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Chapter 171 The Magical Mushroom and Spore Field


"Sorry, my kind are not very polite, but they don't mean any harm, they are just too enthusiastic."

"If you ever find yourself in this situation again, just call Dudley."

Dudley, who seemed to be more intelligent than the other Dudleys, said apologetically.

Margaret frowned and looked at him:

"But your name is Dudley? Why?"

Dudley scratched his head helplessly. In the process of doing this, several pieces of moss fell to the ground.

He quickly picked them up and carefully put them back in their place.

"I will answer this question for you two, but not now.

At noon today, you and your husband can go to the sandy beach in the center of the island to find me. I plan to treat you two to dinner, and by the way, I will explain my similar problem, do you think it is okay?"

Dudley was very polite.

Margaret nodded:

"Next, I plan to walk around the island alone. Are there any taboos?"

Dudley smiled warmly:

"There are no taboos on the Eternal Island. As long as you don't disturb Mr. Crater's rest, you can wander around as you like and treat this place as your own home."

"Remember, if anything happens, just call Dudley and I will show up on time."

With that said, he bowed to Margaret and then slowly retreated.

Margaret continued her walk.

She activated the flying technique and had an unobstructed view of the island's scenery. Indeed, as Dudley said, except that the dusk elves all looked exactly the same and behaved a bit sluggishly, there seemed to be nothing strange about the Eternal Island.

The atmosphere here is quiet and peaceful.

Although there are negative energy crystals everywhere, compared with the negative energy plane, the aura of death here is much lighter.

It seems that the mushrooms that can be seen everywhere secretly digest some of the negative energy and transform it into the power of life.

Although Margaret knew nothing about the two fields of life and death, she felt that the existence of the Eternal Island seemed to break taboos in certain fields.

Near noon.

She met Matthew who was returning from the dragon's lair.

I saw him alone.

Margaret couldn't help but ask:

"Where's Mr. Crater?"

Matthew explains:

"He went into the sea."

"The group of sea monsters just brought a bunch of fish and shrimps, but he was not satisfied with the quality of the seafood.

Crete has very picky tastes.

According to the leader of the sea monster, if he goes to the sea to hunt for food in person, it often takes several days to come back.

But we are visiting the island now, and he may be back in a day or two."

Margaret's expression changed when she heard this. She quickly opened a soundproof barrier and then said:

"Then should we take the opportunity to leave?"

Matthew hesitated and said:

"Wouldn't it be nice to leave without saying goodbye?"

Margaret obviously has the same concerns. Huang Yulong is a naturally chaotic creature, and Crait must be a threat to the two of them. But at the moment, no matter what, she has fulfilled her courtesy as a host.


You can get away by just walking away like this, but if you bump into him later, it might be difficult to talk to him.

She looked a little embarrassed.

I'm afraid only mages who have become legendary are qualified to negotiate with these legendary creatures face to face.

Matthew asked:

"If he turns against us, how sure are we that we can escape?"

Margaret thought for a while:

"Without actively triggering the patron saint, if I wanted to escape, I would be 90% sure I could escape; if I wanted to take you with me, I would only be 10% sure."

Matthew's face darkened:

"Am I that much of a burden?"

Then he asked curiously:

"Can the patron saint also trigger it on its own initiative?"

"Don't they all take effect passively when you are about to die?"

Margaret explained:

"Most of the legendary patron saints take effect passively, but my teacher's is different. Suriel's patron saint can be actively triggered!"

Matthew suddenly looked envious.

Margaret looked at him as if she had reacted now:

"You also have a patronus?"

"Didn't you say you don't have much money and don't want to go into debt?"

Matthew was stunned for a moment and did not react.

Margaret suddenly came over and whispered in his ear:

"How much does Isabel's patronus cost? It won't be more expensive than my mentor's, right?"

"I spent a hundred thousand gold coins at that time! But it's still well worth the money. My patron saint can be used three times, and it also has an active trigger function!"

"However, after each consumption, you need to find a tutor to recharge, and you need to add extra money."

"What kind of expression are you looking at? You're not going to lose money, are you? Hahahahaha!"

Looking at Margaret, she looked gloating.

Matthew couldn't bear to tell the truth.

And faced with her probing questions.

He could only say:

"It's not convenient to reveal the specific figures. Compared with you...it's probably quite different."

Margaret suddenly looked like a brother in distress. She patted Matthew on the shoulder and comforted:

"So when it comes to buying things like spells and abilities, you have to go to Ms. Suriel. The prices are transparent, fair and fair, and the main thing is fairness!"

It's close to noon.

The two of them strolled to the center of the island.

They noticed this piece of sand yesterday. It was one of the few places on the island that was not occupied by mushrooms.

Today, there are a lot of mushrooms next to the sand.

While Dudley directed his fellows to place the mushrooms into categories, he personally built a barbecue grill next to the sand.

It’s just that there is no carbon or open flame under the grill.

It is a mushroom with orange spots, an extremely long stem, and a thick and round top.

But Dudley skillfully placed a few mushrooms and some seafood on the grill, and then stepped on the roots of the orange-yellow mushrooms.

A magical scene appeared.

The mushroom's umbrella suddenly cracked open, and tongues of flame like thin fingers emerged from it.

The flames gently roast the ingredients on the shelf.

Dudley dug out a large jar of suet and brushed it upwards with a brush. The ingredients on the shelf suddenly made a sizzling sound.

The strong fragrance was carried by the island breeze and reached the two of them.

Margaret's nose twitched slightly, showing a surprised expression:

"Smells pretty good."

Dudley smiled brightly at the two of them:

"You came just in time."

“Try my new grilled mushroom skewers!”

As he spoke, he handed over a bunch of mushrooms on the shelf.

Looking at the strange spots on the mushroom umbrella, Matthew was a little hesitant.

Margaret was very courageous. She took the initiative to take the bunch of mushrooms and took a small bite. Then her eyes lit up and she ate them all.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Matthew asked cryptically.

Margaret waved her hand:

"I'm immune to all poisons. Besides, I can eat anything roasted!"

As she spoke, green light flashed wildly on her head.


Half of her face was also filled with thick green.

"what happened?"

Margaret patted her cheek belatedly.

Dudley smiled and said:

"It's a natural reaction. It's not a big problem. It'll be fine in a while."

Sure enough, half a minute later, the green light on Margaret's forehead disappeared.

She looked in great spirits!

Matthew glanced at the data column.

"Tip: Your partner Margaret took a bunch of "healing mushrooms" (roasted) and obtained the "first-level healing" effect.

Level 1 Healing: In the next half minute, restore 1 health point every 3 seconds."

"Can eating this mushroom restore life?"

Matthew looked at Dudley who was busy grilling with some surprise.

The latter smiled kindly:

"I was as surprised as you were when I first discovered this."

"In fact, before entering the spore realm, I never expected that such a magnificent and magnificent microscopic kingdom existed at the edge of the world."

"Mushrooms have the ability to embrace everything. Under the guidance of Hussman, I tried to integrate various major species and various elements into mushrooms. As a result, I discovered many full varieties of mushrooms. Their existence will definitely make this world


With that said, he handed over another bunch of mushrooms.

"This is the "Duck Leg Mushroom". The principle is like this. I decomposed the body of a "Hell Duck" with the ability from the spore field, and then injected the nutrients into the mushroom. The result was this kind of edible

Can you try this mushroom that tastes very similar to duck legs?"

Margaret implicitly hints that Matthew is edible.

So under Dudley's earnest gaze, he gently bit off half of the mushroom.

Matthew's eyes lit up as soon as he took the duck leg mushroom into his mouth. The mushroom tastes smooth and delicate, and the texture is thick and chewy. The fishy smell of mutton oil and the umami flavor of the mushroom are perfectly mixed together, creating an almost perfect flavor.



Matthew praised him repeatedly.

"Tip: If you eat a bunch of "duck leg mushrooms" (grilled), your temporary strength will be +1.

Duration: 30 minutes

After trying it myself I discovered that these mushrooms are indeed edible.

Matthew and the two also opened their stomachs and started eating.

Dudley's barbecue skills were very exquisite, and the ingredients, mainly mushrooms and seafood, were really good. After a while, the two of them had their mouths full of oil.

Except for the taste of the mushroom itself.

Matthew is more concerned about the properties they can provide.

He tried almost all edible mushrooms and found that in addition to duck leg mushrooms that could increase temporary strength, there were also "monkey brain mushrooms" that could increase agility;

After eating "Durian Mushroom", you can become immune to "Stinky Cloud Technique";

"Steel Mushroom" that increases temporary physical fitness;

"Hallucination Mushrooms" used to enhance perception;

And the "Mage Mushroom" that can increase temporary mana.

But Mage Mushroom Matthew didn't eat it.

Although he didn't ask about the specific cultivation principle, it was not difficult for Matthew to deduce the origin of the mage mushroom from the cultivation process of duck leg mushrooms.

But the mushrooms they ate were just the tip of the iceberg in Dudley's mushroom kingdom.

After eating.

The dusk elf enthusiastically introduced the baskets of mushrooms on the ground to Matthew and the others:

"Look, this kind of umbrella has light green spots on it and is very big. This is a "muscle mushroom". It is also edible - after eating it, people will lose their mind in a short period of time and become only interested in fitness.

A hot-blooded idiot who works out and wrestles.”

"This umbrella has a white surface and is larger in size. This is an enema mushroom."

"That's the 'Screaming Mushroom', be careful not to scare her, she'll scream."

"This light blue, pointed one is the "frost mushroom". With just three of these mushrooms, you can harvest an ice cellar."

"What I grilled just now is the "Flame Mushroom", this, this is the "Lightning Mushroom"."

"And this, this is a "love mushroom" specially cultivated for men and women who lack love experience. After taking it, you can get the feeling of being in love. How about it? Isn't it great? I know it's useless to you two.

, but I think there are a lot of other people who will need it.”

Look over a dozen baskets of mushrooms of different types with different effects.

Matthew said it was eye-opening:

"I didn't expect you to invent so many new species!"

Now he understood why Blinken wanted so many mushrooms.

In the eyes of knowledgeable mages, these mushrooms are just another form of spell scrolls!

Dudley smiled modestly:

"Rather than saying that I invented them, it's better to say that they invented me."

He didn't explain much about this sentence.

at this time.

The three of them have already looked through the dozens of baskets of mushrooms on the ground.

Matthew suddenly pointed to a small basket in the corner and asked:

"Is that a mushroom too?"

Dudley nodded and said:

"Yes, that's what Lord Crater specially asked me to prepare in the morning. This is a gift for you two."

As he spoke, he brought the basket of mushrooms over.

"This is the "Send-off Mushroom"."

"Lord Crater hopes that Mr. Matthew can eat more to increase his energy."

Dudley said with ambiguous eyes.

Matthew suddenly felt a little sore in his balls.

Margaret got addicted to the drama. She poked Matthew's waist hard, then put her hands on her hips and said in a very aggressive tone:

"Why don't you put it away quickly?"

"I know how to copy scrolls every day!"

Matthew reluctantly complied.

Dudley snickered for a while, and then said:

"I really envy you.

Not just lovers, but also kindred spirits.

Since the death of the Sun God, I am the only one left in the Sun Elf.

I have asked other elves for help, hoping to continue my bloodline, but they all rejected me for different reasons.

Not only that, they also humiliated me in every possible way, thinking that I was a disgrace to the Sun Elf Royal Family.

They said I should die as generously as the rest of the royal family.

I think what they said makes sense.

But don’t I make sense?

Why must people die if they can survive?”

When he said these words, Dudley had a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Sun god?

Matthew searched in his mind and found that he had no knowledge in this area.

He could only look at Margaret for help.

Margaret smiled jokingly:

"Honey, open your mouth."

Matthew obediently opened his mouth.

Another white light popped out from her fingertips.

It fell steadily into Matthew's mouth.

There is still a faint smell.

Dudley couldn't bear it and turned around stiffly.

"Margaret's knowledge was bought with one word and one gold coin!"

"Now that I am using this knowledge for free, it is equivalent to making money from her!"

Matthew thought this way, and then eagerly absorbed the knowledge in the light ball.

"Knowledge: Sun God——


Sun God Gerald is the thirty-third extraterrestrial visitor recorded in the history of the continent of Irondor.

He claims to come from a wonderful world called the Icecrown Nebula, where the magic civilization is highly developed, far beyond any known plane or universe in Irondor.

In the early days of the Enlightenment, Gerald rose to prominence and once took over the position of chief of Tianlun Palace, ranking above the gods.

After that, he launched several rounds of divine wars, mostly against the gods who had persecuted extraterrestrial visitors.

Rise (omitted);

Brilliant (omitted);

Lover (omitted);

Betrayal (omitted);


While the elves on the continent of Irondor were engaged in a mighty civil war, the sun god Gerald, who was in great power for a while, was betrayed by three of his most trusted servants during the God War.

In the end, Gerald was killed by the second-generation war god Vasnov. His body fell, and the kingdom of God collapsed and fell into thousands of planes.

Different from other gods.

When the sun god fell, his self-created nebula field produced wonderful effects.

Under the influence of this field, when the fragments of the Sun God's corpse hit the sky of Irondor, they formed a special terrain unique to Irondor——

Ruins above the clouds.

At first, there were only the body of the Sun God and fragments of the Kingdom of God in the ruins on the clouds.

But over time, people discovered that a strange vortex formed on the Yunshang ruins.

This vortex can attract the fragments of a god's body and kingdom when he falls, and properly accommodate them.

So since then.

All the fallen gods have part of their bodies and fragments of their kingdoms integrated into the large and small cloud-top ruins of Irondor.

And that kind of vortex is also called "the last tear of the sun god".

Regardless, Gerald in the Age of Enlightenment was a symbol of progress compared to other gods.

He is a god with a straightforward personality and prides himself on justice. Apart from his somewhat fiery temper when he drinks too much, he seems to have no other shortcomings.

——Data summary, an unknown divine researcher, Hodien."

It turns out that the Sun God is the senior time traveler who launched several rounds of divine wars, which ultimately led to the formation of ruins on the clouds?

Matthew read through the gist of this knowledge in an instant.

He asked Dudley with a look of regret on his face:

"I have heard about the sun god. He is a respectable god."

"What happened next?"

Dudley turned halfway, with a look of reminiscence on his face:

"Later I walked alone in the wilderness, but unfortunately there was no place for me in Irondor.

Although the unexpected turmoil ended the elven civil war, the sun elves also died in the turmoil.

I lost my compatriots, my hometown, and everything.

Eagle dogs from other gods in the heaven also started to hunt me down.

I had no choice but to escape to the inner plane.

But the environment in the inner plane was also very harsh for me. After all, I was not even a legend at the time. I still remember that when I first arrived in the negative energy plane, I was almost picked up and eaten by an old bone dragon!

Fortunately, I still had some means of escape and finally escaped those disasters.

I was really confused during that time. I was exhausted, at the end of my rope, and lost my way forward.

Only the survival instinct reminds me to survive.

Not just to survive.

I also want to continue the bloodline of the sun elves.

Although I only had the mark of dusk on my body at that time, I believed that one day, the sun would rise again, and the sun elves would walk on that land again.

With this thought in mind.

I keep going.

It didn't take long for me to meet Hussman.

I swear.

He is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen!"

Dudley said emotionally:

"I can't describe his beauty in words, but I can introduce it to you.

Hussmann is a very gentle being, and he is also very shy.

He only likes to come out to bask in the sun at noon every day.

At other times, even if you crawl under the ground, you won't be able to find him."

I just finished saying this.

In the sand in front of the three people, a lot of sand sank into the middle, as if something was coming out of it.

Half a minute later.

A pure white flower with a pointed head poked out from the sand.

The underside of the flower buds is covered with green spherical hairs.

It went around in a circle.

Suddenly it shrank down a little.

"Good afternoon, Haasman, don't worry, they are guests of Master Crait. I'm here, no one dares to hurt you."

Dudley said softly.

Then he said to the two of them:

"Take two steps back and look elsewhere. Don't look directly at Hussman. He is too shy."

The two of them did as they were told.

Dudley shouted some more comforting words.


A lot of sand is sinking down like crazy.

The white flower buds were pulled upwards, and in an instant, thousands of similar flower buds emerged from it.

However, this is not his true nature.

Matthew saw a huge white flower emerging from the sand. Under the petals was a dark green stem. It was so thick that it could be compared to a large tree that was hundreds of years old when taken alone.

The flower has a shape similar to that of a lotus, and its flawless white petals are in full bloom. The texture of the petals is very unique, a bit like crystal, hard and clear, reflecting an enviable brilliance in the sunlight.

Those flower bones are interspersed among the petals.

On the outside of the petals, there are hundreds of millions of slender strips hanging down like waterfalls. The strips are light yellow and look a bit like fungal flagella in shape.

In the center of the petals is an irregular flower pond.

There is some honey-colored substance flowing inside.

The flower buds outside the flower pond are filled with a large number of spores.

The petals tremble every time.

It has a large number of spores that fly everywhere along the sea breeze.

"Tip: You encountered the Rot Sac Lord Hasman (legendary creature/???)"

Margaret quickly threw a protective spell with her quick eyes to prevent the spores from approaching the two of them.

Dudley smiled:

"Don't be nervous. Hussman won't hurt us. He is really a very gentle being."

"His spores will not harm living creatures, and even undead creatures are not willing to parasitize them. They will only breed groups on the dead bodies, thus giving birth to brand new rot sacs."

Matthew nodded calmly.

But inside I was extremely surprised——

Unexpectedly, the life Dudley mentioned was actually a bag of corruption!

As a necromancer.

Matthew knows the Bag of Corruption all too well.

How to use rot cyst spores to quickly parasitize enemies and expand their infection ability is a required course for an intermediate and low-level necromancer.

Matthew himself also has the ability to "control the rot sac".

This ability is enough to give him the power to dominate most Sacs of Corruption when he encounters them.

But now this person is obviously not among the dominated ones.

"Can rot sacs be promoted to legend?"

Matthew stared at this magnificent flower intently, and was slightly shocked by the diversity of creatures.

"As you can see, Husman is the king of rot cysts. He looks like a giant plant, but he is actually a microorganism, just a little bigger.

It was with Hussmann's help that I was able to enter the field of spores and observe an unprecedented new world.

Although the world of microorganisms is generally not recognized by the outside world, they actually exist.

They are so inconspicuous and difficult to notice that even nature’s will to identify them is vague.”

Dudley introduced somewhat helplessly.

Matthew consoled him:

"Natural will is a very vague concept. It is a collection of pan-consciousness and can easily be disturbed by some louder individuals, while ignoring the silent majority."

Dudley's eyes lit up:

"Do you also agree that microorganisms and spores are part of nature?"

Matthew nodded, his eyes also shining.

Not only did he agree with Dudley's view, he also believed that the spore realm could serve as a bridge between nature and death.

Balance is just the goal.

The means should be more diversified.

"If I could master the spore field, it would be much easier to deal with the conflicts between the ritual sites. Although it cannot solve all the problems, it can at least alleviate some of the conflicts."

Matthew thought secretly in his heart.

The Spore Realm is natural proof that nature and death can coexist.

If it is proven that this realm belongs to nature, Matthew's subsequent actions to balance nature and immortality will be smoother.

And after seeing the corrupt lord.

As for why the dusk elves on the island are exactly the same as Dudley, Matthew also has the answer in his mind.

Just at this moment.

Dudley took the initiative and said:

"There is just enough dew today, please allow me to show you the greatness of Hussmann."


He jumped on the petals lightly, and several petals twisted quickly, as if they were high-fiving Dudley.

Dudley came to the flower pond and jumped in with a sudden move.

Matthew raised his chin and stood on tiptoe. Just as he was about to take out the magic carpet and go to a higher place to take a look, Margaret activated the flying technique, holding his back with one hand and he flew up easily.

Her movement was in sharp contrast to her petite figure.

Matthew didn't have time to complain about the posture.

I can only focus on looking at the flower pond below.

But in the flower pond, Dudley was swimming happily.

And along with his actions.

The liquid like nectar rolled rapidly.

Dudley suddenly tilted his head.

A head appeared next to him.

Then came the hands and feet.

I didn't even see how he acted.

The next second.

A brand new Dudley suddenly emerged from his body!

Margaret took a breath.

But Dudley didn't stop.

He stirred the nectar vigorously, making a strange humming sound from his mouth.

Not long after.

Three identical Dudleys appeared in the flower pond!

But now it's time.

The nectar inside has also bottomed out.

Dudley crawled out and raised his hands with his three new friends at the same time, saying hello to the two from the sky.

Matthew's smile was quite sincere.

Margaret's smile was a little forced.

It seems that this scene is still a bit too advanced for her.

"Hint: You have completely observed the process of fission reproduction by Dudley Hussman.

Your knowledge (microorganisms) +10"

"Is this the way you found to continue your bloodline?"

When Dudley came down from the petals, Margaret asked with some difficulty.

Dudley smiled and said:

"Isn't that a cool way to do it?"

"I know that you have a bad impression of my own race, but that's because Husman and I are still perfecting this reproductive method."

"They look exactly like me, and their brains are a little unclear, but after our observation and research, after several generations of divisions, those dusk elves will be even more different from the first generation like me. Maybe in a certain generation of divisions in the future

, a mutation will occur, and it is possible that they will possess advanced wisdom again, or that a female version of Dudley will appear, so that I can continue the bloodline of the elves."

When Dudley said these words, his eyes were shining brightly.

That's something called faith.

As if sensing the fear deep in Margaret's eyes, Dudley comforted him and said:

"I know this method is unacceptable, but please believe me, Hussman and I have no intention of continuing to breed indefinitely in this way. Neither of us has the ambition to dominate, or to occupy the entire world."

"We are just trying a very new thing, and the ultimate goal is just to continue the bloodline of the sun elves."

Dudley seems to be quite reasonable.

His words dispelled many of Margaret's doubts.

She said calmly:

"I'm just worried that this method will cause panic in the world. Even the Seven Saints Alliance, which represents the advanced and advanced world, may not be able to accept the self-replicated elves."

Dudley's eyes flashed with helplessness.

He still said in a good voice:

"I can understand them, and like I said before, I don't intend for everyone in the world to recognize us or reproduce in our way."

"Seeking common ground while reserving differences is one of the current purposes of the Spore Association. We just want to invite more people to observe the microscopic world. They have been ignored for too long."

"Actually, Lord Krayt occasionally brings some humans to the island, but after seeing the content of the Spore Society, most people bluntly said that they cannot accept it. The current performance of the two of them is already quite surprising, at least you haven't seen it before

After my breeding methods, I ran away."

Having said this, Dudley laughed at himself.

But the next second.

But he heard Matthew ask:

"If you want to join the Spore Society, what do you need to do?"

Dudley was stunned for a moment, then said ecstatically: "Do you want to join us?"

Matthew said softly:

"I need to first understand the obligations after joining the association and what I need to do before that."

Dudley said quickly:

"There is no obligation, just try to prevent people from misunderstanding us."

"It would be even better if it can promote the recognition of the spore field in the natural field."

"As for the conditions required to join us, to be honest, I haven't thought about it yet. After all, you are the first person who is willing to join us."

Matthew reminded:

"I am a necromancer, not a druid. Do I still meet the conditions for joining?"

Dudley smiled bitterly and said:

"With our current situation, we can't even bother discriminating against other professions. It would be great if the Necromancer doesn't discriminate against us!"

"Well, if you really want to become a member of the Spore Society, just go over and say hello to Hasman. If he agrees, then you will become the third official member!"

Matthew nodded.

He gave Margaret a calm look, then opened the realm of oak trees and the undead, and slowly walked towards the Rot Sac Lord Hussman.

I haven't reached the edge of the sand yet.

A gentle force enveloped him.

In an instant, an extremely beautiful scene opened in front of Matthew.

"Tip: Lord Hasman shared his domain with you——

You have entered the spore realm.

You gain the ability "Brewing".

You gain the ability "Decompose and Fertilize".

You gain the ability "Four Seasons Like Spring".

Your domain "Plague" resonates with the current domain, should it be activated?"

This chapter has been completed!
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