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Chapter 178 New Mission: Animal Talk


The prophet's laughter has a lot of vitality and sounds very sunny, giving people a warm and cheerful feeling.

However, his words made Matthew even more uneasy.

Is this guy also a follower of the Evil Queen Barbassa?

He suddenly thought of quitting.

After the laughter, the Prophet looked at them seriously and said:

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, I'm just a poor old devil."

"As for the two of you, even for the most basic sincerity, you should show your true colors, right?"

Little Paton is still trying to muddle through:

"What did you say? Why don't I think you are old at all?"

However, Matthew knew that the two of them had been exposed.

There was a faint white light in the prophet's eyes, which was the characteristic of prophecy spells. This guy was of a very high level, at least a quasi-legend.

His combination of transformation potion and camouflage might be difficult to hide from the opponent's eyes.

So Matthew gently patted Little Patton on the shoulder, and then stepped forward to negotiate:

"I am a human mage from the Seven Saints Alliance. You can call me Matthew."

"This is my friend Patton. Let me be the first to say that we have no ill intentions towards the revivalist camp."

The prophet nodded:

"You are indeed a human being. It seems that you have not lied in this regard. I can initially trust you."

"It's just that what surprises me is, when did the Seven Saints Alliance become interested in Escana?"

"Don't you always claim to not interfere with anything outside the material world?"

Does the Alliance of Seven Saints still have such a claim?

Matthew was surprised, but he replied calmly:

"Times have changed, and we always need to re-evaluate certain areas according to changes in circumstances. My main purpose of coming here this time is to observe the situation and preserve the possibility of future actions."

The prophet's face was filled with joy:

"Very good. If the Seven Saints Alliance really plans to intervene, I promise you that I will not take the initiative to hand you over to the Evil Queen."

Matthew took a deep breath:

"How did you find me? Is it the mark of the Evil Queen?"

The prophet smiled and said:

"We Bigfoots are naturally good at divination, and your special mark is as dazzling to me as a campfire in the dark.

But believe me, handing you over to the Evil Queen is the last option for me.

Rather than doing this, I would rather cooperate with you and the forces behind you.

Have you seen what's going on in the revivalist camp right now?

Bigfoot City is now completely controlled by Stuluk Industries, and I need your help.

By working together, both of us can overthrow Stuluk Industries and achieve a win-win effect."

Speaking of which.

A crow suddenly flew out of the darkness behind him. The crow sat on the candlestick next to it and made a harsh sound:

“I hate the word win-win!

This is what Stuluk Industries said when they first entered Bigfoot City.

In the end, they won twice!”

The prophet waved his hand:

"Quiet! No wings!"

Matthew still looked at the smiling Bigfoot prophet with some caution:

"To be honest, it's still hard for me to believe that a follower of Barbassa would give up doing things that please the god he serves."

The prophet did not blame Matthew.

He waved his hands in the darkness, and more darkness surged in, wrapping Matthew and the two of them.

Because he sensed that the darkness was not malicious, Matthew restrained the urge to take action immediately.

on the data column.

"Hint: The Bigfoot Prophet used the "Dark Chamber."

Dark Chamber: No content of the conversation here can be eavesdropped, including gods."

"If I were a devout follower of Barbassa, I'm afraid you would have been tied up by now.

It turns out that I am not the kind of person you imagined.

In fact.

Evil Queen Babasha has given up on us for many years.

Before Stuluk Industries settled in Bigfoot City, the three major demon races here all believed in the Evil Queen.

Every battle in the city at that time was to please the Evil Queen.

Whoever kills the most brutally will be rewarded by the Evil Queen.

His power envelopes the entire city, spreading both on the surface and underground, and no one can rob it of its edge.

However, this situation soon collapsed.

Stuluk Industries has become the new master of Bigfoot City.

People of the three major races call for the power of Babasha.

But after a certain day.

The Evil Queen never responded to our prayers.

Barbatha's clerics soon lost the ability to cast spells.

Other believers also felt the pain and palpitations of being abandoned.

The chaotic situation lasted for a long time.

The number of followers of the Evil Queen has also shrunk sharply.

To this day.

There are only two people left in the entire Bigfoot City who still believe in the Evil Queen. One is me and the other is the female warrior monk Rosie you just met at the gate of the tower.

Although I still maintain my belief in Babasha, there is another reason. I cannot reveal the specific content to you, but you can believe me——

I have lost almost all trust in the Evil Queen.

Maintaining this belief is only based on objective needs.

But you need to be careful Rosie.

She is a follower of Barbassa from other places, and it is said that she herself communicated with the Evil Queen.

She is a true fanatical believer. If she discovers your true identity, the Evil Queen will soon focus on you.

When introduced, you should know what to expect.

So, the information I provided is enough to show my sincerity, right?"

The prophet spoke very quickly, but his tone was very sincere.

Matthew nodded slightly.

His face was solemn.

The prophet’s words contain a lot of information, and one of the hidden pieces of information is——

The demon believers in Bigfoot lost the favor of the Evil Queen Barbassa after Stuluk Industries entered the city.

Considering that the Evil Queen herself is still active in other places in the multiverse, such as the Deep City where Lyra once lived, this basically rules out the possibility of her sudden death.

It is not difficult to infer from this.

Even the powerful Evil Queen in the Outer Planes may be afraid of Stuluk Industries!

He didn't even want to fight with the opponent, so he simply gave up Bigfoot City, which had been in business for hundreds of years, and along with it a large number of high-quality believers.

There is amazing information behind this inference.

"How terrible is Stuluk Industries?"

"How many cities and lands did the Antu Empire's vanguard army attack in the star realm?"

Matthew pondered.

If what the prophet said was true, he could understand the other party's eagerness and desire to cooperate with him.

However, Matthew's arrival was actually an accident. He knew very well that he had no right to represent the league.

So he could only try to deal with Zhou Xuan:

"If the two sides cooperate, what do you hope the alliance can provide? What can you provide to the alliance?"

The prophet said excitedly:

"We need people, spells, and resources!"

"As long as it's not a verbal promise, anything is fine!"

"Stuluk Industries is planning to launch another encirclement and suppression against us. Before that, we must renovate the upper defenses."

"As for what the Seven Saints Alliance wants, to be honest, as long as we can defeat Stuluk Industries, we are willing to give you half of Bigfoot City, and you can also get more loot. Our goal is to revive the Demon Blood

, as long as we can expel those enemies who enslave us, we are willing to do anything!"

Matthew was a little bit dizzy when he heard this.

He actually didn't want to make the matter so big, but the other party's identity was very sensitive. If he didn't follow the other party's words, he might report himself to Babasha later.

Don't look at this old man's smile being so healthy and hearty.

After all, he is also a devil.

In the prophet's expectant eyes.

Matthew made full use of his specialty of ambiguity:

"I will convey your intention to my superiors, but the alliance has many procedures and everything takes time."

"And my mission is to observe and collect intelligence. Judging from the current progress, I'm afraid it's not enough for them to make an immediate decision to cooperate with you."

The prophet said eagerly:

"What information do you want? There is almost nothing in Bigfoot City that I don't know."

Matthew took the opportunity to ask:

“How did Stuluk Industries transform the city into what it is today?”

"We just found a lot of shiny things on the road."

The crow sitting on the candlestick said disdainfully:

"That's called an electric light! What a bumpkin!"

"Shut up! No wings!"

The prophet scolded.

He waved his hand to disperse the dark chamber, and then took a cane from the weapon rack next to it.

"You guys come with me."

The two followed the prophet to the depths of the tower hall.

A large set of pitch-black symbols are carved on the ground here.

It looks like a teleportation array.

They stepped onto the teleportation array.

The Prophet sprinkled large amounts of black powder on them.


A loud roar sounded.

The hair of the three people exploded immediately.

Immediately afterwards.

The scenery in front of me also began to change.

They came from the depths of the tower to another dark world!


Matthew's hands were ignited with mage fire.

The firelight illuminated everything.

He found that the hair on both of their foreheads stood up.

Only the prophet himself was safe and sound.

Because he has no hair.

"Follow me and keep your voice down."

The prophet walked calmly towards the path ahead.

Demons often have darkvision.

Matthew and Little Patton didn't have any, and it was inconvenient to wear equipment in Minotaur form, so they could only advance slowly through the fluorescence of the Mage's Fire.

It is a long mountain road out of the tower.

The group of people climbed for about twenty minutes.

Finally we reached the top of this area.

This is also located in the underground world, and Matthew guesses that it is also a part of Bigfoot City's huge sewer system.

And after reaching the top.

A bright light suddenly lit up in the ground ahead.

The three of them looked in the direction of the light. After getting over the initial discomfort in their pupils, they could see the scene below at a glance.

that moment.

Matthew saw a huge, hanging heart in the dark abyss!

Every blood vessel in the heart is extremely thick.




Even though we are so far apart.

He seemed to be able to feel his heart beating with that huge heart.

There are countless tiny luminous spots above the heart.

Matthew took a closer look.

But they found that they were countless astral white crystals inlaid with luminous runes.

These white crystals are densely packed on the surface of the heart like parasites.

At first you would think they were decorations for the heart.

You will only realize it if you look carefully.

They are greedily absorbing the energy of that heart!

This energy is drawn into strips of white light, extending underground along the copper conduits in all directions.

The mountain-like heart was shaking violently.

There seemed to be an angry roar coming from the darkness.

But very quickly.

This roar turned into deep unwillingness and helplessness.

"This is the heart of the 13th generation Lord of Bigfoot City."

"The one that was just replaced last month is expected to last two to three years, but if Stuluk Industries increases its power consumption, it may be sucked dry in a year and a half."

"This is the underground energy base of Stuluk Industries. The entire Bigfoot City's electricity and other energy sources originate from here."

"They claimed to have invented the cleanest and most efficient energy source in the multiverse. When they entered Bigfoot City, they also used this to convince the demon leaders at the time. Unfortunately, those short-sighted demons did not realize that their bodies were

The real source of energy for Stuluk Industries!”

"The heart of a high-level demon, so noble and elegant, but now it has become a generator for Stuluk Industry!"

The prophet's voice was filled with indescribable sorrow.

Matthew was silent for a while and then asked:

"How many high-level demons are there in Bigfoot City?"

"Do they have enough hearts to sustain the growth needs of Stuluk Industries?"

The prophet shook his head:

"Of course it's not enough, so they sent people to lobby in other city-states. In addition, Stuluk Industries also has a very powerful mercenary army, which is an undead army. They are attacking other layers of the abyss, and demon lords appear from time to time.

His heart will be sent here. That undead army is said to be invincible, but I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, so I don’t know much about it.”

"Have you seen the huge energy rune below? The changes above indicate the energy consumption of Stuluk Industries. I will come here to observe every three days. Through this, I can judge whether they are trying to cause trouble.


"Look, the red indicator has been rising for ten consecutive days, which means that their demand for energy continues to rise. This is not good news. Combined with the recent intelligence, I suspect that they intend to start a war between the Bru tribe and the Blood Flag Kingdom.

, in order to achieve the purpose of harvesting energy.”

"And they are so keen on collecting bioenergy, I'm afraid they are planning a huge conspiracy!"

“Think about it carefully, for locusts like Stuluk Industries, is there any land more fertile than the Prime Material Realm?

Escana is just a springboard.

Stuluk Industries is conquering the abyss and encroaching on purgatory.

The Prime Material Realm must be inevitable.

The Seven Saints Alliance should take it seriously!

Otherwise, the disaster that happened to the demons will also happen to your compatriots!"

Have to admit it.

The prophet's analysis is sound and well-founded.

He didn't add too many inflammatory words, but the shocking facts themselves were enough to convince many people.

Matthew said cautiously:

"I will report all this information to the people above."

The prophet urged:

"As soon as possible. If there is anything else you want to know, just ask. After asking, I will send you away."

"I hope to receive a reply from the Seven Saints Alliance as soon as possible."

So Matthew asked a few more questions casually.

The prophet responded promptly.

After a while.

Matthew offered to leave.

The prophet waved his hand to summon the crow and said:

"Don't try to backtrack, and don't try to memorize the route to the sewers."

"The sewers of Bigfoot City are changing all the time. Only those blessed by the "God of Sewers" can find the right direction."

"I'll ask No Wings to take you away. Be careful when walking in the city and stay away from the people of Stuluk Industries!"


The crow fluttered twice and flew towards the mountain road on the other side.

Matthew and the two said goodbye to the prophet and followed him all the way.

A full forty minutes later.

They carefully climbed out from another sewer entrance in Bigfoot City.

Matthew threw a few detection spells to make sure there was no one behind him.

The two quickly returned to their homes.

Lock the doors and windows when you get home.

The two Minotaurs couldn't wait to get under the bed.

In the cemetery, the two of them breathed a long sigh of relief after the deformation was released.

The experience behind the rift in time and space is like a dream.

Matthew originally just wanted to go there and get some benefits.

I didn't expect to make such an amazing discovery.

Regarding the intelligence about Bigfoot City, Matthew plans to formally write a report and submit it to the alliance.

But cooperation between myself or the alliance and the revivalist camp may not be realistic.

The most critical reason is that Matthew has made too many enemies in the outer plane.

Whether it's the star realm, the abyss, purgatory or heaven.

He doesn't dare to go yet.

The Evil Queen Babasha is a god from another world after all. After all, she is not in the outer plane.

However, the other big guys that Matthew provoked were real natives of the outer plane!

Therefore, before the legend, he was very resistant to plane travel.

He would not drill into this space-time rift again.

At least not in the short term.

He thought for a while.

The best solution is to plug this crack with giant tree amber.

If you really need it in the future, you can open it.

Think so.

Matthew planned to go back and write a report.

However, at this moment Little Patton came over:

"What are you going to do about Stuluk Industries and the revivalist camps?"

Matthew looked at his excited eyes and felt something bad in his heart:

"I plan not to help each other and will no longer interfere."

"The situation in Bigfoot City is not something you and I can interfere with. Even if we call for Rega and the others, we don't have the strength."

Little Paton nodded:

"I understand what you mean, but maybe, I can join Stuluk Industries?"

"In addition to that huge heart, they must also have other advanced technologies. Aren't you interested in those technologies?"

Matthew shook his head firmly and said:

"I'm interested, but the outer plane is still too dangerous. I advise you to give up such an idea. I don't want to lose Rhaegar's nephew."

But little Paton didn't listen at all.

He said with gleaming eyes:

"I'm not afraid of danger, so just leave this matter to me.

Really, Matthew.

I haven't been able to accomplish anything in my life, but on this matter, I suddenly had a strong desire and premonition.

I thought I could join Stuluk Industries - in the form of a Minotaur - and maybe I could make it to the top of their management.

Then instead of just stealing a little sulfur, maybe I can steal their entire factory back.

Can you trust me for once?

You just need to give me some potions that last longer and are more effective.

After all, it’s really embarrassing to be exposed on the spot.”

Matthew looked at him deeply:

"Don't make it difficult for me, Patton."

"You are here to take charge of the work in the sulfur mine, not to go to a different plane to join a strange force and become a spy. You have not received relevant training and have no ability to protect yourself. You are completely seeking your own death."

"I won't allow you to do this."

The light in Patton's eyes quickly extinguished, and soon, he begged:

"One week, give me one week, okay?"

"If I don't accomplish anything good within a week, I will come back and continue to work as a supervisor in your mine."

"I really just want to do something that I can do. Stuluk Industries is not as dangerous as it seems, isn't it? The demons have all drunk the potion and don't like to fight anymore. All problems that can be solved with brains and mouths can never be solved.

It’s not a problem for me.”

Matthew was a little irritated by what he said.

If something happened to Patton under his command, he would have no way to explain it to Rhaegar.

However, this guy's eyes were filled with the light of hope.

Matthew was silent for a long time before suddenly asking:

"Why do you speak the Minotaur's language?"

Parton replied casually:

"I have read many, many books. Rhaegar's library happened to have a complete collection of the languages ​​of the abyssal races, so I just studied it for two days and learned it. It's very simple, isn't it?"

"Not only the Minotaur language, but also the languages ​​of almost all races. I originally planned to rely on this skill to sleep with a few more foreign girls. However, after I learned all the languages, I discovered that if I only lived in Rolling Stone Town,

It’s impossible to meet women of other races.”

Speaking of which.

He sighed heavily.

Matthew looked at him suspiciously:

"You insist on going back because you want to sleep with the Minotaur girl, right?"

Little Paton thought for a while:

"If you can, you might as well give it a try."

Matthew immediately poured cold water on him:

"No matter how realistic the transformation potion is, it can't provide that kind of effect."

"And if you become a human, the offensive and defensive dynamics between you may be different."

Little Paton shivered immediately.

"By the way, you said Rhaegar had a library before? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Matthew asked curiously.

Little Patton thought:

"Maybe he's embarrassed to say it?

Maybe you didn't ask.

Rhaegar was particularly interested in that library at first. He bought a lot of books and stuffed them in it, saying that he wanted to fill the palace of his soul with knowledge.

But he rarely reads the books he bought.

I asked him about it.

He gave me two sentences. The first sentence was, 'I have already bought the book, why do I want to read it?'

The second sentence is 'If you like to watch it, watch it to your heart's content.'

So during those years, I lived in his library every day except for eating and sleeping.

I've read every book Rhaegar collected.

Then one day.

He came to the library on a whim and found me reading a book about taxation. He asked me a few questions that I thought were particularly idiotic, and I answered them on the spot.

And then the next day I was told I was going to be the tax collector for Rolling Stone."

Little Patton's eyes were bright when he stated this.

Matthew was reminded of Sif for a moment.

"You insist on going to Stuluk Industries because you want to prove that you are better than Brad?"

he asked softly.

Little Paton was stunned for a moment, then shook his head:

"I have no intention of comparing myself to anyone."

"It's just rare that I encounter something that interests me and I want to give it a try."

Matthew crossed his hands and put them under his chin, his eyes changing.

"Three days, I will only give you three days at most. You have to come back every day to report that you are safe."

Matthew finally relented and said:

"If you can't do anything good in three days, please come back immediately. I will seal the space-time rift here as soon as possible. Don't cause me any trouble."

"Also, don't rush there, go there tomorrow morning."

Little Paton was immediately overjoyed:

"Then I'll stay in your cemetery tonight!"

"Um, is there a place for me to sleep here?"

Early the next morning.

Matthew hurried to the Crucible House and submitted the report on Bigfoot City's experiences written overnight through the A1 channel to the Alliance's "Silver Council" responsible for handling daily affairs.

In fact, he originally wanted to contact Isabel directly.

However, Isabel has no desire to see him recently.

Several times, the messages sent through the communication crystal seemed to be lost in the sea.

This gave Matthew a sense of disappointment.

After submitting the report.

He went to the Alliance Mall and bought two escape scrolls, two random teleportation scrolls, a gravity rope and a set of powerful Minotaur transformation potions.

This account was recorded on little Patton.

Give these things to Little Patton and equip them.

Matthew then sent him through the rift in time and space again.

During the day after that.

Matthew began to tinker with "Giant Tree Amber", which is an important material for filling the cracks in time and space.

Until noon.

When he successfully brewed the first pot of giant tree amber base material.

He suddenly remembered that the oak trees had not been planted today.

So he decisively picked up the shovel and sapling bag and headed towards the northern wasteland.

Along the way he met the grouse again.

But this time.

The latter appeared suddenly from behind a tree.

The two sides ran into each other unexpectedly.

The grouse was visibly startled.

It stared at Matthew with evil eyes. Suddenly, Matthew heard a thin voice:

"Who is this?"

"You're walking so fast while carrying a shovel!"

"Scared to death!"

Matthew stared at each other dumbfounded.

The latter raised his chest without showing any signs of weakness:

"What are you looking at?"

"You can't understand what I'm saying. Humans are idiots!"

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Matthew stared at the taskbar excitedly.

A long lost mission.


"Tip: You have obtained a new main quest "Animal Talk".

Animal conversation: If you complete more than three conversations with any animal in Rolling Stone Town, or have an in-depth conversation, you will get 10 XP points.

In addition, when the number of animals you talk to exceeds each critical point, you will receive additional rewards.

Primary goal: Complete conversations with 300 animals.

Primary rewards: Summon the Dead (Lich) & a lot of XP.

Note: During the duration of the mission, you will gain the ability to "talk to animals" and you can understand the conversation of any animal."

Matthew's eyes focused again on the grouse.

He smiled and said:

"Greetings from the silly humans, Mr. Grouse."

The next second.

The grouse's eyes suddenly widened.

This chapter has been completed!
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