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Chapter 39 The second experience

In the simply furnished room, candlelight danced gently.

Lu Zhong was at the table, eating pork one bite at a time. From time to time he would put some spiritual rice into his mouth, while his eyes stayed on the Qi-gazing experience book in his hand.

Although he had only read less than half of it, he already felt that the book was really worth buying.

The opening chapter of "One Hundred Practical Tips on Qi-Wang Technique" introduces the types of spiritual energy in detail. In addition to the fairy spiritual energy, demon spiritual energy, and demon spiritual energy that Lu Zhong already knows, medicinal spiritual energy is also mentioned.

The so-called medicinal spiritual energy refers to the special spiritual energy formed by combining the medicinal substances in the elixir with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

There are many types of medicinal spiritual energy, and identifying medicinal spiritual energy through special techniques can assist monks in finding elixirs. This is knowledge that qualified herbalists will master.

The practical experience also summarizes the colors of all auras.

The color of fairy spiritual energy usually shows the color of the five elements of spiritual energy. A few exceptions are due to practicing special skills or being cultivators with different spiritual roots.

The demonic aura is usually blood-colored, and the demonic aura of aquatic demonic beasts and some special demonic beasts will be different.

As for demonic aura, it is usually in four colors: black, red, gray, and purple.

In addition, there are some rare auras, which are also slightly covered in the book.

For example, Yin Qi, ghost Qi, corpse Qi, etc.

Understanding the color of aura in the vision of aura is of great help to the caster in distinguishing the target.

At least there won't be the low-level mistake of turning corpses into monsters and identifying them as monsters.

The strategies used to deal with corpse-turned monsters are different from those used to deal with monsters. Misidentification will result in half the effort, and you may even pay a heavy price for it.

After reading the actual combat experience bit by bit, Lu Zhong gained a better understanding of the Qi Watching Technique.

Thanks to the exquisite use of spiritual power in the qi-watching technique in the book, after some adjustments, the spiritual power consumption of using qi-watching technique dropped by one-fifth compared to before.

When I used the Zhanwang Qi Technique before, my spiritual power could last up to eight hours.

Up to now, it can last for ten hours, almost a whole day.

After reading the actual combat experience, Lu Zhong took out the concealment technique again.

Invisibility is also a basic spell that must be learned. Its effect is to reduce one's own presence.

After using the Breath Condensation Technique, you can make your breath become as stone-like at most, but it is a human-shaped stone without breath. As long as people see it, they will have a strong sense of disobedience in their hearts.

If you add the effect of the invisibility spell at this time, after your sense of presence is reduced, it may make people ignore you, playing a role similar to the invisibility spell.

The invisibility technique only makes people invisible. In fact, outsiders can still sense the breath of the invisible person and detect the obvious existence of the person. Therefore, this technique is often used together with the two techniques of breath holding and concealment to achieve "evaporation from the world."


Generally speaking, only assassins learn these three spells at the same time.

Lu Zhong is very interested in gathering these three spells. After all, there are so many spells that he is not overwhelmed.

There are six incantations in the Stealth Technique, four of which he has already mastered, so learning it has really improved by leaps and bounds. After all, the learning of low-level spells is based on analogy, and learning one spell will make it much easier to learn the other ones.


After studying for more than half a month, I have already started to learn the concealment technique.

Late at night.

Lu Zhong stood alone on the street.

The purpose of his visit was to verify the effect of the invisibility technique. Judging from the results of the half-hour experiment, mortals passing by could not detect his existence, even if they stood in front of him and waved their hands.

This should be because his sense of existence at this moment has fallen below the lower limit of mortal perception.

If it were the low-level casual cultivators passing by, they would inadvertently ignore someone without paying attention.

After adding the effect of the Breath Condensation Technique, Lu Zhong was almost invisible in front of mortals, and was regarded as an inconspicuous thing like stone dust.

At this moment, in the eyes of the low-level monks, he has become a real airman.

It obviously exists, but it's just like air.

So much so that there were actually three casual cultivators on the first and second levels of Qi Refining. Because they did not notice Lu Zhong standing in the middle of the road, they bumped into someone who "didn't exist" while walking normally.

Lu Zhong looked at the apology in his hand, which was worth almost a spiritual stone in total, and couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

"This kind of spell combination can be used specifically for porcelain."

It's just that using the Breath Condensation Technique and the Concealment Technique like this would be a waste of natural resources.

"Now that I have initially mastered the Breath Condensation Technique and the Concealment Technique, it is time to put it on the agenda for my second outing experience."

Lu Zhong has decided to go out alone this time.

One month later.

The genius was bright, and Lu Zhong, after having breakfast, went out and walked towards the wilderness.

After these days of practice, he has not only mastered the Chi Yang method of swordsmanship, but has also initially mastered the art of detecting malicious intent.

Although the spell casting is sometimes unsuccessful, it can already meet the basic needs.

For example, now, a malice detection spell is issued.

There was no feedback in Lu Zhong's heart. It was obvious that no malicious intent was detected, which meant that his situation at this moment was relatively safe.

Walking out of Qingliufang City, you can see the vast streets outside the city, with farmsteads dedicated to planting talisman grass. At this moment, there are already spiritual planters working in the fields, sweating.

The further you go outside, the more desolate the environment becomes.

Not long after, he came to a plain covered with weeds.

The grass here is as tall as a person, and the remaining ruins of the walls can be vaguely seen inside.

The ruins are all left by casual cultivators who tried to settle here. In order to escape the high monthly rent in Qingliufang, they repeatedly tried to build houses near Fangshi to save money.

Judging from the fact that there are still no people here, these attempts by casual cultivators have obviously failed.

It may be that the conditions are too difficult to stay and they have to move out voluntarily, or it may be that they cannot bear the frequent harassment of wild dogs and are finally forced to leave their established homes.

This is normal. After all, Qingliufang has only been upgraded from the market not long ago, and the houses in the city are not yet full. Generally speaking, only when there is a large overflow of the population in the city, some stronger monks will choose to leave the city.

Build houses and then use them as a foundation to gradually develop into a safe and stable settlement.

Lu Zhong's goal today is to explore a larger abandoned settlement.

He chose the target point carefully.

First of all, the abandoned settlement here is very close to Qingliufang, only an hour away.

There is only a stretch of grass and wasteland between it and Qingliufang.

Secondly, the place has been abandoned for at least three years, and everything of slight value has been picked up by people. It is unlikely that there are still wild dogs staying here to scavenge, which can avoid conflicts with the monks.

Monsters generally don't wander around Fangshi, and usually stay far away.

The goal he set for himself was very simple. As long as he could draw a map of the settlement, he would have completed this experience.

The food must be eaten bit by bit and the road must be walked step by step.

The intensity of the training does not need to be too high, as long as it can exercise your courage.

This chapter has been completed!
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