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Chapter 150 Suspicious change in Jingxiang, Wuzhang starfall [3]

It is said that after Emperor Cao Rui learned about the battle situation in Jingzhou, he had a look of hesitation. When everyone including Cao Zhao, Cao Shuang, Liu Fang, Sun Zi, and He Zeng remained silent, he recruited the legitimate son of Xiahou Ba, the protector of Shu, and Xin Xiahou Xian, who was the leading general of the Jin Dynasty, spoke:

"Your Majesty, although Lu Yi got a small advantage in Jiangxia this time, the three armies of the Wu army traveled a long distance and came with great fanfare. After all, our army relied on Your Majesty's power of heaven, which finally made Sun Quan, Lu Yi, Sun Shao and others unable to do anything. The victory was returned, so upon closer inspection, it was me, the Great Wei, who won this battle!"

Xia Houxian's flattery hit just the right spot. Cao Rui, who had always wanted to make contributions in person, heard this and felt slightly less unhappy. After a while, Cao Rui finally nodded and said:

"Although Xiahou Junlin, the commander-in-chief of Jingyu, did not defeat the Wu army this time, he did manage it well, so that Xiangyang and the west of Jingzhou were not damaged at all, and not a single citizen was lost, which is a credit!"

After hearing these words, everyone present, especially Xia Houxian, finally felt relieved.

Speaking of this, Cao Rui thought of Jiang Xia again. At this moment, a cold light flashed in his eyes, so that Xia Houxian, who was standing in front of him, couldn't help but shudder.

Cao Rui said coldly:

"But this time, Lu Shi, the governor of Jiangxia, not only failed to fulfill his duties and protect the people, but instead harmed himself and the people by closing the city gates. This caused the hearts of several counties on our border to fluctuate and the people's hearts to drop sharply. It is really an unforgivable crime! Changsi , Yanlong, Ziqi, the three of you will discuss it together. Yousi will write a long article and describe Lu Shi's crimes. In addition, I don't think Lu Shi, the prefect of Jiangxia, should continue to do it. You draw up another edict, saying that Lu Shi will not be a commoner, and let him experience the feeling of being a commoner!"

"Your Majesty, Holy Ming!"

Cao Zhao, Cao Shuang, Sun Zi, Liu Fang, Xia Houxian, Bian Lan, Du Shu, He Zeng and others all saluted neatly and praised the emperor's virtue as if they were rehearsing in advance.

[Note 1: "Three Kingdoms, Book of Wu, Biography of Lu Xun": "It is also said that Lu Shi, the prefect of Wei, Jiang and Xia, also led troops and horses, which was quite harmful to the border, but he was not in harmony with Wen Pinzi, an old general in the north. Hearing this, he gave a false answer Shishu says: "In response to my sincere sympathy, I know that I have a long-standing rift with Xiu, and the forces are inseparable. If I want to come and join him, I will often send secret letters to the public to hear them, and write to welcome them. It is better to hide quickly and strictly, and to make regular announcements." A book was placed on the border, and when Shi's soldiers got the book and saw the style, Shi was frightened, so he sent his wife back to Luo. As a result, the officials were no longer close to each other, so they were dismissed." From this, it can be seen that Lu Shi is a man with good ability, regardless of his moral character. Only a certain general would make Lu Yi fearful and devise a frame-up. This novel is a plot device, and Lu Shi's character is slightly vilified.】

"His Majesty."

After a while, Gaotang, the regular attendant of Sanqi, came forward and said:

"The fact that we were able to easily defeat the enemy this time is due to your Majesty's personal expedition, which greatly boosted the morale of our Yangzhou officers and soldiers. Therefore, I thought that the general was currently in an unresolved stalemate with the Shu army, and your Majesty the Emperor's chariot could take advantage of the situation." The victorious force marches westward into Guanzhong, and as a result, the Shu captives led by Zhuge Liang will also retreat early."

After listening to Gao Tanglong's words, Cao Rui frowned and thought for a long time. Although Gao Tanglong was his teacher, he still chose to follow his own ideas. He shook his head and said:

"In my opinion, it doesn't have to be like this. The Wu army commanded by Sun Quan, Lu Yi, Sun Shao and others has already retreated. When the Shu captives heard about it, they must have been frightened and disheartened. Why do I need to go on a personal expedition? The one I am worried about is Wu Shu. The two armies are united. Now that Soochow has retreated, and there is only a lone army in Western Shu, how long can it last? The general leads the Yongliang tiger soldiers, which should be enough to control them, and I have no worries!"

Cao Shuang asked again:

"Then, does Your Majesty want to leave the army and return to the court at this time?"


Cao Rui's eyes were shining with a different light at this moment. He waved his hand and said:

"Uncle Zhao, Changsi, Shengping, please pass down the order and order my army to march to Shouchun. After repairing, I will commend and reward the troops in Shouchun and review the Yangzhou troops. After this is completed, I will return to Luoyang. "

After a while, the emperor seemed to suddenly remember something.

He thought of the famous general Jia Kui and Jia Liangdao who had devoted his whole life to serving the dynasty, sacrificing his life and blood.

At the beginning, Cao Xiu, the Grand Sima, had a disagreement with Jia Kui and always looked down on Jia Kui. During the reign of Emperor Wen, his father wanted to grant Jia Kui the Talisman Festival, but Cao Xiu interfered with it because of his own selfish thoughts. He told Emperor Wen that Jia Kui had a strong temperament. He always despised the generals and could not take charge of them all. Emperor Wen was as close as brothers to his late Grand Sima Cao Xiu, and he believed his words, so he gave up the idea of ​​using Jia Kui re-employed.

Later, in the battle of Shiting, Da Sima was defeated by Dongwu general Lu Yi. If Jia Kui had not rescued him at that time, Da Sima would have been completely wiped out. Jia Kui did not forget his past grudges and fell instantly. It is also said that Jia Kui, who was already fifty-five years old, suddenly passed away on the battlefield where he had struggled all his life at the southeastern border.

Therefore, the Grand Sima Cao Xiu also died in great depression at the Grand Sima's house in Luoyang not long after.

Cao Rui still remembers Jia Kui and Jia Liangdao's last words when he was seriously ill: "I have been favored by the country, and I wish I could kill Sun Quan personally to see the late emperor under Jiuquan!"

Naturally, Cao Rui would never forget such a loyal minister and martyr. He thought to himself, now that he was not far from the ancestral hall built by the people of Yuzhou for Jia Liangdao, how could he not go to pay homage?

The emperor considered this and said again:

"In a few days, I plan to go to Jia Liang Taoist Temple in Xiangcheng to worship in person. Dear friends, please make arrangements for me in advance."

"Your Majesty has made a clear decision." Cao Shuang, Cao Zhao, Gao Tanglong and others took note of the emperor's instructions, bowed and bowed, and exited the Louchuan Pavilion.

A few days later, the emperor traveled lightly and took a chariot to the Jia Kui Temple in Xiangcheng. After offering sacrifices, he thought that his personal worship at the Jia Kui Temple would be known to everyone in the world and show his loyalty to his righteous ministers. So Cao Rui ordered Liu Fang and Sun Zi to issue an edict:

"I passed through Xiangcheng yesterday and saw the monument of Jia Kui, and I felt sad when I thought about it. The ancients said that it is not a matter of not being famous, but it is not a matter of not growing up. Kui is loyal and honorable when he is alive, but when he is gone and people remember him, it can be said that he is dead. He is an immortal man. Today I tell Jia Kui that he has made great contributions to the people of the world, so as to encourage the loyal ministers and righteous men in the future!"

[Note 2: This edict has been modified by the author to make it easier for readers to read.]


In a blink of an eye, it’s late autumn.

On the Youzhou campus, Xia Houxuan, Cao Xi, and Yu Huan were able to cooperate with Han Long tacitly when they attacked together.

At this time, the four of them were testing each other's martial arts skills.

On the competition ground east of the school ground, Yu Huan was currently dueling with Han Long.

Yu Huan, who has grown up and is tall, is now wearing the "black dragon armor" that was confiscated from the government when he executed Lei Li, the general of Cao Lin's house, King of Donghai, and was begged by Xia Houxuan. , was wearing a sapphire blue Hu robe. At this moment, he was holding a three-foot dagger handed down from his family, posing as if he were "a dragon swimming in the southern sea."

Compared to Yu Huan's full armor, Han Long was not wearing a piece of armor at this moment. He was wearing a black Hu suit. He stretched out a pair of fleshy palms and smiled lightly at Yu Huan.

When the autumn wind rises, Yu Huan's silhouette and sword light have already drifted to Han Long's side!

Sooner or later, as soon as Yu Huan got started, he used the seven-move series "Yinglong Qijue" from his family's secret art. When he flew up with his left foot and kicked Han Long, he used the dagger in his right hand from bottom to top.

Instead, he raised it up. The first move of "Yinglong Hanging Horns" was extremely powerful. Yu Huan used his hands and feet to attack from above and below. No matter how brave and invincible Han Long was, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat at this moment. He hurriedly

He took three steps back with a series of lunges, and then he avoided Yu Huan's first move!

After gaining the upper hand, Yu Huan did not dare to delay, and then used the second trick in the seven-link series, "Ying Long Raise His Head". At this moment, Yu Huan leaned his whole body back, but kept running towards Han Long.

The dagger in his right hand held three Cloud Sword Flowers in a row, just like a dragon with its head raised and back, teeth and claws spread. This move was even more bizarre than the previous move. Seeing the fierceness of this move, Han Long had no time to dodge.

He was quick to wit, and relying on his bravery, he used both arms and palms to apply the fierce palm force of his secret skill "Youyan Cracked Stone Hand", aimed at the spine of Yu Huan's dagger and slapped it!

Yu Huan originally thought that his move was strange and fast, but he expected Han Long to be unable to dodge, but he didn't expect that the opponent would dare to use his flesh palm to fight hard, and he was stunned for a moment. Experts who use this move often win in an instant.

The victory or defeat was known, just when Yu Huan was stunned, Han Long's right palm had already hit the ridge of his dagger. Xia Houxuan and Cao Xi, who were watching the battle, only heard the sound of "zheng"

With the sound of iron clinking, Yu Huan's dagger flew out of his hand!

Xia Houxuan couldn't help being surprised, thinking that Han Long's palm power was indeed extraordinary.

At this critical moment, Yu Huan was lucky. He used the move "Ying Long Raise His Head". His body was leaning back, but Han Long's palm was struck from the bottom up, so the dagger was also facing the sky.

Fly away.

Seeing that he had an opportunity, Yu Huan immediately stretched out his hand to catch the sword. Han Long saw that he had succeeded with one blow, how could he let Yu Huan overturn the situation? He immediately stepped forward and struck Yu Huan with great speed with his palm.

Huan's chest and abdomen were filled with imitations of this palm, forcing Yu Huan to abandon his sword and surrender. However, what Han Long didn't expect was that Yu Huan was indifferent to his unparalleled "Youyan Stone-Cracking Hand"!

Han Long was shocked. In his haste, he couldn't withdraw all his palm power, so he had to immediately withdraw 50% of his palm power.

Xia Houxuan and Cao Xi saw that although Han Long's palm had lost a lot of force, but it was about to hit Yu Huan, the consequences would still be unimaginable, so they hurriedly tried to rescue him, but it was too late, so they had to shout.

Show mercy!

He only heard the sound of "scandium", the sound of gold and iron, and Han Long felt that the place where his "stone cracking hand" touched was extremely hard. He was horrified that Huan's internal strength had improved so much, and in an instant Huan

I felt a strong force coming from my chest and abdomen, forcing my breathing to freeze for a while. In this moment, Yu Huan had already taken the sword in his hand, but was forced back six times by Han Long's palm force.


After Yu Huan stood still, he was horrified. He didn't expect that Han Long's palm, which he didn't use all his strength, was still so terrifying. Even the extremely strong "black dragon armor" could hardly withstand it. He took a few deep breaths hurriedly,

Only then did the inner breath become smoother.

Xia Houxuan, Han Long, and Cao Xi all felt relieved when they saw that Yu Huan was fine. After Han Long closed his palms, he cupped his fists and said to Huan:

"I didn't expect that although Marquis Yishou Ting was young, his internal strength was so powerful. Han just gave up!"

When Yu Huan heard this, he felt ashamed. He opened his clothes, put away his sword and returned the courtesy:

"I'm ashamed. It's only because Brother Han was merciful and he was wearing this "black dragon armor" that he survived. Brother Han's palm power is really admirable to me!"

When Han Long saw Yu Huan opening his clothes to reveal the dazzling black armor with layers of scales, he finally understood in his heart. He originally thought that there were many talented people in the world, but his skills were no longer good, but at this moment he regained his skills.

of confidence and pride.

"Marquis Yishou Ting, accept the concession!"


Yongzhou Weinan, hundreds of miles west of Chang'an, the wind on Wuzhang Plain is bone-chilling at the moment, and from time to time, you can still hear the calls of northern geese returning southward.

The autumn wind rustled, and the dead leaves drifted down from the tall tree trunks and fell into the bone-chilling Wei River.

The last prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang, the Marquis of Wuxiang, was no longer the high-spirited young man with a "heroic spirit" and "great appearance" when he was just starting out.

At this moment, he was gray and his temples were messy by the autumn wind by the Weishui River. He faced south and glanced at the bright red land that he and the late emperor had created; he then turned east and glanced at Chang'an, which was vaguely visible.

Finally, he glanced at the sky, let out a long sigh, and was speechless.

The great man of the generation, Zhuge Kongming, the Prime Minister of Shu, finally fell in Wuzhangyuan before the Northern Expedition was over. The whole country of Shu Han mourned.

Later, Wei General Sima Yi, who was almost scared off by Zhuge's death, finally led his army through the Shu Han military stronghold, but this time no Shu army stood in front of him. He watched Zhuge Liang build what was left by the Han army.

The camp was built with empty walls and stone walls, silent and speechless.

After a long time, he couldn't help but sigh: Liang is truly a genius in the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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