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Chapter 751 CuteCute’s Nightmare Question (1.25 million) Finished today

Qin Chuanjiang and Chi Wensheng, the first and second leaders of Pingyuan County, were at the scene. They were nearby and heard the conversation between Xiang Yuheng and Cao Shujie.

They also remembered what Xiang Yuheng said just now and planned to explain it to them when they went back.

There are indeed relevant policies, and there are also subsidies allocated by the superiors for special purposes. This time, they have been put to good use.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, as the tourists who came over started to return one after another, the originally noisy small village and the cute orchard that carried the hopes of everyone in Caojiazhuang became quiet again.

On the mountain, Cao Shuchao began to arrange for people in the orchard and the volunteers who came to help to clean up and clean up some of the garbage left behind by the guests.

Down the mountain, people from the Caojiazhuang Village Committee were also organizing villagers to clean up the streets and alleys in the village.

No one felt that it was too much work. They wished they could do more cleaning work every day to prove that someone had been here.

On the contrary, the farm restaurant at night seemed very peaceful compared to the noise during the day.

The farm restaurant was also booked by Cao Shujie tonight, and only the relatives and friends he invited came over to have a lively gathering.

Cao Jianguo and his eldest brother Cao Jianlin were sitting at a table with their old father. They looked at so many people there. Many of them were familiar to them, but some of them were unfamiliar to them. It felt like they had seen them before somewhere, but they couldn't name them.

Cao Jianguo considered that those people were friends invited by his son, and thought about going over and saying a few words to them, but he was short of words and didn't know what to say.

Finally thinking about it, watching his son walking around in the audience, he simply gave up the idea. Instead of saying the wrong thing and causing misunderstanding, it would be better to accompany his old father and eldest brother to talk, and accompany them. The only remaining person in Caojiazhuang at the table

Let’s talk to some of the elders below.

After all the relatives and friends who came over sat down and ate fruits, dried fruits, and snacks, no one else came over for more than 20 minutes. Cao Shujie asked someone to start arranging for people to serve the food.

The wine has already been placed on the table, so if you don’t have enough, you can help yourself.

Obviously, the fruit wine brewed by Cao Shujie and Fan Hailiang is more popular.

Even Xiang Yuheng said that he would pack two more boxes for him before leaving, and Cao Shujie naturally agreed.

This is nothing.

At first, Cao Shujie accompanied Xiang Yuheng, Qin Chuanjiang, Chi Wensheng and others, but later he also had to toast.

Without Cao Shujie as a middleman, Qin Chuanjiang, Chi Wensheng and the others faced Xiang Yuheng. It was like a real subordinate facing a superior. They did not dare to say more for fear of saying the wrong thing and being criticized later.

Xiang Yuheng also noticed this, so he took the initiative to bring some wine. After eating almost everything, he sent a message to his wife Gong Xuejing, telling her to leave.

Waiting for his wife to reply to the message, he also saw Cao Shujie coming back. Xiang Yuheng took the initiative to say goodbye to him and left with the two boxes of fruit wine that Cao Shujie had loaded into the car.

Watching their leader leave, Qin Chuanjiang, Chi Wensheng and the others felt disappointed, but felt that the pressure in their hearts was gone. Looking at Cao Shujie sitting down again, they naturally pulled him to drink two more drinks.

At this time, Qin Chuanjiang and Chi Wensheng truly regarded Cao Shujie as a 'person'. They both knew in their hearts that if Cao Shujie had no special abilities, Xiang Yuheng would definitely not treat him with such special regard.

In the eyes of people like them, everyone is valuable, no one is exception.

After Xiang Yuheng and his family left, the remaining people also began to leave one after another.

However, there are also people who are more sticky after drinking and leave later.

Even so, everyone left here before 10pm.

In the end, Cao Shujie had no time to pack his things, so he asked Cao Fei and the others to finish it for him, and he went home to sleep first.

After fighting hard for three days in a row, Cao Shujie drank a lot every day. In addition, he stayed up late every day, and even the best of his health could be exhausted.

At this time, Cao Shujie felt very tired.

Cao Fei, Cao Tiemin, Cao Shulun, Cao Shuyang and Cao Zhen were not in a hurry to go back to the county or city that night. They still had things they wanted to talk about.

Cao Zhen wanted them to have another day off tomorrow and not eat when they went back tomorrow afternoon.

Several people also agreed.

The branch of Xinjiang Hotel is under construction non-stop. They had verbally agreed on how to allocate the shares, but because they were both busy, it was never implemented on paper.

Cao Zhen thought that after finally getting it together, he would talk together tomorrow, sign the contract and hand over the money.

It is definitely impossible to give all of them shares for free.

One night passed, and Cao Shujie rarely got up early the next morning.

It was almost 8 o'clock when he got up. Cheng Xiaolin came over to see him and thought he was not feeling well. After waking him up, she confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him. It was just because he had not rested for a long time and was too tired. Cheng Xiaolin felt relieved.


Cao Shujie originally wanted to have some breakfast at home, but after receiving the call from Cao Zhen, he didn't even eat, and went straight out on his electric bike towards the farm restaurant.

Cao Zhen and the other five were waiting for him at the farm restaurant. After passing by, each of them had a big bowl of beef soup, and two more pieces of beef were cooked on fire. It was a delicious breakfast.

"Brothers, I have said everything that needs to be said, and I will not repeat any unnecessary nonsense. I have made this very clear to you on the phone before."

Cao Zhen put down the spoon in his hand, took the tissue to wipe the oil on his hands, looked at Cao Shujie and Cao Fei, and said: "Shujie, thinking of his love, gave us a hand at this time and let me

Come back and open a branch of this Xinjiang Hotel."

"This is a good thing. I have told you all my thoughts. This time, the Caojiazhuang Village Committee will get 20% of the share, Shujie will get 20% of the share, I will get 50% of the share, and the four of you will get 1 share.

Son, if it works, we'll sign the paper contract today. If it doesn't work, just pretend that I haven't mentioned this matter. How should we deal with it in the future? We can't let this matter affect the relationship between our brothers.


These words are very accurate and very clear.

Cao Shujie had nothing else to say.

Cao Fei, Cao Tiemin, Cao Shulun and Cao Shuyang looked at each other, then looked at Cao Zhen and Cao Shujie. Cao Tiemin hesitated: "Cao Zhen, I have some spare money here, it doesn't matter if I invest it in you, but I am not interested in hotel management.

I don’t know anything about it, so if something happens to you, I may not be able to help you.”

"Tiemin, didn't I tell you? I asked you to invest because I want to share the joys and sorrows with my brothers. The hotel is in our Caojiazhuang. If there are any problems in the future, you have to stand up and bear it with your brothers."

"For example, if someone comes to make trouble in our place, the brothers will chop him down together and shoulder the responsibility together. Is that okay?"

After Cao Zhen said this, Cao Fei and the four of them had no problem.

They are ordinary people, and letting them run a restaurant will cost them their lives.

It's okay to let them carry the dishes and serve the food, but if you let them fight together when something happens, that's fine.

Even if they don't have shares, they will not stand idly by, just like they followed Cao Shujie to steal fruit a few years ago.

Everyone's thoughts suddenly became clear, and they felt that this was good.

"Bring it here, I'll sign it." Cao Fei was very happy. He asked how much each of them would pay.

"I plan to invest a total of 2 million in this hotel. 10% is 200,000. Each of the four of you will contribute 50,000. It's not too much." Cao Zhen asked them.

I saw several people nodding in approval, and the signature was completed in a short while.

Cao Zhen finally looked at Cao Shujie: "Sign it."

Cao Shujie didn't hesitate anymore and signed his name with a pen.

At noon that day, Cao Zhen and the other five returned to Pingyuan County or Yiling City.

Cao Shujie also started to get busy.

My son Cao Yirui has just turned one month old, and the bones in his body are still soft. At this time, he cannot sit still, nor can he lie down.

He goes to bed after eating every day and eats when he wakes up. There is no other person in the family who is as leisurely as him.

Even his sister Cao Xuemeng was forced to study and attend classes by her mother Cheng Xiaolin.

Mengmeng was determined to resist, and even took advantage of her younger brother Cao Yirui, hoping that her younger brother would be beaten as well.

But the idea was good, but the reality was in vain. After the caesarean section incision had recovered, Cheng Xiaolin no longer indulged in Mengmeng's problems.

In her words, Mengmeng has been playing with it for more than a month, and it is already very interesting.

In more than 20 days, Mengmeng should report to elementary school. If she still doesn't know anything by then, the elementary school teachers will not wait for her to catch up with the progress like the kindergarten teachers.

During the last period of the vacation, she assigned Mengmeng a task, which was to solve math problems of addition and subtraction within two digits, and then read a picture book with pinyin.

Mengmeng is currently sitting at the study table doing math problems.

It was okay at first, and Mengmeng could bear her temper, but after sitting down for about 10 minutes, Mengmeng couldn't stand it any longer. She would move her buttocks, pick her teeth, or play with her pencil.

When Cheng Xiaolin saw it, she slapped the ruler on her back without even saying hello in advance.


The force of this ruler was quite strong. Mengmeng's back subconsciously shrank forward, feeling pain in her back.

His eyes were already filled with tears.

Cheng Xiaolin did not feel sorry for Mengmeng. She stared, gritted her teeth, pointed at Mengmeng with a ruler and said, "Mengmeng, try crying. If you cry again, I will slap you."

"I asked you to study hard but you didn't study. I said you wanted to play. That's fine. I've asked you to play for more than 40 days during the summer vacation and you still don't give in. Do you want to play until the end of time?"

"I must finish these questions today and read the two picture books for me. If I can't finish them, I won't eat for a while."

Cheng Xiaolin said.

Mengmeng bit her lip hard, not daring to say a single extra word.

Mom really beat her.

The broken ruler hit her and it hurt so much.

Mengmeng put her hand on her back, trying to feel if there was any blood at the place where she was beaten, but her mother, Cheng Xiaolin, raised the ruler and slapped it on the table again, making a snapping sound that made her tremble all over.

Cheng Xiaolin said: "Study, don't touch here, touch there, what's wrong?"

Mengmeng was so scared that she didn't dare to say a word in rebuttal, so she quickly studied.

She also found that being tough didn't work today, and would only make her get beaten more severely.

When both eyes fell on the test questions, they were all simple addition and subtraction, or addition and subtraction within two digits.

Mengmeng had also studied before. She found a pencil, took a scratch pad and started calculating.

The calculation speed is not too slow.

Mengmeng used various methods such as counting on her fingers, using the decimal cross calculation method, or using the make-up-10 method and the borrow-10 method, etc.

The key point is that he can use various calculation methods flexibly and is not rigid at all. Cheng Xiaolin watched from behind and felt very pleased.

After about 10 minutes, Mengmeng finished finishing the questions and was thinking about throwing the pencil and scratch paper on the table before going out to play.

Who knew that Cheng Xiaolin suddenly asked her at this time: "Have you finished the examination?"


"Farewell, mom, let me ask you, have you finished the examination?" Cheng Xiaolin asked her again.

Mengmeng shook her head and said honestly: "I haven't checked yet."

"Then if you don't check, what will you do if you get a question wrong? If you don't check in the future and write the wrong answers to the questions you know how to do, do you think I'll beat you up?" Cheng Xiaolin said through gritted teeth.

This good habit must be cultivated from now on.

Mengmeng started to check again. Perhaps he was really afraid that his mother would beat him again. Mengmeng was very careful during the inspection and did not dare to distract himself at all.

Cheng Xiaolin was very pleased when she saw this scene. It was too difficult to teach children.

"Mom, I've finished the examination. Can I go out and play this time?" After Mengmeng finished the examination, she took a deep breath and felt too depressed.

But Cheng Xiaolin's words were like a bolt from the blue: "Who told you to do only one question? Then you finish this one for me."

"Mom..." Mengmeng pursed her lips, her face full of reluctance.

When Cao Shujie came back from outside, he saw his daughter still doing homework at home.

This is already the fourth test question that Mengmeng has taken.

She was almost crying.

Her mother said she would let her play for a while after finishing a question. Who knew that it would only be a short time, only ten minutes, mainly to let her move her eyes, as she would be prone to myopia if she kept staring at the questions.

Before she could finish letting her off, he dragged her back to do the questions again. How could she be so bullying?

Mengmeng thought to herself that she just couldn't beat her mother, otherwise she would have to let her mother know how powerful she is today!

After hearing what his daughter said intermittently, Cao Shujie didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But to be honest, in this family, only his wife can really suppress Mengmeng, and no one else, including him, can.

When I was little, I couldn't bear to beat him, but now I feel grudge even if I beat Mengmeng once.

That is no longer the scope of educating her, she must be reasonable!

Conquer people with virtue!

"Shujie, why did you come back so early today?" Cheng Xiaolin looked at the pendulum time on the wall and asked him.

It's not yet 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Uncle Long called me just now. The kiwi fruits grown in our village are ripe and they are going to guide these tourists to pick kiwi fruits in the fields. They asked me to come back for a meeting to discuss the price."

"So our factory will also buy kiwi fruits?" Cheng Xiaolin asked her husband.

Seeing Cao Shujie nodding, he told her: "I have asked Xiang Zhengyan to arrange someone to handle this matter."

"How much does a pound of kiwi fruit cost now?" Cheng Xiaolin asked her husband.

Cao Shujie pointed to Caojiazhuang and said: "The varieties grown in our village and the two neighboring villages are all improved. The taste is better, and the price is naturally more expensive."

"If it were an ordinary kiwi, the price wouldn't go up."

The price of kiwi fruit on the market now has some differences according to different regions, but the difference is not very big. Under normal circumstances, the price of ordinary varieties of kiwi fruit is 8 yuan per kilogram.

If tourists are allowed to pick in orchards, the price will be higher, and can be sold for more than 12 yuan per kilogram.

The purchase price of common varieties of kiwi fruit from other regions is around 7 yuan per kilogram, which is much cheaper than purchasing apples.

Cao Shujie is a well-connected person here.

After putting down his things, Cao Shujie looked at his son who was sleeping, and then at his daughter who was doing the questions. Cao Shujie was also helpless towards Mengmeng.

"You guys should be busy, I'm going to a meeting." Cao Shujie turned around and walked out.

Who would have thought that Mengmeng suddenly stopped him and said, "Dad, don't leave. I'm older and I also want to go to a meeting with you."

Cao Shujie knew what his daughter was thinking. How could this be done? Wouldn't it bring fire to him?

Cao Shujie was still thinking about an excuse to stop his daughter and take the opportunity to slip away. Who knew that Cheng Xiaolin said: "Mengmeng, try it. If you can't finish the questions this afternoon, just go out and see if I dare."

I dare to break your legs!"


Mengmeng, I also want to help you, but there is nothing I can do!

This chapter has been completed!
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