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Chapter 165 Is He Also Your Mount?


Pegasus and Nightmare are extremely rare high-level mounts.

From the perspective of properties.

The level of the Golden Pegasus is LV15, which is already very high for a mount.

Pegasus is shy by nature and rarely appears in human sight, let alone in civilized society.

Even in the heavenly realm, they live in deep mountains and lakes far away from humans.

Pegasus often fly across the sky in groups, but only a few creatures can observe their traces because they have a passive ability.

"Invisible light: During the day, when the Pegasus runs and flies in the sky, it will emit a strange halo that surrounds itself and its rider. This halo has good invisibility capabilities. Only with a perception of 20

Only those with higher altitudes may be able to detect anomalies in the sky.

In most cases, people will only notice a faint white line in the sky.

But at night, the hidden light is affected by the moonlight and turns into extremely eye-catching bright starlight."

Keep a low profile during the day.

Dazzling at night.

This is what this ability imparts to Pegasus and its owner.


Pegasus has a steady gait and strong stability, and is completely bumpless whether running or flying.

Golden Pegasus is the leader among Pegasus.

It also comes with two other features.

"Easy to disguise: You only need to use a basic trick (disguise) to disguise the Pegasus as an ordinary pony.

The Golden Pegasus also understands its master's tricks very well.

It will cooperate with you and pretend to be a mediocre pony.

Until you need it to shine."

"Perseverance: The Golden Pegasus gives the rider higher temporary toughness while riding. This attribute can greatly reduce the probability of the knight falling when he is attacked on horseback.

Note: With this feature, you can perform more fancy operations on horseback without falling off the horse."

The attributes of Golden Pegasus are indeed excellent.

The main reasons are good temperament, easy communication, high cooperation, and more diverse riding postures.

But on the other side.

The board of Red Flame Nightmare is not inferior, and its comprehensive attributes are even slightly higher than Pegasus!

"Red Flame Nightmare (purgatory creature/LV16)


Immunity to Fire: The Crimson Flame Nightmare can grant the rider immunity to various forms of fire, including magical fire, infernal fire, and even celestial fire.

Lighting: Nightmare emits bright light with a radius of 3 meters and dim light 3 meters away.


Fear Gaze: The nightmare's eyes can release two gazes with negative energy. The living creature that stares at it must accept the fear effect. Once it enters a state of fear, the nightmare can bite off the opponent's head and devour its soul.


Aether jump: Nightmare can enter the etheric plane from the material plane together with up to three willing creatures within 1.5 meters of it, and they can stay in the etheric plane for up to 10 minutes."

In comparison, Red Flame Nightmare is more suitable as a war horse.

Both combat ability and escape ability are stronger than Pegasus.

Matthew went up and tried riding it.

I found that this guy was not restless at all and always liked to move around.

Although there is a saddle on its back to alleviate the impact, neither the waist nor the hips will be able to bear it for a long time.

Nightmare's character is more out-of-the-box.

He carried Matthew on his back and ran to show off his power in front of Pegasus. The latter glared at him with disgust, then glanced at Matthew and ran away silently.

In order to prevent Pegasus from misunderstanding.

Matthew decisively ended the test ride.

He actually liked both mounts, so from the beginning, he did not consider choosing one of them, but was thinking about how to keep them both by his side.

It's difficult.

Pegasus and Nightmare are absolute mortal enemies.

Their antagonistic relationship may be even more serious than the hostility between heaven and purgatory.

Among the legends.

The original nightmare was transformed by a certain Lord of the Nine Hells who captured the King of Pegasus from heaven, pulled out its wings alive, and then poured the power of purgatory and dark magic into it.

The credibility of this legend is extremely high.

Nightmares are not afraid of celestial fire because they were once celestial beings.

The Pegasus clan regards the existence of nightmares as a great shame and humiliation.

When the two sides met, Pegasus would often be the first to beat up Nightmare, but in terms of overall strength, Pegasus was indeed inferior to Nightmare. The fight between the two sides turned into Nightmare chasing Pegasus and escaping.

But Pegasus can fly, but Nightmare can't.

So in the process of chasing, Pegasus can always take advantage.

Over time.

Nightmare also hates Pegasus very much.

The relationship between the two can be described as being like fire and water.

Matthew knew that it would be unrealistic to convince them now to let them serve the same master.

So he thought for a moment, came to Pegasus first, touched his head gently and said:

"Welcome to my woods."

"Mr. Obest, please take our new friend for a walk in the woods."

With Matthew's call.

Centaur Obest arrived immediately.

Under Nightmare's hostile gaze, Obest looked at the Golden Pegasus in surprise for a while, and then led him towards the direction of the World Tree.

The Golden Pegasus sneezed triumphantly.

Went away as a winner.

The Red Flame Dream Demon stomped his feet displeased, lowered his proud head, and was about to leave silently.


Matthew walked over and patted his butt gently:

"I have a cemetery, why don't you go and visit it?"

"Maybe you'll make a lot of new friends."


He led Nightmare to the entrance to the cemetery and shouted down:

"Mr. Agus, there is a new guy here, please take care of him for me."

Although Argus has just joined the cemetery.

But he showed a sense of ownership.

As soon as Matthew shouted, his figure appeared at the entrance of the cave. He enthusiastically greeted the nightmare and wanted to hug the nightmare's head, but the nightmare shook him away.

Argus was unimpressed:

"Let's go, I'll take you to visit the cemetery."

"Mainly dungeons and crafting workshops you will definitely be satisfied with!"

"Of course, there is also the negative energy fountain. Although you are a purgatory creature, who doesn't love the negative energy fountain?"

The nightmare followed him suspiciously.


There was a sound of chickens and dogs jumping in the dungeon.

And at the same time.

From the direction of the World Tree, the excited cheers of Pegasus were also heard.

Matthew smiled slightly when he saw this.

The plan has initially paid off.

He likes both Golden Pegasus and Scarlet Flame Nightmare very much.

So he doesn't plan to sign either.

no way.

There is only one quota for the mount contract bound through spells.

If you sign one, the other will definitely fall out and leave.

It's better not to disclose the relationship like this.

This way both can be hung.

Anyway, Pegasus has a forest and Nightmare has a cemetery, which can be considered as a place to stay for them.

As long as this relationship can be maintained.

Could it be that when Matthew wanted to ride on them, would they still refuse to let him ride?



There is also a hidden danger in this state.

That is, both Pegasus and Nightmare were temporarily summoned to the continent of Irondor as alien creatures.

It's been a long time.

They will be repulsed by the laws of the plane.

"Creatures from other worlds can stay in the main material realm for up to one month without being expelled."

"Within a month, I can use other rituals to transform them into native creatures. I just need to give them an identity."

“‘Guardian of the Sanctuary of Life’ or ‘Minion of the Cemetery’ are both good titles.”

Matthew thought so.

Just at this moment.

The little white cat, who had been watching the show on the roof for a long time, finally couldn't bear it and jumped down.

She came to Matthew.

Asked very seriously:

"Are you recruiting mounts?"

Matthew nodded:

"Yes, what's wrong?"

He had noticed her a long time ago.

The little white cat has been wandering in the woods these days.

The first moment she entered the woods, Mr. Centaur, who was devoted to his duties, reported the matter to Matthew.

Considering that the Blight Order in the south had been completely wiped out, Matthew didn't pay much attention to the movements of one of her peripheral members.

He originally thought that the other party would hide forever.

Unexpectedly, he actually appeared in front of me.

"My name is Qiuka, you can call me Qiu."

The little white cat came to Matthew nervously. She turned into a human girl with simple clothes and a clean face.

A pair of big eyes, very cute.

"I am a spy sent by the Blight Order to get close to Eli."

Matthew still nodded:

"Then what?"

Qiuka's eyes widened:

"You don't mind at all?"

Matthew shook his head and said:

"What do you mind about me and a bunch of dead people?"

Qiuka shuddered, and then looked at Matthew in disbelief:

"Did you kill them all?"

Matthew didn't answer her directly.

Qiuka whispered:

"I originally wanted to carry out the task assigned to me by Kunna, but she asked me to get close to Eli and take the opportunity to corrupt him.

Eli is a good man and I don't want to do that.

Originally, I planned to postpone it forever, but who knew that day, when I went back to check the situation, I found that everyone in the cult was dead.

Only Kunna is missing.

I didn't know where she went, but I could feel that the magic chain she left on me was broken. I seemed to be free again, so I told Eli the truth.

After listening to what I said, he seemed to become very disappointed.

He soon drove me away, but I didn't know where to go, so I could only wander around here."

"I heard about you from Eli, and I know that Kunna also came to your oak forest. Can you take me in?"

Matthew asked noncommittally:

"What did you do before joining the Order of Blight?"

Chouka replied:

"I am an orphan, and I have had the ability to change a little since I was a child. When I was first conscious, I was adopted by a group of night elves.

They thought I was a natural druid, but soon they discovered that my changes were not just for animals.

I can become anyone I see.

After discovering this.

The night elves' attitude towards me changed drastically. They called me the Thousand Changer and drove me out of Eversong Forest.

After that I wandered around.

After some time, I met a noble young master.

At first he was very kind to me, giving me food and clothing, and taking me to see the fun in the city.

But it didn't take long for him to reveal his ambitions.

It turned out that he had secretly discovered my ability a long time ago, and the reason why he coaxed me with sweet words was because he wanted me to become his brother and then assassinate his father.

Of course I don't agree.

He locked me up and whipped me every day.

One night later.

The castle where the noble young master lived became chaotic, and the order in the dungeon was also affected.

I ran out secretly and then met Kunna.

I found out later.

That night, the aristocratic young master's brother invited Kunna. He asked Kunna to dress up as the aristocratic young master and openly killed their father.

It was precisely because of this incident that the castle became chaotic and I was able to escape.

I am grateful to Kunna.

Kunna told me that the human world is too complicated and not suitable for me.

She told me that the Order of Blight is the home of those of us who are frustrated, and people like me are the companions they need most.

She was very nice to me at first, like a noble young lady.

She gave me a lot of food and taught me how to hunt animals in the forest.

Although sometimes I thought Kunna's methods were extreme, at the time I thought it was just part of the law of the jungle.

Until later.

Kunna said she wanted to help me become better, and she asked me to meet a mysterious person.

I agreed.

The result is in that unfathomable cave.

I encountered... a very scary existence.

He is the incarnation of God walking on earth.

He whipped me with magic and left a mark on my body.

He told me that was the necessary step to become a follower of Him.

Half a day later.

I left the cave in a daze.

Only then did he realize that he had become a believer of the Evil Queen.

During this period, Kunna took the opportunity to appear and placed a magic chain on me.

She told me that if I didn't obey her and do what she said, she would send me to the cave again to face the terrifying existence we called his mother.

I dare not resist her.

After that, I used my transformation ability to do some sneaky things for her.

During this period I have been very anxious and in pain.

But I don't know how to escape from their clutches.

Until a few days ago.

I found that the camp had been destroyed, the magic chains on my body were gone, and even the mark of the Evil Queen had become very dim.

I thought this might be an opportunity to escape.

But I don't know where to go either.

Then I thought of Eli and you.

Kunna is trying every possible means to harm you.

You must be a very decent person, right?

Can defeat the Order of Blight so easily.

Your strength must also be very strong.


I want to be yours."

These words must have been held in Qiuka's mind for a long time.

She explained everything clearly and smoothly.

Matthew threw Detect Lies and Detect Evil respectively when she was talking to confirm that she was not lying.

In addition, he also found a mark of a believer from the Evil Queen Barbassa, but the degree of belief was very weak, which was generally in line with her caliber.

This kind of believer mark is actually very cheap.

Barbassa pays little attention to followers who bear these marks.

In His eyes, the mark of hatred on Matthew's body is probably much brighter than that on Qiuka's body.

"If you are worried about the mark of the Evil Queen's followers, I can ask a monk to get rid of it for you. This is not a difficult thing."

Matthew replied.

Qiuka was a little anxious:

"No, it's not that. I just want to stay here, just like Eli."

"Didn't you just admit that you are recruiting mounts? I am very good at transformation. I can turn into various animals for you to ride!"

"If you don't believe it, I'll show it to you. By the way, I've seen the night elf's mount. It's very majestic. Do you want to try it?"

During the conversation.

She lay down on the ground, on all fours.

White fuzz began to appear on her skin, and a strange magical light flashed across Qiuka's body.

In the blink of an eye.

She turned into an extremely beautiful big white tiger!

"Is this the night elf's mount?"

Matthew was slightly shocked by Bai Hu's beauty.

"Come on, come on, come and try."

She walked anxiously to Matthew and rubbed his shoulder with her head.

Matthew was just about to explain that what he was looking for was not such a mount.

But in the afterglow.

He suddenly saw Eli walking in his direction.

So he immediately said:

"Don't talk yet."

"Hey, Matthew! What a beautiful tiger, is this your newly recruited mount?"

Eli looked at the big white tiger next to Matthew with interest.

He seemed very interested in her.

Matthew coughed slightly:

“It is indeed beautiful.”

Eli agreed:

"Yes, but not as beautiful as the ancient tiger I transformed - you should agree with me, right?"

Matthew said nothing.

He cleverly changed the subject and said:

"Looking at your expression, it seems something is urgent?"

Eli nodded:

"I'm here to say goodbye to you. The Great Elder hurriedly summoned me back, saying that there was a big attack on the Earth Society. Even the headquarters of the Druid Order was breached. I only left for a few days.

It’s really worrying that something like this happened!”

"I must go back as soon as possible. I am very worried about the safety of the great elder. The Earth Society also needs more experts to stabilize people's hearts."

Matthew thought for a while.

He simply told Eli about Jeff and the Holy Oak Seeds.

He had no intention of hiding this from Eli.

But after saying that.

Matthew still cautioned:

"As for whether this matter should be reported to the Dadi Association, it is up to you to decide.

I just don't want to cause any misunderstanding between us.

I can assure you that the attack on the Druid Order has nothing to do with me.

As you know, I was in Rolling Stone when it happened."

Eli nodded after listening.

He said solemnly:

"We are still unable to determine from which source the merchant obtained the seeds. The situation in Watcher Heights is very chaotic. It is said that many unscrupulous merchants claim that they are selling holy oak seeds, but in fact they are all fake."

"How about I help you take a look?"

Matthew took out the small bag and handed it to Eli generously.

Eli untied the rope. Before he could see clearly, he sniffed twice and immediately concluded:

"This is real!"

"Well, Matthew, you'd better hide this bag of seeds first. Once someone from the Earth Society discovers it, even if I explain it to you, I may not be able to explain it clearly.

Those druids are real antiques, and they firmly believe that the world in their own eyes is the real world.

I hate a lot of them.

But overall the Earth Association is still good.

This matter should wait until I go back to figure out the details."


He returned the bag to Matthew and warned again:

"Holy oak seeds cannot be stored like this, this bag is too amateurish.

You have to find a virgin hand-woven bark bag.

Then you put the seeds in and hang them in the Sanctuary of Life, which not only preserves the activity of the sacred oak seeds, but also further promotes the power and nourishment of the Sanctuary of Life.”

Matthew nodded.

Having said this.

Eli gave him a farewell hug, then turned into a horse and ran towards the north.

"So, Eli, is he your mount too?"

Seeing that the other party was walking away, Bai Hu said obediently.

Matthew shook his head:

"He is my friend. If you really want to stay, I won't object, as long as you don't do stupid things, I and my oak forest welcome you to join."

The Thousand Changers seem to be a very powerful bloodline. Matthew is not sure yet. He will have to find time to check the information.

Bai Hu said happily:

"Then I am yours now?"

Without waiting for Matthew to answer.

She said excitedly:

"Can I have three meals a day from you?"

"There is milk, biscuits, sausages, and the mushroom fried rice made by Ms. Paige... These are all what Eli told me! When can I enjoy them?"

"I've been hungry for days!"

During the conversation.

There was a growling sound in her stomach.

Matthew said in astonishment:

"Is this why you want to be mine?"

Bai Hu asked doubtfully:

"if not?"

Matthew touched the right side of his face:

"Peggy is in the kitchen in the cemetery, go find her yourself!"

The white tiger jumped down happily.

Not long after.

Peggy's cheers came from below.

Matthew glanced down.

It was found that the Red Flame Nightmare and the White Tiger Qiuka were spinning around Peggy.

The minotaur skeleton looked at Matthew excitedly:

"I heard that you found two mounts for me?"

"Then can I take turns riding in the future?"

"Don't look so sad Matthew, you know I'm very generous. I'll ride one and I'll lend you the other for free!"

The next afternoon.

Matthew walked out of the morgue of the police station for the first time in a long time, his expression a little solemn.

"How about it?"

Brad asked.

"It's rare that no soul responds to my call."

Matthew answered truthfully:

"There is no residual spirituality in this corpse. I can't even summon him into an undead creature: zombies, skeletons, ghosts, etc."

"This means that elements of the deceased were completely removed by some force - where did you find the body?"

This morning, Brad found Matthew and hoped that he could help examine a body.

Although Matthew had resigned from the police station, he still had some free time recently, so he agreed.

What surprised him was...

This corpse is very special. It has no spirituality and any valid information has been stripped away.

There were no facial features on his face and no lines on his hands and feet. Apart from being able to tell that it was a male corpse, Matthew could hardly find any effective information.

This surprised him very much.

There hasn't been such a bizarre death in Rolling Stone for a long time.

Brad replied sadly:

"It was discovered by a farmer downstream of the old woman's river. He was swimming in the river with his family and children, and the body floated upstream."

"My people went upstream to check, but found nothing."

Did it float in the river?

Matthew thought that this was too abnormal. Apart from some water stains on the surface of the body, there was no sign of swelling anywhere on the body.

I don't think it has been soaked in water for a long time.

But if it wasn't soaked, how could it float?

This is a case that not even magic can explain.

Because Matthew didn't detect any traces of magic on him.

He and Brad chatted for a while.

But no matter how much we talked, he couldn't figure it out. After a while, Matthew was ready to leave.

Just at this moment.

A rare face came to the police station.

"Mr. Richard?"

Brad greeted him somewhat unexpectedly.

"I heard you have a strange corpse here?"

"Can you let me see it?"

Richard leaned on his cane and straightened his back.

He nodded to Matthew with a serious face.

Brad quickly led him into the morgue.

A full twenty minutes passed.

The two of them just walked out of the morgue.

Matthew greeted him:

"Did you find anything?"

After all, the other party is a legendary rogue, and he may be more professional than himself in autopsy.

Richard pondered and said:

"It's hard to say, but there are some clues."

"I'm afraid you have to say hello to Rhaegar and the five-member committee for me. During this period, I want to leave Rolling Stone Town to confirm something."

"Hopefully it won't be what I imagined."

Finish these riddles.

He strode out of the gate of the police station, holding the delicate cane in his hand, not even caring about his usual elegant walking posture.

Matthew looked at Richard's leaving figure, feeling a little worried.

Under Brad's commission.

Matthew put this bizarre body in a high-end body bag.

Three days later.

The magic classroom in the Crucible House.

Matthew, who was gradually recovering, contacted Margaret, and the two parties entered into the content of the practical class.

"To be honest, the timing of your contacting me is a bit less than ideal."

"There seems to be no place particularly suitable for you to practice recently. Let me take a look..."

Margaret was dressed very coolly today.

She wore a crop top and a white skirt, and the color of her glasses frames was changed to milk blue.

At this moment, she was looking at a crystal ball:

"Purgatory? A little too dangerous."

"Between Purgatory? Why has there been a truce there recently? Didn't the damn Blood Flag Kingdom and the Bru tribe say they would fight to the death?"

"Shallow abyss? Not challenging. Demons are just a group of rough guys who rely on physical fitness to crush their enemies. They are only suitable for warm-up exercises."

"Underdark? Forget it, the Ancient Dark God has been a bit active lately, the Evil Queen is also restless, and there are Gailan and Midnight Goblin. Tsk, none of them are good. It seems that it is wise for the Scourge Mage to keep the Underdark.

I decided that there must be a place for the evil god to use as a trash can..."

She seemed to be temporarily looking for a location for the practical class.

This made Matthew inevitably worry about the quality of the course.

But at this moment.

An unstable space-time rift appeared in front of him!

Before the thing from the crack came out.

Matthew picked up the mace and brought it down with one blow!

There was a pop.

The space-time rift disappeared.

Margaret glanced at it, and Matthew immediately put the mace back behind him, showing a gentle and harmless smile.

She didn't care and continued to look at the crystal ball.

But it stopped not long ago.

Another crack in time and space appeared.

Matthew didn't say anything, and gave him another blow.

The crack disappeared again.

Margaret couldn't help but ask:

"Who's looking for you?"

Matthew smiled bitterly:

"I don't know. I tried to summon a mount a few days ago, but in the past few days, alien creatures of unknown origin have always come to my door."

"Although the frequency is not high, it is quite troublesome. I am considering buying a talisman that hides my own coordinates, but the one in the alliance mall is too expensive."

In contrast, after once trying to use a mace to attack a creature that had not emerged from a crack and achieving great success, Matthew fell in love with using this weapon to solve problems.

Margaret was surprised and said:

"Did you summon me by your real name?"

Matthew nodded innocently.

Margaret exclaimed:

"Who summoned me by his real name? It must be anonymous."

Matthew frowned and said:

"I bought many knowledge guides on "Summoning Mounts", but none of them mentioned that summoning must be done anonymously."

Margaret said silently:

"Because it's common sense."

Matthew scratched his head helplessly.

This is the tragedy of being a wild mage.

Although he has tried his best to make up for the lessons, there are always some things that others think are common sense, but he is completely unaware of them.

"The real-name summons will leave a gap in time and space in the star realm, and these creatures may come to you along that gap."

"The summoning ritual is delayed. They may mistakenly think that you are still recruiting mounts. Of course, some of them may also be disguised as the evil god's subordinates. You must deal with them carefully."

Margaret reminded.

Matthew swung the mace:

“Is there any other way to solve my problem of being harassed besides this?”

Margaret said:

"If you still have money, you can go to Lord Roderick. He is a master in the field of prophecy and can easily solve the problem of gaps in time and space for you."

"But I guess you just came back from my mentor's place and you probably don't have any money on you."

Matthew touched his nose to express his acquiescence.

"Then just practice your mace skills and treat it as part of the practical class."

Margaret encouraged.

She didn't seem surprised at all that Matthew could use this exotic weapon.

A chat room between two people.

Another space-time rift formed.

Matthew raised his hand a little slower this time, and the shadow of a little guy came out of the crack. As he drilled it, he shouted:

"Master's master! I am a bone pigeon!"

"Bone Pigeon Bone Pigeon!"

"The master was almost beaten to death!"

"If you go later, I can change the owner!"

"How about you be my new master?"

The voice fell.

Matthew quickly removed the mace.

He glanced at the data column and saw that the relevant information was belatedly coming.

"Warning: The undead king "Dark Pharaoh" and the "Twilight Bone Dragon" have launched a siege on your summon Philolis!

The dark pharaoh used the rare item "Earthbound Bottle" to block the undead contract between you.

Your summon Philoleus is about to die!"

Matthew stood up from his position in a flash.

He held the mace and asked Margaret politely:

“Can I suggest a location for a practical class?”

"What about the negative energy plane?"

Margaret looked at the bone pigeon, then pushed up her glasses:


"By the way, is this pigeon for sale?"

This chapter has been completed!
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