paid the money, he went out and walked towards East Street.

When passing by a meat stall, he decided to buy two kilograms of spirit animal meat and go back to replenish it.

Although the spirit beast meat does not contain as much demon spirit energy as the demon beast meat, it still has the effect of strengthening the body after eating it.

Considering his weak body, Lu Zhong felt that it was necessary to improve it. If he had time in the future, he might even practice a body-training technique to prevent his strength from being greatly reduced if he was even slightly injured in the fight.

“How do you sell this mud-shell pork?”

"It depends on which position you want, fellow Taoist. The spiritual energy content in different positions is different, and the price is naturally different. The meat here sells for fifty talisman per pound, how many kilograms do you want?"

"Then give me two kilograms of meat."

This chapter has been completed!
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