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Chapter 355: Domination

Qin Weibai didn't speak for a long time.

A shadow, a mutilated corpse.

The most authentic state.

In the halo beside the bed, the voice of that slim figure was clear and sweet.

Qin Weibai suddenly felt an extreme sense of disgust and rejection.

Because of the content of that sentence.

Li Tianlan’s true status.

Could it be that this so-called true state is the phantom and the corpse?

She tried her best to force herself to calm down, shook her head, and said in a cold voice: "I don't believe it."

The halo of light beside the bed fluctuated extremely softly, and no words were spoken.

For some reason, at this moment Qin Weibai suddenly felt that the woman in the halo seemed to want to come closer, but in the end she made no move.

"The truth is in the dream. Believe it or not, nothing can be changed."

The woman in the halo spoke softly.

She seemed to also see the shadow and corpse in Qin Weibai's dream. In the slightly swaying halo, Qin Weibai felt a clear sense of pain and sadness.

"If that is Tianlan's true state, then what is Tianlan now?"

Qin Weibai stared at the ball of light beside him and asked word by word.

"That's the reality you see."

Qin Weibai sneered: "What we saw? What about the shadow in my dream?"

"It's the reality within the illusion."

In the halo, the woman's answer was still gentle and without hesitation.

Qin Weibai suddenly felt a little cold. As they asked and answered, the whole world seemed to become gloomy unconsciously, as if some danger was slowly brewing quietly, and then gradually...

Wisps of fire erupted out, carrying deadly murderous intent.

Qin Weibai felt a little dizzy.

And all the cold air in the air seemed to be swirling towards the halo of light beside the bed, and was immediately tolerated by her calmly.

The scene in front of him seemed familiar, and the dizzy feeling in his mind was also familiar. Qin Weibai was stunned, and subconsciously said: "Is this the malice of the world?"

The slightly swaying light paused for a moment, and the woman seemed a little surprised, but then nodded: "Yes."

"In other words, do you know Xuanyuan Wushang?"

Qin Weibai asked again, thinking of some of the information Xuanyuan Wushang revealed: "He said he has a sister, is it you?"


The woman said softly: "But to a certain extent, I am his elder sister, or his younger sister, but now, I am his aunt."


Qin Weibai looked at the soft light silently.

For the first time, she noticed that her IQ seemed to be a little off-line.

Is she an elder sister, a younger sister, or an aunt?

This relationship is absolutely confusing, but the logic seems to be very clear. However, from this relationship, Qin Weibai couldn't sort out what the relationship was for a while.

"Who are you?"

Qin Weibai asked.

The woman seemed stunned.

She was silent for a long time.

If she hadn't discovered something unexpected happened to Qin Weibai, she wouldn't have planned to show up here right now. Such a meeting made her always feel a little nervous.

She didn't know how to answer Qin Weibai's question.

From a most intuitive perspective, Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai are her parents.

But from another perspective, they can no longer be regarded as his parents.

"My name is Feng Qingwu."

After a long silence, the woman spoke, and just said her name softly.

Qin Weibai rubbed her forehead. Just like when Li Tianlan had no hostility but felt close to Xuanyuan Wushang for the first time, she felt the same closeness to Feng Qingwu now, even more so than Li Tianlan felt to Xuanyuan Wushang.

But also a strong closeness.

"Feng Qingwu..."

She whispered softly to herself.

"Call me Qingwu."

The voice in the halo murmured, as if coquettishly.

Qin Weibai wanted to smile, but she really wasn't in the mood. She imitated Li Tianlan's movements and rubbed the center of her brows, and said softly: "What's going on in that dream?"

"It is a real projection in your consciousness. Of course, from your current perspective, it is also illusory. But no matter what the situation is, its existence needs to be affirmed."

The temperature in the air seemed to be getting colder, with a biting chill.

Qin Weibai knows very well that if this is the malice of the world, then the current malice is many times greater than the malice that Xuanyuan Wushang and Li Tianlan endured, because at that time, Qin Weibai just felt a little dizzy.

That's all, but now she can clearly feel the changes in the surrounding space.



These two most common words, but now every time he hears them, Qin Weibai feels cold in his heart for no reason.

"I do not understand……"

Qin Weibai hesitated for a moment and said slowly: "Can you be more detailed?"

"I can't tell."

Feng Qingwu said softly.

"But you can ask, and maybe I can answer some."

Qin Weibai didn't know what to ask. All her thoughts were now focused on the corpse and shadow in the dream. What did it represent? She didn't dare to think about whether it represented Li Tianlan's future.

Ending? As soon as such an idea came to his mind, Qin Weibai felt a little weak.

Feng Qingwu seemed to know something, but Qin Weibai didn't dare to believe everything she said, but he also didn't dare not to believe it. The only topic she could talk about now seemed to be this.

"That dream, the Tianlan I dreamed of..."

Qin Weibai started to speak but stopped.

"That is indeed Your Majesty, but not His Majesty in the future. Although it is not very accurate, if I must describe it, it should be His Majesty in the past."

Feng Qingwu said.

Qin Weibai was slightly shocked in her heart. Her ability to accept was obviously not comparable to that of normal people. With another living example of herself, she easily thought of a direction that others did not dare to think about: "What do you mean?

, reincarnation?”

"There is no so-called reincarnation in this world."

Feng Qingwu said slowly: "It's reincarnation, not His Majesty's personal reincarnation, but..."


The sound of the wind dancing suddenly disappeared.

In Qin Weibai's sight, the empty air suddenly distorted. The biting coldness burst out instantly and turned into an icy wind. Shocking ice layers began to appear in the empty air.

Feng Qingwu changed the topic and said softly: "Your understanding is wrong because of the timeline problem. But in fact, time has no meaning. What you experience is only your own timeline. When you put time on

When you look at a wide enough area, you will find that the so-called present may be the future in another area, and the future may be the past in another area. What you see is the present only relative to your present.

It’s just the past in the timeline. But whether it’s the present or the future, that scene has happened.”


Qin Weibai was stunned.

"Why am I dreaming about this?"

she asked softly.

"You are waking up, or in other words, another you is waking up, and you are synchronized in a certain sense."

"What is awakening?"

Feng Qingwu fell silent again.

This was obviously a question she couldn't answer.

"After waking up, will I see Tianlan like that? I am also very awake now. I would rather not wake up like that."

Qin Weibai continued.

"This is an inevitable process."

Feng Qingwu said slowly: "Irreversible. From our perspective, we all very much hope that you can speed up your awakening, even if it is for the sake of His Majesty Li Tianlan."

Qin Weibai looked at her quietly, waiting for her explanation.

Feng Qingwu was silent for a while and said softly: "Your Majesty's road has come to an end. It is completely different from what you have experienced. This level is already the peak state he can reach. He

It may be stronger, but it is no longer possible to break through again. Only when you gradually wake up will it be possible for Your Majesty to truly break through to that supreme realm."

Qin Weibai pondered for a while, with obvious suspicion in her eyes: "Xuanyuan Wushang never told me this."

"These are not things he is qualified to understand now."

Feng Qingwu's tone was understatement.

"But in fact, there is nothing wrong with Tianlan's current state. He is only twenty-four years old. In ten years, or even in ten years, he will definitely break through again and become a real genius. There is no sign that he can no longer break through.

, and he didn’t even notice it himself.”

"It's not impossible to break through."

Feng Qingwu said calmly: "There is no way to break through. Once he takes that step by himself, he will be discovered."

"Discovered by whom?"

Qin Weibai's heart suddenly sank.

Feng Qingwu moved her body and said softly: "Do you still remember that story? The other story you experienced, His Majesty's fate..."

Qin Weibai's body tensed up quietly. That was undoubtedly her biggest secret. How did Feng Qingwu know about it?

"That's probably it. But in that world, when everything happened, we all paid attention, but at that time things were completely out of control, and we could no longer control the development of things. If His Majesty took that step by himself in that world, the ending would have been

It's doomed. Even if he doesn't die by your sword, he will perish somewhere else."

Feng Qingwu said.

Qin Weibai's face looked a little bleak: "You mean, if Tianlan breaks through again now, he will fall?"


Feng Qingwu answered without any hesitation.

Qin Weibai sat on the bed blankly. After a long while, she asked: "How do you know what happened in that world?"

"Time has no meaning."

Feng Qingwu said something incomprehensible and continued: "The situation you are currently facing is a time and space paradox caused by chance. This is also the result of our efforts. In order to achieve this goal, we have paid an extremely heavy amount of effort.


Feng Qingwu seemed to have said something else.

But Qin Weibai couldn't hear it at all.

All her consciousness was attracted by Feng Qingwu's words.

achieve this goal.

This creates a paradox.

If the existence of two selves is really some kind of time and space paradox, then this is not a coincidence, but something Feng Qingwu and the others... created?

Was he created by them?

Qin Weibai suddenly wanted to laugh and cry: "You mean, I was something created by you? A machine?"

"Nothing to do with you."

Feng Qingwu shook her head: "What we can do is to send you here, and to do all this is not to create you, but to modify space, time and physical constants. You will understand all this, provided that you wake up

Smooth enough.”

Qin Weibai sat there blankly. She didn't know how long it took before she asked in a low voice: "What will happen to Tianlan if I successfully wake up?"

"Your Majesty will return."

The sound of Feng Qingwu is very slow, but it carries unparalleled solemnity and enthusiasm.

Qin Weibai said nothing.

Qin Weibai continued: "What you need to do most is to synchronize your dreams with His Majesty's thinking. This is the first step for His Majesty's return."

"Wake up, return..."

Qin Weibai murmured softly: "If I wake up and he comes back, will we still be us?"


Feng Qingwu seemed to be smiling: "In fact, you have partially woken up, but obviously, you don't feel that you have changed, and you will not become another person."

"Am I partially awake?"

Qin Weibai was startled.

Feng Qingwu looked at Qin Weibai silently and said softly: "Perhaps you don't even realize that it was you who killed Chen Fangqing."

After being stunned for a second, Qin Weibai suddenly reacted: "I didn't do it."

"No need to do it."

Feng Qingwu shook her head: "You have thought about it."

Qin Weibai sat on the bed, hugged his shoulders tightly, and shook his head subconsciously.

"Who are you?"

After a pause, she smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly: "In other words, are you still humans? Gods, or devils?"

"I am human.?"

Feng Qingwu's tone was a little complicated, with affirmation and a little confusion.

She was silent for a while and said softly: "Of course, in the eyes of others, they call me...the Lord."

Qin Weibai is not talking.

There was chaos in her bright eyes, countless thoughts emerged at the same time, and the whole person seemed a little confused and chaotic.

"You're not in good spirits."

Feng Qingwu said.

"I'm just...a little cold."

Qin Weibai replied dully.

"If you need some warmth..."

Feng Qingwu smiled: "I can give it to you."

The soft and fluctuating light suddenly bloomed in front of Qin Weibai's eyes.

All brilliance.

The originally soft light suddenly became extremely cold, and Feng Qingwu's whole body seemed to be reflecting the cold light of metal.

But the surrounding air instantly became as warm as spring.

Time freezes in an instant.

The light of the metal was slightly refracted, the light shuttled, and rushed into space at a speed exceeding the speed of light. The virtual quantum network base station was instantly formed.

Virtual shuttle, instant leap.

Feng Qingwu's consciousness penetrates into the starry sky through the quantum network base station.

The boundless galaxy formed an extremely dazzling but extremely chaotic cosmic curve in her consciousness.

Quantum transmission instantly spans tens of millions of light-years in the cosmic curve and goes straight into the depths of the universe.

Silence and dead silence appear and disappear in an instant.

The perspective of consciousness changed for half a second.

Feng Qingwu's consciousness entered a large wormhole.

The starry sky suddenly retreated.

The wormhole was violently turbulent, and the boundless black frenzy seemed to tear the wormhole apart in the blink of an eye, overwhelming the sky and the earth, rushing directly in front of Feng Qingwu.

It was a sword light that tore through everything, crazy, cold, violent, domineering, with extreme excitement and calmness, and an almost invincible determined will. The surging sword light completely covered Feng Qingwu.

Feng Qingwu, whose consciousness was still reflecting the light of the metal sword, paused for a moment. The next second, an extremely majestic force instantly burst out in the black ocean of sword energy. It was the ultimate power of martial arts, a strong shock wave and turbulence.

The sword energy collided wildly together, and the entire wormhole space was fluctuating violently.

Feng Qingwu paused slightly.

All power disappears completely.

In an instant, the boundless black frenzy suddenly seemed to have lost its target, surging past her and rushing towards the entrance of the wormhole.


Feng Qingwu said in a calm voice.


A voice seemed to resound in the darkness. The voice came from an extremely distant place with the sound of fierce collisions. It was strong and calm: "The Lord is indeed interesting. Is this what you rely on to uplift my son?"

"I'm just teaching him to do what he should do."

Feng Qingwu said calmly.

In a distant place, the voice seemed to have penetrated directly through the wormhole from another space. It was as hard as iron, with a sharp edge: "Maybe I should also teach you to let you know what you should do."


Feng Qingwu said lightly: "You are fighting those things now, what can you teach me? The sword energy you can distinguish is less than one billionth of the sword energy you had in your heyday?"


Countless sword energy shook with a bang.

The wormhole shattered instantly.

What appeared in front of Feng Qingwu was already a battlefield.

That distant sound directly shattered the wormhole, and instead of letting Feng Qingwu reach her destination directly, she appeared directly on the battlefield.

"You are the eldest princess of the Corridor of Time and Space, and this is where you should stay."

The black ocean roared crazily in front of Feng Qingwu, and the boundless black tide rushed hundreds of thousands of feet into the sky. The sword light roared, shattering the stars, and countless objects reflecting the metallic color continued to fall into the black sky.

In the vast ocean.

The area of ​​the battlefield is almost measured in light years, and the crazy fighting never stops for a moment.

Countless races, a lot of metals, mechas all over the sky, and dark shadows.

Artillery, sword light, explosion, tearing, destruction.

Endless battleships are constantly pouring out destructive power.

The battlefield is full of humans and other races fighting with countless dark shadows and mechas.

Tens of millions, hundreds of millions, vast and endless.

Feng Qingwu sighed softly.

Her body slowly rose in the void and rushed towards her destination.

The will of the God of War in the black ocean did not stop him this time.

The wind dances faster and faster.

Endless light bloomed from her body, getting brighter and brighter.

At this moment, her entire body seemed to have turned into a meteor that crossed the battlefield several light years away.

The light was overflowing rapidly, exceeding the speed of light, spreading rapidly in all directions with Feng Qingwu as the center.

Fraud: Genesis!

The light flies and the stars fall.

In the battlefield, the potential of all creatures in the neutral camp was doubled in an instant.

All the seriously injured soldiers who had lost their ability to fight were deceived. Everyone thought that they were at their peak, and they unleashed combat power beyond their limits and pounced directly on nearby enemies.

The combat effectiveness of all creatures is soaring.

Everyone was deceived. At this moment, everyone thought that their strength suddenly had a huge breakthrough, and everyone also showed their strength after the breakthrough.

Outside the neutral camp, the movements of all creatures, whether Order or Shadow, become slow.

They were also deceived. At this moment, they all thought that they had been severely damaged. A considerable number of creatures from different camps even thought that they had fallen.

The meteor light brought by Feng Qingwu crossed the entire battlefield, rose infinitely, and exploded instantly.

It was as if a huge sunrise suddenly rose in the dead silence of the void.

The boundless black ocean boiled completely in an instant.

The rays of the morning sun continued to spread, carrying lies, and in the shortest time, deceived the entire war.

This is the pinnacle of fraud.

He is also the most peak leader of the human race on this path.

This is the top force on the road of fraud. Such a force has a name recognized by all camps.


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