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Chapter 159 Do you want to borrow money from me?


After seeing the details on the list, Matthew immediately understood that this was Suriel's conspiracy.

placed in front of oneself.

It's not a consumer trap.

And pie falling from the sky!

It's just that the pie is too big and the quantity is too much.

If you eat it all in one go, you will easily choke yourself to death.

Spell abilities.

This is the opportunity that every mage dreams of. As Margaret introduced before, if you want to solidify a certain spell into an ability through regular training, you need to pay a very high price.

The first is the time cost. A training cycle lasts for 14 to 24 days, and it usually takes 2 to 3 training cycles to achieve initial results.

In other words, it can take as fast as one month or as slow as three months to achieve the initial goal.

At first glance, it doesn’t take much time, but the time here refers to training day and night.

Every day during the training cycle, the spell caster must drain his mana and mental energy and cast the same spell repeatedly.

This will also cause great damage to a person's will and mental strength.

Secondly, there is the cost of materials. Training requires specific potions to be effective.

The most important of these is the potion that breaks the daily limit on the number of spells you can cast.

Take "Spell Knowledge" as an example.

The material cost of this spell is about 25,000 gold coins.

Comparing it to Suriel's construction technique, which is completely automatic, the price is only half the price.

Third, because in the process of becoming a spell, you need to take potions every day that break the limit on the number of spells you can cast, there is a certain probability that the trainer will suffer from "spellcasting addiction."

The cost of follow-up treatment for this problem is very high, and there is no effective treatment method within the alliance.

Therefore, there is usually a period of time between each training cycle, which increases the time cost in disguise.

However, this method is already a manifestation of the great progress of magic civilization.

Before that.

A mage can usually only empower one spell in his lifetime——

And most of them are common spells such as mage's hand and lighting spell.

But it's different now.

The spells on this list are all you need to spend money to get at your fingertips.

"Counter Spell" worth 50,000 gold coins each.

Matthew didn't think it was expensive at all.

He even thought it was ridiculously cheap!

At that moment, Matthew took a deep breath and his heart rate gradually calmed down.

During this process.

The field of control has always been stable, and there is no trend of calling the police.

This is enough to explain Matthew's current state.

His brain is actually very calm.

It's just that Suriel's bright cards were too tempting, and there was a certain physiological reaction.

No wonder Suriel is so confident and dares to say in advance that she will squeeze you dry. It turns out that she is sure that no one can refuse what she gives!

Matthew raised his eyes and looked at Suriel:

"The price you give everyone is different, right?"

Suriel said with a smile:

"You are quite smart."

"If you are a fourth-level mage, the price in this price list will generally double;

For level 5, it will be tripled.

Legend is a different price. It not only requires money, but also owes me a huge favor."

"To be honest, I have no intention of making money from little wizards like you. The money is barely enough to cover the original cost. My labor costs are all for nothing."

Matthew believed her.

Suriel really had no intention of earning his money.

Her purpose is completely public -

She simply wants to be everyone's creditor, including Matthew!

Therefore, she offers different prices for different groups of people. Anyway, the purpose is to drain your pockets and make you go into debt.

Matthew smiled bitterly in his heart.

He is actually a person who hates owing money.

"Don't be in a hurry, just take your time."

Suriel's voice was very gentle. She sat opposite Matthew, her knees slanted together, holding a cup of coffee elegantly in her hand. Her movements and demeanor were like a tutor who was tutoring a student.

Matthew bit his lip and began to think about what he needed.

After a while.

He took a pen and started ticking off the list——

"-Spell Reflection-

man of Steel-

Spell invalidation barrier (centered on yourself, create a spherical space with a radius of 18 meters. Within the space, all non-legendary spells cannot take effect)

Price: 100,000 gold coins-

Spell upgrade (the effects of all spells you cast except summoning and prophecy will be increased by one major level)

Price: 100,000 gold coins-

Spell prompting (when casting a spell of the same level, your spell effects appear simultaneously with your chanting;

When casting a spell that is two levels lower than your own level, your chanting time is reduced to 0.02 seconds.)

Price: 100,000 gold coins-

Any door (you can open a portal within your field of vision, the other end of the portal must not be more than 150 meters away from this door, and your brain must have a strong enough impression of the space on the other side of the door.

Warning: The accident rate of any door is 100 times that of wall penetration. Please try to use it within the range of sight.

Available 20 times a day)

Price: 100,000 gold coins"

Every spell he chose was carefully considered.

"Spell Reflection" and "Steel Body" are pure immediate combat capabilities. The former, together with Spell Counter and "Spell Invalidation Barrier", form Matthew's three qualities to deal with mages;

The latter, together with the "immortal body", makes Matthew's physical body safer.

"Spell Instant" and "Spell Upgrade" are options with great potential, and their effects will increase as Matthew's strength increases.

Even if you reach legend in the future, these two abilities will be of great use.

As for "Spell Invalid Barrier" and "Any Door".

They are also well-known as snake oil spells, and learning them early will always come in handy.

With this set of combat spells as a foundation, Matthew only needs to make up a little more foundation, and then he can devote all his energy to the exploration of necromancy spells and fields.

Tick ​​the last check mark.

Matthew only felt a little tight in his wrist.

He took another look at the spell list on the list, with a slightly reluctant look in his eyes.

But Matthew resisted the urge to continue ticking.

Krypton gold is a bottomless pit.

He doesn't want to work for others all his life.

Suriel's construction technique is indeed one of the channels to quickly become stronger.

Matthew is willing to use this talent to further strengthen his own shortcomings.

But he also knows it very well.

I am not Fei Capital, nor Suriel, nor even Margaret.

This road belongs to them, not yours.

Matthew has his own path to follow.

He joined the alliance to learn from each other's strengths, not to completely abandon his legendary ways!

"When this period of time passes, it's time to settle down. The magic knowledge in the alliance has disturbed my eyes."

"I should go back to the ordinary woods and cemeteries."

"Nature and immortality, that is my path!"

Matthew's will gradually strengthened.

"Have you chosen?"

Suriel's gentle voice rarely changed its tone:

"Are you sure you only want these six?"

Matthew nodded:

"My money should be enough, right?"

Suriel put it bluntly:

"Not enough. You only have 470,000 gold coins in your storage items. You need to pay 500,000 gold coins here. You also need to borrow 30,000 gold coins."

Matthew quickly said:

"I don't need to borrow the 30,000 gold coins. I can go back to Rolling Stone Town to make some and send them to you soon."

Suriel did not embarrass him:


"But are you sure you don't want to choose a few more? You only have this chance. Next time, even if you kneel down at the alliance headquarters and beg me, I will not serve you for free."

Matthew's emotions had calmed down by now.

He was still in the mood to smile:

"For me, this is enough. I will talk about the rest later."

Suriel looked at him with interest:

"You are the most conservative mage I have ever met."

"Margaret was already burdened with more than two million yuan in debt when she was your age.

As a result, she herself transformed from a very ordinary little mage to the champion of three consecutive Battle Mage Competitions.

This is the charm of Suriel's construction.

Let me remind you one last time, once the list is confirmed, it can no longer be changed.

If you choose more spells, you can make yourself more powerful.

And being strong is the key to making big money.

Look at Margaret, she paid back more than one million at a young age. She only needs to work for me for a few more decades to pay back the remaining interest.

If she didn't have the courage to burn the boat back then.

I’m afraid I still don’t know where it is being used as a human battery by some mid-level mages.”

Suril's words were very straightforward.

The advice she gave was also very sincere.

But Matthew still chose to decline.

"Very good, it seems you are really resisting letting me become your creditor."

A trace of displeasure flashed in Suriel's eyes.

Matthew hurriedly said:

"You are willing to help me solidify my spells for free. I am very grateful for this. I will always keep this favor in my heart. As long as you need me, I will not dare to refuse."

His words touched Suriel's heart.

She probably just likes the feeling that others owe her - whether it's favors or money.

Suriel smiled, stood up and greeted Matthew:

"Okay then, let's go to the studio with me."


A portal appeared in front of the two of them.

Matthew walked in.

We arrived at a place surrounded by glass, with the sky under our feet and the sky above our heads.

He looked around and suddenly found a huge city floating in the sky on his left.

The architectural style on that floating city is very fashionable.

From time to time there is a stream of light flying above, it seems to be a small aircraft?

The composition of the entire scene gives people the flavor of a science fiction blockbuster.

"Don't be nervous, you can't see in from the outside."

Suriel said softly.

Matthew asked curiously:

"Is that the Alliance's floating city?"

Suriel shook his head:

"That's a cyber dragon, and there's a group of paranoid artificers living in it."

Matthew was suddenly shocked:

"Your residence is next to Cyber ​​Dragon?"

Suriel nodded:

"There is no way, someone has to keep an eye on the cyber dragon to prevent the artificer from blowing up the world. I happen to be the best mage in the enchantment and protection field in the alliance, so this job falls to me."

"Quickly, take off your clothes. I want to check your body."

Matthew instinctively wanted to take off his shirt.

But his movements froze instantly:

"Why are you taking off your clothes?"

Suriel urged:

"Because you need to choose the part where you want to implant the constructed spell. The human body is very mysterious. Every organ has a different function, and the same goes for the skin.

Although Suril's structure is buried in the subcutaneous fat layer and rarely affects the human body itself, if the best part can be selected for curing, the effect will be better."

As she said this, she seemed a little impatient and waved her white index finger lightly.

All the clothes on Matthew’s body were immediately wiped away!

"Put your hands up, spread your thighs, don't cover it, let me take a good look."

Suriel's tone did not fluctuate.

Matthew repeatedly told himself that all this was to obtain the spell.

Gradually, his slightly restless heart calmed down.

Suriel walked around him and asked suspiciously:

"Are you not in good health?"

Matthew thought for a while.

Turned off the moderation area.

After a while.

Suriel nodded with satisfaction:

"Well, he looks healthy."

"Next, I will conduct a round of magic tests on you to determine the final implantation site."

During the conversation.

Circles of colorful magic runes surrounded Matthew's body, wrapping him tightly like a giant silkworm chrysalis.

five minutes later.

The light of magic dissipated.

Suriel took a magic pen, first grabbed the wrists of Matthew's two hands, and drew a cross on each.

Then she turned Matthew around and drew a cross on the inside of his shoulder blades behind his back.

Then she opened Matthew's thighs.

Three crosses were drawn in a row on his inner thigh.

Matthew could feel bursts of pain coming from the skin touched by the magic pen, as if it was being burned.

But the pain didn't last long.

He felt some naughty magical energy getting into it, but the existence form of this magical energy was something he had never seen before.

The nature is also more stable than normal magical energy.

"It's done, that's it."

Suriel said.

The clothes that had been stripped off suddenly appeared on Matthew's body again.

"Pay the money. I have already reserved a hole in your body for the spell solidification. After three days, come to me with the remaining 30,000 gold and I will perform the spell solidification ceremony for you."

Suriel issued an eviction order.

Matthew reluctantly handed over the money.

Then with the help of the fat cat Aji, he left Suriel's Crystal Castle.

"Tip: With your own willpower, you resisted the temptation from Suriel's Construct Technique. This is a shocking feat. You are once again stepping into the field of control.

As a reward for getting involved in the field, you can choose one of the following three abilities -

1. Cheat meal (every ten days, you can choose one day to practice in the field of control in the form of self-deception. On that day, no matter what kind of indulgent behavior you perform, it will not affect the accumulation of elements in the field of control, and on the contrary, it will have

May speed up the progress of field exploration)

2. Ascetic (you can choose to eliminate a worldly desire to obtain a more powerful attribute bonus)

3. Flexible bottom line (Restraint or indulgence, that is a question. After acquiring this ability, you will have the opportunity to get a very low probability of getting involved in the indulgent field through behaviors in the field of restraint.) "

"If you spend five hundred thousand a day, is this considered a success in moderation?"

Matthew was a little surprised.

He looked at three abilities.

First of all, exclude the ascetic monks. Even Li Weiqi probably wouldn't choose this thing.

He hesitates between "cheat meals" and "flexible bottom lines."

In the end, I chose the former.

Matthew is very confident in his "talent" in the field of development. Even if he wants to master the field of indulgence, there is no need to develop through this ability.

On the contrary, cheat meals can make him less self-restraint sometimes.

Occasional indulgences can help you feel better physically and mentally.

Even if you don't need it now.

It will definitely come in handy in the future.


The second exploration of the area of ​​control also blessed Matthew with a permanent state.

"Absolute concentration: your concentration is permanently +1"

The instructions are simple.

The effect is very powerful.

Almost all of the "focus" buffs Matthew received previously were temporary.

Permanent concentration is really great for mages!

"It seems that as long as you face one temptation and complete one restraint, you can successfully enter the realm of restraint and claim it. Isn't this another kind of tauren?"

"It's a pity that there are too few temptations that can trigger domain judgment."

Matthew left the Crystal Palace with random thoughts.

He planned to return to Rolling Stone Town as soon as possible to find someone to borrow money from.

But in the teleportation hall in the Crucible Room.

Matthew accidentally bumped into Ekmund and another old mage with a kind face and a little unfocused eyes.

When Ekmund saw Matthew, he smiled and said:

"Back from Suriel?"

Matthew nodded.

Ekmund suddenly looked at the old mage with gloating:

"They say you are slow. Su Ruier has been eyeing this kid for a long time and specially arranged for Margaret to be his teacher. Only then did he follow the trend and get ahead without leaving any trace."

The old mage shook his head and sighed:

"There is really no one in the league who is better at making money than those two women. I thought I had come fast enough."

Ekmund smiled and introduced to Matthew:

"This is the Guardian of the North, Mr. Rodrick. He is famous for his prophecy spells, the manufacturing of magic items, and the imitation of ancient artifacts. Of course, he is even more famous for the high-quality imitations produced in Rodrick's factory. You

You should have heard a little bit about it.”

Matthew quickly saluted.

Ekmund added:

"Rodrick heard that you made a lot of money, so he came here from the north to sell you a batch of products. Unfortunately, it seems that his high imitation semi-artifacts may not be sold."

Seeing Roderick sighing.

Matthew was very surprised.

Are these legendary mages engaged in some kind of competition?

Do you have to squeeze all the newcomers who have recently made a lot of money?

And what happened to Ekmund?

It is said that?

Who else but you knows that I made a fortune?

Secretly slandering.

On the surface, Matthew laughed along with him and gave him the gold coin he lost to Ekmund.

"I said, you will definitely spend all the money within three days."

Ekmund said with a smile.

At this time, Roderick suddenly said:

"Ekmund, let's make a bet."

"This kid has just come out of Suriel's place, let's bet on how much debt he carries with Suriel?"

"Both of us don't use prophecy, how about we see who can guess more accurately?"

Ekmund looked at him with a smile, glanced at Matthew, and suddenly said decisively:

"I bet he owes at least half a million!"

Rodrick shook his head and said:

"You're too conservative, I think it's at least a million!"

"You and I both know what Suriel is capable of. Before this, the lowest debt record of a mage who came out of the Crystal Palace was 300,000."

"It seems you want me to win."

Watching two legendary bosses bet in front of him.

Matthew's forehead immediately started to sweat.

He asked cautiously:

"What if the actual number is far different from both guesses?"

Ekmund suddenly became serious:

"You don't owe more than two million, right?"

Matthew didn't know what to say.

Roderick immediately grabbed him:

"Don't try to trick this kid, just tell me what to do."

Ekmund said casually:

"If the real answer is really different from what we guessed, then give him both our bets."

Roderick nodded and said he had no objection.

Under the common gaze of the two of them.

Matthew said with difficulty:

"I temporarily owe 30,000 yuan on credit, but I don't have any debt. I can pay it off if I go back and scrape together a little bit."

The two legendary mages looked at each other with expressions of disbelief.

"Silly boy, how could you let go of the opportunity to reach the sky in one step?"

"Do you know how many people begged Suriel to do the curing for her, but they had no way to do it and couldn't even see Margaret?"

"Although we always joke about not going into debt with her, that's just teasing. Even Teacher Isabel will encourage you to solidify a few more spells with Suriel. This is a rare opportunity."

Ekmund looked a little anxious.

He seemed to genuinely feel that Matthew had squandered a great opportunity.

Matthew could only smile at this and explain in a low voice that the matter was a done deal.


In the regretful eyes of the two legendary mages.

Matthew also received bets from two legendary mages——

They were two magic gold coins with two heads printed on them respectively.

Gold coins contain unique magic powers.

The two didn't tell them how to use them, so Matthew could only put them in his pocket as ordinary gold coins.

After bidding farewell to the two legends, Matthew was finally able to return to Rolling Stone.

He arrived at the Lord's Mansion in a hurry.

"Rega, I have something to do with you."

He walked in and got straight to the point.

Rega, who was wearing pajamas and reading a newspaper, didn't even raise his head:

"There is no need to talk about practicing magic, and there is no need to talk about borrowing money."

"I need thirty thousand gold coins, I'm in a hurry."

Matthew said.

Seeing his serious attitude, Rega didn't make a joke, he just frowned and said:

"Didn't you just get a sum of money a few days ago? Did you squander it all so quickly?"

"It's not impossible if you want to borrow money, but we must write it clearly in black and white. In addition, I will charge you some symbolic interest. After all, it is the treasury of Rolling Stone Town that is being used."

Matthew asked a little surprised:

"Didn't you just get a sum of money a few days ago? Then you squandered it all?"

Without waiting for Rhaegar to answer.

A cute little head poked out from the corridor:

"Matthew, do you want to borrow money from me?"

"I got a lot of pocket money recently."

"I won't charge you interest."

Sif looked at him with bright eyes.

Behind the desk.

Rhaegar's expression suddenly became painful.

As expected, I received an interest-free loan of 30,000 yuan from the Lord's Mansion.

Matthew's steps became brisk as he returned to the oak forest.

He happily finished planting today's oak trees.

The tombstone was made again.


A little black cat jumped into the cemetery.

He came to Matthew and took on human form.


Matthew looked at the other party in surprise. He looked around and found no trace of the little white cat.

Eli said to him with a complicated expression:

"Matthew, I have to tell you something."

"A very important thing."

This chapter has been completed!
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