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Chapter 309 There will be a future?!

Wang Ning's face was flushed and excited, and his whole body fell into a state of madness.

Get rich!

five billion!

He is completely, rich!!

Wang Ning, from the beginning...shocked and disbelieving...to now horrified, petrified, dull...and then numb...

Then, now... I reacted with excitement and ecstasy!

Five billion in cash!

There was an office full of banknotes, and the entire office floor of several hundred square meters was piled two feet high!

No matter how greedy Wang Ning is in his life... he will never be able to get so much money!

From now on, he, Wang Ning, will enjoy glory and wealth!

He could even imagine how he would lead Jiangnan... and run amok without borders!

"Little brother... don't worry!" Wang Ning came back from the huge shock, patted his chest and assured Chen Zongheng.

"The Qiu Group's case rests with me, Wang Ning!"

Wang Ning's body was trembling with excitement. He stood up from the sea of ​​red banknotes on the floor and immediately came to the office.

He took out a stack of documents directly from the drawer, then picked up the pen, made a few "swish" strokes on the document, and wrote a line of documents!

"The case brought by Guo Shaoze against you has been withdrawn!" Wang Ning said, and the case was withdrawn directly.

On the spot, the Qiu Group was found not guilty.

"Ms. Qiu, I will draft a document now to give you the right to appeal again against Yuanxing Group for its illegal operation! Let your defaulting partners all pay money!!"

Wang Ning was also unambiguous. After accepting this huge sum of 5 billion, his whole attitude... changed. He turned 180 degrees and seemed to be a different person!

Swish swish swish~! In two clicks, a draft contract is completed.

"Don't worry, Miss Qiu, the case will be opened in three days! I, Wang Ning, will ensure that you win the case!" Wang Ning looked solemn, patted his chest hard, and promised!

What a change in attitude!

He speaks right and wrong, twists and turns, but it all depends on his mouth to argue up and down!

This kind of ruling is simply unprecedented.

Qiu Yiren stood aside, although... the situation at this time was already in her favor.

However, her heart... was already cold to the bottom.

When did this city...become like this?

Collect money from people and do things for them.

Clean, upright, honest and clean.

These four big characters seem to...become the most ridiculous sign?

Chen Zongheng held a cigarette in his mouth and glanced at Wang Ning meaningfully.

"Five billion, Mr. Wang, you... must keep it."

Chen Zongheng's eyes were indifferent and he slowly blew out a smoke ring.

"Don't worry, little brother! I will handle the money through underground banks and special channels... I will definitely not involve you!" Wang Ning patted his chest and promised.

He thought that Chen Zongheng's reminder was to let him be careful not to be discovered by some inspection team.

After all, if you suddenly deposit such a huge amount of money into a bank account... you will be subject to supervision and review by the relevant departments.

And Wang Ning, as a member of xx, is the focus of attention.

Wang Ning was not stupid, so he patted his chest and promised.

He will handle and settle the money through special channels.

Make sure no one finds out!

As for today, why did Chen Zongheng give him cash... Although Chen Zongheng did not explain.

But Wang Ning vaguely guessed something:

When bribing people, they usually use cash. This makes it easier to arrange and transfer accounts.

If you make a direct bank transfer, someone will get caught.

Therefore, Wang Ning justified himself in this way and gave himself a reasonable explanation that made him feel at ease.

As for whether Chen Zongheng was in the military camp or not, it no longer mattered.

So what if he is a member of the military camp?

Now that he, Wang Ning, has accepted money from this little brother, he is a brother.

You can't, the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple, your own family will deal with your own family, right?

If the little brother has military connections, that would be better.

From now on, Wang Ning's network of contacts has expanded by another level!

Wu Ying, Judgment S... both join forces.

Hasn’t this city become theirs?

The more he thought about it, the more excited Wang Ning became.

He had even imagined... that he was in Shanghai City, controlling the wind and rain with just a raise of his hand.

Chen Zongheng smiled lightly, "That's very good."

"Then, Mr. Wang, I won't bother you for now. I'll see you later."

Chen Zongheng uttered a meaningful sentence.

Then, he turned his head and glanced at Qiu Yiren lightly.

Qiu Yiren understood, stepped on high heels, and walked to Chen Zongheng's side with the female lawyer in charge.

The three of them just... stepped on the office bills all over the floor and walked out of the door.

"Hey little brother... are you staying for lunch before leaving?" At this time, Wang Ning's expression and attitude completely changed, and he greeted them warmly and politely to stay for dinner.

Just kidding, this young brother... may be from the military camp, and he has given himself such a huge fortune. How could Wang Ning not treat him to a meal?

This can be regarded as getting to know each other.

But Chen Zongheng waved his hand lightly.

"Don't worry, I'll have the opportunity in the future." He left a sentence, and then disappeared out of the corridor meaningfully...

Chen Zongheng held a cigarette in his mouth and walked out of the Adjudication S office building step by step.

Qiu Yi and the head lawyer followed behind.

The expressions of the two women were obviously a little complicated at this time.

The scene in the office was so shocking. The two women were completely shocked, and it was difficult to react for a while.

However, the team escorting the huge amount of cash saluted Chen Zongheng after completing their mission, and then drove away quickly.

Looking at the convoy of dozens of camouflage armored vehicles driving away quickly...

In Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes, a trace of... unprecedented complex surprise flashed?

These camouflaged soldiers and these armored vehicles with special license plates all indicate that these...are all members of the military camp.

Could it be?

Her eyes once again...looked at the elegant figure in a suit in front of her.

Mr. Chen...is he really...a member of the martial arts camp?

At this moment, Qiu Yiren once again had an idea in her mind.

He raised his head and looked at the Judgment S building in front of him.

Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes are complicated, and she doesn't want to stay here...for one more minute.

Under the protection of the bodyguards, Qiu Yiren got into the Maybach car.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and he got into the car with a cigarette in his mouth.

The Mercedes-Benz convoy drove away slowly...

Inside the Maybach luxury car.

Along the way, Qiu Yiren hesitated for a long time, and then finally turned her head, stared at Chen Zongheng with complicated eyes, and asked.

"Sir...where did you...get so much money?" Qiu Yiren asked with complicated and confused eyes.

This problem has troubled her for a long time.

Five billion, still in cash!

This is an astronomical figure!

Moreover, the collection was completed in just half an hour and delivered to the scene?

This is almost impossible!

Even if all the bank funds in the city were added up, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to collect the five billion in cash in a short time!

But how did Mr. Chen do it?

Chen Zong was sitting in the car, his eyes calm, and he slowly blew out a puff of cigarette.

He only replied four words.

"Borrowed it from a friend."

Please give me a monthly ticket!!!!!!!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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