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Chapter 48 Qingqingyuan Grass, Bright Eyes 【1】

These days, Qiu Zhaoyi, who had always been lukewarm with Empress Dowager Bian, began to run back and forth to Yongshou Palace frequently.

Empress Dowager Bian, who liked liveliness, did not have a bad impression of her daughter-in-law who came to chat with her every day.


The Marquis Mansion in Changling Township.

After his sister got married, Xiahou Xuan had nothing to do and could not go to Cao Xi for the time being. Therefore, after classes at the Imperial Academy were over every day, he could only find Yu Huan to practice swordplay with him in his backyard.

Although Yu Huan is nominally a Marquis of Yishouting, he is now regarded as a marquis whose family is in decline. Moreover, he has no official position and no salary. The income from food and taxes can barely support seven or eight weak families.


You know, buying a beautiful maid or a strong slave often costs a full 35,000 baht. Even for an ordinary slave, the deed of sale for one person costs 10,000 to 20,000 baht.

Although the Yu family is in decline, the huge house still exists and needs people to take care of it. Therefore, Yu Huan can only hire some servants who earn 200 yuan a month to support it.

As for the Yu family's land, it had long been divided up by the powerful men of Luoyang and the dignitaries of the court.

I think back then, when Yu was forbidden to fly and Huang Tengda was born, which official in Yecheng, Luoyang, didn't greet him warmly?

There are even many families vying to marry their daughters to the master, the heir of the Yu family.

However, since General Yu surrendered to the enemy and was humiliated, those who were brothers of Yuhou Mansion and were related to their in-laws' families have all changed their faces.

, also divided it up.

The world is hot and cold, but that's all.

What Xia Houxuan wants to do now is to let Yu Huan perfect his literary and martial arts, so that he can seek an official position in the court in the future, and so that the Yu family can be rejuvenated.

Then, let Yu Huan save hundreds of thousands of money on his own, and then marry a daughter-in-law in a glorious manner, and let the Yu family pass it on from generation to generation.

Spending millions of dollars to marry a bride like Dong Zhuo did, Xia Houxuan knew that neither he nor Yu Huan could do it. But no matter what, he had to help Yu Huan live a decent life and let him truly integrate into the city of Luoyang.

In this way, I will be worthy of my master.

Xia Houxuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly when he thought of this.

"Brother Xiahou, why are you laughing?"

When Yu Huan saw Xia Houxuan staring at him blankly and showing a mysterious smile, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Xia Houxuan chuckled, patted Yu Huan's head, and said with a smile:

"Tiger, I've asked Uncle Gu to pick up a chariot. Today, I'll teach you how to drive a chariot. It's just outside Daxia Gate. How about it?"

Xia Houxuan thought that it was time for Yu Huan to learn to drive on his own, and then take a good walk around Luoyang City.


When Yu Huan heard the good news, he almost flew with joy.

Daxia Gate, located at the foot of Mang Mountain, is one of the north gates of Luoyang City.

The terrain here is open and there are few pedestrians, so it is also a good place to practice driving.

Zhen means far away; that is to say, when you are on the Zhen chariot, you can look far in all directions, so this is a chariot with all sides exposed.

The car in front of Yu Huan is a Zhen car carefully selected by Xiahou Xuanjing.

The shaft of this car was one foot long, and there was only a pony tied in front of it.

That horse happened to be the one Yu Huan himself often rode.

Zhen chariots are not only easy to drive, but also only need to drive one horse, so they are easier to learn than those four-horse, three-horse, and parallel-horse chariots.

Not only that, Zhen chariots are also very practical. Generally, Zhen chariots are used by messengers to convey letters or in the military.

Therefore, Xiahou Xuan asked Yu Huan to learn how to drive a chariot, which was beneficial and harmless.

Seeing how much Yu Huan couldn't put it down, Xia Houxuan smiled and nodded:

"Tiger, look, this chariot has wheels, axles, carriages and umbrellas, as well as horses in front of the chariot. You have to observe every part carefully."


Yu Huan was very obedient and began to carefully observe the car in front of him.

After a while, Yu Huan said that he had basically figured out the structure of the car.

"Okay." Xia Houxuan nodded with satisfaction: "Tiger, ritual, music, archery, and the number of books. These are the six arts, and a gentleman must be familiar with them."

Yu Huan listened very carefully.

Xia Houxuan nodded and continued:

"The art of driving, inheritance, transformation, and combination can not only be used to drive a car, but can also be used to practice and understand people."

After Xia Houxuan finished talking about the purpose of learning to drive, he began to explain the specific skills of driving a car.

"When learning to drive a chariot, there are five basic methods. One of them is "Ming and Luan"."

"Ming Heluan?"

Yu Huan blinked curiously and looked at Xia Houxuan with a hint of doubt.

Xia Houxuan smiled and rang the bell hanging on the chariot with his hand, making a clear ringing sound of "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding."

"Yes, it is "Ming He Luan". The so-called Ming He Luan means that when driving, you should pay attention to keeping the two bells hanging on the car, the ring bell and the luan bell, so that the sounds they make are neat and measured. For example, if the two bells ring the luan in unison,

and, it means that the charioteer's imperial skills have reached the state of being able to freely control them."

"I see……"

Yu Huan nodded thoughtfully. After understanding Ming and Luan, he continued to ask:

"Then, there are four other royal arts, what are they?"

Xia Houxuan took the trouble and patiently explained to Yu Huan:

"After the charioteer has mastered the "Ming He Luan", he must then learn the "Zhushui Song". The so-called Shui Shui Song is to drive along the winding river and travel quickly along the river bank. In this way, you can drive along the river bank.

Turning left and right shows that the charioteer can accurately respond to emergencies."

"Zhu Shui Qu, I understand..."

Although Yu Huan heard clearly, he immediately felt the difficulty of driving the chariot.

"The third is to "exceed the king's appearance". When riding a horse and driving a car, you must be able to meet the king calmly and calmly. If you can still be calm and calm at this moment, it means that the charioteer's heart is sufficient."

Seeing Yu Huan's frown, Xia Houxuan couldn't help but smile:

"Tiger, I'm telling you so much today just to give you a general understanding of the art of imperial control, so you don't have to memorize it deliberately, just interpret it."

After hearing this, Yu Huan finally breathed a sigh of relief and continued to ask:

"Besides these three royal arts, what else are there?"

Xia Houxuan continued:

"In addition to Ming He Luan, Zhu Shui Qu, and Guo Jun Biao, the last two remaining imperial skills are "Wu Jiao Qu" and "Zhu Qin Zuo"."

"So, what is, "Wu Jiao Qu?"

Yu Huan was obviously very interested in royal arts, so he kept asking questions.

"The so-called "Dancing Crossing" means that the driver walks back and forth like a dancer at the entrance of the market street, in a busy place. At the same time, it is natural to ensure the safety of the driver and pedestrians. This is the most practical and the most important.


Yu Huan nodded.

Xia Houxuan continued:

"Finally, there is "Chasing Birds to the Left". The strength of a chariot lies in the left. This kind of driving technique is mainly to prepare for hunting. When driving a chariot, the charioteer must always chase the prey on the left side of the chariot so that the hunter on the chariot can Those who can shoot at prey. The above five kinds of imperial skills are the so-called "five imperial arts"."

"Five Royal..., I understand."

Yu Huan nodded confidently.

Xia Houxuan smiled and said:

"In that case, let's get started!"


Since Xia Houxuan was busy teaching Yu Huan Yushu outside the Great Xia Gate, and Cao Xi stayed behind closed doors, Zhuge Dan was bored and had no choice but to take Wei Lie, Gao Xun, Xun Can and Fu Gu to Luoyang. Wandering around the city.

As for the brothers Sima Shi and Sima Zhao, it is not easy for them, who have very strict upbringings, to go out to play. What's more, Sima Shi and Xiahou are newly married and will not go out.

As for Guanqiu Jian and Cao Zhao, they were the number one aides and right-hand men of His Royal Highness Prince Pingyuan. Naturally, they could not associate with the princes at will, otherwise they might be charged with the crime of dealing with foreign ministers.

As for Cao Shuang, although he looked respectful in front of His Highness Prince Pingyuan, on weekdays he looked arrogant in front of them, so it was okay not to invite him.

The group of people originally agreed to go to the Su family teahouse, but Zhuge Dan said that it was rare for everyone to get together and they should drink some wine, so the group headed towards Huanggong Jiulong again.

Halfway through, Xun Can suddenly seemed to remember something. He laughed and said:

"Since we are going to drink, why don't we go to Huanggong Jiulong? Why don't I treat you as a host today and treat you to a good place?"

Wei Lie felt happy after hearing this, and asked:

"What kind of good place is it that you, Mr. Xun, are the host?"

Gao Xun, Zhuge Dan, and Fu Gu also looked at Xun Can with interest.

Xun Can looked mysterious and said in a low voice:

"It's the newly opened Red Mansion Chu House a few miles north of Pingchangmen Street. It was originally called "Lichun Courtyard". Later, I don't know which genius gave it a fairy-like new name, called "Qingqing" "Garden"."

When Wei Lie and Zhuge Dan heard this, they burst out laughing:

"Xuncan, Xuncan, I used to think you only liked beautiful women, but today I realized that you are actually good at prostitutes, hahahaha!"

Gao Xun's jade-like face was filled with shame and anger at the moment. He said coldly:

"I will not go to such a filthy place. Mr. Xun, please help yourself. Gao Mou takes his leave!"

Wei Lie knew in his heart that Gao Xun only cared about Princess Cao Ling of Dongxiang, so he regarded other women as common objects, let alone letting him go to Qinlou Chu Palace.

Besides, Qingqingyuan was okay, but once I heard about Lichunyuan, I knew it was not a fresh and refined place. No wonder Gao Xun had such a big reaction.

As for Fu Gu, he is also a conservative person, so he has the intention of throwing away his sleeves, but it is just because of his face that he does not want to do it in public.

Seeing Gao Xun's reaction, Xun Can smiled and shook his head:

"Brother Gao, I think you must have misunderstood. Although this place was once named Lichun, it was actually just a place for listening to songs and watching dances. Xun is also a son of a famous family after all. He is a great student of Wei Taixue. How can he lead you into the quagmire?"

Seeing that the faces of Gao Xun and Fu Gu improved slightly, Xun Can continued:

"Xun just thinks that Huang Gong's wine cellar is full of old Confucians who talk about the Tao. We are just here to drink and have fun today. How can we not listen to the music but listen to their preaching?"

After Gao Xun heard this, he bowed to Xun Can seriously and said:

"I have offended you a lot just now. I hope Brother Xun will forgive you."

"Hahahaha, Brother Gao is serious. Later, Brother Gao will have to drink two more glasses!"

Xuncan said, then he took four people, Zhuge Dan, Gao Xun, Wei Lie and Fu Gu, and headed towards Qingqing Garden.

This chapter has been completed!
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