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Chapter 77 Doomsday Party List, Awakening Levin



Morrie took Holmes on a strange vehicle with a rectangular body and several wheels embedded in the tracks on the ground. It ran in a specific direction. When it started, the front of the vehicle made a muffled sound, like a small train.

Holmes was very interested in this little train and kept observing it. Morrie, who saw all this in his eyes, smiled and said: "This is the latest city train developed by the latest Academy of Sciences. It only runs within the city. Mosk has basically completed the laying of the train."


"What's the principle? A steam engine?"

"It's a combination of an internal combustion engine and an electric motor." Morrie said, "I don't know much about the specifics. I just know that using train tracks can solve the turning problem."

Holmes understood at once that before he left London and went to the Aztec Empire, Daniel and the group of scientists had developed an internal combustion engine and installed it on the carriage.

Since the problem of four-wheel turning cannot be solved for the time being, the research on internal combustion engines has reached a bottleneck. However, as the saying goes, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Daniel found another way and thought that he could imitate the operation mode of the train.

The biggest advantage of the internal combustion engine over the steam engine is its convenience. The machine is small and can be mounted on a small vehicle. The church happened to be busy building roads, so Daniel thought of laying tracks.

Just imitate the train and you can make the internal combustion engine run in the city. After all, there are only a few streets in the city. If the Kingdom of Windsor can move the train underground, can't they move the train into the city?

After the initial pilot test, Daniel's idea was proven feasible, and the church immediately began laying tracks. The city train that Holmes took was only opened recently.

"The changes are really huge."

After listening to Morrie's introduction, Holmes couldn't help but sigh: "I have only been away for a few months, and I already don't recognize Mosk..."

"Who says it's not?" Morrie also felt deeply about this: "Two years ago, I was just a low-level worker. I earned a meager salary every day and watched the noble men eat and drink. I could only eat black bread. Now.

..The city train fare is only 5 cents! Anyone can afford it!”

Holmes nodded, "The priest is fulfilling his promise."

While talking, the city train arrived at Red Square and stopped at the entrance of the square.

After thanking Morrie, Holmes put on his briefcase, lowered the brim of his hat with a heather pipe in his mouth, walked quickly into St. Basil's Cathedral, and found Mavey in the bedroom upstairs.

There were many people in the room. In addition to Mavie and Yunia, there were also Helena, Dino and others, all of whom came to visit Levin. The atmosphere was serious, like a memorial service...

Although he was once hostile to Levine, Holmes had already put aside his past prejudices. He took off his hat and came to Mawei and asked: "How is the situation?"

"Come out and say it."

After leaving the room, Ma Wei threw a dried mint leaf into his mouth and explained Levin's situation: "The later he wakes up, the less optimistic the situation becomes. He is fighting his own thoughts, or maybe he doesn't want to wake up.


"Can you forcefully wake me up?"

"It's useless. You can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep. It's because he doesn't want to wake up, not because Asis doesn't want him to wake up."

Holmes was silent for a moment and changed the topic: "On the way back, I wrote down the information I saw, and it's all here."

Handing the briefcase to Ma Wei, Holmes continued: "According to my investigation, the alien gods have actually infiltrated into the Doomsday Party. This infiltration is subtle and very terrifying."

"Go on, be specific."

"The Aztecs are pseudo-human beings created by the gods to imitate humans. These pseudo-human beings are the same as us in appearance and internal structure, and can reproduce normally."

Holmes said: "The offspring of pseudo-humans and humans are hybrids. Such hybrids can receive the spirituality of the Creator and gifts from external gods at the same time! And once they are mixed, the results will be irreversible!"

Ma Wei frowned: "You mean, the Outer Gods sent the Aztecs here just to create a large number of hybrids?"

"This is the best way to evolve peacefully! Races are constantly merging! In the past, there were barriers between the land, and the integration between races was relatively slow. But now that transportation is so developed, international channels have opened, and races

The speed of fusion will also be accelerated!"

Holmes pointed to the briefcase in Ma Wei's hand and said: "The Aztecs appeared at the end of the Sacred Tree Era and the beginning of the Real Era, which happened to be the historical blank period when human ancestors migrated from the Sacred Tree to the land. Except for the Aztecs,

The Turks and other races in other areas should have been created by foreign gods."

The number of humans in the Age of the Ancient Gods was not very large, and they had been living a precarious life. They were harassed by extraordinary creatures, and the race could not develop at all.

After Asis landed on land, sealed the other two supreme ancient gods and fell into sleep together, humans moved to the alchemy tree left by Asis to live in order to avoid extraordinary creatures.

At the end of the Sacred Tree Age, humans plucked the fruits of the Alchemy Sacred Tree and created their own gods of faith. The first god of faith, Baji, was born. Under his leadership, humans successfully defeated the ancient gods and began to return to the land.

If the outer gods want to send the humans they created into the Kingdom of God, they certainly cannot choose the most dangerous era and the most united era for humans.

The real era of leaving the tribe and leading the people to explore other lands is the best time to plant spies.

At that time, humans did not have systematic kingdoms at all, just tribes and tribes.

"You said, besides the Aztecs, are there other areas where pseudo-humans exist?"

"In the Age of the Sacred Tree, human beings lived together. At this time, civilization spread. Whether it was stone tools or writing, they would blend with each other. Even if they migrated to other areas later, they would take what they learned with them."

Holmes looked serious and said word by word: "The pseudo-human beings created by the alien gods did not inherit these cultures. Their development speed was far slower than the human beings created by the Creator, and they formed an extremely primitive civilization."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is an extremely serious accusation.

Once Holmes's judgment is confirmed, it means that all backward primitive areas will be labeled as pseudo-human!

"In the era of the Great Migration of the real era, there were differences in civilization between tribes. But by the Golden Age, the Golden Gods had already spread civilization to all parts of the world. Even the Aztec Empire had a Golden Age.

ruins, it stands to reason that civilizations should have synchronized long ago!"

Holmes shook his head and his tone became more solemn: "On the contrary, the civilization spread in the Golden Age relied on alchemy and the Golden Law. When the Golden Gods were exiled, alchemy became taboo for a time, and the Odin pantheon did not allow alchemy.

With the development of technology, pseudo-human beings who lose this part of civilization will return to prehistoric times!"

"The only thing that pseudo-human beings can learn from the golden age is to establish their own country. Before sending them to this land, the alien gods taught them how to communicate with themselves. On the basis of all this, A

The ancient history of the Ztec Empire and Mayan civilization.”

"If you investigate carefully, Father, you will find that the culture of pseudo-human beings is very slightly different from that of ordinary humans. These clues are included in the inheritance, are continued imperceptibly, and are even engraved into the genes."

Ma Wei didn't say a word. The impact of this incident was too great, and it was simply not something he could handle!

There are countless primitive areas like the Aztec Empire, such as the residents of the Southern Continent, which were once colonies, and several countries have now joined the Northern Alliance. Although the leaders of these countries are all pure Windsors, the main race is still


Do we need to kill them all in order to fight against the alien gods?

This is simply unrealistic!

What's more, Holmes just said that humans after hybridization can still absorb the spirituality of the Creator and become believers in God.

They are humans!

The so-called pseudo-human beings are just a term used to distinguish the difference between outer gods and the Creator!

Seemingly seeing Ma Wei's difficulty, Holmes said: "This is an unsolvable problem. The outer gods have been coveting the power of the Creator for a long time. The only way to stop them is to become the Creator... I think other gods probably guessed it too."

It came to the plan of the Outer Gods, so they rushed back to fight for the authority of the Creator."

From the current point of view, the humans left behind by the outer gods seem to be nothing, and this is also the case. There is not much threat for the time being.

But as time goes by, international exchanges intensify, and the population begins to move, the number of mixed-race children will inevitably increase explosively!

By then....

Outer gods can bypass the endless darkness and steal the power of the Creator!

After a while, when the Creator's spirituality decreases, the endless darkness will become weaker, and the alien gods will be able to invade openly and devour everyone!

"I have recently been investigating the membership information of the Doomsday Party." Holmes said: "In order to find out the insider, the party leader handed me the list of senior members and entrusted me with the investigation."

Ma Wei was stunned for a moment: "He trusts you so much?"

"Perhaps he has no one else he can trust." Holmes smiled: "The internal situation of the Doomsday Party is really bad. It is like an ant's nest being emptied. Coupled with the joint sanctions of the Apocalypse God System and the Church of Truth, it has reached a point where

A precarious situation."

Six months after the Olympics ended and the agreement was signed, the Church of Truth and the Apocalypse Theology successively launched an investigation operation against the Doomsday Party members. The results were remarkable. Mosk alone had arrested dozens of Doomsday Party members. However, their level

Very low level, just the lowest level of staff, not much useful information at all.

These prisoners are all being held in Mosk Prison, and the Church of Truth is reforming them.

They are political prisoners, and the circumstances are not serious. According to the laws of the Romanov Kingdom, they only need to be imprisoned for a period of time and can regain their freedom after undergoing church reform.

What really surprised Mavey was that Holmes actually brought back a list of top executives of the Doomsday Party. It was in the briefcase. The importance of this document is self-evident. With it, arresting these top executives will be a piece of cake!

For a moment, Ma Wei felt that the party leader was deliberately using Holmes's hand to get rid of these senior leaders and conduct a major change of blood for the Doomsday Party...

Wait, this seems really possible...

"Dad! Dad! Uncle Levin is awake!"

Just when Mawei suspected the true purpose of the party leader, Yunia suddenly ran out of the room and tugged on his sleeve.

"woke up?!"

Ma Wei rushed into the room and saw Levin sitting on the bed, looking like he had just woken up from sleep, confused and had no idea what was going on.

"Brother, Helena, what are you... doing? By the way! Where's Seokula! We have to save Tilde!"

"They are fine, the problem has been solved."

Ma Wei walked to the window, stared into Levin's eyes for a long time, and suddenly asked: "What's your name?"

"Leven Berger!"

"Where is your father buried?"

"Brother, you are asking this...Clifden City, pit 45 in the suburban cemetery."

"Which county is it specifically?"

"County Galway!" Levin scratched his messy hair: "Brother, what happened to you? My father gave you a dream?"

Ma Wei narrowed his eyes: "I remember it so clearly... You must be faked by Ashis!"


Levin's eyes widened, and from the corner of his eye he saw several monks who were looking at him slowly approaching him, and he quickly shouted: "Don't do anything yet! Listen to me!"

The monk paused and looked at him warily.

"I did meet Asis, but I didn't reach an agreement with Him!" Levin said quickly: "He wants me to hand over my body to Him, which is definitely not possible! I haven't said goodbye to my eldest brother yet.

!Can’t die yet!”

Neither the panicked tone nor the frightened eyes were fake, and Levine spoke Windsor with a slight West Island accent, which he couldn't pronounce even with a flat tongue...

I was right.

"Then let me ask you one last question. If you answer it correctly, you will be cleared of suspicion."

"Ask! I won't refuse anyone who comes!"

"Helena, Tiffany or Gina, who do you like more?"


Hearing this question, Helena immediately raised her head, pricked up her ears, and assumed a posture of listening carefully, and by the way, she exuded bursts of...

murderous look.

Sensing the unkind and slightly warning gaze beside him, Levin's face became stern and he suddenly changed his tone: "I am Asis, yes, you have seen through this, kill me!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room immediately relaxed, and everyone smiled, without the previous tension.

It's definitely me.

"You just said that Asis wants your body. What's going on?"

"Well... I went to a very dark place. I'm not sure if it was endless darkness, but I couldn't see anything."

Levin thought deeply and said: "Just when I was looking for an exit, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in my ears. It was very familiar, but also strange. I was sure I had never heard this voice before, but it still felt very familiar.


"That voice made me relax, accept His gifts, and merge with His consciousness. The most terrifying thing is that I really felt that something was invading my brain. I concentrated on fighting against it. I don't know how long it took.

The woman sighed and left."

"Then what?"

"Then i woke up."

This chapter has been completed!
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