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Chapter Nine Kerosene on the Ground

At this moment, Uncle Zhao knocked on Zhang Yu's door and asked: "Xiaoyu, are you at home?"

Zhang Yu opened the door and invited Uncle Zhao in: "Uncle Zhao, what do you want?"

Uncle Zhao said anxiously: "Your teacher injured his leg yesterday. I told him to take two days off to recover from the injury and then go back to work, but he just didn't agree. He must have been busy with the start of school these two days.

It would be too busy for one person.

I had no choice but to return him to the school I asked you, Brother Zhao, to send him to in the morning. When I sent him there, I said he would pick him up in the afternoon, but he twisted his muscles and refused to agree, insisting that he was fine and could come back on his own.

I didn't think much about it at the time, but it's now this time and your teacher Fang hasn't come back yet.

It's a coincidence that something happened at Brother Zhao's work unit, so he didn't have time to pick up your teacher Fang.

I was really anxious waiting, so I just wanted to ask Xiaoyu if you saw your teacher Fang on the way back?

Your teacher Fang hasn’t come back yet, and I’m also worried about it.”

Hearing this, Zhang Yu shook his head: "No, no."

Hearing that Zhang Yu didn't see Teacher Fang, Uncle Zhao's face became even more anxious.

Because the elementary school where Teacher Fang worked was not far from the high school where Zhang Yu attended, Zhang Yu would run into Teacher Fang at least six times out of ten times when he came home from school.

"Then I'll ask others." After Uncle Zhao finished speaking, he limped away.

It was also at this time that Zhang Yu discovered that there was a lot of dirt on Uncle Zhao's body, especially on his buttocks. Judging from the marks, he should have slipped and been knocked off his buttocks.

Looking at the way he was limping, you could tell that he had fallen badly. No wonder he chose to ask people in the courtyard to find out if Teacher Fang was back instead of going to the school to see in person.

Seeing the old man limping out, Zhang Yu picked up the coat thrown on the chair and chased after him while putting it on.

After catching up, he supported Uncle Zhao and said, "Uncle Zhao, what's wrong with you?"

Uncle Zhao smiled and explained nonchalantly: "Don't worry, it's nothing. I just accidentally fell when I entered the gate. By the way, when you pass by the gate later,

Be careful, that area is very slippery, it looks like someone spilled oil on it."

When he said this, Uncle Zhao sighed: "I don't know which little guy did this. He will definitely get beaten when he goes home for ruining things like this."

When Uncle Zhao first talked about this, Zhang Yu didn't feel anything at all, and he didn't take it to heart. He just felt that Uncle Zhao was worthy of being the oldest man in the courtyard and had to worry about everything.

Just looking at him limping around, it was obvious that he had been knocked down badly, but he didn't take it seriously. While he was still limping around, he immediately wanted to help him go home.

Uncle Zhao is quite young this year, but he cannot withstand such a fall.

"Uncle Zhao, please go back and rest first. Leave it to me to pick up Teacher Fang. I'll go to the elementary school to check on you soon. Don't worry. Maybe Teacher Fang is really busy and has wasted time.

Woolen cloth."

After saying that, looking at Uncle Zhao who wanted to say something else, Zhang Yu simply shouted towards the room in front: "Aunt Zhao, Aunt Zhao!"

Hearing Zhang Yu's shout, Aunt Zhao walked out and wiped the water on her hands with her apron: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Seeing Zhang Yu calling out the old lady, Uncle Zhao stared anxiously and said dissatisfied: "I'm fine!"

Zhang Yu ignored his statement at all, pointed at the dirt on his legs and complained to Aunt Zhao, saying that he did not rest since he fell and ran around everywhere.

The accused Uncle Zhao's eyes were as bulging as a frog's, and he looked at Zhang Yu as if he had been betrayed.

Zhang Yu turned his head and pretended not to see his expression, and personally handed the person into the hands of Aunt Zhao who looked angry.

Then he rolled out his bicycle and prepared to go to the elementary school to see if Teacher Fang was still in school?

When he walked to the gate, Zhang Yu subconsciously looked at one of the corners, looking at a small black "water stain" on the ground and the obvious skid marks around it, guessing that this was where Uncle Zhao slipped just now.

I don’t know why, although it was a very ordinary mark, something flashed through Zhang Yu’s mind?

He paused as he walked out, then parked his bicycle next to it. He walked to the black "water stain", squatted down, leaned over and smelled it, and smelled a familiar smell.


This is the smell of kerosene!

Just talking about kerosene, what might he not think of?

But as soon as the words kerosene, spilled on the road, and slip were connected, Zhang Yu suddenly remembered something that happened before.

He remembered that kerosene appeared on a path not far from his door last year, and someone even slipped and fell.

Later, when he found out that the traces on the ground were kerosene, he specifically asked people in the courtyard. As a result, everyone in the courtyard said they didn't know about the kerosene spilled on the path.

Since this incident had no impact, he thought it was just an accident and left it alone.

Now kerosene appeared at the door again. Although the two had nothing in common before, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be suspicious.

Is this a coincidence or did someone do it on purpose?

However, she was just thinking about this now and had no intention of studying it in detail.

For now, picking up a teacher is the most important thing.

Zhang Yu got on his bicycle and rushed to the elementary school.

However, he remembered this incident in the end.

Zhang Yu came to the gate of the primary school and happened to meet a male teacher walking out. He asked casually and learned from him that Teacher Fang was correcting homework in the office.

Zhang Yu said thank you and then walked towards the office.

The original owner went to elementary school in this place. The environment here has hardly changed over the years, so he easily found Teacher Fang's office.

Looking through the glass window at Teacher Fang in the office who was correcting homework with his head down, Zhang Yu's eyelids suddenly jumped as he saw the dissatisfaction on his face, and then some "tragic" memories suddenly came into his mind.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! In Zhang Yu’s memory, Mr. Donkanfang was very kind to the children in the courtyard, and kept close to the courtyard children about anything good to eat or drink.

But if you ask the children in the courtyard who they are most afraid of, I estimate that more than 80% of the children will say Teacher Fang.

As for the reason, it is easy to understand.

Not to mention being a teacher, Teacher Fang has a natural intimidation effect on the children in the courtyard.

Just talking about Teacher Fang's temperament, he is good at everything, and he can't be more kind to the children. The children feel at ease around him, as if they can be forgiven for any big mistakes they make.

But there is only one thing, and that is learning.

For him, not studying hard is definitely a taboo.

For him who was born in a private school, his learning attitude must be straight.

So every time when faced with studying, Teacher Fang would transform into a ferocious beast.

In fact, to be honest, Teacher Fang has never physically punished a student, but compared to two spanks, Teacher Fang stands behind you and stares at you without blinking, watching you pick up the knowledge you have left behind.

The sense of oppression brought about by the child's completion is even more frightening to the children.

Especially for Teacher Fang, you are not stupid, how could you not learn?

The reason why you can't learn is because you didn't work hard, or you blame me for not teaching you well.

If you can't learn it in one try, learn it twice. If you can't learn it in two times, learn it three times. If you can't learn it in three times, learn it in four or five times. Anyway, he has plenty of energy and can master this knowledge by watching you personally.

This kind of invisible oppression and torture is even more uncomfortable.

But today's parents don't have a good heart. In their eyes, Teacher Fang is really doing good to their children by doing this. It's too late to thank him, so how can they object?

Therefore, when their children are noisy and refuse to learn, there is no need for Teacher Fang to take action personally. Parents will first beat the child, and then hand him over to Teacher Fang, and instruct him to let Fang know if his child is naughty.

The teacher should control and punish.

Zhang Yu was lucky enough to enjoy the private teaching of Teacher Fang when he was a child. That experience was a nightmare for him. It can be compared with the self-study class. You were secretly playing with your mobile phone, but the head teacher's voice suddenly appeared on the back door window.

The face is just as scary.

Zhang Yu shook his head, trying to get rid of those terrible fantasies in his mind.

He took two steps forward and knocked on the door twice.


Hearing Teacher Fang's voice, Zhang Yu pushed the door open and went in.

Seeing that it was Zhang Yu, Teacher Fang was a little surprised: "Xiaoyu, why are you here?"

Zhang Yu told Uncle Zhao that he was worried about him.

Teacher Fang shook his head when he said this: "I'm not a child. I don't know what my health is like. You, Uncle Zhao, just love to worry..."

Although he said this, from the corners of Teacher Fang's mouth that couldn't help but turn up, we could see that he was happy about being cared about.

Teacher Fang stretched out his hand and motioned to Zhang Yu to find a bench to sit on: "You sit down for a while, I will go back after correcting these homeworks."

After saying that, I put all my energy into correcting my homework.

Zhang Yu, who was sitting next to him, saw Teacher Fang frowning and muttering: "It seems like these little guys didn't do their homework well."

"This little guy is even more outrageous. He doesn't even know how to copy."

"This one is the same as his deskmate."

"This is the same. I didn't look at it when I copied it..."



Zhang Yu leaned over a little and looked at the two homework books picked out by Teacher Fang. When he saw the exact same names, he almost couldn't help it. I really don't blame Teacher Fang for being angry. Just copy the homework, but he actually put the name too.

Copied it.

Looking at nearly half of the homework that was picked out, Zhang Yu couldn't help but pray for the children in his class. He knew that he was studying under Teacher Fang, but he still dared to do this.

But I have to say, these kids are really silly and cute.

Compared to the next few he saw, the kid whose name was copied down was nothing.

Because Zhang Yu soon saw the "father" of the three children, the grandfather in a floral cotton-padded jacket, and the mother with a beard...

Zhang Yu almost laughed when he saw this, because he felt that it was not good to laugh in front of Teacher Fang, as it would make people mistakenly think that he was laughing at his students.

So Zhang Yu quietly left the office and found a place far away from the office and had a good laugh.

Then we just wandered around boredly for a while.

Walking to a blackboard and looking at the densely packed words on it, Zhang Yu became interested. Is there a blackboard report at this time?

Zhang Yu looked up and read the contents on the blackboard carefully, and then found that the contents above were somewhat familiar.

If you think about it carefully, isn't this what was in yesterday's newspaper?

Taking another closer look, Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown.

Who copied this? In the words of Teacher Fang, even if you don't know how to copy, there are one, two, three... nine, ten, ten typos in just one article.

Isn't this misleading children?

I lowered my head and looked around, and saw a piece of chalk in the corner.

Out of good intentions or out of boredom, Zhang Yu picked up the piece of chalk and corrected the typo on it.

After making the changes, he patted the chalk dust on his hands and returned to the office with satisfaction.

When he went back, Teacher Feng just finished correcting the last homework. Seeing him coming back, he said, "Xiaoyu, are you bored? I've finished correcting, let's go back."

Zhang Yu walked very easily here, but what he didn't know was that not long after he left with Teacher Fang, two people sneakily climbed over the wall and entered the school.

After the two people entered the school, they didn't do anything. They went directly to the blackboard newspaper.

One person took out a piece of paper and a pen from his pocket, and the other person looked up at the blackboard and read in a low voice: "Ten, night, eight, call, people, move, tie, money."

Looking at the content written on the paper, the first person was a little confused: "Brother, what does this mean?"

The man who was called Big Brother glanced at him and said with unusual confidence: "It's so simple, don't you understand? This is to inform us that we must gather the best people and start taking action at 8pm on the 10th."

The first person looked at the eldest brother with admiration and praised: "Brother, you are still smart, but what does the money mean?"

The eldest brother was very proud of being praised by his younger brother, but when he heard the question asked by his younger brother, he couldn't help but hesitate. In order to maintain his style as the boss, he explained bravely: "These two words are indistinguishable at first glance.

Tell us to kidnap people and ask them to pay a ransom."

The more the boss talks, the more he feels that he understands it correctly, and the more he talks, the more confident he becomes.

At the end, I did not forget to praise the person who delivered the news: "Sure enough, we are still loyal. This is because we know that we are not rich, so we found a way for our brothers to get money without delaying the task.


Yes, yes, this person is quite loyal.

When I find out who he is, I will definitely thank him."

When the boss said this, he had obviously thought of the good life after getting a large amount of money.

However, what he didn't know was that the man was planning to use typos to deliver a message to them, and these typos would be corrected the next morning.

However, by mistake, those typos were seen by Zhang Yu, and they were accidentally corrected by him.

The most important thing is that even Zhang Yu didn't know that the changed words could still be understood in this way.

This chapter has been completed!
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