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Chapter 95 The giant cannon unleashes its power and soul fusion

Half a month later, the magic circle was set up and everyone gathered in the suburbs.

In the vast open space, a mithril magic array came into view, with Er stones placed at every node, and dozens of technicians were undergoing final debugging.

Near noon, the last adjustment was passed, and Salina came over: "Father! It's ready."

"Where's Christopher?"

"Also ready."

Salina looked towards the Sparrow Mountain Fortress not far away, where the Garonne cannon turned its muzzle at some point and pointed in their direction.

This small change did not attract attention. Cannons are dead and people are alive. Neither Buggy nor Odin paid attention to the Garonne Cannon. In their view, even if the Garonne Cannon is more powerful,

If it's big, it's just a piece of scrap metal if you can't hit it.

"It's almost time. Find Odin and the others."


Selina turned and left, and after a while, she came back with Odin and Buggy, along with Levin, Kovalev and other backbone members of the Aurora Society.

"Where did Yunia go to play again..."

Mavey, who looked around but could not find Yunia, said to Kovalev: "Let her come back quickly, let's start."

Kovalev closed his eyes and called Yunia's name in his heart.


The dragon's roar came from the sky, and a black shadow flashed past. Belinda carried Yunia and circled twice in the air before slowly landing on the ground.


Yunia jumped off the dragon's back and ran to Ma Wei.

After touching his daughter's head, Ma Wei said: "Everyone is here, Salina, let's start."

In the dazzling sunlight, the technicians removed the gate and connected the circuit. Ershi immediately began to output magic power. Every node in the magic array lit up one after another, and majestic magic power surged in the array...



The ground beneath your feet trembled faintly. Under the blessing of the magic array, the magic power began to rotate at high speed. As they collided with each other, a blue light pillar suddenly rose up and shot straight into the sky.

In the distance in the sky, the space fluctuates like a mirror, receding in all directions, forming a dark hole under the stimulation of the blue light pillar. There is darkness outside and nothing can be seen.


Buggy was the first to fly into the black hole and dive into the endless darkness. Odin summoned the eight-legged horse Repnir and grabbed Kungunir and followed closely.

Yunia glanced at Ma Wei, and with the latter's encouragement, she flew alone into the endless darkness.

Ma Wei's current strength is indeed greatly reduced. With a body made of clay, there is no problem in daily life, but when it comes to storing magic power, he is not as good as ordinary people.

In this case, it would be better for Mavi, who has difficulty using magic, to stay.

The visibility in the endless darkness is very low. Without guidance, it is almost impossible to find a specific target. Fortunately, the world barrier is right in front of you, so there is no fear of losing the target.

Yunia, Buggy, and Odin hid themselves separately, waiting for Asis to appear.

After receiving the signal to hide, Levin took a deep breath, looked at Mavi, and began to summon Asis.

Levin is the medium left by Asis. His prayers will be answered by Asis. This is indeed the case. Under Levin's call, something seems to be approaching rapidly in the endless darkness, with strong pressure.

It gives people a suffocating feeling.

The magic circle stopped operating, the blue light pillar disappeared, and the hole leading to the endless darkness slowly closed. Under the action of the barrier, the pressure immediately reduced a lot, but soon began to increase again...

Fine beads of sweat appeared on Levin's head. He had already felt Asis's breath, and the other person's voice sounded from far to near, like a mother's call. People couldn't help but put down their guard and walk toward her.

In order to resist this dangerous thought, Levin had to brace himself up. Even so, his breathing gradually became weaker and his consciousness became blurred.

Drowsily, Levin seemed to have returned to the afternoon of his childhood, when the breeze blew under the warm sunshine, and the smell of cow dung came from the farmhouse, mixed with the aroma of bread...


A cat meowed from the big tree nearby. Levin was attracted by it and walked over. He raised his head and saw a blue kitten lying on the branch of the tree, tremblingly looking at his feet.

It seems like it won’t come down!

Levin was a little anxious, so he quickly ran into the farmhouse to bring a wooden ladder and wanted to climb up, but the tree was too tall and thick. No matter how he climbed, he could not reach the branch where the blue cat was. In the end, he simply abandoned the ladder.

Hold the big tree with your bare hands and move it up step by step.



The cat's meow was in his ears, and Levin was inspired to speed up and crawl. His body became lighter and lighter, and his muscle soreness disappeared...

Just when Levin was overjoyed and thought he was about to save the kitten, a black spear suddenly tore through the sky, shot out, and stuck straight into the tree.


The tail of the gun trembled at high speed, making it difficult to penetrate even an inch. The tree was so hard that it was frightening. The black spear stuck in it was like a branch, perfectly integrated with the tree.

The next second, a red-haired giant emerged from the hole torn by the spear, grabbed a few branches of the big tree, and tried to pull it up. The big tree was not to be outdone, twisting and wrestling with it, and the lush

The branches and leaves grow rapidly, turning into a sea of ​​trees and spreading rapidly.

The sound of horse hooves seemed to hit the top of my heart. The eight-legged horse Repnir strode over. The one-eyed god riding on his back rushed into the sea of ​​trees without hesitation. Levin didn't know what he should do. He could only die.

Hugging the big tree tightly, it was heaving in the vibration.

"wake up!"

Yunia's voice sounded deep in his soul, and Levin was shocked, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and his hazy consciousness suddenly became clear.

The farm and the kitten were all gone. He was entangled in a branch, and half of his body had been integrated into the trunk of the tree!

If it hadn't been for Buggy and Odin's sneak attack, he would have become the nourishment of the big tree at this moment!

In the endless darkness, the golden tree was dazzling. Even though they were separated by a barrier, Ma Wei and others could clearly see the outline and texture of the tree.

Levin fell to the ground, already rolling his eyes. His body was twitching continuously, standing straight in the spasm, and his bones were crackling...

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The battle has broken out, and Asis's true face has been completely exposed. He is the incarnation of the Alchemy God Tree. The sword that Buggy thrust out back then brought...

It was not Asis's soul that walked away, but his body, the Alchemy Sacred Tree.

Asis's consciousness was reincarnated through the channel of belief in God and became Nereida, stealing the power of the prophet. However, during the tens of thousands of years when her body and soul were separated, the Alchemy God Tree also gave birth to its own consciousness and became a new


The original Ahis was reincarnated into Neleida, and the Alchemy God Tree became the new Ahis. Because they were originally the same ancient god, Levin and the Alchemy God Tree are inextricably linked.

Relationship, if the Alchemy God Tree wants to return, it must swallow Levin's consciousness and recover the stray seeds. Only in this way can it compete with Neleida.

It was this eagerness that caused the Alchemy God Tree to dive into the trap set by Ma Wei and be besieged by the three main gods!

When it comes to wisdom, the Alchemy God Tree is not as good as Nereida after all. In the past, Ashis pioneered alchemy, created it, and sealed the two supreme ancient gods at the same time, single-handedly creating the current situation.

Ma Wei could not come to a conclusion as to whether Ahis was an enemy or a friend of mankind, but he knew that the Alchemy Tree was in danger today.

Buggy pulled out the holy sword stuck in the tree trunk. This was a weapon he had lost for many years, a treasure that had been buried for an era...

Swinging the holy sword, he slashed at the tree trunk, trying to dismember it. Odin did the same thing, trying to tear the alchemy tree apart and get the pieces of its body.

Yunia also activated the Golden Rule, holding up the sword condensed by the metal storm to block the alchemy tree that wanted to escape. She did not attack rashly, but kept driving away so that the opponent could not escape.

This is Ma Wei's order. According to the history learned from the Doomsday Party, human beings can prosper and thrive because of the recuperation in the era of the divine tree. Without the protection of the alchemy divine tree, human beings would have long since lost the control of the ancient gods.

The creatures have eaten them all, so what if they steal the fruits later and create a system of belief in gods?

If there are not enough believers, God cannot become strong!

The Alchemy God Tree is indispensable for the success of human beings today. Mavey is more willing to give it a chance than Buggy and Odin who want to eat it.

"Levine, you know what to do."

Levin, half of his body integrated into the tree trunk, glanced at Yunia, closed his eyes, and let the tree trunk swallow him up. But this time, it was not the suppression of Levin's consciousness like Belial, but Yunia's godhead.

Personalities like that, start to merge!

"Mavi Enders!!!"

When Buggy realized this, he was furious. In his eyes, Ma Wei's move was undoubtedly an attempt to eat alone, which was intolerable!

In anger, Buggy sped up his actions and soon chopped the Alchemy Tree to pieces, vowing to seize a part of him before Levin merged with the Alchemy Tree's soul...

"Salina, notify Christopher, aim at Buggy and fire."


After receiving the order, the soldiers of the Sparrow Mountain Fortress began to spin the gears crazily. Although this purely mechanized structure was cumbersome, it was also the most reliable. With their efforts, the Garonne cannon slowly lifted up, its dark muzzle facing the enemy.

Target the red-haired giant outside the barrier.

"Elevation angle 62! Left 5 degrees! Test fire! Release!"


A beam of light shot out from the muzzle and shot straight into the sky, slightly deviating from Buggy's position.

"Elevation angle 63! Left 6 degrees! Inject all! Inject all!"

The soldiers screamed at the top of their lungs, and the angle was quickly calibrated. The huge Er stone at the bottom of the fortress began to inject all the magic power into the magic array of the Garonne cannon. The rushing magic power was pressurized by hundreds of magic arrays, and the flow rate became faster and faster, from bright to bright.

The white light turned into a faint blue, the muzzle began to emit light, and finally, even the barrel of the cannon began to buzz.

"Open the cave!"

Ma Wei gave an order, and the shuttle magic was activated again, opening the cave entrance to the endless darkness.

The cave entrance suddenly opened, and Buggy was stunned for a moment, and then...


A dark blue light beam composed entirely of magic power instantly enveloped Buggy. The sky and the earth dimmed in an instant. The powerful recoil caused cracks in the solid mithril walls of the fortress. Buggy, who was caught off guard, was pierced by a shot and disappeared into the endless darkness.


"I hit it! I hit it!"

Amidst the cheers, Odin stopped and turned to look at the Sparrow Mountain Fortress, with a trace of vigilance flashing in his eyes.

The power of the cannon just now has reached the realm of the Lord God. To be precise, the pure magic power has reached the realm of the Lord God, just like a Lord God throwing all the magic power into your face...

There is no structure, no technique, but it is violence.

Pure violence to the extreme.


Odin suddenly looked towards the darkness behind him, his pupils contracted. There, the light of the sun became very intense, approaching rapidly as if wrapped in high temperature...

Something has entered the endless darkness and is approaching here!


Just the high temperature made Odin change his expression. He is not afraid of high temperatures, but it would be terrible if the high temperature was just the breath accidentally leaked by the master during high-speed exercise!

The Outer Gods have discovered their location!

The Galleon cannon and the battle that broke out here emitted a faint light in the darkness, and were captured by Tonatih!

Without any further hesitation, Odin returned on the eight-legged Pegasus Repnir. The alchemy tree, which felt Tonatih's approach, also chose to return to the real world to take refuge.

"Close the hole!"

The blue light pillar disappeared, and the hole slowly healed. Everyone stared nervously at the sun. The thing originally didn't move and stayed in one place, but just now it suddenly spun like crazy, drilling into the ground for a while, and then coming out from the other side.

He came out as if he was looking for something.

After a long time, the sun finally calmed down. Having lost its target, it gave up searching and waited for the next opportunity.

Before Ma Wei could breathe a sigh of relief, the tip of the black spear pressed against his chest, and Odin looked down on him with an indifferent gaze while riding on his horse.

Yunia grabbed the tip of the gun with her left hand and raised the metal heavy sword with her right hand. At the same time, the Garonne cannon in the distance turned around and aimed at Odin.

Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, a branch quietly wrapped around Levin's body and dragged him into the trunk like lightning...

"You...are all my children..."

The leaves trembled and rustled, and Levin's voice came from the trunk: "You...are all my children..."

Buggy is indeed the child of the Alchemy God Tree. After all, he was born from the fruit of the Alchemy God Tree. This is correct.

According to human ethics, Buggy's attack on the Alchemy Sacred Tree is definitely considered to be against Tiangang.

As for Odin...

Although he was not the child of the Alchemy God Tree, the words of the Alchemy God Tree made him frown, and he immediately retracted the tip of his spear and took away the gift he had given to Ma Wei.

"Give me my eyes back."

A golden gem spit out from the trunk, which was the Eye of the Golden Crow worn by Levin.

Picking up the gem, stuffing it back into the empty eye socket, looking around, Odin rode away on the eight-legged horse, without breaking out into a war with the Church of Truth.

"Who...are you...?"

Daniel came to the Alchemy Tree unsteadily, his voice trembling: "Where did Levin go?"

"You...are all my children..."

The leaves rustled, and a familiar sound came out again.

This chapter has been completed!
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