In fact, when the Liu family and his son passed by Yangzhou, there were only a thousand soldiers in Yangzhou. Later, Liu Zheng repelled the horse bandits, and many nearby horse bandits lost their organization and came to surrender one after another.
Yangzhou had enough 3,000 soldiers. In addition to Lu Zhengyi's meritorious service in suppressing the bandits, Liangzhou Governor Chen Ping issued a reward, so Yangzhou could barely afford to raise these 3,000 soldiers.
Lu Zhengyi was very moved, but at the same time he was also very embarrassed.
Chen Kui immediately said: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will hire another two thousand elite soldiers and five thousand soldiers and horses from Liangzhou. I can attack Yinzhou!"
Lu Zhengyi smiled happily: "This matter can be discussed in the long term."
Chen Kui secretly cursed the old fox. He knew that Lu Zhengyi was a master who would not let go of rabbits before he saw them, so he immediately took out the banknotes.
With this hundred thousand silver, Lu Zhengyi can continue to recruit troops and add weapons and equipment.
One goes down and the other goes up.
Only then can we have the possibility of winning Yinzhou!
Lu Zhengyi's eyes flickered.
I heard that Mr. Liu from Yinzhou made a lot of money by tinkering with some fine wines. How could he not be moved?
As for the official side.
I already have a secret letter from the Grand Administrator, "Observe his character, correct his behavior, and do it cheaply when necessary!"
This is equivalent to a sword of superiority, which is suspended first and then revealed, and you can fabricate a crime for him at will.
This way.
If Yinzhou is conquered, who will take care of it?
Lu Zhengyi's abacus was very good.
And here in Yinzhou.
Liu Zheng is still engaged in his own research and development.
His perfume making workshop is not called a perfume workshop, but a "daily chemical workshop"! This term, which has never appeared in this era, has left many people confused.
That's right.
What Liu Zheng is making this time is not only perfume, but also many daily chemicals!
These daily chemicals can actually be made with perfume at the same time. While making perfume, Liu Zheng felt that in Liangzhou, a place with a bad climate and environment, there was another thing worth making.
That's the cream...
Hmm, sounds very retro.
But in this era, it is quite advanced.
Skin care products!
Who has seen it?
The method of making cream is actually very simple. For oil, you can use coconut oil, olive oil, beeswax, essential oil, and water.
Well, I have the cream.
What about soap?
If you want to do it, let’s do it together!
Because since it is a daily chemical product, it is inevitable that it requires the same substance, which is lye! Soap needs lye, and cream also needs lye.
The preparation of lye is not complicated and can be filtered out with plant ash and water.
The entire workshop is originally a relatively complex, but interconnected assembly line. All these complicated things must be completed by Liu Zheng alone - at least, he is doing it before others master these things.
Therefore, Liu Zheng has already drawn such a large workshop drawing.
Several distillers, several machines for making lye, and several cooling containers. This large amount of work has kept Liu Zheng awake for days and nights.
There are also various molds and the production of bottles and cans.
"It's done!"
Four days later, Liu Zheng, with panda eyes, burst into laughter.