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Chapter 81 Gallon Cannon, the birth of the baby dragon

Crack... crackle....

The red carbon fire exploded in the furnace, accompanied by the snoring of the night watchman one after another. The furnace, whose temperature was always maintained at around 500 degrees Celsius, seemed extremely calm. Even the night watchman did not find anything strange.

The dragon egg hatched for half a year, with no sign of breaking out of the shell. It is normal for the night watchman to be lax, not to mention the recent shortage of manpower. A large number of black tides have broken out all over the world. The church and the kingdom's army are exhausted, running between cities.

I heard that even the Pope hasn't had a good rest for a long time...

There is good news. The alchemy technology has been assembled in half a year. As long as the alchemy warriors appear on the battlefield, the incoming black tide will no longer be a big threat. At the same time, the church has also developed a new type of weapon. It is said that

He is a guy even more powerful than Black Sun.


The snoring stopped for a moment, and the night watchman in his sleep seemed to hear some strange sound, which was very clear and crisp, like the collision of metal and metal.


There was another crisp sound.

The night watchman opened his eyes in a daze, lifted the oil lamp, and looked for the source of the strange noise.

After walking around the room, he didn't find anything strange.

Just as he was muttering and getting ready to go back to sleep...


The voice came again.

This time, the night watchman heard it really clearly. He turned to look at the furnace. He didn't even have time to take the oil lamp. He quickly stepped forward and opened the furnace cover. He ignored the heat wave that hit him and looked with wide eyes...

I saw that the dragon egg, which had been quiet in the furnace for half a year, had several cracks on its surface and was shaking slightly, as if something was about to come out.

"It's time to give birth! It's time to give birth!"

The night watchman jumped up excitedly and turned around twice before remembering to inform Ma Wei. He hurriedly rushed out of the furnace room, ran back halfway, and closed the open furnace lid, so as to save the time he left.

The hatched baby dragon crawled out and ran away.


Southwest of Mosk, there is a mountain called Sparrow, 220 meters above sea level, with the Mosk River at its feet, overlooking the entire Mosk.

Earthworks are being carried out here, and the entire mountain peak has been hollowed out and turned into a giant fortress. Precious mithril is being poured into it as if it costs nothing, and it is being reinforced like crazy.

The fortress is a building built to resist the impact of the Kuroshio. In addition to the unfinished city wall, there is also a huge cannon in the castle in the center of the fortress that is beyond imagination. The barrel of the cannon alone is close to the radius of the fortress.

Galleon Cannon.

The magical heavy artillery proposed by Bist Gallon is also one of the church's largest projects in recent months.

The Garleon Cannon has no fancy special effects, nor does it fire gunpowder, but pure magic power.

Inspired by the Er stone box that can store magic power, half a year ago, Professor Bister Gallon, who is responsible for researching magic structures, approached Mawei and proposed the idea of ​​a giant cannon. The principle is very simple...

Alchemy technology can extract magic power from dead extraordinary creatures and store it in Er stone boxes. Each wave of black tide attacks can bring many corpses of extraordinary creatures. However, magic and magic do not coexist. Gods cannot use or absorb alchemy.

The magic power extracted by technology can only be used by beings like humans who do not produce magic power themselves.

In this case...

Why not store this magic power, use the cooperation between the magic arrays to continuously squeeze and pressurize it, increase the speed of the magic particles, and then release it all at once?

This idea was confirmed. Bist Gallon first made a normal-sized cannon, and successfully released the magic power by assembling a magic array. The power was reasonable, but in theory there is no upper limit to the Gallon cannon!

The more magic power is stored, the more terrifying the power of the Garleon Cannon. The premise is that the material strength can withstand the expansion of the magic power burst. Mithril is the best material, and there is currently no upper limit found.

As a pilot, Mawei allowed Bister Gallon to build a cannon in Sparrow Mountain. He had originally planned to build a fortress near Mosk in case of emergency. Even if the Gallon cannon did not meet expectations, it would still be possible.

Use Siren's Tears to quickly dismantle it.

As for the cost, although the price of building a Galleon cannon is astronomical, Ma Wei is willing to pay for it, and the church can fully afford the money.

The constant black tide has allowed the church to obtain countless potion materials, which are sold all over the world. Just from the handling fees and sales commissions, the church makes a lot of money...

More importantly, it was Bister Gallon's words that moved Ma Wei.

According to his estimation, as long as the magic power is enough, the Gallon Cannon can even kill gods!

The gods mentioned here are not demon gods like ordinary leaders of extraordinary creatures, but gods who have awakened for the second or even third time!

But this is an ideal situation. First of all, the Galleon cannon is too bulky, takes too long to charge, and is powerful enough. But it is not a piece of wood without legs. Who would take a shot from you head-on?

What interests Ma Wei is the effect of the Gallon Cannon on the Black Tide.

If God can hide, can the Kuroshio also hide?

The black tide composed of countless extraordinary creatures is simply a living target for the Garleon cannon!

Late at night, Ma Wei, who had just inspected the Sparrow Mountain Fortress, took a carriage down the mountain. In order to prevent the enemy from using magic arrays to directly enter the fortress, the Sparrow Mountain Fortress would not install a teleportation magic array, and would only enter and exit using the most primitive method. Only the transfer station at the foot of the mountain would be installed.

Teleportation magic.

Baji no longer rewrites his destiny, but what he did before can no longer be reversed. Although the Kavar Khanate did not appear, many extraordinary creatures such as dragons that should have died have indeed revived.

I don’t know whether it’s because the seals were being unlocked bit by bit or because Baji rewrote history. The black tides that attacked the city continued one after another. Many of them were the descendants of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods. One batch died and another batch was created...

I want to build the fortress and the Galleon cannon once and for all. I have been running around for half a year. Even if Ma Wei can bear it, the Aurora Society and the demon hunters will soon be unable to bear it. His body will be fine, but his mind will collapse!

Fortunately, the city has not been affected too much. The Church of Truth, which has gradually improved its theology, is more than enough to deal with the black tide. If it is tired, it will not be defeated.

The carriage drove down the mountain road surrounding the fortress and arrived at the transfer station at the foot of the mountain. As soon as it got off the carriage, Levin hurriedly greeted him: "Brother, I just received news that the dragon eggs are about to hatch."

"I almost forgot about it..."

After thinking for a while, Mawei immediately remembered the dragon egg and immediately activated the teleportation magic circle to return to Mosk and arrived at the breeding room.

Because there had been no movement for half a year, Ma Wei had long forgotten the dragon egg. If Levin hadn't reminded him, he probably still wouldn't have been able to remember it.

The night watchman opened the furnace lid, and Ma Wei lowered his head and looked into the furnace. He found that the surface of the dragon egg was full of cracks, and the shaking became more violent. The baby dragon would break out of the shell at any time.

"Take it out."


The night watchman took a round-headed iron fork, clamped the bottom of the dragon egg, and carefully lifted it out of the furnace and placed it on the open ground.


It was as if the baby dragon was hitting the eggshell with its head. The egg suddenly fell over and rolled around on the ground. Seeing this, Levin said: "It seems like it can't come out... Is it difficult to give birth? Brother, why don't we give it to it?"

Knock it open?”

"Don't worry, let's take a look."

Ma Wei stared at the dragon egg intently. Until ten minutes passed, the baby dragon still failed to push open the eggshell and rolled around on the ground, as if it was breaking a jar.


"Okay! Bring the hammer!"

Levin rolled up his sleeves and picked up the hammer himself, ready to help the young dragon breathe, but Ma Wei stopped him with a strange expression: "You..."

"What's wrong, brother? Do you think the hammer is too small?"

"You want to smash it to death? Bring a basin of cold water over here!"

Soon, a large basin of cold water was brought up. The surface temperature of the dragon egg was still very high, at least several hundred degrees. I carefully picked it up with an iron fork and threw it directly into the cold water.

Chi chi chi....



The cold water boiled quickly, but then the eggshell broke open and a red faucet poked out.

The young dragon screamed, pushed open the hole with force, crawled out covered with mucus, and lay on the ground gasping for breath. It had spent a lot of energy just trying to break the shell.

When breathing, there was a faint flame coming out of the nostrils, and the eyes were covered with a white film. As if sensing the breath of Ma Wei and others, the young dragon gave a feeble cry.

"Brother, it seems to be stunted... Isn't it a disabled dragon?"

Perhaps this spiny fire young dragon is really born with deficiencies. It is skinny and only the size of a palm. It is much worse than the giant dragon Ma Wei has seen in the past six months...

Without waiting for Ma Wei to speak, Yunia bent down and held the baby dragon in her arms. She didn't care if her skirt was stained by mucus. The baby dragon curled up and its nervousness calmed down a little.

Back at St. Basil's Cathedral, Katerina also rushed over after hearing that the young dragon had broken out of its shell.

The palm-sized baby dragon was huddled in the basket. Its whole body was red, its scales had not yet grown, and even its claws were soft. It was chirping non-stop, and it was probably hungry.

Dragons are omnivores and can eat anything. Considering that the young dragon was born with a weak constitution, Ma Wei had someone cook a pot of meat porridge.

Rice is dragon blood refined rice cultivated from farmland watered with dragon blood.

Meat is the sacred meat of Assis.

This pot of meat porridge is not ordinary. Just by smelling the aroma, the baby dragon raised its head and screamed for food.

"Father, what's its name?" Katerina touched the baby dragon's head and asked suddenly.

Although the dragon egg was a personal gift from the ancient god to Ma Wei, Ma Wei had no intention of keeping it as his own.

Instead of making a name for yourself, it is better to give the opportunity to Yunia.

In the "Book of Truth" written by Ma Wei himself, there is a mention of an evil dragon. The evil dragon's name is Fati, and he is a male dragon. The young dragon hatched from the dragon egg is a female dragon...

"Yunia, what do you want to name it?"

"Shall I choose the name?"

Yunia's eyes lit up, she stroked the young dragon that was engrossed in eating and began to think.

"My bear's name is Pearson, let's call her Belinda!"

The Book of Truth mentions Pearson, a farmer whom the Goddess of Truth met when she was slaying the evil dragon. The man told him a path that allowed the Goddess of Truth in the book to get behind the evil dragon and deliver a fatal blow.

As for Belinda, it is the name of the princess kidnapped by the evil dragon.

Originally, Katerina wanted to keep two dragons as pets, but now that she saw how much Yunia loved Belinda, she was too embarrassed to speak. Mavi, who saw her thoughts, said: "The church has already taken control of the dragon's habitat.

We will launch a raid soon, and if we capture something, we will give it to His Majesty as a gift."

The power of dragons is indeed beyond imagination. An adult dragon is at least as powerful as a god who has awakened once. A slightly more powerful one can even reach the level of a second awakening.

If they are the best among the dragons, such as the blue gold dragon and the black dragon, which are also considered powerful dragon races, their leaders can even reach the point of awakening three times.

I think back then, the most powerful black dragon Nidhogg was second only to the Lord God and was Belial's most powerful helper. However, in the end, Asis cooperated with humans to get rid of him, along with the Frost Giants.

From a practical point of view, humans only know how powerful the black dragon Nidhogg is, but they have never fought against him, and have only come into contact with his descendants.

Ma Wei seriously suspected that the reason why Belial and Arabi could not defeat Asis was because they gave too much power to the extraordinary creatures below. Creating a powerful race requires paying a price. On the other hand, Asis

, the sea people, whale people, and Haigma tribe he created are all weak, and they need the weapons he left behind to control the water tribe.

Regardless of the help of external objects, the most powerful whale Ancestor Sesida's strength is only at the level of an awakening. Compared with the black dragon Nidhogg, who is second only to Belial, he is not even qualified to compete in Taiwan.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. There are very few extraordinary creatures who follow Asis, but there are many enemies. They are all over the world. Just point on the map and there are existences that hate him...

There is nothing wrong with this situation. Who told Him not to work hard to create dependents?

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Katerina left the church, and before leaving, she invited Mavey to attend the completion ceremony of the fortress next month.

The meat porridge supplemented enough nutrition for the young dragon, and its body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. After only one week, it was almost as tall as Yunia. The white film covering its eyes also began to fade away. It was very lively and often followed

Running behind Yunia, her unspread wings trembled.

Dragons are one of the most powerful extraordinary creatures. All the cats were scared when they saw them. Only Fat Orange ignored Belinda. Out of curiosity, Belida stepped forward and pushed Fat Orange on the butt.

Fat Orange turned around and scratched Belinda's face with three red marks.


Belinda covered her face, screamed and hid behind Yunia, looking at Fat Orange in fear. She didn't understand why other cats were trembling in fear when they saw her, so Fat Orange was acting uncharacteristically.

Only those who are familiar with Fat Orange know that Fat Orange has the character of being the boss and the second child. It does not deliberately bully Belinda, but just teaches it the rules.

Cat rules.

"Don't cry, Belinda, let's go!"

Yunia hugged the stuffed bear, comforted the whimpering red dragon, and said to Ma Wei who was sitting at the desk: "Dad, let's go out to play!"

"Well, please be safe."

Yunia ran out of the room with Belinda and passed by Christopher.

"Father, Buggy is here."

"At last...let Him in."

This chapter has been completed!
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