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Chapter 129 Three Letters


"Hello, Bird Xiu.

My name is Lumière.

I'm sorry that you can't help me keep the Oak Chamber of Commerce blooming..."

After scanning only three lines, Matthew felt his scalp numb.

Lumiere's handwriting is not very beautiful, but it can be seen that he must be writing very seriously, and every word is written very clearly.

But the large number of typos and grammatical errors made Matthew, a master at picking out the key points from spam messages, a bit confused.

Matthew spent a long time distinguishing it. With the help of the two spells of "Language Comprehension" and "Text Order Identification", he gradually translated the encrypted letter into a smooth and readable content.

"Hello Matthew.

I'm Lumiere.

I'm sorry that I can no longer help the Oak Chamber of Commerce with its operations.

After I left, I tried to lead more tribesmen to Cordo City, but this move was strongly rejected by the people of Cordo City.

We were kicked out.

Because of the past radical actions of the Headhunter tribe, the aboriginal people of the Gold Coast are not very friendly to us.

Mr. Yu Lian has tried his best to mediate, but it seems to have little effect.

In the end we had no choice but to retreat to the rainforest.

Fortunately, the Oak Chamber of Commerce was not affected. This is the only thing that makes me feel relieved.

Cordo City cannot accommodate us, so we can only find another way out.

This incident made me realize that it was not feasible to take all the people out of the rainforest at once. I had to personally find a replicable path for them.

There is no way out to the south, there are barren deserts and mountains to the west, and the sea to the east.

I can only go north alone.

After leaving the rainforest, I visited several cities.

But those cities are more or less rejecting the Jango people, such as Zeshui City.

I also caught the plague when I passed through Zeshui City. I was upset for two days and all the leaves on the roadside were stripped off by me.

Fortunately, I am in good health and managed to carry it through.

From then on I planned to go further.

I want to go to a place where people don't know the Jango people, slowly integrate into their society, and learn their knowledge and way of life.

at the same time.

I also have to work hard to make money.

When I left the rainforest, about six or seven girls told me that they were pregnant.

This is of course great news.

How could the future king of the rainforest not have a bunch of heirs?

They are going to inherit my throne!

Even though I don't have a throne yet, I'm working on building one for them!

In fact, the cost of raising children is not an unsolvable problem. It does not cost much to raise a child in the tribe.

What's more, in the tradition of the Black Rong tribe, the children born to the woman are jointly raised by her uncles.

But I don't like this tradition.

I prefer that the father of the child bear the cost and responsibility of raising the child like you northerners do.

I spent a lot of money on the elders of the tribe.

I gave the remaining money to my women.

The money you gave me is almost spent.

So I walked north along the coast while looking for a suitable job.

This is not an easy task.

I failed to master the skills to make a living in society and could only work as a coolie.

Many places where I work see that I am a foreigner and will deliberately lower the price.

I worked as a porter at the dock of Deep Blue Harbor for three days.

As a result, when the final settlement was made, the other party only paid half of my salary.

I was so angry that I really wanted to throw that fat guy into the sea and feed it to the fish.

But when I think of my people, my women, and my unborn children.

I chose to swallow my anger.

I remember that guy's face.

The future king of the rainforest is no pushover!

I swear I will soak him in the water prison for three days and three nights!

There will be a day.

After leaving Deep Blue Harbor, I walked along the inland trails for a while and accidentally heard about recruitment of workers in a tavern. They paid very high wages. I went to give it a try and found that it was really good there!

I am writing to you now from this working level called "Blackstone Mine".

The work here is hard, but the pay is really good.

I work 15 hours a day, and the most is 19 hours.

You can usually earn 4 gold, and at most you can earn 6 gold.

The benefits in the mine are excellent, including food and housing.

I calculated that as long as I work here for one year, I can save almost 2,000 gold!

Five years is 10,000 gold!

Oh my god!

This is a really good place to make money.

I can't wait to share this news with my people.

It's a pity that there is no correspondence where they live, so I have nowhere to share my joy. At this time, I thought of you, my friend Matthew!

I think it's time to write you a letter.

To apologize and to share the joy.

Unfortunately, my command of Common Chinese is not very good, so I wrote the first half of this letter under the guidance of the supervisor's wife.

By the way, I forgot to tell you.

The supervisor in the mine was very kind to me and never whipped me, but I often saw him whipping other people.

I guess that's because other people are always slacking off at work.

The overseer's wife was also very kind to me. Not only did she teach me how to read and write Common Language, but she also always invited me to visit her home when I was out of the mine.

I do not dare to go.

The current support payments for the six or seven children have already made me feel a bit overwhelmed.

I have to exercise some restraint.

In comparison, my relationship with my colleagues is not very harmonious.

They said I broke the rules.

Haha, it’s so ridiculous. It’s obvious that they are lazy and unwilling to work.

What the supervisor said clearly——

Why don’t they understand the principle of more reward for more work?

Say no more.

I'm going to go to bed.

Try to get up early tomorrow, work a few more hours, and piss off those lazy guys!

(Finally, I’m sorry again that I promised to help the Oak Chamber of Commerce but couldn’t do it.)

(I wrote this letter back and forth for two weeks. If there is any reversed word order, please point it out and send it back and forth to me. Thank you)"

After reading.

Matthew was silent for a minute.

There are so many flaws in this letter, but if you think about it in detail, it turns out to be so reasonable.

This gave him mixed feelings.

It is not surprising that the Jango people were rejected by the people of Cordo City. Not everyone can accept the barbaric habits of the people in the rain forest.

If Matthew had been there when this happened, there might have been room for maneuver.

But now the dust has settled.

Matthew felt a little sorry.

As for what Lumière mentioned in his letter, "Yu Lian has tried his best to mediate", Mathieu didn't believe it at all.

This thing might have been caused by that shady Sioux!

But it's impossible for Matthew to fall out with Yu Lian because of this kind of thing.

After all, he is just a friend of Lumière.

Lumière is the future king of the rainforest, and the fate of the Jango people is in their own hands.

The most Matthew can provide is a little advice and help within his ability.

The content of this letter really made him unable to hold his nerve.

It was the period when Lumière went all the way north to work and lamented the high wages and good benefits in the mines.

"The dock of Shenlan Port is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Any porter you encounter while taking a few steps is probably a fourth-level or fifth-level boss."

Matthew shook his head secretly.

The east coast is indeed a prosperous and prosperous place. In the front, there is the orc Juggernaut carrying bricks at the dock, and in the back, the King of the Rainforest digs mines.

Matthew's first reaction was to write a letter asking Lumiere to come to Rolling Stone and arrange a job for him within the league.

But soon, he stopped this idea.

Matthew played with the quill in his hand, with a thoughtful look in his eyes:

Lumière is not Eli.

Although he doesn't understand much about human society, he is actually very smart and has strong insight.

I had clearly given him the address of Rolling Stone.

Lumiere has already walked this far north. If he really wants to seek help from him, it shouldn't be difficult for him to just walk a few more steps to Rolling Stone Town.

He is not a good-looking person either.

The reason why he didn't come to me is probably the following reason——

He wanted to continue to get along with Matthew as a friend and on an equal footing.

Matthew recalled that when he arranged a position at the Oak Chamber of Commerce for Lumière, the other party refused in every possible way and did not want salary, but only said that he would come to help.

This is obviously not vanity at work.

Lumière had his own obsession.

It is precisely because of this persistence that he is unwilling to go to Matthew even if he goes to dig mines alone and works for others.

No matter how little money you make and how hard you work, at least when you face your friends, you won't feel that you are three points short.

This is the mood of the future King of the Rainforest.

Figured out the joints.

Matthew picked up his pen and began to write a reply.

In a few strokes, he shared his life in Rolling Stone Town with Lumière, and gently reminded him of the safety hazards of working in the mines. After that, he talked about some suggestions for the future development of the Jango people.

In the letter, he tried his best to avoid using advanced vocabulary and only communicated with Lumière in a very colloquial manner.

Only at the very end of the letter.

Matthew very tactfully hinted that Lumiere had some resources and connections in the alliance.

If he needs it, I can arrange work for him at any time.

This is to avoid misunderstanding the other person’s thoughts——

What if Lumiere really didn’t want to defect to him?

Finished writing the reply.

Matthew took a rest and opened the second letter.


This time Lorraine's letter was very brief.

""Chasing the Wind and Shadow" told me that big events will happen in or around Rolling Stone Town recently!

I'm not sure about the specifics, so please pay more attention to the surrounding abnormal news!

I will come as soon as possible. If you need help, light this feather and Sweet Girl will take you to escape!"

Is something big happening in Rolling Stone?

Matthew's heart tightened.

Lorraine is a demigod and legendary poet, and I have seen all kinds of magical manifestations of him.

If the other party hadn't lied, things would have been troublesome.

Matthew held the letter in his hand, thought for a while, and decided to share the news with Rega and Zeller when he went to work today.

After hiding the sweet girl's feathers, Matthew adjusted his mood, took a sip of water, and then slowly opened the beautiful envelope with a green border.

What comes into view are lines of beautiful and timeless handwriting.

It is in sharp contrast to Lumiere's dog crawl.

Matthew suddenly felt the spring breeze blowing on his face, and his energy became a little better.

"Dear Matthew:

Showing the letter is like meeting.

The jade green court in May looks like a ball of fire from a distance. The ancient city wall is covered with brightly colored "brocade phoenix flowers". They spread out from both ends of the city wall and surround the ancient war trees that have been dormant for many years on both sides.

What a divine bird that flutters its wings and is ready to fly.

This scene is extremely beautiful.

Unfortunately, my painting skills are insufficient and my writing skills are also poor, so I cannot fully share this beautiful scenery with you.

This is really regrettable.

The golden phoenix flower is a bright yellow or orange-red flower.

In early summer, it covers every corner of the jade garden.

Wood elves use its roots as medicine. After boiling it with water and taking it, it is said to cure all diseases.

I tried it, and it actually worked, and it didn't even hurt much when it came.

I like this kind of flower even more, and I am also interested in the "phoenix" in the flower's name.

Terrani told me that humans have huge misunderstandings about phoenixes. They always confuse "phoenix" and "phoenix", but in fact they are two kinds of creatures.

Thousands of years ago, the wood elves summoned a divine phoenix from the east in the royal court of the previous generation.

The divine phoenix has incredible power and compassion to save all living beings (Note: The word "compassion" is in Elvish language. I couldn't find a similar word in human common language. I hope it's not because I was not serious in taking language classes. This should be

A word from the East, please correct me if there are any mistakes or omissions).

At that time, the divine phoenix was seriously injured. The wood elf allowed it to recuperate in the city and took good care of it.

Hundreds of years later.

Only then did Shenfeng regain his health.

After that, he became the patron saint of wood elves for a time.

According to records, the divine phoenix protected the Elf Royal Court for thousands of years.

As he left, he said to the wood elves:

'My hometown is being invaded by demons, and I must go back to help them.'

After saying that, He flapped his wings and flew high, disappearing into the eastern sky.

Before leaving, the divine phoenix sprinkled tens of thousands of flames on the Elf King's Court.

After these flames fell to the ground, they ignited a plant called "Jinse Flower" on the roadside, burning out a brand new "Jinse Phoenix Flower".

Wood elves believe that the phoenix flower represents the blessing of the divine phoenix.

So even after the royal court was replaced, these plants were still planted inside and outside the city walls.

This is really a romantic story.

Every year at this time, elven lovers make wishes on the phoenix flowers on the city wall. That scene is actually very beautiful——

If it weren't for the scars of the dead that disfigure the scenery.

I used the method you taught me to be honest with Terrani.

But she is a very paranoid person.

She promised that she would not force me and would give me freedom, but she still came to see me from time to time.

She is really domineering——

Several times she tried to kiss me secretly on the face, and after I rejected her, she tried to force her to do it. Fortunately, I was strong enough, so she never succeeded.

But most of the time she still respects me.

With the presence of Terrani, I no longer face harassment during classes or breaks.

But soon I discovered that I was completely alone.

Except for Terrani.

No elves want to talk to me.

So do the teachers.

After they finished their duties in class, they avoided me.

This feeling of being isolated from everyone is really bad.

I feel more and more that it was a mistake to follow my father's advice and study here.

After two months of hard practice.

My dance is still number one.

Swordsmanship is still the last.

There is no difference from two months ago.

Well, there is still a difference. Yesterday I found that I gained a pound. It may be because I have eaten too much elf barbecue recently.

I'm afraid I will have to go vegetarian for half a year to offset the debt of eating meat in the past two months.


I miss Rolling Stone very much.

When I wrote a letter to my father, mother and brothers yesterday, I secretly cried several times.

I want to say to my father:

"Take me back, I don't want to learn Elf Sword Chanting anymore."

I want to tell my mother:

"Please advise father. I would rather go home and study Oriental embroidery with you than continue to dance with a thick bra wrapped around my chest."

But what finally fell on the paper was nothing more than "I am fine here, dancing is my forte, and I am also very good at swordsmanship."

I know my father spent a lot of money.

Part of this is my future dowry.

I can't waste too much of my family's money.

So I can't give up halfway.

But it’s so hard, Matthew, I can’t stand it anymore.

Can anyone tell me how to learn swordsmanship where a deviation of more than 2 centimeters in the sword holding posture will have adverse effects?

Write here.

The green dragon outside the city is barking again.

I'm tired of that guy named Fatina.

She should be dealing with the elves' Shadow Leopard troops and Wind Chaser troops now. Terrani said that she is very cunning and will not attack the city easily, but I am still a little scared.

The Society of Astrologers has declared this to be the Year of the Dragon.

That's a giant dragon.

Whenever I imagine the image of a giant dragon in my mind, I feel very small.

Jade Cangting is really not a good place.

If it were Rolling Stone, there wouldn't be such a scary thing as a dragon, right?

It must be.

This letter can only be written here. Tomorrow is the sword test. If I can barely pass it, I can learn the magic of Sword Song.

I hate swordplay.

But I'm really looking forward to the magic called "Summoning a Demon Pet".

I heard that after I learn it, I can summon a messenger for myself, so that it will be very convenient to communicate with Rolling Stone Town.

By the way, at the end of the letter, I want to ask you something.

Although it’s hard to say it, because I haven’t received a reply to the last letter I sent home, and I’m not sure whether my father and mother have received my request for help, I can only place my hope in you——

My bra wrap wore out quickly during practice and is now completely used up.

The Wood Elf doesn't have the right size for me here.

No one is willing to help me change it.

I hope you can go to a ready-made clothing store called "Ruth Tailor" in Rolling Stone Town and buy some for me. Buy a few more pairs. I want silk ones, size S8.

I hid a piece of gold paper inside the envelope, which should be enough to cover the cost.



——Your Bernard, May 2, in the Jade Cangting."

After reading this.

Matthew was silent for half a minute.

After a while.

He called Peggy from the kitchen:

"Do you know anything about bra wraps?"

Peggy puffed up her chest proudly:

"Of course, I have big breasts after all!"

Matthew nodded and said:

"Then go and buy some for me. Remember to ask for silk ones, size S8."

Peggy looked at Matthew in surprise.

long time.

She then asked hesitantly:

"How do you know my size?"

"You still want to buy me a bra wrap?"

"Am I too explicit?"


Matthew had just entered the Lord's Hall and was ready to share the news about Lorraine with the other two people.

Unexpectedly, Rhaegar said the following words:

"The war has begun!"

This chapter has been completed!
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