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Chapter 793: Fighting against the Two Saints

"This is......"

When the Yin and Yang Saints opposite saw this scene, an idea came to their mind.

The Xukongzi in front of me is probably stronger than the two of them.

The yin and yang fish method just now is the famous technique of the two saints. It is called "Zhou Xu" and it is a terrifying method fused by the combination of yin and yang.

The yin-yang fish has both the erosion of the lunar law and the conversion effect of the solar law.

Therefore, once it hits the target, it can be transformed while initiating rapid erosion, turning it into the power of the Taiyin Law, so as to achieve an endless supply of back force.

Under normal circumstances, there are very few means to destroy it.

But now, Lu Zhong has done it.

It was resolved very easily.

The two of them already regarded Xu Kongzi as their formidable enemy.

How could such a tycoon, who was able to carve out such a large territory in the almost solidified fairy world, not be taken seriously? However, although he had been wary of his opponent, the strength of this Void Master was still beyond previous expectations.

More than a little bit more than that.


The two saints communicated secretly, reminding each other.

Then he made the decision that even if the mission failed, safety must come first.

In this way, it can be seen that the two of them are afraid of Lu Zhong.

call out!

Just when the two saints of Yin and Yang were afraid, Lu Zhong had already controlled the True Star Fairy Sword and sent out a strike that destroyed the heaven and the earth.

In an instant, there was only a white line left between heaven and earth.

Then, it expanded towards both sides, pulling out a dark crack. Then the expansion speed suddenly increased, and before the Dao Palace monks had time to react, it had turned into a giant of more than ten thousand feet.

The space cracks are vast and vast, like a straight black line across the sky.

The terrifying space suction force spreads out from the cracks. Whether it is a Taoist palace fleet, a low-level monk, or a mountain range, or hundreds of millions of kilograms of rocks and soil, as long as the true law is not grasped,

None of them were able to escape the impact of this blow, and they were all dragged into the crack.

With just this blow, the number of monks on the Dao Palace side was directly reduced by half.

"Hold him!"

The two saints of Yin and Yang felt their scalps numb when they saw it. The spatial Taoist skills of the Void Master across from him were probably incomparable even to those of the Dao Palace. If he were allowed to continue to use them, he might not be able to do it for a hundred breaths. This time, the Changchun Dao Palace had

The organized expedition team will all be destroyed by one man, Void Son.

The two joined forces, and a Tai Chi diagram appeared in front of them.

The two fishes of Yin and Yang circulated until they turned into a giant picture covering the sky above the heads of the Taoist monks, providing them with enough shelter. The two saints of Yin and Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is this person really not a true descendant of Yinlou?"

"I think he is more authentic than the real one!"

The two secretly communicated for a while, and finally decided to use Tao Domain.

Although their own strength is currently at a disadvantage, the Yin and Yang Saints still have a lot of confidence in their Yin and Yang Dao Domain. They believe that no matter how powerful the Void Son is, they can only defeat the Dao Domain at most.

They are not direct descendants of the Changchun Taoist Palace, so they only need to put in enough effort to get the job done.

As for what happens next?

Then let those people have their own headaches.

Following the will of the two saints of Yin and Yang, black and white clear air emerged between heaven and earth, and then the clear air spread, covering an area of ​​millions of miles in an instant, and this is the realm of Yin and Yang.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhong snorted coldly and also expanded the Tao Domain.

Dao Domain Only Dao Domain can fight against it.

He knew this very well, so a silver-gray light burst out, spreading the realm of time and space.

In an instant, based on the middle line between the two sides in the fight, even the sky was divided into black and white, and silver and gray. The two realms collided fiercely in the void, continuously emitting bursts of thunderous explosions.

During the confrontation, power occasionally leaked.

Regardless of whether it is intentional or not, as long as a monk messes with it, the only outcome will be death.

Time passes minute by minute.

The two saints of Yin and Yang felt extremely pressured at this moment. They did not expect that after the two of them joined forces, relying on the realm condensed by the two supreme laws of Yin and Yang, they still could not suppress the opposite Void Son.

The two saints looked at each other and each had a broken spear in their hands.

This is a broken Taoist weapon, called the "Hunting God Spear". It is a treasure that the Immortal Court gathered thousands of craftsmen and exhausted the essence of the five mountains in the past to hunt down the Taoist God King.

It is a pity that after the battle that year, the owner of this spear died in the battle and the spear itself was unfortunately broken.

It has also gone through a long time, so there is not much power left.

After being obtained by the two of them, spending countless years cultivating it, and investing in various rare and precious treasures, it has now regained some power. Although it is very small, it is enough to kill a golden immortal.

This spear combined with the yin and yang attack power of the two of them may even hurt the Daluo monk. This shows the power of the hunting god spear. Therefore, no matter how strong the Void Son is, as long as he has not exceeded the limit of the Golden Immortal, once he encounters

With the Hunting God Spear, there is obviously only one result, and that is the word "death".


The two saints of Yin and Yang shouted in unison, and the broken spears that were brought together were instantly combined.

In an instant, the two broken spears that originally looked rusty and about to decay suddenly became as shiny as new. The reflection of the big tree was vaguely visible on its surface, and at the same time it emitted pure golden light.

Lu Zhong was familiar with this light, which was emitted by the branches of the golden tree.

But what was different from what he had seen before was that the light in front of him did not appear soft, but instead seemed domineering.

"Perhaps, this is the light of the golden tree at the beginning of the establishment of Immortal Court."

As soon as he thought about it, Lu Zhongwei still used it from the two people opposite him.

That golden spear is something you can tell at a glance is not an ordinary thing. No matter whether it poses a threat to you or not, there is no reason to take a direct blow. Interrupting or disrupting it as early as possible is the correct way to deal with it.

When he saw the other party showing off his trump card, he no longer hid it.

The treasure wheel of time and space emerged from behind, the square pot, the Immortal Mirror of the Heavens, and the True Star Immortal Sword were sacrificed one by one.

The secret method of the universe is always ready to be activated.

Compared to creating trouble, it is obviously more important to deal with the invading enemy.


At this moment, Lu Zhong pointed his sword forward, and the True Star Immortal Sword suddenly shot out like a stream of light. It didn't look very fast, but with the help of the power of the Tao Realm, he was in front of the Yin and Yang Saints in an instant.

There was a loud bang.

Not only did the circular air wave erupt, but even the space also caused ripples.

This shows how terrifying the power of this sword is!

Immediately afterwards, the residual power spread.

The loud rumbling sound soon affected the monks in the Dao Palace. At first, everyone did not take it seriously. It was not until they realized the power of space and time contained in the remaining power that they all turned pale with shock.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

But where the ripples spread, everything turned into powder.

Compared with Lu Zhong's deliberate space slash before, although this blow was only the aftermath, it far exceeded the former in terms of power and results.

It's quite unintentional.

At this moment, Lu Zhong was unable to pay attention to this, and was already fighting against the hunting god spear with all his strength.

One side goes all out to mobilize, and the other side goes all out to defend.

As a result, a strange stalemate broke out on the battlefield.

The Hunting God Spear remains pierced into the Tao Realm and remains motionless. The front end is silver-gray, indicating that it is affected by the power of time and space, while the back end is black and white. Under the urging of the Yin and Yang Saints, the spear is now trembling.

The memory of the long past time appears in the heart of Qi Ling at this moment.

Fear, confusion, loss...

What neither of them expected was that the God Hunting Spear exploded with a bang at the next moment.

Without enough strength, both sides had flaws.

Everyone thinks this is a good opportunity!

The two saints of Yin and Yang joined forces and once again used the "Zhou Xu" method, while Lu Zhong simply raised his hand and popped out an even number of immortal-destroying beads, causing the expressions of the two opposite men to change drastically.

Sensing the danger, he didn't care about anything else and stepped back.

Two loud bangs.

There seems to be an extra round sun in the sky.

Then, the color of the round sun rapidly changed and turned into a black hole.

The two saints of Yin and Yang had just escaped a disaster, but now facing this black hole with astonishing devouring power, they still couldn't help but feel their scalp numb. One of them accidentally suffered a disaster, and half of his arm was turned into nothing just after he got close to the black hole.

"It is indeed the way of the void!"

The two of them admired him sincerely.

The two paths of yin and yang they master may be superior in terms of destructive power, but in terms of simplicity and purity of power, at this moment it is far inferior to the power of the void.

Before they could think about it, a bit of cold light hit them again!

"How come there is still a void child!"

The Yin and Yang Saints exclaimed, not caring about the safety of the middle and low-level monks, and quickly pulled off the Tai Chi diagram above their heads and hung it on themselves.

The next moment, a huge explosion sounded.

Then the black hole flashed away.

A figure stumbled out of range first, and then another figure.

But the one who was really unlucky was actually the figure in front of her. She had mastered the power of the lunar calendar. She had her arm cut off before, and it took a lot of energy for her to recover.

The premise is that you can survive this time.

Before the Yin and Yang Saints could take a breath, a figure quietly appeared.

Lu Zhong slashed down with his sword. Although the target noticed it quickly, half of the opponent's body was still left behind. Then a silver light shot out, turning it into powder in an instant.

This is done out of caution.

Flirting, sweeping, intercepting, stabbing... all the sword moves were executed smoothly in his hands, which looked particularly pleasing to the eye. The misery of his opponent further highlighted the disparity in strength between the two sides.

After only ten breaths, a scream was heard.

He is the Great Sage of Taiyin among the two sages of Yin and Yang.

The reason for her screams at this time was that Lu Zhong struck her soul with a sword. Although it was only scraped off and left a fragment, the extreme pain she suffered was still almost unbearable.

So I couldn't help but shout.

With two swings of swords, Lu Zhong followed closely, intending to finish off the injured opponent.

During this process, the Great Sage of the Sun, who mastered the laws of the sun, kept standing in his way.

"Hmph, take one blow from me and destroy the fairy bead!"

Lu Zhong pretended to pop out a ball, but it was actually just a pretense. Seeing the Great Sage Sun's expression change dramatically, he immediately raised his sword and stabbed it straight. The angle was unbiased, and it hit the Great Sage Taiyin's soul.

With a slight push, Taiyin Great Sage Yuan Shen was instantly shattered.

Everything seemed to happen in a very long time.

However, in the external monk's concept of time, although the fight between the three golden immortals was fierce and caused big scenes more than once, time had only passed by in less than a hundred breaths.

At this time, only a white moon was seen breaking in the sky.

The Great Sage Taiyin died.


Seeing this scene, the Great Sage of the Sun was in disbelief.

But before he could react, a figure appeared behind him, it was Lu Zhong.

After beheading the Great Sage Taiyin, the Dao realm previously constructed by the two men was immediately defeated.

There is only one person left on the opposite side, who will be his opponent?

With one sword strike, he destroyed the opponent's realm and immortal treasures.

After just one encounter, the Great Sage Sun followed suit.


Lu Zhong took the two storage rings and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally we solved them."

This battle was extremely difficult for him.

The strength of the two saints is actually not weak, not to mention that the two of them still master the way of yin and yang. If they had not deliberately consumed it before, I am afraid that even if they find the opportunity just now, they may not be able to achieve results with the Immortal Destroying Pearl.

No matter what, if you win, you win.

Seeing that all the high-level monks on their side were killed, it was not even a defeat. The Taoist monks who had been fighting back and forth with the Luofu fleet instantly saw their morale drop to the extreme, and their neat formation suddenly collapsed.

At this point in this battle, there is no suspense.

Next, it’s time to expand the results.

Lu Zhongnian realized that there was no golden immortal on the other side, so he simply turned around and returned to Luofu Immortal City.

Summarize the gains and losses of this battle.

Although he did a good job, the Yin and Yang Saints opposite him did better. If the hunting spear had not accidentally broken, I am afraid that the rhythm of the fight would still be controlled by these two people and continue according to their wishes.

"That's worth noting."

Lu Zhong took the lesson to heart.

After summarizing it, he gained a lot.

But the real big gain is the two rings of the Golden Immortal Monk.

When I opened it, I found that there was indeed a lot of stuff inside, including nearly a million pieces of fairy jade. There were countless other ores, fairy materials, and the like. As for the miscellaneous items, the number was also quite large.

"This trip can be regarded as a small fortune."

A smile appeared on Lu Zhong's face, and he started counting happily.

After some counting, a total of more than 978,000 immortal jade was obtained. The value of the rest of the miscellaneous items added up was much lower than that of the immortal jade, only one-third of the former.

Fortunately, there were a lot of things inside, which he needed urgently right now.

"With these treasures, I can stay in seclusion for a long time. I hope the Changchun Taoist Palace can restrain themselves from this matter, otherwise..."

Lu Zhong didn't think about it anymore, he just kept it in his heart silently.

With his current weak strength, he is no match for Taiyi Daluo. Therefore, once the Changchun Taoist Palace sends a monk of this level, all he can do is to stay away.

"That's all, it's useless to think too much."

Lu Zhong held two fairy jade in his hand and quickly entered the state of cultivation.


The battle between Luofu and Changchun Taoist Palace ended.

The unexpected defeat of the Changchun Taoist Palace shocked many monks. They never expected that Luofu, who was just a small force, could actually defeat the powerful Taoist Palace.

Even though there are many unexpected factors, this is still a solid achievement.

This alone is enough to make countless monks in the immortal world look at Luofu with admiration.

The immortals seemed to see a star rising.

This chapter has been completed!
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