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Chapter 310 The sun sets in the west, dyeing the sky red!

Qiu Yiren:......

Borrowed from a friend?

She heard the reply again.

The armed helicopter last time... His answer was that it was also borrowed from a friend.

This time, I answered again... I borrowed it from a friend.

Which friend would be so generous... just ask for a loan of 5 billion in cash?

How generous is this??

"Today...actually you don't need to...give him so much money..." Qiu Yiren hesitated and said in a complicated voice.

"It's illegal for him to charge money like this."

Indeed, a dignified judge, xx, who was in office, actually... openly... collected money in the office.

This is simply a naked violation of law!

Chen Zongheng's bribery today, although his intention was good, actually... encouraged Wang Ning's arrogant and illegal arrogance.

It's more like helping Zhou to commit evil.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and he puffed out a puff of smoke.

"Don't worry, he can take my money, but he can't put it down."

His tone was very calm, and he only replied with this sentence.

Without much explanation, it seemed that he really didn't care about the 5 billion cash given away.

Because, there is no need to care at all.

Who in this world dares to accept money from him...the God of Death?

King Yama gives you money, do you dare to accept it?

There is life to harvest, but there is no life to spend.

Chen Zongheng was not worried at all.

Qiu Yiren was sitting in the car, her pretty face a little complicated. She hesitated for a long time and suddenly asked again.

"Sir...are you from the military camp?"

She raised her eyes complicatedly and looked at Chen Zongheng inexplicably.

This question has troubled her for a long time, and now she finally asked it.

Chen Zong sat in the car and slowly blew out a smoke ring.

"Martial camp?" He turned his head and looked directly at Qiu Yiren for the first time.

"Do you think I look like me?" This was the first time he asked.

Qiu Yiren's pretty face was slightly startled.

He hesitated and nodded.

In her eyes, all signs indicate that Mr. Chen... is probably from the military camp.

"Unfortunately, I'm not."

Chen Zongheng took a deep drag on the cigarette, turned his eyes sideways, and began to close his eyes to rest.

Qiu Yiren's pretty face was left with a complicated face... a bit inexplicable.

This whole day, Shanghai was surprisingly quiet.

After returning to Qiu's Mansion, Qiu Yiren immediately entered work mode.

Continue to maintain company public relations and keep negative news to a minimum.

And, at the same time.

The Qiu Group's appeal application was inexplicably approved.

The efficiency of the Adjudication Division is indeed very high.

On this day, almost all Qiu Group's partners received an investigation letter from the HF District Adjudication Department.

Wang Ning collects money from people and does things for them.

Now, he has become a member of the Qiu Group in an instant.

This kind of means to change the direction of the wind is unprecedented.

For the sake of money, he is just a piece of grass on the wall.

When the wind blows, both sides fall!

At this time, Qiu Yiren had some complicated emotions.

Although nowadays, almost all the trials that rule on S are on the side of her Qiu Group.

However, only she knows...how this so-called 'fair' trial came about.

This result made her feel complicated.

Not comfortable.

This is completely contrary to the normal judicial system.

Bribery is a habit.

Such a trend is simply...

Qiu Yiren felt a little disappointed.

In such a climate, how can we be fair and just?

On this day, the whole city was buzzing with news.

No one expected that... the Qiu Group's counterattack would come so quickly?

Evening dusk.

The sun sets in the west, dyeing the entire skyline red.

The entrance of Qiu Group.

Qiu Yiren stepped on high heels and walked out of the building with a complicated face.

The entrance to the entire building was almost surrounded by a large group of business media reporters.

All kinds of flash lights, photos, interviews.

All reporters tried to squeeze in to get exclusive interviews.

But Qiu Yiren, with her pretty face cold and complicated, ignored the reporters at all.

Finally, under the protection of bodyguards, she finally got into the Maybach car.

Behind him, Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, with his hands in his trouser pockets and a cigarette in his mouth, he walked calmly towards the Maybach car.

The reporters were unable to interview the real owner...and at this moment, they saw this elegant young man in a suit following Qiu Yiren?

Reporters have speculated about the identity of this young man? Is he a business partner, or?

The reporters couldn't interview Qiu Yiren, so several reporters tried to rush in and interview Chen Zongheng.

"Sir, what do you think of the Qiu Group...this case?" Several reporters stuck their cameras over and tried to interview Chen Zongheng.

Chen Zongheng's steps paused slightly.

He glanced sideways and glanced at the cameras looking around.

‘Crack, click, click.’ Countless flashlights were pointed at him, shooting wildly.

"Bah!" Chen Zongheng's fair right hand suddenly waved violently.

"Bang!" He directly backhanded and blew away a camera in front of him.

"Hey...what are you doing?! My camera..." Before the reporter could react...a white palm had already been slapped hard.

"Pah...!" With a hard slap, the reporter was sent flying into the air.

All around, other reporters were treated in the same way.

"Bah bang bang...!" The camera was blown away instantly.

The scene was almost out of control.

In the Maybach car, Qiu Yiren saw this scene and quickly asked the bodyguards to come forward to dissuade him.

Only then did they persuade Chen Zongheng to come down and escort him into the car.

He sat in the car and lightly lit a cigarette.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and indifferent, as if what happened a second ago had not happened at all.

"I'm sorry. I didn't handle it well." Qiu Yiren sat in the car and gently bowed to apologize.

These reporters were really annoying. She didn't handle them properly.

Only then did reporters get entangled with Chen Zongheng.

Chen Zongheng ignored it, sat in the car, closed his eyes and rested.

The Mercedes-Benz convoy started slowly and drove away in the dusk.

And, at the same time.

Yuanxing Group, top floor...President's office.

Guo Shaoze was sitting in the office, looking at the piles of news materials in front of him, his face was as cold as ever!

The Qiu Group's appeal application was actually...approved??

What made him even more furious was that his Yuanxing Group's prosecution order was dismissed instead?



"Sir, the latest news. All supply chain parties of Qiu Group have received the investigation letter from the ruling." A female secretary wearing an OL uniform walked in with high heels and reported.

This female secretary is the new secretary who took up the post after Ning Wan's death.

However, Guo Shaoze didn't have the slightest feeling for her...

At this moment, he thought of Ning Wan again.

Heart, uncontrollable anger.

‘Gala’ Guo Shaoze clenched his fists tightly and his whole body exuded an unprecedented chill.

He stood up suddenly, picked up the phone, went to the floor-to-ceiling window, and dialed the number of the Adjudication Department!

"Hello... Mr. Guo, long time no see." The phone was connected, and a deep and calm voice came slowly~!

The gap between monthly votes and third place is getting bigger and bigger...

Monthly tickets are exhausting.

First update

If there are many monthly votes today, we will add more

This chapter has been completed!
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