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Chapter Forty-ninth Green Garden Grass, Bright Eyes 【II】

Speaking of Li Chun Yuan, also known as Qing Qing Yuan, it was built with funds raised by a wealthy businessman who called himself uncle after Sima Yi and Chen Qun took charge of the new market in Luoyang in recent years.

Although this is currently the most luxurious Red Mansion and Chu Pavilion in Luoyang, it rarely does any superficial business. Instead, it is famous for its elegant singing, dancing and orchestral music.

Red railings, colorful lights hanging.

This place was indeed an elegant place. It was not as saturated with rouge and pink sleeves as he imagined, and Gao Xun felt relieved.

While Xun Can led Wei Lie, Zhuge Dan, Gao Xun, and Fu Gu to the second floor, he explained to them the novelty of this place:

"Speaking of the boss of Qingqingyuan, he is a mysterious figure. No one knows his name and family background. Some people say that he is a dwarf with a wretched appearance and an unshaven beard. Others say that he appears to be a talented man. Although he is not confused in his recent years, But the jade trees are facing the wind. Who knows whether it is true or false?"

At this time, on the second floor, a lean and capable waiter saw the brightly dressed Xun Can and his party, and he suddenly smiled. He immediately arranged a bright and spacious seat for the five of them by the window, and then greeted:

"Young masters, are you here today to drink wine and throw pots, or to enjoy dancing?"

Xun Can, who is already a regular visitor, smiled and said:

"Today I am the host. I will serve you three cups of sake first. After I have a good drink with you brothers, it will not be too late to listen to the music."

The clerk had a smile on his face, nodded, and was about to go down to make arrangements. Xun Can suddenly waved and said with a smile:

"Wait a minute, little brother. Today, Xuncan is going to invite the top star of Guiyuan, Miss Xiao Xuanxue, to play the piano. It would be great if we could also invite Miss Qie Fangsheng to come with us. Is that okay?"

The man said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, Mr. Xun, Miss Xiao and Miss Qi have not yet made an appointment today, so please, please."

Xuncan smiled and threw a piece of broken silver over, smiled and said: "In that case, let's go."

The guy got the money, smiled happily, and went downstairs to make arrangements with a lot of thanks.

"Brother Xun, I think this guy is quite familiar with you. It seems that you are a regular visitor here." Wei Lie said with a smile.

Xuncan smiled heartily, took the wine spoon handed by the bartender, filled the wine bottles for the four of them, and replied:

"Speaking of this guy, he is an interesting person. His name is Zhang Bolun. He is the right-hand man of Qin Mo, the second-in-command in Lichun Courtyard. The first-in-command uncle and the second-in-command Qin Mo are usually like dragons but never come to an end. Therefore, on weekdays, all the hospitality matters in this courtyard are arranged by Zhang Bolun alone. Come and have a drink."

Wei Lie, Zhuge Dan, Gao Xun, and Fu Gu all raised their glasses in response, and the five of them drank from one bottle.

Zhuge Dan laughed and said: "A little boy can take care of such a huge Lichun Courtyard in an orderly manner. This Zhang Bolun is not easy at all!"

When Wei Lie heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He teased Zhuge Dan and said, "How come you are so quick to retire from office and think about opening a government to manage things?"

"Go, go, noisy!" Zhuge Dan laughed and scolded Wei Lie, "Have you ever heard of a small minister opening a mansion?"

Zhuge Dan entered the Imperial Academy earlier than others, so he was about to pass the exam and become a doctor.

Fu Gu looked envious. He held up his wine and said with a smile: "I am now a minister, and I will be able to ascend to the Emperor's Hall in the future. With the talents of my eldest brother, I can open a government and manage affairs. It's a good idea!"

If you serve as a minister, you can become a minister after serving for one year. After serving for three years, you can become a minister, which is considered to be a formal appointment in Taige. For a scholar, this can be regarded as a smooth career.

"Thank you, Brother Fu, come and drink this bottle with you!"

After Zhuge Dan heard this, he was very pleased. The two of them clinked their wine bottles and drank the wine in one gulp.

Not long after, a brief burst of noise came from both the second and first floors of the courtyard. Then, everyone held their breath at the same time, and the entire attic suddenly became extremely quiet.

Xuncan laughed quietly and said:

"Brothers, two oiran girls are here..."


"Ding bell, jingle bell..."

After more than an hour of training, Yu Huan was able to successfully complete 'Ming He Luan'.

Listening to the uniform and steady rhythm of the bells, and the majestic Yu Huan standing on the car, whipping his horse, like a arrogant little general, Xia Houxuan showed a satisfied smile.

"Tiger, I didn't expect your progress to be so rapid. It seems that you can learn the song "Chasing Water" today."

"Really?" Yu Huan was so excited that he almost danced on the carriage.

Xia Houxuan nodded, flew onto the white bird, and said with a smile:

"Let's go to Luoshui!"

"Drive!" Yu Huan, who was full of fighting spirit, raised his whip and drove his chariot southward.


“There is a beautiful woman in the southern country, as beautiful as a peach or a plum.

Travel to the north bank of the Yangtze River in the morning and stay in Xiaoxiangjun in the evening.

At this time, when beauty is thin and beauty is thin, who will develop white teeth?

The year is about to end, and glory cannot last long."

Qingqing Garden, in Lichun Courtyard, on the pavilions and between the columns, whether they are talented princes or slaves in white, they all seem to be isolated from the world and drifting into a fairyland, intoxicated.

In the center of the pavilion, on the broad banquet and between the curtains, the oiran Xiao Xuanxue was stroking the plain qin, playing the sound of fairy music that sounded like flowing clouds rushing over ravines, clear springs and flowing stones.

Another oiran, a friend as famous as Xiao Xuanxue, Qie Fangsheng, stood beside Xiao Xuanxue, singing the famous poem of His Highness Cao Zhi, King of Yongqiu, with a voice that sounded like a luan and a phoenix.

Xun Can, who has always been affectionate and sincere, burst into tears when he heard this song.

The beauty in the song seems to be right in front of me, within reach, but yet out of reach.

The redwood tree in my memory is like the blazing morning glow, illuminating my heart and face red.

After the song was played, Xiao Xuanxuehao was seen waving her wrist lightly. Zhang Bolun saw him outside the curtain and ran over immediately.

After a while, Zhang Bolun walked out of the curtain and looked towards Xun Can and his party.

"Miss Xuanxue, I would like to invite Mr. Xun Can to come downstairs for a chat. I wonder if you can show me your favor and move your jade toe a little?"

As soon as Zhang Bolun said this, after a moment of silence, all the drinkers in the hall were in an uproar. What they didn't expect was that the oiran Xiao Xuanxue, who never met the drinkers and never met them no matter how many princes, emperors and grandsons spent thousands of dollars, actually took the initiative today.

He proposed to meet this concubine of the Xun family, who was not considered the most prominent!

At this moment, people including Zhuge Dan, Wei Lie, Gao Xun, and Fu Gu were all full of curiosity and confusion. The eyes of more people were full of jealousy, envy, and even hatred.

They don't understand.

Including Xun Can, he himself didn't understand either.

Only Xiao Xuanxue understands that two years ago, she was not an oiran girl. She may never forget that cheerful and handsome young man who stood up for herself who was living on the street and being bullied.

One is a momentary mood, the other is full of emotions.

At this time, Xun Can, who was attracting everyone's attention, stood up.

However, he did not run all the way downstairs to have a drink with the oiran girl as everyone imagined.

At this moment, he was very peaceful. He was usually very passionate, but at this moment he was like a flat lake.

"Thank you Miss Xiao for your kindness. Xun Can was drunk today. He is afraid that he will lose his manners and be rude to the beautiful lady after drinking. Xun Can takes his leave."

In this way, under the astonished eyes of Zhuge Dan, Wei Lie, Gao Xun, and Fu Gu, under the surprised eyes of everyone, and under the angry looks of Liu Yizhen and Li Nie, the two men in charge of force in Lichun Academy, who are known as Shuangsha,

Xuncan stood up, threw a piece of silver on the table, and walked downstairs.

Far away, within the curtain, the man in white seemed to be letting out a long and subtle sigh, as if he had been mourning for a thousand years.


The Marquis Mansion in Changling Township.

In Linzhixuan, the east hall where Xia Houxuan lived, twelve-year-old Xia Houyu was practicing calligraphy stroke by stroke on the silk paper with a wolf brush dipped in ink in front of his brother's desk.

Outside the building, Bi Han was looking at his child with relief.

Not long after, a maid came to the east hall:

"Mrs. Han, the young master is driving a chariot with the Marquis of Yishou Pavilion by the Luoshui River to enjoy the water scenery. Miss Yuanrong... Oh, Mrs. Sima, today I went to the White Horse Temple with Mr. Sima to pray for blessings."

"So, Mr. Cao Xi, how is it now?"

The maid laughed and said, "I was forced to go to the outskirts of the city by Miss Wei Yuan to release paper kites."

Bi Han smiled, his eyes full of gentleness and gentleness. My husband and his wife were far away in Jiangling at the moment, so how could I not care more about their children for them?

"I understand. Go and tell the kitchen to prepare some pastries for Xuan'er that he likes."

Bihan glanced at his Yu'er from the corner of his eyes and ordered:

"Steam some more rice bait."

"Yes, Mrs. Han."

The maid took the order and left the east hall.


Zhuge Dan, who was about to be promoted to the position of Minister of Medicine, received a new task.

A few months ago, in order to prepare for the southern tour, His Majesty ordered Du Ji, Du Bohou, the Minister, to supervise the construction of the dragon boat. After a few months, the construction of the dragon boat has been completed.

What Zhuge Dan has to do now is to rush to the place where the dragon boat is docked in Taoshui and help Du Ji and Du Shangshu launch the boat to test it.

This is a task assigned to him by his teacher Le Yang. Because his master Le Yang is also a disciple of Du Shangshu, he can also be regarded as his master.

Taohe is only three to five hours' journey from Luoyang City. Zhuge Dan rode his horse for half a day and was already not far from Taohe.

Looking from a distance, Zhuge Dan saw an old man with gray hair, wearing imperial robes with emblems and a virtuous crown on his head, and a group of followers.

At this moment, they were looking at the tall dragon boat in the Tao River from a distance.

Zhuge Dan knew that this old man was Du Ji and Du Shangshu whom he wanted to meet.

"I met Du Shangshu in my late life."

Zhuge Dan dismounted his horse from a distance, walked to Du Ji, and bowed before him.

Du Ji, who was quite a Confucian man, nodded happily after seeing this distinguished and respectful late student:

"Are you a disciple of Dr. Le, a disciple of the Langya Zhuge family?"

"It is Zhuge's birthday who was born late."

Du Ji nodded and said to a young man next to him:

"Uncle Wu, in the future I will have more contact with young talents like Dan, and I will also learn more and shine on my family."

"I will follow my father's teachings!" the young man said with a respectful bow.

Only then did Zhuge Dan realize that this young man was Du Ji's heir, Du Shu and Du Wubo.

"Brother Wu was born."

"Brother Gongxiu, you're welcome."

Du Shu returned the gift to Zhuge Dan without being humble or arrogant.

"In this case, without further ado, let's start testing the ship for His Majesty."

Du Ji said.

"Du Shangshu is already old. Let us juniors do things like ship trials."

Zhuge Dan felt that it would be inappropriate for Du Ji to test the ship personally, so he suggested it.

Du Ji smiled and stroked his long beard and said: "Your Majesty, you are wrong to say this. Since you are supervising the construction of the dragon boat for your Majesty, you should personally ensure that everything is flawless. Only in this way can you live up to your majesty's trust."

When Zhuge Dan saw what Du Ji said, he stopped insisting.

In this way, everyone boarded the dragon boat.

Although this ship is not like the legendary fighting ship that is higher than the city wall, it is still very tall and majestic.

While several people were observing the performance of the dragon boat in the dragon boat, a sudden storm suddenly arose, and the originally rock-steady dragon boat began to shake!

"Quick, get to the shore quickly!"

But before the charioteer could stop the boat, he was thrown off the boat!

After the charioteer fell into the water, the boat rocked even more violently. With a 'pop', Zhuge Dan also fell into the pottery water!

A burst of icy coldness surrounded Zhuge Dan, and mouthfuls of cold water poured into Zhuge Dan's mouth. The accompanying Hu Benlang drove a boat and began to rescue the drowning person in the pottery water.

A strong hand grabbed Zhuge Dan's hand.

"Don't worry about me, go and save Du Bohou, hurry up... cough cough, save Du Bohou quickly,..."

A cold wave hit, and Zhuge Dan lost consciousness.

This chapter has been completed!
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