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Chapter 96 Someone has to pay the price

"Okay, Odin is gone, you don't have to pretend anymore."

Ma Wei glanced at the alchemy tree, which was trying its best to disguise itself by shaking its leaves, and spoke calmly.

The Alchemy God Tree and Levin have soul-fused, and there is no such thing as who is eliminated. As long as Levin's soul and memory are still there, it is impossible for the tree in front of him not to recognize them.

Of course, Ma Wei himself did not have the confidence to confirm this, so he had to cheat.

The leaves stopped shaking. After a while, he hesitated and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about..."

"Are you willing to force me to bring Helena Tiffany and the others?"

"Don't, don't, don't..."

As soon as he was nervous, the Alchemy Divine Tree suddenly showed its flaws, the tree body twisted, melted into Levin's body deep in the trunk, and appeared in front of everyone.

His appearance and voice were the same as Levin's, but deep in his eyes, there was a calm ravine like a pool of water.

Levin seemed to have changed. After merging with the Alchemy God Tree, he knew many memories that did not belong to him. The tens of thousands of years that he had drifted in the endless darkness, and the tens of thousands of years that had become a human habitat...

They are all deeply imprinted in His soul.

In comparison, Levine's memories of more than twenty years seem insignificant.

"Who are you?"

Although the alchemy tree turned into Levin's appearance, Daniel still asked: "You are not Levin Berger!"

"I... don't know who I am either."

Levin said lightly: "My memory is very confusing now. Sometimes I seem to be a tree, and sometimes I am a person... But I still remember you, eldest brother, Daniel, Friday, Fat Orange, and Yunia."


"It's normal for memory to be confused. When the memories of two souls merge, confusion will definitely occur."

Raising his hand and patting Levin's shoulder, which was as hard as a tree trunk, Ma Wei said: "People have to play countless identities in this life, children, students, husband and wife, parents, teachers or elders...different identities, expressed

Naturally, our image will also change. Whether you are a tree or Levin, as long as you are a member of the Church of Truth, I believe you will always become what we are familiar with."

"Go back and rest. Helena is still waiting for you at home. You can relax for a few days and adjust."


Levin nodded. He did feel a little tired. Whether it was the years of wandering in the endless darkness or the busyness of being a human being, his soul was constantly consumed. Friday's death also caused a big blow to him.

He needs to rest.

On the way back to Mosk, Ma Wei asked Levin a lot. He has the memory of the alchemy tree and can provide a lot of important information, such as...

The relationship between the Alchemy God Tree and Neleida became even closer due to Levin's intervention. The lifting of the blood curse meant that Levin no longer had to worry about the thirty-year-old deadline, and at the same time gained the full power and strength of the Alchemy God Tree.

Reached the level of the Lord God and inherited the power of Ashis.

The current Levin is essentially no different from Asis.

In addition, the Alchemy Tree, which is the pinnacle of alchemy, has swallowed the golden gods, and its alchemy has reached a new level. With the Tears of the Siren, it can change the properties of objects with just a flip of the hand.

From nothing to something, from death to life, all these are no longer extravagant hopes.

Anatole, the treasures that the Golden Gods dream of, are all obtained by the Church of Truth. Such an opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


"Asshole! Why are you reporting such important information now!"

In Paris, Anatole kicked down the archbishop in front of him, furious.

Just now, he received news that the Church of Truth had taken action against the Alchemy Tree. When he heard the news that the Alchemy Tree had merged with Levin and was under the control of the Church of Truth, his head felt like it was exploding...

A strong feeling of disgust surged into his heart. Anatole felt that he had been deceived and played around by others!

The archbishop who reported the news was trembling. He knew the seriousness of the problem. If the Apocalypse Divine System could receive the news early, they would definitely respond and get a share of the pie no matter how bad things go, instead of allowing the Church of Truth to grow and develop!

But what the Archbishop didn't know was that what really made Anatole angry and fearful was not the Church of Truth who had obtained the Alchemy Tree, but Nereida who had lost the Alchemy Tree!

Without the alchemy tree and body, Nereida is just a god of faith who has the power of a prophet!

Anatole originally thought that Nereida would be furious, but when he found Nereida, she was very calm, as if she already knew the future.

"Aren't you angry?"

"Someone has to pay the price." Nereida said: "You are also a god, Anatole, how could you forget the laws of the gods?"

"Which law?" Anatole was a little confused.

"God will never die."

Nereida looked into Anatole's eyes and said word for word: "The golden gods are not dead, and neither is the alchemy tree. Their souls and their memories merge with each other and transform into new ones.

Existence, this is God...the immortal God.”

"The so-called life and death is just a memory."

"As long as this memory is passed down, there is no difference between life and death."

Anatole was silent for a moment and asked: "If God cannot die, then how can the Creator perish? It was His death that created us. Without Him, there would not be today."

"You obviously didn't listen to what I just said." Nereida said expressionlessly: "I said that the so-called life and death are just a memory. The Creator is also God, He is more powerful than us, and even what we are now

All the powers he holds are left behind by Him, so how could He not understand what we know?"

Anatole's face changed when he heard the meaning behind these words: "You mean, the Creator is not dead?!"

Nereida did not answer this question directly: "The Creator created this world, and the will of the world is His will. For that day, He began to prepare a long time ago, and His opponent is more powerful than we imagined, powerful enough to

It makes God despair.”


If there is a god who has been preparing for the end since the day he was born, it must be Odin!

Anatole never connected Odin with the Creator, but the birth of rune writing was indeed very strange. He specially studied rune writing and found that this kind of writing mobilized a power smaller than the material itself, which was pure to the extreme.

It's simple, but it can burst out with powerful power.

Those are the words of the ancient gods!

Odin is part of the will of the world and part of the Creator. Anatole never knew what Odin called Ragnarok. Now it seems that the so-called Ragnarok is by no means as simple as the end of the Odin pantheon.

But a world crisis!

Nereida, who had mastered the power of the prophet, saw the possibility of the future. The doomsday prophecy he left behind also showed that Asis would join the camp of the Church of Truth. He had known it for a long time, so he did not stop it.

The situation has always developed along the trajectory He wanted, and it has never changed from beginning to end.

Realizing this, Anatole swallowed and found that he could not see Nereida more and more clearly.

"What...what should we do next?"

"I said, someone has to pay the price." Nereida looked at Anatole and smiled: "You know what to do."

Anatole seemed to understand and left, thinking deeply on the way back...

Someone has to pay the price, who will pay the price? Why should we pay the price?

Anatole is not sure what Nereida really thinks, but if he follows her thinking...

Stopping, Anatole found himself on the outskirts of Berlin.

He showed his aura and soon received an invitation from Seokula.

"Anatole, what are you doing here?"

In the trial court, Seokula sat in the main seat, overlooking Anatole who walked into the Kingdom of God from a high position. The other jury members raised their exhausted heads and cast their gazes.

The cold breath made Anatole frown. He felt that Scyacula was a freak. Other people's kingdoms of gods were suitable for human survival, but Scycula and the entire tribunal looked like

Every being who comes to His Kingdom is a criminal!

Although he was disgusted with the environment of the Tribunal, Anatole still suppressed his dissatisfaction and told the truth about the Church of Truth.

"So, what are you doing here?"

After listening to it, Seokula didn't have much fluctuation and didn't care much.

He has always been like this, never doing anything using his brain.

"Nereida gave me the task, and I thought someone had to pay for it."

"Give me a name."

Anatole opened his mouth. He originally wanted to throw the question to Seokula, but who would have thought that Seokula would not use his brain at all...

"The main reason for the current situation is a lack of intelligence. Daniel Frederick, the son of King William V of the Kingdom of Frederick, is in London. He must have known about the plan, but did not report it. He chose to conceal it and should be punished.


"Do you think William V betrayed the Apocalypse God System?" Seokula asked.

"I don't know." Anatole shook his head: "But someone has to pay the price."

"I see."

Do you really understand?

Anatole said very doubtfully: "Frederick's Kingdom needs a new king...but we can't live up to the facts."

"Follow the facts?"

Seokula sneered: "Anatole, how did you become so stupid? Or have you never been smart? When you want to do something, you can't be timid. Since you have to issue a trial and punish the betrayer, then

I’m not afraid of telling the truth.”


"Also, I think you should think carefully about what the Lord God means. Go back and ask Napoleon. He is smarter than you."

His cheek twitched slightly, Anatole snorted, turned and left the court, returning to Paris overnight.

He did not go to Napoleon, but Napoleon found Him.

"You must immediately revoke the punishment against the royal family of Frederick."

Napoleon walked into the church and said straight to the point.

After learning the whole story, he found out that Anatole had gone to Frederick's Kingdom, and immediately came to the door, hoping to correct Anatole's thinking.

"Withdraw the punishment? Shouldn't the Frederick royal family be punished? On the surface, they surrender to the Apocalypse God System, but in fact they are double-dealing! They are not worthy of trust at all!"

"No matter what, they are still under Frederick's control. There is no evidence to prove that they and Daniel betrayed the Apocalypse God System. If punishment is given easily, it will only give the Church of Truth an opportunity to launch a war!"


Anatole seemed to have heard something ridiculous: "Only them? The Church of Truth, which has been a coward all these years, dare to start a war?"

"Your thinking is still stuck a few years ago." Napoleon said: "Don't you know the war beasts launched by the Church of Truth? Their new weapons and their soldiers have long surpassed us! In these years, we have invested in the front line

With too much energy, they are developing faster than us in the rear! The gap has been widened!"

"Now that the front line is finally stable, we should catch up immediately instead of being narcissistic!"

Anatole was said to be silent. He just didn't want to admit that Napoleon was right, but when he calmed down and thought about it, Napoleon's judgment was not wrong.

The Church of Truth is different from the Apocalypse God System. It has been conducting research on alchemical technology over the years, and its strength has increased by leaps and bounds. The only regret is that Yunia has not been promoted to the main god, but this flaw has been made up for after the fusion of Levin and the Alchemy God Tree.


Today, the strength of the Church of Truth has surpassed that of the Apocalypse God System, and it has surpassed it at all levels.

Dealing with Frederick's Kingdom at this time will only give the Church of Truth an opportunity to provoke a war!

"Then just declare war on them."

A cold voice came from behind, Napoleon turned around and met Nereida's eyes.


"You think it's impossible for the Apocalypse God System to win, right?"

"...Yes." Napoleon took a deep breath: "I don't think the current Apocalypse system can defeat the Church of Truth."

"What if we joined forces with the True Gods?"

Under Napoleon's slightly surprised gaze, Badji walked out from behind Nereida and said with a dark face: "That bastard Mave Enders betrayed my trust! I will make him pay the price!"

The two pantheons that were at war with each other before actually reached a reconciliation under the threat of the Church of Truth. Napoleon was surprised when he heard Nereida say: "Dambara can be handed over to you, but only after the war is over."

"He is not important!" Buggy said angrily: "I want to take back the alchemy tree!"

Nereida nodded and looked at Napoleon: "Now, do you still think we can't defeat the Church of Truth?"


The two gods have joined forces to fight against the Church of Truth. Although today's alchemical technology is powerful, it cannot shake the status of the God of Faith. No matter how powerful the Church of Truth is, there is only one main god. Facing the attacks of the two main gods...

There is absolutely no possibility of resistance!

"I still don't recommend declaring war on the Church of Truth."

After a few minutes of reflection, Napoleon still shook his head: "In recent years, whether it was Bonaparte's First Empire, Frederick's Kingdom, or the Roman Republic, they have spent countless money on wars. The economy is on the verge of collapse, food prices have soared, and wars have continued.

, will only make the situation worse!”

"This is our last chance." Nereida said faintly: "The Alchemy Tree, the Tears of the Siren and the Golden Law. Do you know what the reaction will be when these three things are added together?"

"If we don't take action now, we will have no chance..."

This chapter has been completed!
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