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Chapter 163 Celebrity Realm and Dark Priest


Deep in the oak forest.

Four stones engraved with the emblems of wind, earth, water and fire surround a tall oak tree in the center.


This oak tree was glowing white from top to bottom.

Its crown is more spread out than other oak trees.

A sacred aura spreads from it.

This is the natural medium Eli and Obest used to construct the Sanctuary of Life.

The oak tree itself is a symbol of nature.

It is logical to use oak as the medium for the sanctuary of life.

Similar to the fountain in the cemetery that communicates with the negative energy plane, this oak tree also takes on the burden of communicating with the natural realm.

The elements of life will continuously flow into the earth where the oak forest is located through it.

And those flowers, plants and trees that can coexist with the oak forest will gradually appear in the forest.

Matthew can already foresee the scene when his oak forest will become full of life, with birds singing and flowers fragrant!

But now is not the time to bask in the wonderful atmosphere of the Sanctuary of Life.

Matthew quickly passed Eli and the centaur.

He entered the sanctuary, placed his hands on the natural medium, and turned back and said:

"Release control and give it to me."

Eli has no comments:

"It was originally yours."

"I activated it with the oak field."

His oak field comes from Matthew.

This made it extremely smooth for Matthew to take over, and he went in immediately.

Obest stood by the side without saying a word, as if he had something to give you.

"The distance was too close, and the two ceremony venues actually clashed."

After becoming the master of the sanctuary of life.

After a moment of perception, Matthew determined that the two major ceremony venues were tit-for-tat and adding weight to each other.

On the land bordering the cemetery and oak forest.

The conflict of power at the ceremony site almost caused the air in that area to become slightly distorted.

Life energy and negative energy clash crazily.

Keep it up like this.

The energy of both ritual sites will be depleted quickly.

Matthew must step in to coordinate.

At the moment, he activated the professional characteristic of the Balance Envoy——

"Supreme Harmony"!

This feature is usually used to reconcile internal power imbalances, but now that both ritual venues are under Matthew's control, the principles of reconciliation are naturally highly similar.

After a while.

Matthew felt as if he was in the conflict of the ceremony.

Power coming from all directions almost crushed him!




When dealing with conflicts between ritual sites for the first time, Matthew didn't have much experience to draw from, so he could only coax the instinctive spirituality of the ritual sites like a child.

But this move had little effect.

Half an hour passed.

Caught in the middle, Matthew was so dizzy.

Neither the lively sanctuary of life nor the cold cemetery gave him much respect.

The conflict at the ceremony venue has not only not eased, but has intensified.

"Simple reconciliation really won't work."

Matthew took a half step back and thought:

"Isabel said that balancing two forces is meaningless. Balancing all things is the true balance."

"This sentence may not be what I originally understood it to be."

"If all things are balanced, where there is still balance, wouldn't that mean being above all things?"

Follow this train of thought.

He tried to convey his will in a high-pitched tone:

"Everyone, stop it!"

"If you don't stop it, I'll tear it down!"

As soon as this signal is sent.

The two major ceremony venues that had been fighting fiercely just now suddenly became gentle.

Although there are still undercurrents at the border between the two sides.

But it’s much better than before!

"Tip: The preliminary mediation is successful, your "Coordination" factor +5!

Your "threat" factor +10!

It is detected that you have accumulated enough related factors. Do you want to enter the "balance" field with "coordination" and "threat"?"

“There is actually an element of ‘threat’ in the method of balance?”

Matthew thought about it, and if he is not strong enough, how can he balance all things?

Whether it's threats or coordination, it's just a means to achieve a balanced goal.

As long as he can distinguish these clearly, his legendary path will not go astray.

However, this time he still refused to enter into equilibrium with these two elements.

Matthew can feel it.

This is still an incomplete area of ​​equilibrium.

He wants to accumulate the elements more comprehensively and then break through in one fell swoop.

Balancing the field is very important to Matthew. He does not want his field to be even slightly imperfect in the future due to temporary impatience!

"Tip: It is detected that there is still friction at the edges of the two major ceremony grounds. Do you want to consume 10 points of "Coordination" elements to ensure that the ceremony grounds are peaceful in the short term?

Consumption successful!

Your ceremonial site: the cemetery and the Sanctuary of Life have completed further coordination, and formed a temporary "element depression" with the bordering land.

You have completed a deeper level of coordination, and your coordination factors +10!

There are extremely slight signs of element circulation in the element depressions.

Your cycle factor +1!"

"Perpetual motion machine, right?"

Matthew felt the harmonious elements that came and went again.

But what surprised him most was the further compromise reached between the two major ceremony venues.

They form a circular feature depression at the entrance to the cemetery.

The elements there are very rare, but the remaining elements actually show signs of cyclic transformation. This is a scene that can only happen at the element level!

The emergence of cyclic elements means that the path to great coordination is feasible.

Next, it depends on Matthew’s efforts.


Matthew calmly opened his eyes.

Obest suddenly pointed in the direction of the World Tree in surprise and loudly said:


Matthew looked in the direction he pointed.

But on the branches of the World Tree, a gray full moon appeared.

The full moon was exactly the same as what Matthew saw in the negative energy plane.

It hangs like an ornament on the branches of the World Tree.

It doesn't look out of place at all.

at the same time.

A strong wind came from the entrance to the cemetery.

Matthew hurriedly walked over, and there was a golden light coming from underneath——

Just near the negative energy fountain, a golden oak tree rises from the ground. It shines brightly, illuminating the underground space!

that moment.

Matthew only felt that the undead and oak realms in his body were slightly trembling!

"Tip: The resonance and fluctuation of the ritual site and the realm created two visions of the "dark moon" and the "golden tree". This vision will be captured by the following people -

1. Farm areas and residents active nearby.

2. A bard whose perception is above 18 and who is in the south.

3. Spellcasters who are proficient in prophecy.

Your friend "Twilight Singer: Lorraine" intercepted this vision, and conveniently used "Ability: Proclaim Far Soaring" on the vision.

Because no bigger events have happened recently.

Your vision has spread rapidly, adding a new group of people who can capture the vision——

4. Pay attention to the gods of the southern land or the creatures in the outer planes.

5. Editors of Alliance Weekly.

Your enemies "Evil Spirit Lord: Omadouqi", "Great Evil Trier", and "Evil Queen Barbassa" paid attention to this vision;

Your follower "Midnight Queen (Arcane Wilderness/Fairy Suzerain)" intercepted this vision. She was satisfied with the content and distributed the news to other places in the Arcane Wilderness in the form of a message spell;

Your follower "Moonlight Goddess: Asia" intercepted this vision, and she conveniently shared the content of the vision to Tianlun Palace;

Your friend "Rainforest Soul: Su Ya" intercepted this vision;

Your friend "Bobo Wilkins" intercepted this vision through the "Artificer's Steel Crystal Ball";

The vision of the dark moon and the golden tree was widely spread.

Your world legend (Iondor) +1!

You have exceeded one of the prerequisites for "Legendary Path: Perfect Promotion": reputation."


Totally numb.

Matthew never expected that he would create such a big battle just by planting trees and repairing graves at home, and asking his younger brother to help build a ceremony place!


"He doesn't think I will thank him!"

Matthew had a severe headache.

Although even if Luo Lan does not add fuel to the flames, this sudden anomaly will definitely attract widespread attention.

But the process will at least be a little gentler than it is now.

But today’s data column is particularly active.

Before Matthew could finish digesting the previous information, new content appeared in an instant.

"Hint: Since you have gained world-class legend, you have entered the field of "celebrity" for the first time.

As a reward for getting involved in the field, you will gain two of the following three abilities -

1. Scream and retreat (you burst out with a stern shout, which can push back all living creatures at least three steps. The retreating effect depends on your reputation. The higher your reputation, the stronger your retreating ability.)

2. Girl nemesis (As a world-class celebrity, you can gain the unconditional support of girls by telling or even bragging about your deeds. Even if it turns out that what you said is inconsistent with the facts, it will not affect your popularity with them.

The image of greatness in my heart)

3. World events (you will initially master the ability to capture world-level and regional-level phenomena, that is, when an event occurs somewhere that can affect the fate of the world or the regional situation, you will have a certain chance of obtaining relevant information or clues)"

All right.

It seems that world-class legend brings not all bad news.

Lose one of the three abilities.

Matthew undoubtedly chose to throw away the "Girl Buster".

He has no interest in it.

The other two abilities have their own uses.

The former is a very useful defensive ability that can be used to push away those who rush into you.

Compared to defensive spells.

"Scream back" is based on sound release. As long as the sound is shouted, it will take effect immediately. This is more in line with human instincts than protective spells.

The latter gives Matthew the ability to gossip or catch rumors similar to Lorraine.

Of course, his ability must be much worse than Roland's. After all, this is a primary field ability, and bards are specialized in this kind of rice.

In addition to two areas of competence.

The realm of celebrity has also brought Matthew a permanent status.

"Celebrity Effect: As a world-class celebrity, you will gain higher bonuses in negotiation, bluffing, intimidation and other related fields."

This ability makes it easier for Matthew to persuade, deceive and even scare enemies.

As the saying goes, people are the shadow of famous trees.

Reputation is still very effective in blessing daily skills.

When Matthew regained consciousness.

Eli and Obest were still immersed in the emotion of surprise and could not extricate themselves.

Fortunately, the dark moon on the world tree and the golden tree in the cemetery have disappeared.

Otherwise, this vision would hang there all day long.

Matthew really needs to find a place to hide.

The next period of time.

He could not be more low-key.

Apart from planting trees and repairing graves every day, I didn't even touch the ceremonial ground.

He spent most of his time in the cemetery.

Go for a walk occasionally.

I also went to check whether the arsonists who had just moved into the dungeon were doing well, whether their food was delicious, and whether they were seriously making hot glue.

In the blink of an eye, it’s early June.

The disturbance caused by that vision was not as big as Matthew imagined.

In the past few days, there have been some good people outside the oak forest who came to watch the fun.

But they were all driven away by the mighty and tall Eli and Obest.

There are rumors from the outside world.

What Rhaegar told him about the vision was published in the Alliance Weekly.

The residents of Rolling Stone were not so enthusiastic about this.

Perhaps it’s because the legend of the man-eating tree is so deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

all in all.

The incident seemed to have just passed.

Matthew reasoned afterwards that in the final analysis, they were only concerned about the dark moon and the golden tree.

I may have been seen by accident.

Big things happen every day in this world.

Maybe these people will focus on other things the next day.

The calm situation in Rolling Stone Town so far is a clear proof.

Just think of this.

Matthew's heart finally settled down.

Two more days passed.

Not only did the five black warriors complete the reverse binding, but Matthew, who stayed in the cemetery every day, also took the time to perform the curse seal ceremony.

This afternoon.

Matthew planned to perform the final acknowledgment ceremony on them.

In fact, the Lord Recognition Ceremony is the simplest.

Throughout the entire production process of Black Warrior, he and the undead have accumulated a deep understanding.

The recognition ceremony only allowed them to deeply remember all the characteristics of Matthew through blood drops, contracts, and burning of hair and nails.

The whole ceremony was completed in one go.

Less than thirty minutes.

The five black warriors knelt on one knee in front of Matthew.

The spirituality in them awakened one by one.

Look at the strong black warriors.

Matthew was deeply comforted.

He began to inquire about the attributes and abilities of the black warriors one by one.

The first thing we looked at was naturally the black warrior who was transformed from a half-dragon cursed swordsman.

"Dark Priest (Half-Dragon/Dark Warrior/LV15)

Normal attack method: Ball of Darkness (the right hand condenses a ball containing negative energy and shoots it at the target)

Ability list——


Powerful Resurrection (When the Dark Priest is completely destroyed, he will have a chance to be reborn. After rebirth, his health will be restored to 50%) (Immortal Fountain Effect) -

Dark Leader (elite template), during the production process of the Black Warrior, due to an accident of spiritual fusion, the dark priest who awakened in advance transformed three dragon-blooded warriors into his servants of darkness.

The Servant of Darkness has a similar template to that of the Dark Priest, that is, the normal attack is dark sphere, good at spells and cluster spells, and has certain melee capabilities, but it is not trustworthy;

The Dark Priest can transform more Black Warriors into Servants of Darkness, up to ten;

The Dark Priest can command the Servants of Darkness unconditionally;

The Dark Priest possesses certain leadership qualities and commanding abilities;

The Dark Priest has the potential to evolve into a heroic template.)-

Exotic weapons proficiency (Dark Priests are good at giant crosses, flails, scythes and other exotic weapons)-

Dark spells (Dark priests will use the following spells: negative energy healing, group negative energy healing, whipping, dark space, sky-covering curtain, death spell, cursed eye, blast, dark shield, spell shifting position, etc.


Watch and watch.

The smile on Matthew's face gradually disappeared.

He had already expected that the black warrior transformed from the half-dragon Cursed Swordsman might be of the legal system.

But he didn't expect it at all.

This guy actually secretly awakened his spirituality and turned himself into a legal system. He also turned three other dragon blood warriors into legal system units!

Matthew looked at it.

The attributes of the Servant of Darkness are mediocre, not much fleshy, and the melee ability is scummy.

No matter how powerful their spells are, they are not necessarily more powerful than Matthew's.

The only advantage is that their spells cost no money, as long as the negative energy is enough, there is no daily limit on spell casting.


When more than three servants of darkness gather together and are led by the Dark Priest.

They gain the ability to cast two cluster spells.

These two cluster spells are "Dark Matrix" and "Short Teleportation".

Dark Matrix is ​​a powerful ceremonial field-like spell, mainly used to seal, weaken, contain, and imprison enemies;

The effect of short-distance teleportation is even greater, and its teleportation distance can be up to 30 kilometers.

It is a spell with certain strategic significance.

In fact, let’s put aside Matthew’s obsession with human shields.

The configuration of Dark Priest plus Servant of Darkness, one large and three small, is pretty good, not to mention the early one has the potential to evolve into a hero.

"But I just want a harbor that can shelter me from the wind and rain. Is it really that difficult?"

Matthew had a bad feeling.

Walking towards the last black warrior.

He was transformed from a quilboar warrior.

This guy can't be from the legal system, right?

"Dark Berserker (Wild Boar/Dark Warrior/LV14)

Normal attack method: Swinging an ax (please equip the corresponding weapon)

Ability list——

Natural Madness (Passive) (The Dark Berserker's armor is cleared and he gains a 200% physical damage bonus)"


It's definitely not a legal system.

However, it is a crispy and crazy battle with high attack and zero defense!

Matthew was not interested in reading the rest of the content.

He looked at the undead people surrounding him with some disappointment.

Each of them looked at Matthew innocently or blankly.

"Forget it, I don't blame you."

Matthew thought for a while.

My mind felt relieved.

"Maybe it's because I'm not destined to have a human shield."

"In that case."

"Let me be the strongest human shield in the team!"

He was thinking about whether to give himself some passive spells of the necromancy or protection systems.

The effects of these spells are far inferior to those of spell abilities.

But it's better than nothing.

Just when Matthew was revising the Eight Canon of Children and considering this aspect.

From the beginning until now, the negative energy beacon that had never moved suddenly started to move.

In an instant.

A space-time rift from the negative energy plane appeared near the destination.

A figure covered in heavy armor, covered in green fire, and holding a huge shield appeared in front of Matthew.

"Hint: Your negative energy beacon has worked.

The strange mountain shield Argus (LV17) from the negative energy plane was inspired by the beacon and came to join you.

But if you want to gain Argus's loyalty, you must pass his test."

The next second.

Argus placed the huge bone shield on the ground and raised his fingers at Matthew.

He croaked:

"Come on, come on, hit me head-on."

This chapter has been completed!
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