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Chapter 8 Comparison

At this time, Wang Rui still had the last paper left to copy, so he had to use his eyes to plead with the classmate who was collecting the homework to let him go, give him a little more time, and finally accept it from him.

Wang Rui was well-liked in the class, and the classmates who collected homework were willing to let him go, so he just passed him and turned around to collect papers from the people behind him.

Wang Rui breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to copy the last paper frantically.

When the last stroke was finished, he breathed a sigh of relief, shook his hands that were shaking because of nervousness, and finally finished copying.

However, Wang Rui thought he had escaped a disaster, but he did not expect that the teacher would still find out that he had copied the test paper.

Because there was still more than half an hour before school ended in the morning, the teacher simply sat directly on the podium and began to look through the test papers on the table.

Because Wang Rui submitted the test paper late, his test paper was placed at the top. Not only that, but it was also very unfortunate that it was placed together with Zhang Yu's.

If it were said that when he saw Wang Rui's test paper just now, the teacher didn't find anything wrong, and even praised it, thinking that Wang Rui had made some progress.

Then when I saw Zhang Yu's test paper placed below, I immediately felt something was wrong.

After looking through Wang Rui's and Zhang Yu's, the teacher easily discovered the fishiness in this comparison.

The teacher called Wang Rui to the podium and looked at him with a half-smile: "Tell me, how many of these test papers were copied?"

Wang Rui was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly turned to Zhang Yu's test paper next to his own test paper, and said to himself: "It's bad, you were careless!"

But then I thought about it, although I copied Zhang Yu's, I didn't copy it word for word, but I didn't copy it word for word from beginning to end. I made some changes in the middle.

After the changes, even if the teacher checks, he will probably only find some similarities, but the correct answers are fixed, and it is only normal if the answers are similar.

The teacher must be deceiving him by saying this, so calm down and don't scare yourself.

After some self-comfort in his mind, Wang Rui pretended to be stupid and said: "What are you copying? Teacher, I didn't copy it. I finished writing these test papers years ago."

In order to increase credibility, Wang Rui stretched out his hand and shook it several times in front of the teacher.

Looking at the marks on his hands, the teacher almost laughed out of anger.

The teacher sneered and asked: "Do you think I'm easy to fool, or do you think I'm a fool from the bottom of my heart, and you can't even see it in such an obvious contrast?"

As he said that, the teacher looked at his blackened hands again: "Also, next time you lie, you should pay attention to some details. If you didn't make up the test paper, where did the ink on your hands come from?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yu couldn't help but hold his forehead.

He also mentioned before that for the test papers of this era, the printing technology at this time was underdeveloped, and many of the school's materials were printed by themselves, which resulted in ink loss in these materials.

If you're not careful, your hands will get stained with black stuff from rubbing against these materials.

Wang Rui's black hand was so conspicuous that he just didn't hide it and extended his hand to the teacher.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of the whole class, Wang Ruixi proposed a brand new set of test papers.

When he came back with a sad face, Zhang Yu shook his head slightly: "How much time can you waste with just these test papers? If you had done it already, wouldn't everything be gone?"

Wang Rui lay on the table dejectedly, and said with a face full of despair: "Is this so much? Why do we have to assign homework on such a joyful day during the New Year? And we have to hand out so many test papers at once!"

Before leaving, the teacher took a meaningful look at the other people in the class and left a message: "I know there must be other people in the class who have copied. You'd better come over and surrender before I find out, otherwise, you'll be arrested later."

I found out that Wang Rui is not treated like this, after all, I only have this blank test paper in my hand."

After saying that, he left.

"Ah! How long will it take to make up so many test papers?" As soon as the teacher left, Wang Rui suddenly straightened up and shouted.

His words made the whole class burst into laughter.

Seeing that the teacher had walked away, someone asked curiously: "What did the teacher mean by what he said just now?"

The person who reacted quickly glanced at the person who was still smiling and asked, "Did you make the test paper yourself?"

The person who was asked was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, don't you know what my level is? How can I do those questions!"

After hearing his answer, his deskmate looked at him with pity and sighed: "Then you're done!"

"What do you mean it's not you? I finished it yesterday."

The deskmate glanced at him and explained: "Don't you understand yet? The teacher said that he only had this blank test paper in his hand. This test paper was given to Wang Rui, which means that no one will be discovered again.

Exam papers are here.”

The man didn't understand yet and asked doubtfully: "Isn't it bad that there is no test paper?"

Deskmate: "What's so good? Can you believe it? With our teacher's temperament, he will let you copy the test paper by hand and then do it again in person."

"No way?" Although he said he didn't believe it, after getting along with him for more than two years, we all had some understanding of the teacher's temper. He was really capable of doing this kind of thing.



This time Wang Rui was not the only one moaning.

Wang Rui looked at the people who might be worse off than him next, then looked at the test paper in his hand, and suddenly felt energetic.

Isn’t it just more than twenty test papers?

What's so difficult about this? Just look at it. It can take up to three days. Within three days, he will definitely finish it with quality and quantity.

Wang Rui, who had coaxed himself well, listened to his classmates complaining about why the school had to hand out so many test papers, and he still had the thought to come over and comfort others: "Okay, just be satisfied. That means our principal is willing to work hard for the students. If it were changed,

In other schools, you can’t find the test paper if you want to ask questions.”

However, the person being comforted did not want to be comforted by him, and they did not feel comforted. The few people who were originally complaining couldn't help but roll their eyes at him.

The classmate sitting in front of Wang Rui stretched out his hand to get the paper on Wang Rui's desk: "Since you think it's a good thing, why not give me this paper."

After seeing the other party's actions, Wang Rui immediately lay down to protect his test paper.

He is not stupid and can clearly distinguish between the workload of writing test papers and copying test papers.

What Wang Rui didn't know was that the more he protected him, the more people wanted to rob him.

In particular, several of his friends were waiting for me to copy the test papers. You can't be idle and stepped forward to grab the test papers.

"No, no! Give me back the test paper!"

Zhang Yu was amused by the appearance of these living treasures.

Because he needed to clean up in the afternoon, Zhang Yu ate a meal in the school cafeteria at noon.

When Zhang Yu came home at night and saw himself in the mirror, he realized that the corners of his mouth had not fallen down, and his smiling face was sore.

This chapter has been completed!
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