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Chapter 210 The Little Azure Dragon in Mang Mountain

Two days later.

The doors and windows were closed, smoke filled the air, and with three people and three cigarettes, the room was so choked that no one could enter.

The tea had long since cooled down. Grandpa Li kept his eyes on the chair and held his hands on both sides of the chair without saying a word.

"Ding ding ding..." the phone rang.


Mr. Li slammed the table, his eyes showing an unprecedented enthusiasm.

"My people have arrived. Xiaoxiang, please go down the mountain and pick them up."

"Who is it? How many are here?" I asked.

Mr. Li grinned and said, "There is only one today. It's Xiao Qinglong."

I always had a premonition that something big was going to happen, but I didn't know what was about to happen. At this time, I frowned and said, "Yunfeng, don't let anyone follow you on the road, be careful with your eyes."

I nodded: "Don't worry, I'm good at this."

I picked up my hat and put it on, put my phone on silent, tightened my shoelaces and went down the mountain.

I have always had a strong memory for road conditions. Instead of taking the road in the village, I walked through the farmland. As early as a few days ago, I secretly noted the locations of the telephone poles around me. I just need to follow the telephone poles.

, you can bypass everyone and get out of the village.

After leaving Sanshili Village and arriving at the fixed bus stop in the county seat, I looked at the watch and it was 6:15 pm.

I lit a cigarette with my clothes on my back and squatted on the ground to smoke.

After taking a few puffs, I heard the sound of the bus braking, and it was coming.

The car door opened and people got out one by one.

I don’t know what “Little Qinglong” looks like, but I know that this person should be around 40 years old and is the youngest member of Li Yeyuan’s team.

"Huh? Is it this person?"

In order not to be exposed, I did not step forward. I kept my distance and squatted on the ground to smoke.

I first saw a pair of fully exposed women's sandals with five toenails dyed red.

Move your eyes upward.

A pair of blue tight jeans, slender and shapely legs, wearing sandals, was walking towards me step by step.

I couldn't help but be curious and looked up.

This is a middle-aged woman in her forties, about 1.75 meters tall, with dyed blond hair and a perm. There is no expression on her face, and she is walking step by step with a big bag in her hand.


Her slender legs crossed from left to right, twisting and twisting as she walked. It was not a deliberate twist. At first glance, it seemed that she walked like this.

What a charming aura....

She has curly blond hair, thin cheeks, a high nose bridge, a lip nail under her lip, and a arrogant look. How can I describe this look... It should be said that it is eight points cool and two points sarcastic.

The woman slowly stopped and asked, "Are you here to pick me up?"

I couldn't hold it steady and the cigarette butt in my hand fell to the ground.

"You...are you Xiao Qinglong?"

Totally unexpected!

I really didn’t realize that the little Qinglong that Mr. Li talked about turned out to be a woman!

Female gunner!

She suddenly threw the bag to me, and I subconsciously reached out to catch it.

This bag is very heavy, weighing at least 50 kilograms.

She smiled and said: "Boy, thank you for catching it, otherwise everyone around here would be in trouble. Let's go and be careful."

She passed me and continued to walk ahead.

Because she was wearing tight jeans and she was over 1.75 meters tall, from the back, I saw that she had a model figure. Her figure was really great, with perfect proportions.

When a man sees a beautiful woman on the street, he will always subconsciously compare her with the people around him. I am also a layman, but... in this comparison, no one I know can compare to her.

"You won't lead the way?"

"Oh! It's coming!"

After recovering from my brief trance, I quickly followed him.

I said: "Sister Xiao Qinglong, are you thirsty? I have a bottle of water here."

She turned back and asked: "How old are you this year?"

I said I was around twenty.

She shook her head and said: "You can't call me Little Qinglong. You don't have the qualifications. Also, don't blindly identify your seniority. I'm old enough to be your mother."

She was obviously smiling, but I felt a sense of fear for no reason.

After swallowing, I didn't dare to look at her figure, so I just lowered my head and led the way.

When she arrived at the foot of Mang Mountain, she stopped, looked at the mountain and said, "It's been almost ten years since I left here. Now that I'm back, this place is still the same as before. It hasn't changed."

After saying that, she reminded me: "Hold my bag carefully and don't drop it on the ground."

I said okay, don't worry.

Arriving at the deserted Shanngling Village on the mountain, Mr. Li and the boss were already waiting at the door.

"Ha ha!"

Mr. Li smiled heartily and said, "Look at the beauty she is. I can't recognize her."

"The boss is in trouble, why don't I come?"

The two hugged each other.

Mr. Li patted her back, and there seemed to be some moisture in his eyes.

I believe that they once had their own stories, but I, an outsider, don’t know it.

"Hello, Boss Wang, long time no see."

The head looked strange and shook his head with a smile: "Although I am older than you, I am also afraid of you. Let me ask you, should I call you Xiao Qinglong or Xiao Qing?"

She smiled and said, "Wang your head as you please."

"Then let's call Xiao Qing. Come in quickly and have a sip of tea to relieve your fatigue."

Together they went down to the Dikeng Yard and poured tea for the woman himself.

She picked up a drink and asked Mr. Li directly: "Who are we going to deal with, sir? I'll make preparations and break him into three hundred pieces."

"You haven't changed, you're still the same."

Mr. Li shook his head and said solemnly: "The people we are dealing with this time are not ordinary people. They are the most powerful Yeluzi in Luoyang and even the entire north. It can be said to be the ceiling of Yeluzi..."

The expression on the woman's face did not change after hearing this. She stretched out her hand and said, "Boss, just give me the address of this person's home."


Mr. Li sighed: "This is also a difficulty. Song Si has just returned from Guangdong. No one has lived in her hometown in the village for a long time. She has also arranged for her wife and daughter to be elsewhere. For a while, she couldn't find her at all."

"However, since you're here, Xiaoqing, I feel confident. Why don't we wait for a day and a half until Er Zhuizi and the others arrive, and we'll plan some action."

"Xiaoxiang, please take Xiaoqing to her room first."

He led the person over and gently placed the big bag on the stool.

At this time, she supported herself with both hands and stretched upward.

I didn't look.

Seeing me staring at the bag, she asked, "What? Are you curious about what I brought? Do you want to see it?"

I nodded and said it would be fine to have a look.

Although I am from the lowest level of Santu, I have always liked artillery workers, and I also want to know more about the artillery industry. Just like a master engineer, he snaps his fingers and explodes. It's so cool.

In addition, I currently think that Master Ji is the ceiling of the Northern artillery. He watered the Binta Garden, increased the hardness of the soil through freezing, and accurately controlled the blasting range. This was amazing enough.

But Mr. Li said that this middle-aged woman is the ceiling gunner of the Northern School. I definitely don’t believe it. I am a station planner.

When I came back to my senses, I only heard her say: "Okay, come closer."

"It's our first time meeting you. I can show you some good things."

This chapter has been completed!
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