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Chapter 76 It feels like a lifetime ago

The door leading to the balcony opened at some point, the evening breeze blew the curtains, and in the darkness, a pool of silver-white figures loomed.

"His Majesty?"

The silver-white figure made Maria's voice: "Are you okay?"

Even with Napoleon's determination, his palms could not help but tremble. Anyone who encounters such a strange situation will be scared, especially if you know that there are "ghosts" in this world.

"Your Majesty...why don't you answer me?"

The silver-white figure walked into the room and walked toward Napoleon sadly: "Don't you recognize me if I change my skin?"

"You..." Napoleon finally spoke: "Are you Maria?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am back."

The silver-white figure squirmed, growing into a beautiful and charming face, followed by a voluptuous body and a slender waist...

The black folding fan opened to cover the corners of her mouth, her eyes were charming and breathtaking, and the familiar feeling returned.

"You really are a devil."

Maria smiled: "Whether it's a devil or a human being, in the face of absolute interests, these are not important."

With that said, Maria took a step forward and came to the opposite side of the desk: "It has been two days since I returned to Paris. I know exactly what the Wisdom Cult did to your Majesty. I am very angry, Your Majesty."


Napoleon looked into her eyes and could not see a trace of anger.

"How dare they treat you like this!" Maria's pupils shrank and her voice trembled: "You are Napoleon Bonaparte! How dare Anatole, a little thief who steals the name of wisdom, disrespect you?!"

The strange familiar feeling came again, stronger than before.

Napoleon could always feel a strange sense of trust in Maria, as if they had known each other for many years and were already close.

But he and Maria had only known each other for two years, so how could they have the illusion that they had known each other for decades?

In the past, Napoleon just felt that he had been sleeping for too long, his memory was confused, and he would confuse Maria with other people. Now he knows the identity of Maria's devil...

"Chretien? Is that you?"

Napoleon asked cautiously.

"His Majesty."

Maria neither admitted nor denied: "Your glory should not be limited to this small palace. You should continue to lead the people of Paris to fight in all directions."

The familiar feeling became even stronger. Napoleon stood up and looked at Maria in disbelief: "Chretien?! You...you..."

Seeing that Napoleon was always struggling with his identity, Maria could only sigh: "Your Majesty, long time no see."

"Why are you here! Why are you a devil?!"

Napoleon felt that his memory was torn. Chretien de Chevalier was one of his most trusted generals half a century ago. Chrétien was by his side in the Battle of Waterloo, followed by Chretien.

Rhétien brought him back to Paris from the island...

After the collapse of the Hundred Days Dynasty, he died, and Chretien was also sent to the guillotine. Since then, the Chevalier family has declined rapidly, and in Maria's generation, she was the only one left.

Chretien is dead!

Who is standing in front of him?

Napoleon finally figured out where that strange familiar feeling came from.

Maria de Chevalier, every move, word and deed she makes carries the shadow of Chretien!

How could he not be familiar with it!

The most trusted general...the closest confidant...is actually a devil?

Napoleon took a step back with a pale face and fell into his chair, unable to accept the reality.

"Your Majesty, I know you well and know that you should not be a canary in a cage. You should fight back."

Maria said quickly: "You have not lost yet! You have the support of millions of Paris people! You have the Guards! As long as you give the order, the church will not dare to do anything to you!"

"As long as you are willing...I will also help you."

Napoleon laughed miserably: "Are you trying to persuade me to surrender to the ancient gods?"

"No, no! I didn't ask you to seek refuge with the ancient gods. I simply wanted you to resist instead of sitting in the palace feeling sorry for yourself."

Maria picked up the flag that had been knocked down when Napoleon slapped the table: "I will give you the greatest possible help."

"What's the price?"

"There is no price." Maria smiled slightly: "Consider it the end of my loyalty to you. My mission is about to end. Before the master calls me back, I am willing to do my best for Your Majesty!"

"After helping me, you are leaving?"

"My master, the Ancient God of Contract, Belial, is about to return. The day he comes to rule the world will be the day I leave."

Napoleon nodded without reservation or sadness. He was a little numb now and didn't know what to say.

The most trusted general was not dead, and he was happy for this.

The general he trusted the most was a devil, always lurking around him, and he felt sad about it.

Maria is back, but she has to leave sooner or later. Before she leaves, she has to put an end to her loyalty so that everyone can get together...

Chretien is still going to die.

He is still lonely.

"Your Majesty, do you have a plan?"


Napoleon glanced at Caesar's autographed letter on the table and said: "It's still the same as before, looking for the Doomsday Party, obtaining experimental data on alchemical technology, and starting research."

"You should understand that the church will not allow you to conduct relevant research."

"So I need a trustworthy subordinate to disguise himself as a doomsday party and conduct research on alchemical technology." Napoleon looked at Maria and said, "You can no longer appear in London as Maria de Chevalier.

Let’s change my identity.”

“Would you like me to supervise research?”

"I hope you can help me get experimental data on alchemy technology."

Maria nodded: "I understand, Your Majesty."

When Maria returned to the balcony and was about to leave, Napoleon suddenly asked: "Were you the devil who used magic to sacrifice the residents of the slums that day?"

Maria paused and did not look back: "In my whole life, I have only been loyal to Belial and you. I don't care about others."

She was gone, and Napoleon didn't know her devil's name.

As a demon, she was loyal to Belial, the ancient god of contract, but when she was Maria Chretien, she was loyal to him, Napoleon Bonaparte!

Standing on the balcony, feeling the cool evening breeze, Napoleon finally made a decision.

Returning to the room, he rang the bell.

Jingle Bell--


The maid walked into the room and asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"I want to see Anatole and tell him that I figured it out."


The maid turned and left, and within twenty minutes, Anatole appeared in the room.

"You figured it out?"


"Very good." Anatole nodded with a smile: "This is the choice of a wise man. As long as you are willing to obey the church and lower your proud head, I guarantee that you will be the emperor of the empire."

"You executed my ministers in the name of heresy. Even if I compromise with you, so what? The kingdom's affairs need to be handled and the public order needs to be maintained. Does the church have to cross the kingdom and have direct contact with the people?"

"Execute the ministers around you because they have an affair with the Doomsday Party and the Ancient God!"

Anatole snorted coldly: "Do you think I am deliberately targeting you? Maria de Chevalier is someone you rely on! The result? She is a devil! She is a spy planted by the ancient gods in the Apocalypse God System!

If it weren’t for her, how could Nereida’s plan fail?”


"At first I also suspected that you were having an affair with the ancient gods, but then I thought about it. It was my decision to resurrect you and it had nothing to do with the ancient gods. You have the support of the Wisdom Divine Religion and you have no reason to seek refuge with them." Anatole said.

He waved his hand and said: "From now on, you will be responsible for the affairs of the kingdom. You can continue to be your king and make the people feel at ease. Don't interfere with other matters."


Anatole left, removing the knights who had blocked the Champs Elysées and lifting Napoleon's house arrest.

Even if there are people watching his every move secretly, it is still better than restricting personal freedom in the open.

After regaining his freedom, Napoleon began to promote ministers again. With countless supporters, he did not worry about losing loyalists. As long as he was still there, everything was fine.

The kingdom has resumed normal operations. The king is still the king, and the church is still the church. Only a few headless corpses buried in the cemetery on the outskirts of the city tell the story of the trial that took place in the past few days.

Half a month later, Napoleon was handling official business as usual. When he was looking through documents, the door was pushed open, and a maid walked into the room carrying cut fruit and came to Napoleon's side.

Napoleon didn't look up at first, but the maid put down the fruit and didn't leave, which caught his attention.

"Your Majesty, it's me, Maria."

"...You're back, how's it going?"

"I got a piece of information on alchemy technology." Maria took out a stack of documents from her sleeve: "This is part of it, and I hid the other part."

After flipping through it twice and confirming that it was correct, Napoleon said with some surprise: "Where did you find it? I've been looking for it for months and I still have no clue!"

Maria smiled slightly: "I asked a few friends to help me, they are in the Aztec Empire."


Taking the information, Napoleon stood up excitedly, walked around the room three times, and said thoughtfully: "There are spies watching me outside the palace. I can't go there in person, but I have a manor outside the city, and the man who guards the manor is my former housekeeper.

Descendants, you can trust me. In addition, I will assign you a few more people, and you can go to the manor to start research."

"Where are the researchers?"

"The Paris Academy of Sciences is Anatole's spy. If many people go missing, it will definitely attract the attention of the church. I will write to Caesar and ask him to send some researchers from the Roman Republic to carry out joint research."

Caesar had people but no information, and Napoleon had information but no people. They all hit it off and got the best of both worlds.

The only problem was that after Caesar received the letter, he asked Napoleon to move the institute to the border area between the Roman Republic and Bonaparte's First Empire on the grounds that it would facilitate the transportation of research materials.

Alchemy technology requires the use of the corpses of extraordinary creatures, and gladiatorial arenas were popular in the Roman Republic, where casualties often occurred. The corpses of extraordinary creatures were either turned into raw materials for potions or discarded, so they came in handy.

This request was reasonable and Napoleon did not refuse and asked Maria to take the information to the southern border of the empire to join Caesar's researchers.

In late December, Mosk.



Amid the high-pitched whistle, a warship slowly docked. The dock was filled with snow, ice crystals were floating in the air, and soldiers were working in cotton clothes. This is the ice-free port of Crimea, the largest port in the western part of the Romanov Kingdom.

Holmes was wearing a cotton hat, and the tip of his nose was red from the cold. As soon as he stepped off the boat, a group of Aurora Commissioners in black coats came up to him:

"Mr. Holmes, welcome to Crimea. I am the High Commissioner of the Second Aurora Investigation Bureau stationed in the Crimean port, Jeremy Duma."

"Hello, Duma Commissioner."

Shaking hands with him, Holmes looked around: "I want to see Father Marvey."

"plz follow me."

Under the escort of the Aurora Society, Holmes arrived at the largest watchtower in the port. This is the headquarters of the Aurora Society and is tightly guarded.

Deep in the station, there is a small room. The room is very empty, except for two magic arrays that are slowly moving. From time to time, people appear, and from time to time, people stand on the magic arrays and leave.

"This is the teleportation magic circle. Mr. Holmes, please stand on the right side. That is the A-side magic circle leading to Mosk. The left side is the B-side magic circle responsible for receiving."

Following Jeremy's guidance, Holmes climbed onto the magic circle on the right. After standing still, the commissioner on the side began to pour in magic power. When the magic power reached the critical point...


The scene in front of me flashed, it was still a dark room, but the noise was louder than before, and the air was very turbid and stuffy.

There is still a magic circle under your feet, but the patterns are slightly different. There are hundreds of similar teleportation magic circles in the huge room. There are people around, some holding briefcases, and others carrying boxes full of magic potions.

In a hurry....

"Mr. Holmes, welcome to Mosk."

Directly in front, a man in a suit and leather shoes stretched out his right hand and said with a smile: "I am Maury Price, deputy director of the Aurora Society Investigation Bureau."


As if he had not yet recovered from the surrounding environment, Holmes followed Deputy Director Mori out of the room and found that they were on the outskirts of Mosk. This place, which was originally a wilderness, had been turned into a long-term transit station by the Aurora Society.

Not only railways were built, but also roads were laid.

"All personnel from the local area must be transferred here." Morrie said: "They must be inspected before entering the city. This is to protect the safety of the Archpope and the others. Of course, Mr. Holmes, you do not need to be inspected."

Holmes looked at Mosk, who had undergone earth-shaking changes after not seeing him for a few months, and felt as if he was in a different world.


"Inspection is necessary. What if I am an enemy in disguise?"

Holmes declined Morrie's kindness: "I will not use my privileges to embarrass you, Deputy Director. There must be due inspections, no matter what his status is."

Morrie was stunned for a moment, then smiled, raised his hand, and summoned a commissioner with a briefcase, who took out a tuning fork and a small silver ball to inspect.

After confirming that it is correct,

"Mr. Holmes, let's go. The Pope has been waiting for you for a long time."

This chapter has been completed!
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