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Chapter 211

After entering the room and sitting down, I realized why she was called Xiao Qinglong.

Because this woman has a green dragon tattoo on the back of her neck, if she doesn't take off her shirt and looks from behind, she can only see a few green dragon scales leaking out from under her ears.

Because she is over 40, it feels inappropriate to call her sister. After some communication, she allowed me to call her "Aunt Qing".

I thought to myself that this person is not crazy, Master Ji is just trying to scare me.

Not only is she not crazy, but she is also a MILF and her charm is still there.

Open the zipper with a zip.

I saw that her bag was densely packed with some messy things.

There are glass bottles filled with sawdust, plastic bags filled with powders of various colors, several AA batteries, paper boxes, water cups, toothpaste, etc.

"What is this? Explosives?" I pointed to the glass bottle containing sawdust.

"You haven't seen it before?"

I shook my head and said I had never seen it.

"This bottle is commonly used nitroglycerin. The first-level concentration of nitroglycerin can be absorbed by sawdust. You can't see a drop of liquid. It just changes its form."

When talking about explosives, her eyes changed obviously. How can I put it... She was obviously more excited than discussing normal topics.

She picked up the small glass bottle and said with a smile: "If I pour this seemingly ordinary bottle of sawdust on the ground, and you step on it without looking at the road... Bang!"

"Can it blow up people?" I asked curiously.

She smiled and explained: "When nitroglycerin is converted from a native liquid to a solid, part of the energy will be lost. It won't kill anyone, but it will probably require amputation. Whichever foot steps on it will be amputated."

This is so scary, I heard a gasp, she just came here carrying a bag of explosives...

"What about these two? What are they?"

"That's the mercury fulminate used as a primer."

"That's the concentrated solid picric acid I'm researching. I usually use it to blow up cars. Solid picric acid won't blow up if you step on it. It doesn't have enough energy, but it will blow up immediately if a car hits it. You can also add it to the fuel tank without driving.

It won't explode. Once you step on the accelerator, the gasoline mixed with picric acid will enter the inside of the engine."

Her eyes were shining, she made a sign and said: "After running for about five kilometers, the cabin temperature was enough, and then..."Bang!"

This is not the end, there is more.

There were other "nitrate esters" in her bag, "plastic explosives" wrapped in double-layered plastic bags, "aluminum powder mixed explosives", "sanyathene", "RDX" and more than a dozen other explosives.

Each has a different form, different detonation methods, and various gunpowder fuses and electronic fuses of different lengths.

I couldn't understand it at all, so I just roughly remembered the names. Many of them were the latest mixed explosives. One kind wouldn't explode, and two kinds mixed together would turn into high explosives.

After reading this, I guess... a traditional old artillery worker like Master Ji may really not be able to do this.

I pretended to be calm and asked out of curiosity: "Do you have TNT or C4? It's the C4 from Faya."

"What did you say?"

"The law is so thick, the grenades are so thick," I said.

"You kid..."

"The plastic plate you just looked at is C4. As for TNT, there are two types, one is military-controlled and the other is homemade on the black market. You can't buy the former. If you want to buy it, there is only one channel, which is from the United States to the Bay Island.

, when entering the mainland from the bay island through the coast, you will be investigated and killed. As for the latter... that one is worse than the aluminum powder explosive I made, it is useless. "

After talking about this, she put a few things back into her bag.

Just as she was carefully flipping through it, I suddenly saw a big black guy lying at the bottom of the bag.

It's made of pure iron, separated by a double layer of thick sponge. It looks like a fire extinguisher, but it has no spout and no pressure gauge.

"Aunt Qing, what is that thing you are hiding at the bottom? Is it because of this thing that you are so heavy?"

"Hehe, boy, you want to know a lot. There are too many things to say about this. I can only say that it is a "good thing".

After saying that, she took out a thin women's cigarette, leaned back on the chair, lit it and took a puff.

She watched me slowly exhale smoke, right next to this big bag of dynamite...

I was actually scared to death because I was afraid that the cigarette ashes would accidentally fall into my bag.

But I am also a leader after all, so I can’t be too timid, otherwise I will be looked down upon and embarrass the Silver Fox.

I also lit one and leaned on another chair to smoke.

She takes a sip, and I take a sip.

Immediately, she looked at me sideways and said, "What are you doing? Are you looking for death?"

"Pinch it."

I crossed my legs and said coaxingly: "It's okay, I, Xiang Yunfeng, know it well."

It was also strange that after I finished saying this, she suddenly frowned and kept looking at me up and down.

"What's wrong? Is there nothing on my face?"

"What did you say your name was? Xiang Yunfeng? Are you the God Eye Peak?"

"Don't take it seriously, it's just a small matter, haha."

She put out the cigarette butt and stood up suddenly: "Are you really? It was uploaded by Beipidao, not to mention that Shen Yanfeng is a fat man weighing more than 270 pounds? No matter how I look at you, you are not fat."


"Damn it! Who is this insensitive and spreading nonsense? I have 270 pounds! I haven't even left 150 pounds!"

"So, you are the Shenyan Peak himself?" she asked.

I stood up quickly and slapped my chest: "It's true!"


She shook her head and smiled, sticking out her tongue and licking the tip of her lips.

These days, it is popular for both men and women to wear earrings. Some men will have a row of diamonds on their ears. It is called fashion. But few people dare to wear lip nails, except for those who are unique.

Shamate is not mainstream.

She is a northern cannon worker named Xiaoqingshe, and she is definitely not out of the mainstream, so I am still not used to seeing lip nails, and I don’t see much of her.

"Shenyanfeng, right? As your elder, this is our first time meeting you." She suddenly handed me a red plastic bag.

"Aunt Qing, you are so polite, what is this?"

I smiled and took the plastic bag, feeling that it looked like a coil of wires inside, and I immediately wanted to untie it and take a look.

At this time, she smiled and said: "Be careful, don't shake it. There is strong RDX in the bag, and it was detonated with a fulminant mercury cable. I just took the battery away, now you dare to move, even slightly."

If you put it down, it will detonate mercury fulminate."

She added: "Whether you believe it or not, what I said is true."

My face turned pale! I was holding a red plastic bag in my hand and didn't dare to move.

"Qing...Aunt Qing, you must be kidding, right? It's just the first day we met, haha, I didn't offend you."

"You didn't offend me."

When the conversation changed, she looked at me and suddenly said with a cold face: "My Brother Jiu, he lost to Silver Fox, I won't say anything, but why did Brother Jiu kneel down to you?"

Seeing that my face was pale, she looked me up and down and said: "Men are like this. From the look in your eyes when you first saw me, you can tell that you don't have any hard parts in your body, maybe you only have a hard mouth. I am the one who does this."

Let me help you remember better for Brother Jiu."

After she finished speaking, she left. When she got to the door, she turned back and said, "You must hold it carefully. I'm not trying to scare you. As long as you shake it slightly, the mercury fulminate will explode. At such a close range, you will definitely be killed."

"Shenyan Peak, good night."

"Don't take a nap."

This chapter has been completed!
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