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Chapter 149: Suspicious Change in Jingxiang, Wuzhang Star Falls [2]

It is said that after the Eastern Wu general Zhuge Jin and the superior general Lu Yi met in Dongdazhai, they made a plan to pretend to attack Xiangyang City.

Xia Houru thought that he was as talented and strategic as Zhuge Jin, but compared to Lu Boyan, he was far inferior. Thinking about this, Xia Houru was naturally wary and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

On this day, Zhuge Jin, the Marquis of Wanling in the Eastern Wu Dynasty, armed with strong armor and strong swords, personally supervised more than 20,000 Wu troops in Lujiang Shangjia and Danyang Qingjin, driving majestic warships and warships like hills, slowly along the large and small waterways in the south of Xiangyang City.

While the army was advancing, Jiangling Marquis Lu Yi supervised more than 20,000 elite infantry of the Wu army and rushed toward Xiangyang City from the land route.

Xia Houru was very afraid of Lu Yi, a famous Jiangdong general with great reputation. After careful consideration, all the 10,000 infantry stationed outside the city withdrew into Xiangyang City.

Xia Houru thought that as long as he was careful and defended with all his strength, relying on the strong Xiangyang city, the abundant supplies of food, grass and weapons in the city, and the large number of defenders, even if they could not inflict heavy damage to the Wu army, they would still be able to ensure that everything was safe.

Facts have proved that Xia Houru's idea was correct. Facing the heavily defended Xiangyang City, Lu Yi and Zhuge Jin naturally did not dare to come rashly to offend.

But what Xia Houru didn't expect was that the Wu army's real intention was to make a big splash and attack from the north. In fact, its real intention was not to station Xiangyang City in person at all!


In Jiuzifang, Luoyang, the Guanneihou Courtyard of Changlinghou Mansion is the residence of Xiahou Feng, the only son of Xiahou Ru and his cousin Xiahou Xuan.

At this moment, he was carefully reading the family letter sent from Xiangyang by his father Xia Houru.

Although Xia Houfeng was not a very talented person, he was not stupid or lazy either. After carefully deducing and thinking about the major military and national affairs on the front line and the battlefield situation mentioned in the letter his father sent home, he found that he had not come up with any comparisons.

It is a better strategy for my father to hold on to the city and clear the country.

For no reason, Xia Houfeng thought of his cousin who became famous at a young age and the head of the Changling Hou Mansion: Xia Houxuan.

It always makes people feel as warm and comfortable as jade.

Maybe my cousin can think of a better solution?

After Xiahou read the family letter, he did not go against his father's wishes and copied the information about the frontline situation in the letter again, and then sent a messenger to Xiahou Xuan's location in Youzhou.


At the same time that Xia Houfeng's letter was sent from Luoyang to Youzhou, Xia Houxuan also received a letter from Tian Yu, the general of Yiyi and the prefect of Runan.

Xia Houxuan, Cao Xi, Han Long, Yu Huan, and a group of warriors took the martial arts test at the school. After completing today's training, they just returned to their residence. After taking a bath, he wore plain terry clothes.

I put on an ebony hairpin, lay down comfortably on the couch and smelled the incense in the furnace for a while, then ordered my soldiers to deliver letters from relatives and friends.

Xiahou Xuan first opened the letter sent by Xiahou Feng from Luoyang.

In addition to briefly describing the current affairs of Jingxiang, the letter also described in detail the military situation on the front line in the past month.

After reading the letter, Xia Houxuan frowned and felt a little worried. He thought that at this time, the main force of Emperor Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu Dynasty had already retreated. Ordinary people would see this and wait for more than a month, and then they would retreat south with most of them.

But this Lu Yi did the opposite. He played with the soldiers all day long and planted a lot of beans, as if he wanted to stay in Jingxiang for a long time.

What is even more suspicious is that even if the Wu army did not retreat at this time, it should at least stick to it, but Lu Yi once again acted contrary to common sense, not retreating but advancing, and actually led most of the land and water forces towards Xiangyang with Zhuge Jin!

Xia Houxuan was puzzled at first, but after he opened the map he carried with him and read it carefully, he suddenly realized it.

Uncle Junlin was too cautious. If all the troops outside the city were transferred into the city at this time to help defend the city, nothing would go wrong. However, if Lu Yi and Zhuge Jin did not attack the city at all, but instead passed through Baiwei and invaded Jiangxia counties, even if

The Jiangxia defenders were able to defend themselves, but the people in the surrounding counties had no time to avoid the Wu army!

Uncle Junlin had always been very cautious. He personally guarded Xiangyang. He was afraid that Xiangyang would be damaged, so he naturally did not dare to go out of the city to attack Lu Yi's retreat. However, the prefect of Jiangxia, Lu Shi, was timid and fearful. After hearing Lu Yi's reputation, he naturally did not dare to do anything for him.

Thousands of people offended the tiger's power and put themselves in danger.

In this way, although the Wei Dynasty will not suffer any big losses, if the people on the southern border of the country are harassed by most of the Wu army and cannot be protected by the court, then people's hearts will be unstable, and the Wei Dynasty will suffer a dumb loss?

Xiahou Xuan was concerned about this and immediately opened the letter from Tian Yu, Tian Guorang, the general who killed the barbarians.

After reading the letter, Xia Houxuan frowned and let out a long sigh. It turned out that when Xia Houru sent the letter to Luoyang, Wu Jun had already started to take action. When his brother sent the letter from Luoyang, Wu Jun might have treacherous plans.

He had succeeded, so the letter sent by Tian Guorang had already confirmed Xia Houxuan's worries.

It turned out that when Zhuge Jin led most of the Soochow Navy to the south of Xiangyang City, he gathered his troops on the north bank of the river and expanded his momentum. Seeing this formation, Xia Houru was naturally unwilling to leave the city and engage in a head-to-head confrontation with Wu's world-famous powerful navy. The two armies

In this way, a stalemate broke out under Xiangyang City.

The people within several miles of Xiangyang City had long been moved into the city by Xia Houru, so the Wu army could not plunder the city. But what Xia Houru did not expect was that at the same time, Lu Yi led an army and marched straight through Wu.

A large army was stationed at Baiwei, the main road between Xiangyang and Jiangxia, and Wu generals Zhou Jun and Zhang Liang were secretly sent to lead thousands of elite Wu infantry to attack Xinshi, Anlu, Shiyang, and Shiyang around Jiangxia.

Yang and other small counties!

Jiangxia was not prepared in advance like Xiangyang, and did not clear the country and move away the people. Therefore, the armies of Zhou Jun and Zhang Liang suddenly arrived, and the magistrates and people of several small counties were frightened to death.

They dragged their families and ran all the way, hoping to take the whole family and all their belongings into Jiangxia City to escape.

However, after Lu Shi, the prefect of Jiangxia, opened the city gate and let in some people, he was afraid that the Wu army would take advantage of the situation to attack the city, so he did not dare to open the city gate any longer. However, the people who entered the city filed in, and the city gate was choked and could not be closed.

What Xia Houxuan didn't expect was that Lu Shi, the official of Jiangxia's parents, would be so ruthless as to order Jiangxia's defenders to kill the unarmed Wei people they were supposed to be guarding in order to successfully close the city gate!

When Xia Houxuan read this part of the letter, he felt extremely sad and angry. He hit several cases with his fist with a "bang" sound. He thought to himself, it is no wonder that the country has such shameless officials, it is no wonder that the two sides of Wu and Shu

Unfair all year round!

After a while, his mood became slightly more stable.

He continued to pick up the letter and read on.

The gates of Jiangxia City were finally closed, but the hearts of the people on the border of the Wei army were also cold.

In this battle, Zhou Jun and Zhang Liang under Lu Yi's command beheaded more than a thousand people! As for the civilians who were captured by Wu's army and did not harm them, Lu Yi ordered them to be guarded so that the soldiers would not interfere with the invasion.

Not only that, if the captured people had family members who came to the camp, Lu Yi would also arrange for them to be properly accommodated. If the captured people's wives and children died in the rebellion, Lu Yi would also order people to distribute food and clothing.

He extended his condolences to calm his mind. If any of the people wanted to return home, Lu Yi would not stop them. Some people who admired Lu Yi's kindness even hoped to join the Wu army and return to Jiangdong.

At this time, Xia Houxuan felt a little disgusted with Lu Yi, whom he had always respected.

At this moment, he was filled with righteous indignation and thought: Since Sun Quan has retreated, Lu Yi only needs to expand the situation so that the Wei Dynasty does not dare to catch up easily. Then the Ark will follow the current and go straight to the south of the Yangtze River. That's it. Why bother to send more troops?

General, on the verge of attacking a small county, causing innocent city residents to run away in terror and hurt each other?

Moreover, although the Wu army captured thousands of people in this battle, it actually did not damage the Wei defenders at all. It only caused innocent people to suffer a lot. From this point of view, the Wu army led by Lu Yi is different from the Wei army led by Zhuge Kongming.

Binhan Army is an army that loves the people, how special it is!

Even if Lu Boyan pretends to make up for the people's injuries, it will be no more than the remains of all the birds after the forest has overturned their nests. This kind of Quhui Xiaoren is extremely hypocritical. What can it do with the cruelty of this war?

Xia Houxuan let out a long sigh and just wanted to cry and sing sadly. He couldn't help but look up to the sky and muttered to himself:

"I have pity on the common people on the border of the Wei Dynasty. There are evil officials inside and strong thieves outside. How can I live in peace and contentment..."


It is said that in the battle between Wu and Xia, although the Wu army did not win a great victory, it succeeded in chilling the hearts of the people on the border of Wei State and making their hearts flutter.

Not only that, Zhao Zhuo, the internal hero of Jiangxia County, Pei Sheng, the guard of Yiyang County, and Mei Yi, the king of Jiangxia Yi, and other small border officials of the Wei State, failed to protect the people and were afraid that they would be used as prisoners of war by the superiors due to the boiling public resentment.

The scapegoat to quell the people's dissatisfaction, so they all took their branches and went to join the Wu army.

In this way, Lu Yi led more than a thousand people who had surrendered, as well as Zhao Zhuo, Pei Shengmei Yi and other surrendered generals. After joining forces with Zhuge Jin, Lu Yi slowly retreated south to Jiangdong.

Lu Shi, the foolish and cowardly governor of Jiangxia, did not take it seriously when faced with the defeat in this battle. He felt happy in his heart that he had successfully defended Jiangxia. Even if he did not have great merit, at least he would be richly rewarded.


Sun Shao and Zhang Cheng, who led the Wu Army's eastern front army, saw that General Lu Yi and General Zhuge Jin's western front army had already retreated. Naturally, they did not dare to delay any longer. Therefore, they decisively gave up their plan to attack Huaiyin and led their subordinates.

The 50,000-strong army immediately retreated towards the south of the Yangtze River.


Emperor Cao Rui is temporarily stationed in the palace camp in Hefei New City.

Cao Rui looked at the battle report sent from Xiangyang, his face was gloomy, and he remained silent for a long time.

Cao Zhao, Xia Houxian, Cao Shuang, and He Zeng observed the words and understood that the emperor was angry because of the defeat in Jiangxia's small battle.

Everyone did not dare to show their anger at this moment, for fear of accidentally touching the emperor's back scale again.

After a while, Xia Houxian, who had just been transferred to the emperor's side to take charge of the imperial army, was not afraid of tigers, so he had the courage to speak.

This chapter has been completed!
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