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Chapter 432 Contribute to the country!

Adrenaline shot, this... hormone can stimulate adrenaline in the human body!

Let the human body enter an extremely excited state!

Any senses, intuition... will be highly diffused!

In this case, the commander is completely dead!

No, life is worse than death!

The severe pain he endured will be magnified several times!!

Moreover, it is impossible to faint even if you want to!

Adrenaline fills your body and makes your brain excited all the time. You can't pass out at all!!

Damn it!!

This is to punish the commander to death...!!

"Please...kill me...kill me!!!" The commander was completely shaking and ferocious, and he fell to the asphalt road in the street, almost ready to collapse!!

But Chen Zongheng, with calm eyes, stood aside and smoked lightly.

One minute to go.

He twisted his right hand, used the Devil's Cry Dagger, and struck again.

"Puff." With a sound, the third rib was cut off!

"Uh ah...!!!" the commander howled in horror!!

The mouth is full of blood and keeps overflowing!

The ribs are cut off, the heartbreaking pain!!

This is simply unprecedented inhuman torture!!

At this moment, the commander just wants to die!

He never thought about...the most terrifying killing machine in this hot summer, the God of Death.

In addition to killing people, he also mastered...such horrific and ferocious torture and interrogation methods!

This kind of scene makes his life worse than death...!!

Even death... is not as scary as the scene in front of me!

Watching helplessly, his ribs... were cut off one by one?!

This feeling is simply worse than death!

That kind of heartbreaking pain, every minute and every second is torture!

The commander was miserable and ferocious. He almost fainted from the severe pain several times... But with the silver needle of adrenaline inserted into his temple, the adrenaline in his body was fully stimulated. At this time, his... brain was running at high speed.

I'm so excited that it's impossible to faint even if I want to!

"Uh...!! Kill me... Kill me...!!!" Under the huge panic, the commander collapsed.

He suddenly tried hard with his teeth and wanted to bite off his tongue...so that he could not speak. In this way, the other party would not be able to make him speak!

But he was obviously wrong.

"Bang!" The moment the commander bit down hard, his tongue was not broken... but, his teeth were broken.

Because the silver Devil May Cry dagger had been inserted into his mouth at some point!

One bite and a mouthful of teeth shattered!

Severe pain and misery!!

The teeth are connected to the heart, the teeth are broken, the severe pain is simply worse than death...!!

"I almost forgot." Chen Zongheng took the Devil May Cry dagger out of his mouth with a cigarette in his mouth, "Since you want to pull out the tooth, let me help you."

As he spoke, he directly picked up the dagger and used the sharp tip to strike the commander's teeth hard and pull them out.

"Puff, puff, puff..." The teeth, along with their flesh and blood, were directly pulled out from the gums!

Dripping with blood!

Every time the tooth was pulled out, the commander's body trembled with fear and force!

It was severe pain! It hurt my heart so much!

Two rows of 32 teeth were all extracted.

The commander vomited blood with his mouth full of blood. It was a death-like pain!

At this moment, he would rather die!

If you die, you won't feel so much pain and torture.

But at this moment, although he is alive...but he is worse than dead!

The commander's face was trembling and ferocious, the veins on his face were sunken, his body was trembling, and severe pain kept attacking him. It was his birthday that was worse than death.

On both sides of the asphalt road... hundreds of meters away, countless people were hiding behind buildings and vehicles, their eyes trembling and horrified, watching this scene in horror and disbelief?!

This... is simply...!!

Such a murder in the street? It was so bloody. This scene scared all the onlookers!

However, although the people present were trembling with fear... everyone was secretly applauding!

Some people even shouted and whispered: He deserves it!

Just now, the commander was driving a communication vehicle... and he was driving on a rampage, knocking down countless vehicles and pedestrians. At this time, he deserved the fate he received!

Chen Zongheng stood in the middle of the street, raised his right hand, and the Devil May Cry dagger...'clicked' again, cutting off the commander's ribs!

"Uh..." Along with the commander's miserable howl, blood filled the air.

"It seems that the food is not tasty enough?" Chen Zongheng stared at the trembling commander on the ground, with a hint of curvature at the corner of his mouth.

The next second, 'Whoosh...!' His body flashed and teleported, directly passing through an afterimage, and arrived in front of the concession department of a shop along the street dozens of meters away.

In the canteen, the boss, who was over fifty years old, was frightened by this scene and his body was shaking.

The boss had seen the bloody interrogation scene on the street just now.

At this moment, seeing this terrifying murderer suddenly appear in front of his store...how could the boss not be afraid?

"Don't...don't kill me...don't kill me..." The boss, who was in his fifties, looked trembling and begged for mercy again and again.

"Is there any wine? Baijiu? Erguotou." Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, he knocked on the glass door of the canteen and asked.

Canteen owner:......

"Do you have any wine? The strongest Erguotou." Chen Zongheng asked again.

"Yes...yes." The boss reacted from the panic, stretched out his hand tremblingly, and took out a bottle of white wine from the counter.

The boss trembled and handed the bottle to Chen Zongheng.

"How much?" Chen Zongheng asked.

The boss trembled and shook his head repeatedly: "No...no money."

Just kidding...this damn...how dare he accept money?!

"Well, you are contributing to the country."

"The account will be kept on credit for now, and someone will come to settle the matter shortly."

After Chen Zongheng finished speaking, his figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to the center of the street.

Only the canteen owner was left, with a horrified look on his face and a confused heart?

Contribute to the country??

The canteen owner may not know that... he is contributing this bottle of wine... indeed, he is contributing to the country.

The God of Death, interrogating overseas terrorist members.

I need this bottle of white wine.

At this time, the canteen owner provided a bottle of liquor for free... This is not a contribution to the country, what is it?

In the middle of the street.

Chen Zongheng returned to the scene, opened the liquor and took a sip.

The strong and fragrant liquor is refreshing as soon as it enters your throat.

"Good wine." He murmured to himself. He was addicted to wine as far as Erguotou was concerned.

Take a few sips.

Then Chen Zongheng suddenly stood in front of the commander's body, raised the bottle, and poured the strong liquor on the commander's chest wound.

"Uh ah...!!" The moment the liquor touched the wound, the commander looked miserable and howled ferociously!!

His whole body was shaking violently!!

Liquor contains 50% high concentration of alcohol!

When alcohol touches the wound, it emits severe pain like a fire... filling the bones, wounds, skin... every inch of it!

The heartbreaking and burning pain!!

In the last few days, are monthly passes still available?

This chapter has been completed!
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