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Chapter 431 Before I kill you, there are a few appetizers!

"Wait, who are you working for?" Chen Zongheng's voice was as cold as cold, like a sharp sword, staring straight at the commander and asking!

The commander's whole body was shaking and horrified. It was unprecedented fear. He looked at the fair-skinned man in front of him in horror...

At this moment, he finally...closely saw the face of the God of Death clearly!

His face was fair and elegant, and his hair made him look extremely cold, like an inhuman robot!

Is this... the true face of Yan Xia's terrifying codename, the God of Death?!

In this life, he can see the true face of the God of Death with his own eyes... Even if he dies, he will have no regrets!

"Kill...kill me." The commander looked extremely pale, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes!

From the first day he pledged his allegiance to the organization, he had sworn to dedicate his life to the organization!

Never betray the organization!

Even if it means death!

He has experienced intense brainwashing by the organization... and regards the organization as everything he believes in and everything in life!

Therefore, he is willing to be killed for the sake of the organization! He is willing to give his life!

Even if he dies, this commander... will never betray the organization's information!

"Really?" Seeing the commander looking at death like this, the corner of Chen Zongheng's mouth raised a cold and cruel arc.

He pinched the commander's neck with his hand even harder!

The commander almost died!

A trace of blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth!

But he laughed instead, smiling ferociously.

"You have the ability to kill me?! Hahaha... The legendary God of Death... What can you do to me?? Want to know my organization?? Dream on!" The commander looked ferocious and shouted angrily at Chen Zongheng, this

...is a method of stimulating generals.

At this time, he already regarded death as home!

In order to protect the organization's secrets, he was willing to die!

He was provoking Death to take action and kill him.

But Chen Zongheng obviously couldn't let him get his wish.

"Don't worry, it will be a matter of time before you go to hell."

"It's just that before that, you have to explain some things."

Chen Zongheng suddenly let go of his right hand.

The commander lost his grip and fell hard to the ground.

He was lying on the ground, coughing violently!

Coughing out a mouth full of blood!

At that moment, he thought he was going to die.

But in the end, the God of Death didn't kill him at this time?!

This gave him a bad feeling?!

"The God of Death... If you have the guts, kill me! Kill me?! Yan Xia is indeed the sick man of East Asia! If you have the guts, kill me!" The commander looked ferocious and roared at Chen Zongheng!

He insulted and humiliated wildly, trying to anger the God of Death.

Let the opponent kill you with one move.

For the sake of the organization and for the sake of glory, he...had no choice today.

At this time, Chen Zongheng did not take action.

Instead, he lit a cigarette and handed it to the commander.

"Smoke one, the soft Chinese cigarettes in the hot summer... taste better than your overseas Su cigarettes."

The commander's face trembled, and he was a little confused. He didn't know... what on earth did this God of Death want to do?!

The commander took the cigarette in confusion, hesitated for a moment, then he was not polite, just held the cigarette in his mouth and took a deep breath!

Anyway, today, I will definitely die.

Before you die, take a puff of cigarette and you will be happy! It’s not a loss!

Moreover, being able to die in the hands of the notorious God of Death in Yanxia is enough for him in this life!

However, just as the commander took a puff of cigarette, he enjoyed the moment when the smoke ring was inhaled into his lungs and then exhaled in a cycle, making him feel as if he was in heaven.

Suddenly...his shoulder joint felt a sharp pain!

"Crack...!!" There was a sound of bones breaking!!

"Uh ah...!!" The commander's expression suddenly changed, and he howled in horror!!

His entire shoulder joint was filled with heartbreaking pain, spreading throughout his body!!

He could clearly feel...the breaking and twisting of his bones...that feeling was worse than death!

"Don't be in a hurry, enjoy it slowly."

The corner of Chen Zongheng's mouth raised a cold and cruel arc.

He slowly reached out and grabbed the commander's chest and collarbone...and pushed harder!

"Poof...! Click!!" The commander's entire collarbone was violently broken by Chen Zongheng's hand, and countless muscles and skin were directly torn open!

The entire chest and ribs are directly exposed to the air!

"Uh ah...!! No...! Kill me! Kill me!!" The commander howled ferociously, howling in severe pain!!

This scene is simply...! Life is worse than death!

His entire thoracic cavity was torn open and blood was gushing out. It was heartbreaking pain!

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, he held the cigarette in his mouth and took a deep breath.

"24 ribs, exactly, one per minute."

Chen Zongheng was very patient. He raised the Devil May Cry dagger and cut off one of the commander's ribs with a single click!

"Uh...!!!" the commander howled in pain!

The ribs are the bones closest to the heart in the human body! They protect the human chest!

The ribs are covered with countless tactile nerve cells!

If the ribs are cut, severe pain can spread directly to the heart!!

That feeling is heartbreaking...worse than death!!

At this moment, the commander's whole body was in severe pain, and the smell of urine gushed out from between his legs!

Under the severe pain, he became incontinent!!

Such severe pain is simply inhuman torture!!

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and he stood there calmly, puffing out smoke rings.

When the second minute came, he continued to raise the dagger, and with a "click" sound, the commander's second rib was severed!

"Uhhh...!!!" The commander's veins were bulging and he howled ferociously!

This is simply unprecedented torture!!

"Kill me...please, kill me!!!" The commander begged for mercy in horror! He didn't want to endure this kind of pain anymore!!

This is worse than death!!

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, he raised his wrist and looked at the time on his Omega watch.

He said that if you can cut off a rib in a minute, then he will do what he said.

With 24 ribs, this commander will endure 24 horrific and inhuman tortures!!

"Don't worry, I'll kill you... for sure. But before I kill you, I have a few appetizers for you to try."

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, and he slowly blew out a smoke ring, "It just so happens that the human body has 206 bones. One minute will break one of your bones, and 206 minutes will just break all the bones in your body."

Chen Zongheng's smile was very calm, but it was like...a demon from hell!

He pressed the Omega watch lightly with his right hand.

‘Zheng’ a tiny silver needle popped out of the Omega watch.

Chen Zongheng picked up the silver needle, and with a 'pop!', it shot into the commander's temple!

"Uh..." The commander howled in fear again!!

"What is this?! What do you want to do?!!" the commander said in horror.

"Adrenaline shot." Chen Zongheng said slowly and calmly.

Boom~! Hearing these words, the commander almost fainted! He looked so shocked and completely collapsed!!

Adrenaline shot, this... hormone can stimulate adrenaline in the human body!

Let the human body enter an extremely excited state!

Any senses, intuition... will be highly diffused!

In this case, the commander is completely dead!

No, life is worse than death!

The severe pain he endured will be magnified several times!!

Moreover, it is impossible to faint even if you want to!

Adrenaline fills your body and makes your brain excited all the time. You can't pass out at all!!

Damn it!!

This chapter has been completed!
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