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Chapter 432 Tianjin Pianye

Brother Yu gritted his teeth and said: "Yunfeng, drive away and don't worry! I have to compete with this little long hair today!"

The little Taoist priest immediately got angry and shouted back: "It's a competition! Big bald head! If I lose, I'll call you daddy!"

Then both of them lowered their heads and stopped talking, continuing to compete for endurance.

Seeing this, I smiled helplessly.

Brother Yu is not usually a childlike person. I think the reason why he worked so hard this time is probably because of Lin Sanguan’s status as a Taoist priest. To put it bluntly, Brother Yu doesn’t like to see Taoist priests!

Buddhism and Taoism are harmonious on the surface, but if you look at history, you will find that the two sides have been fighting for thousands of years. Buddhism and Taoism do not save people! Taoism says that Buddhism is fake compassion!

Rather than saying that Brother Yu doesn’t want to lose to Lin Sanguan, it’s better to say that Brother Yu doesn’t want to lose to their Central Plains Taoist Sect.

What is the Guinness record for plank?

I don’t know for sure, but I dare say that the two of them will definitely break the Guinness record!

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Brother Yu's face was frighteningly pale, and he was obviously exhausted, but he still persisted desperately. Xiaoxuan felt sorry for Brother Yu, so she ran over to feed Brother Yu some water and wipe his sweat for him.

At this time, the little Taoist priest, who also had chapped lips and a pale face, smiled and said: "This extremely beautiful female lay practitioner! Can you wipe away the sweat for Xiaodao? In addition, Xiaodao also needs to replenish his water!"

"You want to drink?"

Xiaoxuan directly handed the water bottle to his mouth.

The little Taoist pouted and was about to drink. Unexpectedly, Xiaoxuan suddenly took the water bottle away. Xiaoxuan stood up and said with a smile: "You think so!"

The little Taoist priest watched Xiaoxuan's leaving figure and licked his lips. I felt that his eyes seemed a bit lewd.

At around 10 o'clock, the two's physical strength reached its limit, and they were both teetering on the edge of collapse, as if they were about to collapse at any time.

The little Taoist priest held up his arms and said: "Bald brother! The compass master from Tianjin has probably arrived at the station! How about we compete next time? Even if there is no winner today!"

Brother Yu said hello, and the next second, the two of them immediately fell to the ground, motionless as if they were exhausted.

Have you ever seen how penguins walk?

The sequelae of muscle soreness! Now he walks like a penguin! His legs are slightly bent, his hands are open, and his steps are swaying left and right.

I joked that Brother Yu walked like a penguin, but Brother Yu didn't take it seriously. He told me seriously: "Yunfeng, people compete for a breath, and Buddhas compete for a breath! What I represent is my Buddha! So I can never lose!"

At 12 noon, under the leadership of the little Taoist priest, we finally picked up this top compass player at the station.

He was about sixty years old. He was short and thin, with bright eyes. He had gray hair at the temples. He was dressed in simple cloth clothes and was holding a cloth bag in his hand. He looked ordinary.

"Well, let me introduce you, Mr. Pian! The living legend of Tianjin Wei Compass Circle! My grandfather's good friend! Our amazing guest!"

"Master Pian, this is my good friend Xiao Xiangzi! The Divine Eye Peak of the Northern Sect of Thieves!"

The old man smiled, clasped his fists and said, "I have admired you for a long time."

I quickly clasped my fists in return. This is all basic etiquette. In fact, each circle is different, and people may not even know what Shenyan Peak is.

This old man had a reserved demeanor, his eyes were shining, and he looked like a capable man, but to be on the safe side, I decided to give him a try on the way back.

"Master Pian, your cloth bag looks very heavy. How about I help you carry it?"

"No need to bother, I can just get it myself."ωωw..net

"Master Pian, to be honest, it's rare for us who travel all the time to meet a master like you. How about... you help me see how I look?"

The household registration check was done for me two years ago in Nanping. I knew that I was a fortune-teller and that I might never be able to follow the right path in my life. I just wanted to take the test because those who play the compass are also masters of Feng Shui.


"Haha! Xiao Xiang, you are too suspicious! Do you still want to take the exam? No need for him to take action! I, Lin Sanguan, can see that you are a man of wealth! You have been a man of the world all your life!"

The little Taoist said loudly

"Not necessarily." The old man suddenly shook his head.

"Oh? What's your different opinion?" I asked curiously.

The old man looked at my face and suddenly smiled.

He said meaningfully: "The destiny of a person in this life is always dead, and it will not change easily without intervention. The three officials are right. Judging from your appearance, you are destined to be rich. However, at the age of thirty-seven,

During the three years from the age of 40 to 40, your destiny may change because of someone."

I frowned and asked, "What exactly does it mean?"

He explained calmly: "There are four types of wealth, natural wealth, positive wealth, partial wealth, and evil wealth. You are destined to be partial to wealth because there is no earth bank star in your destiny to receive it."

I wondered: "What is the basement planet? An underground garage?"

The little Taoist priest said loudly: "What a bullshit underground garage! There is also a fucking above-ground garage! Underground star is a jargon! They are your parents!"

My eyes darkened, and I touched my nose pretending to be nonchalant.

It feels very bad to be an orphan. For example, no one could come to the parent-teacher meeting in elementary school. When the teacher asked me to go home and sign the test paper, no one could sign it. My grandma couldn't write it even if she asked her to write it.


What he said is right. The lack of parental discipline since I was a child made me take a sideways path when I was a teenager.

As if he noticed that I was in a low mood, he smiled and said: "Haha, young man, there is no need to be sad. It is said that misfortune lies on the back of blessing, and blessing lies on misfortune. How can you tell that a blessing in disguise is not a blessing? Come here."

"What's wrong?"

He suddenly wiped my eyebrows with his fingers. I didn't know why, so I just heard him say: "It's true!"

"I see that your left and right ears are evenly aligned, and there is an inconspicuous little mole hidden under your eyebrows. The only thing missing is the guidance of the Earth Store Star. Once the Earth Store Star returns to its position one day, then you will be the one to bring in heavenly wealth.


I was confused and couldn’t understand!

To be honest, I didn’t even know there was a small mole hidden under my eyebrow, and I didn’t notice it! He also said that my left and right ears were evenly aligned. I thought to myself at the time, aren’t all people like this?

Later, when I learned more about it, I realized that there is a big deal here! If you don’t believe it, use a level to measure it to see if your left and right ears are parallel. They are usually not even! The left is high and the right is low! Or the right is high and the left is low!

There will be an error of several millimeters.

I'm so damn different from others! My ears are even on one side! There's not even half a millimeter of error!

At this time, the little Taoist priest frowned and asked: "Master Pian, I don't understand that a person's underground star is fixed, damn it! The underground star of Xiao Xiang died when he was a child! Could it be that he waited until he was thirty or forty?

Years old! Can the underground planet still survive?"

The old man said: "How did you learn from your grandfather? Don't you know that there are two stars in the library, and that is the married wife! His future wife!"

"Young man, when you meet a daughter-in-law who can keep money and manage money in the future, your life's financial destiny will change! At that time, she will be your second dungeon star! Your wealth will come in

Her treasury! Only by not losing it can she keep it! This is the so-called treasury of heavenly wealth!"

"Haha, I can't say everything! I can't say everything! It's enough for you to understand something! It's getting late, let's continue on our way."

I was stunned and hurriedly chased after him. At the same time, I was thinking in my mind: "It seems that Mr. Pian is a really capable expert. His attainments in Feng Shui physiognomy may even surpass Nanping's household registration check. This is indeed a miracle."

." When you meet such a master, if he can give you a few words of advice, it will benefit you for life.

From then on, I understood the truth. It turns out that people's wealth can be converted into each other. That is, partial wealth can be converted into heavenly wealth, and good wealth can also be converted into evil wealth!

When we arrived at the camp on the mountain, we greeted him with polite words, but Mr. Pian did not hesitate and went straight to business.

I saw him take out a large square compass from his cloth pocket. The four corners of this compass were wrapped with gold edges. It was as big as half a washbasin! It was one size larger than any compass I had ever seen before!

The surface workmanship of the compass is extremely complex.

In the middle of this disk, at the Tianchi Lake, there are three jet-black magnetic needles. The three needles are of different lengths. The material looks like they are made of meteorites or meteorite. There is a saying that the earth's magnetic field can magnetize the needles.

Therefore, this kind of pointer will never be demagnetized.

This is the famous "Pure Ancient Wan'an Compass". Anyone who can control the Wan'an Compass is a master! I know a little bit about it, and I will only talk about the part that I can understand.

This disk has a total of 43 layers, 13 inner rings and 26 outer rings.

Including, Agate Tianchi, Sanyuan Sanhe, Eight Houses Mirror, Auxiliary Star Water Method, Huangquan Eight Evils, Xiantian Bagua, Diyao Luoshu, Tianyao Nine Stars, 24 Mountains in the Land, 72 Dragons in the Mountains, 60 Dragons in the Ground,

The five elements of the human disk are sand, the 11th and 12th circles are Li, Zhen, Xun, and vitality, heavenly medicine, longevity, 24 solar terms, the five elements of the double mountains in the sky, the gold in the sky, the increase and decrease of 60 dragons, and the five elements of the cloudy sky

, Kaixi 28 constellations and the five elements of the line, 360 degrees of the twelve generals, twelve gods, and twelve palaces.

In addition to the above, there are also some areas that I don't know at all. In a word, this plate can see the sky! See the earth! See the wind! See the water! See people! Everything in the world can be seen!

In the evening, we followed Mr. Pian to the highest point of Xisai Mountain. The locals call this place Nangouling. Standing here, you can climb up and have a panoramic view of everything.

But the strange thing is that here, the three magnetic needles on the Wan'an compass are swinging unsteadily. They point to the left suddenly and right now.

Mr. Pian let out a sigh, looked at the clouds in front of him, frowned, and said, "It's so difficult to deal with that even Wan'an Pan doesn't dare to identify it. It seems that there is indeed an old dragon hiding here."

The head asked: "Excuse me, where is the dragon?"

Mr. Pian shook his head and frowned and said: "It's difficult, but not impossible. We need something to block the dragon's energy in the mountains."

He suddenly turned his head to look at Xiaoxuan and said seriously: "Girl, you must be busy in the past two days, right? Lend me your sanitary napkin."

This chapter has been completed!
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