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Chapter 82 Kelowna, Black Tide

"I heard that you recently wanted to recall Merlin and the others?"

In the living room, Ma Wei looked at the red-haired man sitting opposite and asked.

Badji's true appearance was somewhat beyond his expectation. He was not a handsome man. His skin was wheat-colored and very similar to the residents living in the Jerusalem area. However, his hair was red and his beard was also red, giving him a somewhat sinister look.

"Recalling Merlin and the others is what I must do." Buggy said in a deep voice: "If you want to become the Creator, you must inherit everything left by the Creator. Merlin and the others are gods of faith who were born in the Creator system.

Even if they become creators, they are not as powerful as the original creators."

Ma Wei's face looked a little strange: "So... you want to recall them as victims?"


Buggy smiled, his smile a little cruel and joking: "Who is not a victim? Rokin, Edward, Selina... They are all victims, sacrifices for the birth of the new creator! The goddess of fate, Luca


"You have to understand that this world was born because the Creator died. If you want to become a new Creator, you are destined to kill everything that exists!"

"Is everyone going to die?"

"When I say death, I mean death in a power level, not in a physical sense."

"The Odin pantheon is also a god of faith who has inherited the power of the Creator. Will they also return?"

Baggi thought about it and said: "I don't know much about the situation on Odin's side, but if you want to become the new creator, you really need to get their power. I have always been curious about the reason why they have not returned for so long. Didn't they stay?"

The so-called backhand?"

Ragnarok was proposed by Odin.

According to him, it was the nightmare of the gods and the end of the gods, so he began to prepare for the war early and waited for the end to come.

Whether this doomsday refers to the demise of the Odin pantheon or the birth of a new creator, no one knows, and perhaps only Odin understands its meaning.

"Recently, the Apocalypse God System has also been busy fighting against the Black Tide and has too much time to take care of itself." Ba Ji said.

"You still have the nerve to say it?"

Ma Wei glanced at Buggy and said angrily: "This is all thanks to you. If it weren't for you, how could the dragons have recovered?"

"I won't take the blame for this. Even if there are no dragons, the ancient god can still call on other relatives to form a black tide to attack human cities!"

"I didn't call you here to hear what you said." Ma Wei waved his hand and changed the topic: "There are not many white candles left to help you summon Merlin and the others to return. What are your plans?"

"Merlin has developed a magic circle to leave the Kingdom of God. As long as I respond, they can find the direction to return. After returning, they can summon the Kingdom of God and bypass the White Candle."

Buggy smiled confidently: "Don't underestimate Merlin, he is the ancestor of wizards! By the way, lend me the Thousand-Change Mask."

"Okay, remember to return it to me when you're done."

The Thousand-Change Mask is one of the top sacred objects. Ma Wei heard from Buggy that the owner of the Thousand-Change Mask is a member of the real god system. The owner is very mysterious and unwilling to reveal his identity. He has a pretty good relationship with Buggy...


When Buggy borrowed the Thousand-Change Mask, it was most likely to recall him. There is no reason to disagree.

July 22.

Levin, Tilde, and Luca led the Aurora Order to raid the Dragon Valley located in the northern border of the Kingdom of Manitoba, killing five adult dragons and three baby dragons. One of them, an old dragon, was seriously injured and escaped...

This Dragon Valley can be said to be a nail driven into the flesh of the Church of Truth. In the past six months, it has hurt countless people and even destroyed three churches. Now that the great revenge has been avenged, it really makes people feel depressed.

What's even more exciting is that Levin found two dragon eggs in the valley!

Dragons have a very strong sense of territory. When they know they are outmatched, they would rather destroy the dragon eggs with their own hands than let the eggs fall into human hands. This time it was because Levin and others captured several adult evil dragons.

While looking for food in the nest, he killed the two evil dragons guarding the house with lightning speed, then laid an ambush and killed all the evil dragons in one fell swoop.

Although the old dragon with the most sensitive sense of smell and the most experience escaped, the two dragon eggs were enough to make up for any regrets.

As promised, Ma Wei gave the ownership of one of the dragon eggs to Katerina, and she only needed to lend it to the church to breed heirs when she became an adult.

But what no one expected was that just half a month later, an unprecedented black tide hit the northern part of the Kingdom of Manitoba. Its quantity was so huge that it even exceeded the intensity of the original attack on London!

When Mawei received the news, the Kuroshio had already attacked several villages and towns, leaving no one alive. The next target of the Kuroshio was Kelowna, a city in northern Manitoba...

This was undoubtedly an act of revenge carried out by the forces of the ancient gods, and it also incurred the wrath of the church.

"Too arrogant! Making trouble on our territory! We must fight back immediately!"

"You're right! The church must not sit idly by! Let's go to war! Let's go to war!"

At the high-level meeting, the bishops were filled with indignation and unanimously expressed their intention to go to war with the ancient gods.

"Currently, the Church has not yet grasped the source of the Black Tide outbreak, and has not even identified the hiding place of the ancient god's forces, so it cannot start a war with it."

Ma Wei said quietly: "I infer that the ancient gods are hiding in the United States of America. If you are willing, the Church of Truth can launch a holy war."


When they heard the name of the United States of Citi, everyone looked at each other and stopped shouting for war as before.

In the past six months, if the place has been least affected by the Kuroshio, it must be the Western Continent.

For some reason, the number and intensity of the Kuroshio that broke out in the Western Continent was the smallest, and the United States of America suffered the smallest losses. The one most affected by the Kuroshio was the Central Continent. Kuroshio broke out almost every day, leaving the church exhausted.

Both the Apocalypse Theology and the Church of Truth have had enough.

But no one can use the number of black tides to determine who the murderer is, let alone use it as evidence to suspect that the United States of America is the hiding place of the ancient gods, even if this is true.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The United States of Citi has complex forces. It is nominally an area controlled by the Apocalypse Theology. The Church of Truth has no say. Declaring war on it is declaring war on the Apocalypse Theology.

After all, no one would have the confidence to declare war on the Apocalypse God System.

Finally, the Church of Truth sent Levin, Tilde and others to lead the Aurora Society to support the Kingdom of Manitoba and help it resist the Black Tide.

August 10, Kelowna.

In the suburbs, Mayor Toler wiped his sweat with a handkerchief. It was not heat, but nervousness.

The ground shook like thunderous war drums, and in the distance, a black tide composed of extraordinary creatures was heading towards Kelowna. There was no end as far as the eye could see, and there were at least hundreds of thousands of them.

The only ones blocking the black tide are two hundred Aurora Society commissioners and five hundred fully armed alchemy warriors.

In front of the Kuroshio, these manpower is obviously not enough...

"Mayor Toler, don't worry, he is very angry."

Levin patted the mayor on the shoulder and told him to calm down: "The Church of Truth has always adhered to the truth of eye for eye and tooth for tooth. If you are good to me, I will be good to you. If you are not good to me, I will let you go."

Pay the price...this group of black tides are no exception."



As the Kuroshio approaches, the tremors on the ground become more intense. Looking at the Kuroshio, which is less than a few kilometers away from him, Mayor Toller trembles and says: "Le...Archbishop Levin, can you really stop the Kuroshio?"

?Doesn’t I need to evacuate residents?”

Levin slowly shook his head. It was also at this time that the Aurora Society commissioners carried out heavy boxes one after another. After opening them, there were densely packed silver rings inside.

"The intensity of the Kuroshio this time is too high. On the premise of ensuring the safety of residents to a limited extent, the church decided to give up collecting potion materials and use the Black Sun to deal with it and give the Kuroshio a head-on blow."

There are hundreds of thousands of extraordinary creatures, and the amount of potion materials that can be collected is absolutely astronomical. These are all wealth, but...

No matter how precious it is, it is not as important as the life of a believer.

This is an unshakable basic condition.

For this reason, countless Black Sun rings made of mithril were sent to the front line, vowing to give the Kuroshio a head-on blow, and at the same time tell the ancient gods that the Church of Truth is not afraid of challenges!

Mayor Toler obviously didn't know the power of the Black Sun. He only saw that each member of the Aurora Society was assigned a dozen rings, and the alchemy warriors spread out to block the only path of the Black Tide.


Levin gave an order, and the Aurora Society commissioners summoned Pegasus to descend, flew high into the sky, and came to the top of the black tide.

The magic power came in, the ring made of mithril melted instantly, and the bright sun was instantly covered with a layer of black light...


The commissioners activated the Heart of the Jungle to escape the scene, went to the next location, and continued to activate the Black Sun.

Feeling the pressure of the black sun, the forward speed of the black tide slowed down a lot unconsciously. Many extraordinary creatures raised their heads and looked at the sun emitting black light above their heads in horror. The instinct from the depths of their souls made them sprout.

The thought of running away.

It's too late!

Once the black tide starts, it cannot be stopped by an individual. The extraordinary creatures behind push the extraordinary creatures in front forward. If they fall behind, they will be knocked over and trampled to pieces!

Dark blue flames suddenly rose, and all the extraordinary creatures that entered the realm of the black sun began to turn into powder from their heads that were first illuminated by the sun. When the upper body turned into powder and dissipated, the lower body had not stopped running...

Not only the extraordinary creatures, but also the ground beneath their feet was marked with death, turning into propertyless dead soil under the influence of the black sun.

The magic ring made of mithril is more powerful than gold and has a wider range. Thousands of black suns are activated at the same time, and a large area of ​​land north of Kelowna is shrouded and airtight...

Only a few extraordinary creatures managed to escape, but were immediately killed by the alchemist warriors on the spot.

When the black sun stops, everything falls into deathly silence.

The black tide disappeared, and together with hundreds of thousands of extraordinary creatures, turned into fluffy dead soil, vegetation, land, farmland, rocks, and the two-hundred-meter-high mountain...

All gone.

Mayor Toller stared at this scene blankly, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

Kuroshio stopped it, he should laugh.

But the losses are also heavy!

Dozens of kilometers of land! All gone!

"why are you crying?"

Levin glared at Mayor Toller, took out the Siren's Tears, and began to mobilize the surrounding land to fill the holes left by the black sun.

After continuous plowing, the land took on a new look and turned into dark soil, which is very fertile.

It means that the ground surface has sunk half a meter...

"This this..."

Mayor Toler opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

He bent down and grabbed a handful of dirt, and his frustration was replaced by surprise.

The evacuated land is simply the best farming area!

If handled properly, Kelowna may become the largest farming belt in the Kingdom of Manitoba!

"No more crying, no more crying!"

Mayor Toller wiped his face and smiled from ear to ear: "Archbishop Levine is so awesome...ah!"

A scorpion tail emerged from the ground and pierced Levin's chest. This sudden change shocked everyone.

No breath, no sign...

Tilde didn't notice it either!

The next second, Scorpion Tail dragged Levin into the soft land that had just been evacuated, and continuously injected venom to paralyze Levin's body, making him unable to move.

Tilde frowned. He had never seen such a bold extraordinary creature. Although it was only for a moment, judging from the strength displayed by the opponent, the master of the scorpion tail was at least one of the seventy-two demon gods, and ranked very high!

I'm afraid the opponent's target is not Kelowna at all, but Levin!

Tilde would not allow the other party to capture Levin under his nose. Just as he was about to take action, he suddenly saw the soil turning and stretched out a hand.

"Bah! Bah! Made! Why are you standing there in a daze? Help me!"

Levin crawled out of the mud in a very embarrassed manner, with a severed scorpion tail stuck in his chest. When he crawled out, he was holding a bloody scorpion head in his left hand.

"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!"

While coughing up black blood, Levin received treatment from the priest. While cursing, the wound healed quickly.

"You...killed it?" Tilde asked with a frown.


Levin was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it just an ordinary extraordinary creature? I have a sacred object given by my elder brother. Isn't it normal to kill it?"

Tilde glanced at the scimitar on Levin's waist. It was one of the gifts that Buggy gave to the Church of Truth when he returned. It is considered a holy object of the real era. It is indeed very powerful, but it does not help Levin kill the scorpion.

The owner of the tail.

You know, that is one of the seventy-two demon gods!

Just being able to conceal one's aura and launch attacks underground is enough to prove the opponent's extraordinary ability. What's the result?

He was killed by Levine before he even ran a few hundred meters!

While Levin was recovering from his injuries, Tilde picked up the scorpion head that was thrown to the ground and looked at the wound...

As he expected, the wound was not smooth at all. It was not cut with a knife at all, but was torn off by some huge force!

"What's wrong? What are you looking at while holding it?"

When Levin's voice sounded in her ears, Tilde's body trembled, and she stood up and said, "It's okay, let's see what kind it is. I've never seen it before."

"Just take it back and study it. Don't you think it's dirty?"

Levin stretched out and said disapprovingly: "Let's go back and do the work. Don't keep me waiting!"


This chapter has been completed!
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