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Chapter 180 The Homeless Corpse


Zeller heard this and said in a deep voice:

"If such terrible things really exist in this world, then their appearance is a disaster."

Richard unconsciously took the cane off the shelf again. He tapped the palm of his hand with one end, and his tone was solemn and scary:

"That's it. In the Age of Enlightenment, once the ability of the Thousand Changers was exposed, even the gods who were the sworn enemies of the God of Murder, together with other gods, banished Jia Siliwen, who was occupying the magpie's nest."

"This ability to replace someone is too crazy. As long as there is a slight disturbance, it will create an unstoppable tragedy. People often fall into a cycle of killing each other because they cannot trust."

"In history, some people even deliberately released news that the Thousand Changers were about to resurrect to disrupt the situation in a region. But as long as the seal of the night elves is not loosened, people can breathe a sigh of relief. But it is different now. Although Yongsong Forest is kept secret, But as far as I know, a small group of people already have this secret."

"The clouds of war in the South have reached a critical point. All it takes is a fuse, and the chaos may get out of control. In addition to worrying about the situation in Rolling Stone, I'm even more worried about whether someone will make a big fuss out of it. ."

The rain is coming.

Matthew had a headache and rubbed his temples.

Life is so wonderful.

During the first two years after he traveled through time, he planted trees every day and did not see any changes in the world.

I had just received the Bone Dragon reward, and not long after, the signs of big events came one after another.

He was a little numb.

"Since Jia Siliwen has been sealed, it means that the ability of the Thousand Changers is not perfect, and there must be flaws."

Matthew said.

Richard shook his head:

"There are almost no flaws in the Thousand Changers, at least I haven't found a way to identify a Thousand Changers who have deprived others of their identity. The reason why Jia Siliwen was exposed was because a descendant of the Thousand Changers risked being killed. Risk made this public."

Matthew was surprised and said:

"The descendant of the Thousand Changers? Is it the child of Jia Si Liwen?"

Richard said with a complicated expression:

"It's hard to describe the relationship between those descendants and Jia Siliwen as children.

He is a demon, a demon born naturally by bathing in the light and cosmic rays of the astral world.

He has no concept of civilized racial etiquette and shame.

In order to continue his own bloodline.

Before entering the heaven, Jia Siliwen had sex with males of hundreds of races and impregnated them. She would give birth after three months of pregnancy.


The original Thousand Change Bloodspawn crawled out of their father's belly.

There are nearly two hundred of them in total.

He was Jia Siliwen's closest servant when she infiltrated Tianlun Palace.

However, Jia Siliwen was not satisfied with their abilities.

He always felt that these blood descendants were too weak.

So in the next few decades.

He also reciprocated with these descendants one after another.

He can impregnate both men and women and then give birth to more offspring.

This cycle repeats.

At their greatest numbers, the Thousand Changers can number in the thousands.

They were supposed to be Jia Siliwen's most loyal children, lovers, servants and warriors.

However, some Changelings developed human-like emotions when they came into contact with mortals.

Especially one of them, he had an unprecedented possessiveness towards Jia Siliwen.

After a failed confession.

He went completely crazy and told the public the secret of the Thousand Changers, which led to the discovery of Jia Si Liwen's existence.

Hundreds of years later.

The Thousand Changers tribe was massacred.

The informer instead became an angel in Tianlun Palace.

But under the promise and blessing of this angel.

Some of the Thousand Changers have self-sealed the ability to change, and then silently multiply throughout the multiverse.

The gods also discovered that the power of all the Thousand Changers came from Jia Siliwen. There was no point in chasing these people, as long as the source was controlled.

So gradually, the descendants of the Thousand Changers spread out on this land like other races.

But no one thought that one day the gods of Tianlun Palace would be exiled.

Although the night elves in Yongsong Forest perform their duties, they are still very close to each other.

I fear that the attack on Gostilian Prison was just a prelude.

If Sener really wants to release Jia Siliwen, the evil power he can gather is beyond imagination."

Speaking of which.

Richard sighed heavily:

"I should have killed him."

"Then go and kill Sen'er. I really should have done this a long time ago."


Matthew's heart moved:

"Do you have a suspect in mind for the Thousand Changers?"

Richard's lips moved, but he still said the name firmly:


Matthew suddenly remembered that night on the slope north of the Trace of the Dead, the lunatic who threw a corpse downwards and claimed to be the new leader of the Silver Frost Brotherhood.

That man was Setrunk, a disciple of the legendary rogue Seir.

It was Richard who handled that group of people at that time.

However, due to some personal reasons, Richard finally let Setronk go.

"Didn't you say that Setrunk promised never to enter Rolling Stone Town again?"

Zeller asked.

Richard smiled bitterly:

"I believed his promise, but if he has really been following Sen'er since he left Jade Cangting, then it would not be unusual for him to go back on his word with me.

The Scarlet Letter Hunter, Sen'er, has always been known for being despicable and unscrupulous.

He is the scum of the rogues and the true scourge of heaven!

I suspect that it was the child Setrunk who discovered the Thousand Changer bloodline when he was hanging out with Sener, and then the incident of Sener's attack on Gostil Prison happened half a year ago.

Although Setrunk quit Rolling Stone after being warned by me.

But if he really awakens the ability of the depriver, he can completely replace any familiar face in Rolling Stone Town, and then slowly approach the target he wants to approach.

We know so little about the Expropriators that I now doubt almost everyone."

Zeller said calmly:

"Until there is conclusive evidence, any suspicion will only add to confusion.

I believe that although the abilities of the Thousand Changers are very strong, they must have limitations.

If he is so powerful, why doesn't he become a legendary mage?

Obviously, it's not because he doesn't want to, but because he can't do it.

In the same way, I don't think people who are strong enough themselves will be transformed by the rituals of the Thousand Changers.

At least we can trust each other."

Richard took a deep breath:

"You're right, I'm feeling anxious."

Matthew asked softly:

"What is the relationship between Setrunk and you?"

"And Sener, you don't look like a stranger to him either."

Richard shook his head:

"I have already told you about Setrunk's identity. He is the son of my old friend. I know he is a descendant of the Thousand Changers, but I did not expect that he would awaken his ability.

The reason why he was fostered in the wood elf village in the first place was because he wanted him to have a better growing environment.

What happened next was far beyond my control.

I am full of guilt and helplessness, both for my old friend and for the child Setrunk.

I really shouldn't have let him go when we met last time. Knowing that he followed Sen Er and went astray, I should have imprisoned him immediately.


As for Sen'er, I am not very familiar with him. Among the legendary rogues, he is considered my junior and I have met him several times in the Land of Shadows.

All I know is that he enjoys killing civilians, and he most likely holds the remnants of the god of murder in his hands.

This guy has been plotting horrific murders.

By the way, I also heard that he has an unusual relationship with Viscount Fan from the Demon Realm of Ravenloft. The latter is also a very popular figure in the shadow world and the underworld in recent years.

I don’t know much about anything else, after all, I haven’t walked on the road for many years.”

Matthew and Zeller both fell into deep thought after listening.

after awhile.

Matthew slowly said:

"If it can be confirmed that it was Setrunk who did it, then he must have a goal when he lurked into Rolling Stone Town."

"Remember when the sorcerers of the Scourge Order robbed Sif? The Scourge Order and the Silver Frost Brotherhood are advancing and retreating at the same time in a sense. The blood of the Blood Banner Kingdom seems to be very important to them.


"So Sif and Rhaegar should be the ones we need to protect most."

Zeller quickly agreed:

"Your analysis is correct. Sif may indeed become their target again. I suggest that she follow you first - until Rhaegar comes back."

Matthew was stunned for a moment:

"Is this appropriate?"

Zeller said seriously:

"There are many people in Rolling Stone Town, and if Setrunk becomes a member of the Lord's Mansion, things will be difficult to control."

"But you are different. You are a necromancer, surrounded by zombies and skeletons."

Richard also nodded and said:

"The Thousand Changers really can't take away the identity of the deceased."

"From this perspective, the Necromancer seems to be the nemesis of the Thousand Changers."

Matthew thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only way.

But is it really good for Sif, a young girl in her prime, to live with him in the cemetery at such a young age?

Faced with Matthew's doubts.

Zeller just shrugged:

"Extraordinary moment."

"I don't think Sif will refuse."

Matthew sighed:

"It's Rhaegar I'm worried about."

At this time, Mrs. Wesley came over with three cups of coffee. She put down the coffee and joked:

"Don't worry, Rhaegar is not such a jealous child."

Matthew was speechless.

After a while.

He said to Richard:

"Are there many Changelings in the southern land?"

Richard pondered:

"It's quite a lot, but it can't be called many. What's important is that the number of awakened Thousand Transformers is very small."

"After the tribe of Thousand Changers integrated into human society, their bloodline was severely diluted. Only a very small number of guys with amazing qualifications can initially awaken and master the ability to change into the appearance of others."

Matthew coughed:

"Speaking of which, there happens to be such a Thousand Changer in my woods."

Richard's eyes lit up:


Matthew nodded uncertainly:

"It should be true."

Richard immediately urged:

"Take me to see it quickly!"

At that moment, the three people rushed to the oak forest in a hurry.

However, the little white cat has always been elusive.

The three of them walked around the woods. Matthew even used the power of his domain, but he found no trace of her.

“If it’s not on the ground, it must be underground!”

With this thought in mind.

Matthew and the other two searched the cemetery, but they couldn't find the little white cat!

"That's weird, where has this guy gone?"

Matthew walked around and came to the kitchen of the cemetery.

He looked at Peggy who was studying the recipe and couldn't help but ask:

"Do you know where Chouka is?"

Without raising her head, Peggy picked up a rice bowl next to her and knocked it twice on the foot of the stool.

Bang, bang, bang!

The loud voice spread to every corner of the cemetery.

After a few seconds.

A figure swooped into the kitchen.

She was a girl dressed very coolly.

She shouted as she walked:

"Is the meal ready? Is the meal ready?"

"Can't we have more mushrooms today? Although mushrooms are delicious, I have eaten too many of them recently, and I always feel like my brain has become a little dull!"

"But if there is still a supply of love mushrooms like last time, I will reluctantly eat a few more, hehehe..."

Paige put down the recipe and stretched:

"It's still early for dinner, and someone is looking for you."

Only then did the little white cat Qiuka notice Matthew and the others.

She looked at Richard and Zeller warily, her voice trembling slightly:

"Matthew, are you going to sell me?"

"I'm not here to eat and drink for free all day long, so don't sell me, okay?"

Peggy nodded and said:

"Indeed, when she was in the cemetery, she often played hide-and-seek with zombies, caught lice on skeletons, compared her lung capacity with ghosts, and occasionally caught mice."

Seeing Qiuka looking nervous and scared.

Matthew burst into laughter.

Then he said softly:

"Don't be afraid, I'm not selling you - I have no right to do so. This is Mr. Richard, and that is Mr. Zeller. They are both well-known figures in Rolling Stone. They are just interested in your ability.

I was curious, so I came to take a look today.”

Qiuka's face relaxed.

Immediately he became tense again:

"You don't want me to turn into someone and assassinate the lord of Rolling Stone Town, right?"

"I really can't do this. I can catch mice, but killing people is too difficult for me."

Richard stepped forward quickly.

He just said:

"Don't be afraid, let me see your eyes."

Soon a crystal flower appeared in his hand.

Richard placed the crystal flower in the palm of his hand and laid it flat in front of Qiuka.

Qiuka originally wanted to avoid it, but when she saw the crystal flower, her eyes were instantly attracted.

Her eyes focused on the petals.


Attracted by a strange force.

Two dark red blood spots appeared on her forehead.

Richard put away the crystal flower.

The blood spots on Qiuka's forehead disappeared instantly.

"what did you do to me?"

The girl belatedly touched her forehead.

Richard said gently:

"She is a descendant of the Thousand Changers. She has only awakened to the second level and has not yet become a depriver."

Matthew asked:

"What is that flower?"

Richard explained:

"This is the Flower of Eternal Life I borrowed from the Eversong Forest. It contains the power of the Thousand Changers Lord Jia Si Liwen, so it can resonate with some Thousand Changers."

"It can be used to find the Changelings, but unfortunately, it has no effect on the Dispossessors."


He looked at Qiuka with very soft eyes:

"Do you remember what your parents looked like, kid?"

Qiuka shook her head:

"I don't remember. When I was a child, I was adopted by a group of night elves, but they quickly drove me away, probably because I was a Thousand Changer."

"Are the Thousand Transformers a very bad bloodline?"

Richard considered his words:

"Thousand-Changeers may not be bad people, but for ordinary people, the power of Thousand-Changeers is a bit too scary."

"You must face your own power and fully master it. Only in this way can you not harm others or yourself."

"Son, would you like to learn the skills of a rogue from me?"

Are you going to poach someone?

Matthew raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything.

After all, the little white cat was just adopted by me, and she is free to come and go as she pleases.

The next second.

Qiuka said crisply:

"Why should I learn the skills of the rogue?"

Richard thought for a while:

"Because this way you can live the life you want."

Qiuka said doubtfully:

"But now I'm living the life I want."

Richard's smile froze on his face.

He said to Matthew helplessly:

"The Thousand Changes are a natural wanderer. I can see that she is very talented. I want her to become my disciple."

"Furthermore, according to legend, there is a certain blood resonance between the Thousand Changers. If her potential can be stimulated under my training, she might be able to help us find another potential Thousand Changers in Rolling Stone Town."

Matthew waved his hand:

"This matter depends on Qiuka's own wishes. I'm afraid I can't make the decision."

Upon hearing this, Qiuka said simply:

"I listen to Paige!"

Paige yawned:

"I...don't listen to Matthew!"

"But Matthew you can give me some advice."

Matthew coughed:

"Mr. Richard is a highly respected legendary rogue. His strength is strong and he is definitely the choice of a famous teacher."

Paige immediately pulled Chouka aside.

The two of them whispered.

However, some scattered words still came to Matthew's ears——

"Old man", "legend", "rich", "study hard", "inherit" and so on.

Richard's face turned dark when he heard this.

It took a long time.

After Peggy's strong persuasion, Qiuka finally reluctantly agreed to become Richard's disciple.

But she has two conditions.

Qiuka didn't plan to leave the oak forest and cemetery. Whatever Richard wanted to teach her, he had to do it on Matthew's territory.


Qiuka likes the food made by Peggy, and during the training period, it seems natural for Richard, as a teacher, to bear the food expenses of the students.

Chouka was talking about these conditions.

Richard frequently cast doubtful eyes on Matthew.

Obviously, all this is regarded as an example of the upper beam being incorrect and the lower beam being crooked.

Matthew could only respond with a helpless smile.

Peggy really wasn't taught by him.

On the contrary, some of my problems were infected by the tauren.

Fortunately, the two sides reached an agreement in the end.

After agreeing on the daily training time.

Zeller and Richard declined the invitation to stay for dinner.

The three of them discussed it again.

Zeller decided to send Sif to Matthew's cemetery overnight.

So far.

The turmoil of the Thousand Changers has entered a conservative and preventive stage.

Until more evidence is obtained.

It is also difficult for them to conduct further investigations.

Matthew planned to go to the Crucible House to check the information about the Thousand Changers, and also ask Margaret or Fandral for relevant information.

But just after the Zellers left.

Peggy found Matthew with a letter:

"I went back to my home in the town this morning and there was a letter in the mailbox, so I got it for you."

Matthew took the envelope and looked at it.

The mailing address is the Harpy Inn on Apple Avenue.

And the sender.

It's Lumière.

He quickly opened the letter and read it.

"Dear Wuxiu, hello.

I'm sorry that I wrote your name wrong last time. It wasn't Mrs. Overseer's fault. It was my pronunciation that caused her to misidentify a few of the letters.

Afterwards, I studied reading and writing with her for a long time.

My writing skills have been improving recently.

Not only did I master the correct way of reading and writing, I also learned a lot of idioms from her. I will try to use some idioms in this letter, I hope you don't mind.

I'm not trying to show off my skills or intentionally increase your reading burden.

Just applying what I have learned.

Last time you wrote to me and said that you could recommend a job for me, I was happy to say so.

But thank you for your kindness.

I'm living quite well now, so I won't bother you to come.

Working in the mines really suits me.

In terms of remuneration, the more you work, the more you get, and they have never delayed my wages like they do to other workers.

I guess it's because my efforts impressed them.

more importantly.

This job is very training.

I can clearly feel that my strength is slowly growing.


My communication skills have also improved over time.

Although everyone disliked me at first.

But with my efforts, I quickly got along with them.

last week.

I was promoted to captain, and my status in this mine is second only to the supervisor and the supervisor's wife.

Everyone was convinced.

I thought that working in the mine would always be smooth sailing.

However, something bad happened soon.

Just the second day after I became captain.

A group of goblins attacked the six miners under my command. Five of them died deep in the mine tunnel. The one who escaped had only one arm left.

The supervisor was very worried when he learned about this.

He was worried that his boss would order the mine to be closed because of this.

But the incident was so big that he could not suppress it and could only report it in full.

Facts have proved that the overseer's concerns were correct.

Our boss is a well-known wealthy businessman on Apple Avenue, and his wife is the female lord of Silver Scale Town. It is said that the couple looks very close to each other, but they are also very powerful in the local area.

The boss is a suspicious guy.

He believed that the goblins attacked the miners because we dug too deep, and eventually the mine was shut down.

I lost my job.

Although the supervisor is not unemployed, he seems to have been hit harder than me.

I hate those goblins so much.

They ruined my perfect job.

So on the night when I received the order to close the mine, I entered the depths of the mine alone.

I followed the smell and found the bodies of the miners. There was not much meat left on their bones.

I carried all the corpses out and set off again. This time I successfully found the goblin camp.

It took me two days to kill more than 300 goblins and more than 20 bugbears.

However, this still couldn't calm the anger in my heart.

So I continued to kill for dozens of kilometers, and I didn't stop until I encountered a half-demon.

The half-demon asked me why I wanted to slaughter his goblin minions.

I answered without thinking:

“They affect my mining.”

He looked stunned.

I know that demons like them cannot understand the love of normal people like me for their work.

Considering he is the leader of that group of goblins.

So I killed him too.

When I appeared in front of the overseer with the devil's head and more than three hundred goblin ears.

I thought he would cry with joy.

But in fact he almost cried.

I was just scared to tears.

He looked completely frightened.

So does the overseer's wife.

She was so scared that she collapsed on the ground.

They panicked and put all their money and jewelry in front of me, asking me to take it away without hurting them.

I don't understand why they are so fragile.

Afterwards, I gradually realized that the force I possessed was something to be feared by many people in the outside world.

I told them that I was not a strongman who robbed families and homes.

I'm just angry that the goblins ruined my good deeds.

But they didn't believe it at all.

At that time, they begged me, took a large sum of money and left.

I'm really baffled.

But I am still very happy to have money.

After leaving the mine.

A few days later, I found a fugitive arrest notice on the hotel on Apple Avenue.

I leaned over to take a look.

The person above is actually me!

The charge was burglary.

The bounty is 3,000 gold coins!

Can you believe it?

I’m actually worth 3,000 gold coins!?

At that moment I really wanted to arrest myself.

But I seem to be in trouble anyway.

I tried going back to the mine to explain to the supervisor and his wife, but they had already fled.

Fortunately, the area I'm in doesn't seem to be quiet.

The army from Lion City is raiding the nearby small territory.

Everyone here is in danger.

When I was wandering in the wilderness, I passed through the hilly area south of Apple Avenue and found a large number of corpses there.

They are all soldiers from nearby territories.

Some villages along the way were also massacred.

There are corpses everywhere here.

No one dealt with it at all.

That’s why I write this letter urgently——

I heard the elders in the tribe say that if a large number of corpses are not disposed of as soon as possible, it will easily cause a plague.

The uncollected corpses here urgently need a home.

Then I thought of you.

A kind necromancer.

You must have a way to deal with them, right?

The war near Deep Blue Harbor continues.

More bodies are expected to turn up in the future.

I don't like this scene.

So I plan to go all the way north, beyond the Lion City, to a more civilized place.

I believe in your kind heart.

It should be possible to give these homeless corpses a home.

I thank you for the souls of their parents and relatives in heaven!

——The unemployed Lumière, June 15, in the cellar of the Harpy Hotel"

This chapter has been completed!
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