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Chapter 119 Matthew's Spellcasting Impulse


Seeing this, Matthew opened the door and let A Bing in.

After Ah Bing entered the door, he stared at Renesmee blankly.

The latter looked at him with one eye.

A Bing turned his head silently, and the emotions dancing in his soul seemed to be even more aggrieved.

Matthew was a little dumbfounded.

The minds of most undead are actually similar to those of children. Although they look hateful, the quality of their souls inside is actually very pure.

This is also the reason why many necromancers prefer to contact the undead.

Outsiders can never understand this.

They will only think that necromancers are perverts, necrophiliacs or sadists.

In fact, this is not necessarily the case.

At the moment, Matthew had no choice but to pat A Bing on the shoulder and explain to him through the contract that this round of enhancements was limited to zombies.

Ah Bing quickly understood and then stood obediently by the door.

But this time.

It was Renesmee's turn to be unhappy.

She walked over unexpectedly and bumped into A Bing!

Although A Bing is of a higher level, his physique is really average. With Renesmee relying on such an iron rock, two bones actually fell off his body!

A Bing is not a small boil, the bones in his body are all genuine.

Renesmee pushed forward. She looked at the soldier provocatively and slowly stretched out her right hand.

She meant to arm-wrestle with the other party.

However, A Bing just glanced at her thick arms and pulled out a pair of scimitars with his backhand!

Renesmee was startled and jumped back continuously. In the process, the Emerald Trade Wind was also caught in her hand.

"Are you going to rebel?"

Matthew asked calmly.


The air in the room seemed to be ten degrees colder.

Renesmee and Abing knelt down in fear, and the soul fires of the two undead shook violently.

"Immortal Contract: Acupuncture"!

This is the first time Matthew has used the harsh terms of the contract against the undead.

As one of the abilities that comes with the contract, "Acupuncture" can cause a temporary and extremely strong stimulation to the soul fire of the undead, giving them the illusion that the soul fire is about to be extinguished, thus better intimidating them.

"Am I usually too gentle? Do you want me to change the way I interact with you?"

Matthew asked coldly.

The two of them were lying on the ground, the weapons in their hands had been put aside. A strong feeling of panic could be heard from the side of the Immortal Contract.

They kept admitting their mistakes to Matthew.

Even with their intelligence, they may not be able to understand why Matthew is angry.

Matthew didn't respond immediately.

The deadlock in the cabin lasted for about seven or eight minutes before he ordered the two undead to stand up.

Matthew didn't lecture them, and even if he lectured them, they wouldn't understand.

As a master, all he needs is to make decisions and observe the master's mood and anger. That is the servants' business.

Matthew's attitude towards the undead was very peaceful, but he never forgot that he was the master.

The balance between knocking and being kind is indeed difficult to grasp.

The dispute between Renesmee and Soldier reminded Matthew that he occasionally loses his temper in front of the undead.

Only when there is thunder and rain and dew can the relationship between the two parties become more stable.

At that moment, Matthew ordered the soldier to stand guard by the door. He raised his hand and 11 strengthened rays of light were inserted into Renesmee's body.

"Tip: The enhancement is successful, Renesmee's level is raised to LV14 (original LV12)!

Renesmee has obtained 9 brand new keywords, the keyword quality is as follows——

1 gold, 2 purple, 2 blue, 2 white, 2 gray."

In a sense, it is also very balanced.

The joy of withdrawing money swept away the slight unhappiness in Matthew's heart.

He examined it carefully.

Let’s look at one gold, one purple and one gray first.

"Domain (Ocean/Gold): Your summon Renesmee has gained entry into the Ocean Domain, and she has gained the following abilities -

Sea walking (Renesmee can walk on the sea as if on flat ground, with a 20% movement speed bonus. Note that fresh water cannot be used);

Rapid swimming (Renesmee can move quickly in the sea water, and her swimming speed is equivalent to 130% of running speed);

Manipulate the Wind (On the sea, Renesmee gains the ability to summon a gust of wind and manipulate it slightly, 5 times per day)

The power of the domain (Renesmee can activate the ocean domain, thereby shocking and repelling the enemy)"

"Multi-Shot (Purple): Renesmee can attack multiple targets within the range of soul fire perception at the same time. When using "Multi-Shot", her quiver must be kept full. Secondly, her vital hit rate will be

There has been a decrease.”

"Gambler (Grey): Renesmee is very fond of gambling, and she always wins every bet. Her gambling skills are not superb, but she can always win with her extraordinary luck. The only regret is that every time Renesmee

After a big win in gambling, the ship she was on would rebel, something Renesmee had always wondered about during her lifetime.

After becoming an undead, Renesmee may involve other undead who lack intelligence in gambling, and the stakes are unknown.”

Good guy.

Compared with Renesmee, Bing is really a good boy!

The more Matthew looked, the more something was wrong. Is this still the caring big sister he met at the Night of the Dead ceremony?

This is clearly a female pirate captain who keeps doing mischief because of her good luck!

"It seems that the undead under my command must be assigned to the disciplinary committee."

Matthew thought that the gray ability of "Gambler" must be nipped in the cradle.

The undead don't have anything valuable on them, so wouldn't gambling mean they can only sell their organs and bones?

If such an evil trend spreads, how can we fight when everyone is missing arms and legs?

Fortunately, "Field (Ocean)" and "Multi-Shot" are of high quality.

Matthew remembered that Bing only realized the power of the domain at the fourth level, while Renesmee opened it at the third level, which shows that she has the possibility of continuing to strengthen her domain.

The ocean is a very large territory, and many gods fought over it during the Age of Enlightenment.

Its potential is quite astonishing.

Matthew was looking forward to the next strengthening.

Between thoughts.

He continued to read.

"Sea Monster Killer (Purple): Renesmee is proficient in sea monster knowledge (20+), and is well aware of the habits and weaknesses of these underwater giants.

All her attacks will deal an additional 40% damage to Kraken.

Renesmee participated in killing a legendary sea monster during her lifetime, so she has 1 point of legend among sea monsters——

When the figure of the "bloody petrel" rides the white waves and patrols the deep sea.

Deep-sea creatures that are not powerful enough often choose to stay away."

"Searching (Gray): Renesmee lacks moral values. She will observe things that are temporarily unowned and there is a certain chance that she will choose to seize them."

Killed a legend?

Then why is he just a little zombie after death?

Matthew was a little confused. Could it be that Dania didn't realize the beauty of Renesmee's body?

But soon.

His attention was attracted by "taking advantage of others".

"Renesmee, if you want to continue to follow me, you have to get rid of this problem."

Matthew said to her seriously.

Renesmee drooled for a while and chuckled:


Matthew was ready to fight.

Renesmee flinched, then obediently stretched her head over for Matthew to hit.

This scene is both distressing and funny.

Matthew had no choice but to try to explain:

"If you like something, tell me, and if it's reasonable, I'll give you money to buy it, but don't take other people's stuff!"

Renesmee looked at Matthew hesitantly:


Matthew said seriously:

"Call Master."

Renesmee thought for a moment:

"I want daddy, master."

These words scared Matthew into a cold sweat. Fortunately, there was no one in the cabin.

At the moment, he could only correct Renesmee's pronunciation bit by bit, as if he were raising a daughter, while at the same time not forgetting to instill in her the idea that it is wrong to take advantage of others.

Matthew's persistent efforts finally paid off.

"Tip: After your long teaching, Renesmee realized that "taking advantage of others" is wrong behavior.

Her keyword "taking advantage of others" was changed to "taking by force".

Taking by force (grey): Renesmee lacks moral values ​​and will take away things she likes without hesitation.”

Matthew covered his face with his hands and had a headache.


He made a very inhumane decision.

Matthew said to A Bing:

"You will follow her wherever she goes from now on. If she wants to take other people's things, stop her. This is my order. Do you understand?"

A Bing stood there with a confused look on his face.

Matthew glanced at the last blue sky and white clouds.

"Air Bubble (Blue): Renesmee can attach a bubble covering the head of a willing target in her field of vision. The bubble contains a large amount of air, enough to allow the target to breathe underwater for more than 30 minutes."

"West Wind Shot (Blue): Renesmee summons a west wind to bless herself and her bow. Her movement speed is increased by 15%. During the duration of the effect, for every enemy her bow hits, her movement speed is increased by an additional 1%, up to a maximum of 50


"Rocket Making (White): Renesmee can make special arrows such as white phosphorus rockets, fuel rockets, and explosive rockets."

"Soothing people (white): A long sea journey can easily cause mental problems in sailors. As an experienced captain, Renesmee has a unique set of techniques for soothing people."

Both blue and white are of good quality.

Matthew's blood pressure dropped slightly.

Only the last "soothing" thing gave him a bad premonition.

Combined with Renesmee's various misdeeds.

Matthew seemed to have guessed what her unique soothing technique was.

The Mark of the Dead is becoming increasingly stable, and the large-scale implementation of the Scorched Earth Ceremony of Death is also being prepared in an orderly manner. Matthew has more free time.

The next day.

Lord's Mansion Office Hall.

Matthew went to work holding a few newly purchased magnets.

When Rhaegar met, he said hello, and Zeller always looked at the magnet frame with doubts.

However, neither of their attention stayed on Matthew for too long.

The morning meeting begins soon.

"Two bad news. Merchants from the south claimed that there was friction between the Red Earth Mountain and the Golden Fertile Field, resulting in bloodshed. It is not yet certain whether the casualties on both sides were injured, but if this matter is not handled well, it may lead to two territories.

A new lord has just come to power in Red Earth Mountain and issued many unreasonable decrees. It is said that there are many internal conflicts. This friction may be an opportunity."

Zeller reported seriously.

Rhaegar frowned and put down his coffee:

"You mean, is it possible that Red Earth Mountain will launch a war against the north? Once the war starts, Golden Fertile Field cannot be his opponent, and Red Earth Mountain's target will not be limited to Golden Fertile Field, right?"

Zeller nodded:

"You're right to be worried."

As he spoke, he spread out a small map in front of the two of them, which showed the division of lords' power around Rolling Stone Town.

The town of Rolling Stone borders each other to the south and the two territories.

One is the high leaf collar in the southwest, and the other is the golden fertile field.

Further south of the golden fertile fields are the red clay mountains that Matthew passed by when riding a carriage earlier. It is a very rich commercial territory with full potential for war.

"Once the lord of Red Earth Mountain has raised enough troops, in order to feed this army, he cannot only annex the golden fertile fields. Rolling Stone Town is also a thorn in their side as they head north."

Zeller said:

"I've heard a lot of gossip recently. Friction has broken out among many territories in the south, and some have directly broken out into wars. For example, the northern area of ​​Deep Blue Port has been said to have become a battlefield for a long time. Various signs indicate that Matthew

The civilizational mystery lock you told us about earlier is disappearing."

Matthew scratched his head, not expecting that his knowledge would become out of date so quickly.

He actually cares about the purpose of the gods' actions.

But now, an all-out war seems about to break out in the South.

I don’t know what the Seven Saints Alliance is going to do.

"Actually, Rolling Stone is not very afraid of war."

Zeller suddenly looked at Rhaegar with burning eyes:

"I just want to know if you are ready?"

Rega subconsciously looked away.

He grasped the newspaper tightly with both hands and said somewhat unnaturally:

"Of course, I'm always ready to fight."

Zeller looked at him deeply and did not continue to dwell on this topic.

"Another bad news comes from the high leaf collar.

Two weeks ago, the high mountain reservoir in Gaoye collar suddenly collapsed. The water flooded the fertile fields at the foot of the mountain and destroyed the super water tanker that the dwarves and the Lord of Gaoye City had run for many years.

Currently, Gaoye Ling is severely affected by floods and villagers have been displaced. This year's cotton output will definitely decline.

Although we have signed a long-term supply agreement with Gao Yeling, this kind of natural disaster is not covered by the agreement, so they can postpone the supply of cotton next year.

And the textile workshops in Rolling Stone Town are never short of cotton.

You have to think of something, Rhaegar."

Rega covered her head in pain:

"Cotton, cotton, cotton again! Can't we think about next year's affairs next year?"

"Damn it, is there no good news today?"

Zeller smiled and said:

"Of course there is good news. The city owner of Shenlan Port sent us a letter of visit. If you nod, the city owner lady is forty-seven years old, has seven beautiful daughters, and still has her own charm.

She will bring her youngest daughter to visit Rolling Stone Town, which is great news for the single young people in the town."

As he spoke, he glanced at Matthew.

Matthew wondered:

"Do we still have communication with Deepline Port?"

Zeller explained:

"When Rhaegar was young, he had an engagement with the city lord lady, and that engagement was made by both parents.

According to the agreement, Rhaegar was supposed to marry the gentle and virtuous wife of the city lord, but he was too rebellious when he was young and secretly broke off the engagement against his father's wishes.

This incident caused quite a stir at the time. In order to apologize, Rhaegar's father even left for Deep Blue Harbor in person.

But despite this, the relationship between the two parties also cooled down.

After Rhaegar succeeded as lord, Rolling Stone Town and Deep Blue Harbor were almost strangers.

Only in the past few years, Rhaegar ran away from his wife, the lady's husband died, and the two parties hooked up again for some reason.

I have read the letter that the lady wrote to Rhaegar. It is not very affectionate, but rather ambiguous.

So this time the people from Deep Blue Port come to visit, it is not only a welfare for you single young people, but it is very likely to be Rega’s second spring.”

Rhaegar said dissatisfiedly:

"Hey, if you say such things in front of me, are you really afraid that I will deduct your wages?!"

Matthew spread his hands innocently:

"I did not say anything."

Zeller asked rhetorically:

"Can't these things be said?"

Rhaegar looked around:

"Speak softly and don't let Sif hear me. I'm afraid she will misunderstand."

"Alena and I haven't seen each other for many years. We missed each other back then, and it's hard to renew our relationship now. And I won't marry her because of Sif, not to mention that it is very troublesome for the lords of two territories to marry.

Yes, should she marry and come to Rolling Stone Town, or should I go to Deep Blue Port? These all have to be discussed slowly."

Soon, he seemed to realize that he had let something slip, and he changed the subject very abruptly:

"Matthew, why did you buy so many magnets?"

Matthew truthfully answered the difficulties he encountered in learning dissociation techniques.

"Dissociation spell? Is it the kind of spell that can take off a person's clothes?"

Rhaegar suddenly became interested.

I felt the strange looks from Matthew and Zeller.

He explained:

"I mean, this spell can quickly melt away the enemy's armor. It is a spell of great strategic value. We must help Matthew master it, right?"

Zeller looked away, looked at Matthew and asked:

"What problems are you encountering now?"

Matthew said distressedly:

"I found that casting spells in the field of transformation requires a strong impulse. The malicious transformation spell is malicious, and the dissociation spell feels very strange. I am not sure. I am obviously full of anger, unwillingness, malice, etc. towards the magnet.

Emotion, but there’s just no way to turn it into a ball of dust.”

"Is it impulsive to cast spells? It seems that some people say that the spells in the field of transformation are close to the way of casting spells by warlocks. This is not just a fabrication."

Zeller pondered:

"Rhaegar, help him?"

Rhaegar asked inexplicably:

"How can I help? I'm not a mage."

Zeller encouraged:

"Your ridicule can arouse people's emotional changes to a great extent. It doesn't have to be malicious, as long as it makes Matthew have the urge to cast spells."

"Come on, you can do it."

Rhaegar put down the newspaper helplessly:

"To be honest, I think you have to pay me a salary."

he said to Matthew.

Matthew smiled apologetically.

"Your hair style looks like a big frog when you go out today."

Lei Jia said something coldly.

Matthew felt nothing.

Rega thought for a moment and then said:

"I didn't finish what I said last time. That night, in addition to your mother, your elder sister and younger sister all said that I was great."

Matthew scratched his head and couldn't help but said:

"How about not going too far?"

Rega could only say:

"I think your Minotaur skeleton is very nice, how about giving it to me?"

In an instant.

A familiar emotion came to Matthew's mind.

He caught the urge to cast just in time.

Raising the staff——

"Dissociation Technique"!

Give it a stab.

A gray light flashed.

Rhaegar's pajamas disappeared without a trace!

"Congratulations Matthew!"

Zeller's eyes were smiling.

However, at this moment, a figure holding a skirt suddenly ran out of the corridor:

"Dad, dad, what do you think of this new skirt I bought?"

Behind the desk.

Rhaegar, who was naked from the waist up, suddenly grabbed the newspaper on the table.

However, it only covered the mass of chest hair on the chest.

Sif looked at this scene in surprise.

Her little eyes flicked back and forth between Rhaegar, Matthew, and Zeller.

Then he walked out obediently.

Please give me a monthly ticket! I was poked several times last night, please let me stay in front for a while!

This chapter has been completed!
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