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Chapter 460 Monument House

Late night, old house, inner room.

It's surprisingly quiet now. I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel like a light mist suddenly appeared in the yard.

I looked back sharply!

In the firelight, I saw a shadow similar to a "human head" floating on the wall...

Master Yu immediately lowered his head and whispered: "Don't look at it, just pretend you didn't see it."

I quickly turned my head and pretended to be calm.

One person will not enter the temple, and two people will not look into the well.

I thought something was dirty. There was an old rope on the beam. Maybe someone had been hanged here decades ago.

When encountering this kind of situation, our general way to deal with it is to pretend not to see it and do whatever we need to do.

Master Yu kept his head down to warm himself by the fire. After about ten minutes, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I peeked at the wall with the corner of my eye.

There is still a shadow of a "head" on the wall.

Different from before, this head now seems to have long strands of hair.

My heart jumped into my throat, and I silently recited the Rebirth Mantra over and over again.

"Huh? Something's wrong!!"

Master Yu seemed to have noticed something. He suddenly got up and stood directly in front of the fire.

The next second, the "ghost head" on the wall suddenly disappeared.

As soon as Master Yu moved away, the head appeared on the wall again!

I ran to the door to check, and found that it was a big, tattered black plastic bag hanging on the door!

The shadow of the head is this plastic bag! When the wind blows, it floats back and forth.

"Damn! I was scared to death! It turned out to be this thing! Master Yu! I just thought I saw a ghost!"

Master Yu pointed at the wall and said, "That wall is a bit strange, have you noticed it?"

"No? What's weird?"

Master Yu frowned and said, "The wall tiles look a bit new."

After saying that, he walked over and hit it twice with a stick.

I was surprised and said: "Hollow wall?"

"How is that possible? This is the main house, how come it uses hollow walls!"

"Get up and drive."

Master Yu told me to step back. He wrapped a piece of cloth around his fist, took a step back, and then punched the wall!

Suddenly, a black hole appeared on the entire wall!

After the dust cleared, I took a flashlight and shined a light into the hole. I was shocked!

Behind the wall, there is a raised loess bag!

There is also a large stone tablet about two meters high standing in front of the earth bag!

Master Yu punched twice more to enlarge the hole in the wall, and then we stepped through.

"Boy! Whose grave is this...?"

I frowned, looked around, and nodded: "It's a tomb! At least it's a tomb from the early Qing Dynasty! It's several hundred years old!"

There was a layer of dust on the stone tablet. I wiped it casually with my hand and saw a row of small characters in regular script.

What is written on the left is: "I was born with a clear name and died young."

What is written on the right is: "The ambition of happiness and longevity has not yet been fulfilled."

A large number of lotus patterns are engraved in the middle of the stone tablet, and densely packed text is engraved under the lotus.

Such inscriptions from the Ming and Qing Dynasties were not divided into paragraphs, and there were no punctuation marks at that time. They were often written in a lot of small regular script, which would make people's heads hurt when they read them.

I held up my mobile phone to look at it for a long time, and finally caught a few key words in the inscription.

"The great Confucian scholar, Sui Xiuzhilang, Huang Helin."

Most people can't understand this, but it's not difficult for me.

Confucian people are scholars. The word "大" in front of them refers to old scholars, who have read books for at least thirty years.

These four words should be understood separately. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, only the "county magistrate" would be called Xiu Zhilang after he died. He specially added the word "Sui" in front of it, indicating that this position was for the owner to spend money after his death.


The imperial court and local officials at that time advocated giving various honorary titles to the deceased, because the person was dead and did not occupy any resources. The government could not only get a sum of money, but also fulfill the filial piety of the family members.

There are also titles. For example, some tombstones were found with the words "Mrs. Sui Gaoming" written on them.

At this time, Master Yu asked doubtfully: "There must have been a family living here before. How could they build a tomb in their house?"

I suddenly realized it and slapped my thigh fiercely!

"I know! This is the former Monument House!"

"Monument House?"

"Yes! Only the Tuzhai people in Hubei have this old custom!"

"The old man in the family died! Build the grave in the house! Live with the children! This symbolizes that death is like life!"

"Then why hide it with a wall?" Master Yu asked curiously.

I frowned and thought for a while, and then analyzed: "Looking at the aging of the wall bricks, we can estimate the time. This place should have been blocked in the 1960s and 1970s. At that time, landlords were beaten every day. What kind of Buddha statues! Stone tablets! Ancestral halls! If caught, they would all be smashed.

Got it!"

"I surmise that at that time, this family was afraid of being smashed! So they hid this place with a wall! But I don't know why this family has never been here before!"

"It has been sitting on the side of the road for so many years. It is a miracle that it has been well preserved until now, Master Yu!"

I walked quickly to the grave bag, pointed at it and said, "This kind of grave is shallow. If you dig down more than two meters, you can definitely see the coffin!"

"Master Yu, wait here for me for two minutes. There is a shovel in the car! I'll go get it!"

“Boy, I’m afraid it’s not good for you to dig up someone’s ancestral grave so rashly, isn’t it??”

"There's nothing wrong with it, Master Yu. This is the secret destiny between me and my master! Besides! If you were afraid of this or that! I wouldn't do this in the first place!"

Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are generally poor, and we rarely touch them, but why do I suddenly want to touch this tomb?

Because there is a rule in Beiwu Tomb.

In the past, during the Chinese New Year, their descendants would dig up the grave soil and make sacrifices at home. Those who had no money would throw porcelain wine cups, bowls and other daily necessities in it, and wealthy families would throw silver dollars, silver ingots, and gold in it.

Bracelets, silver rings and other valuables can be accumulated over time.

The real name of the person buried in the grave is Huang Helin. He was a person from the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty. If you think about it, his descendants could spend money to buy him a county magistrate position and build such a big stone monument. They must be rich!

I didn’t expect that I would bump into a tomb while walking. This is called “the edge of the tomb”.

I thought to myself: "The thief never escapes, Mr. Huang, since you let me hit you, you will have to suffer the consequences."

I got the shovel, took a puff of cigarette to refresh myself, and then started digging.

This kind of earthen pit doesn't even have a tomb underneath, so to me it's just like a little k-girl.

Soon I went down one and a half meters, and as I expected, the first pieces of "chicken coop silver ingots" were unearthed from the soil. There were a lot of them, dozens of them.

Chicken nest silver ingots are the kind of privately minted silver ingots that contained impurities in the past. They are shaped like an old hen's nest. They are of average quality and not very valuable. They cost about one thousand yuan each. These can be sold for forty to fifty thousand yuan in total.

After digging and digging, I found some silver coins, not Yuan Datou, but the kind of silver coins with dragon patterns on the back, which are much more expensive than Datou.

I carefully picked out these small things and dug down a few dozen centimeters. Suddenly, a raw black coffin was revealed in the soil.

There were iron nails on the coffin, so I kicked it hard, trying to open the lid of the coffin.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a stranger's voice suddenly came from outside, and I could hear it clearly.

"Yanan, it's raining so hard. Fortunately, we found a place. Let's take shelter here."

At this time, it was two o'clock in the middle of the night.

This chapter has been completed!
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