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Chapter 196 Tree Planting Mage, the dragon is coming!

 Chapter 196 "Tree Planting Master", the dragon is coming!

July seventeenth.


The Citizen Square of Gunshi Town is crowded with people.

Different from the grand scenes of other events and celebrations, the roar of people in the square was mixed with a lot of barking dogs.

The barking of dogs one after another is like the powerful drumbeat in the summer sonata, invisibly urging the official start of the dog fighting competition.

But before that.

The residents of Rolling Stone Town were also informed that today is the day when the first Rolling Stone Town Outstanding Citizen Medal is awarded.

The names of the winners have already been widely circulated among the people.

Therefore, in addition to fiercely debating which dog can emerge as the final winner, many people who come to compete or watch the event are also very curious about this "excellent citizen".

"Thompson, have you heard? The first outstanding citizen is the mage who planted the man-eating tree!"

"Isn't the legend of the man-eating tree a rumor?"

"Who knows? Anyway, except Archmage Ronan, I don't believe anyone. How could a real mage come to a small place like Rolling Stone Town..."

Two young men wearing hats, each holding a fierce hound, were whispering.

And at this moment.

Suddenly, a handsome gentleman walked up to the stage set up in the center of the square.

The gentleman was wearing a thin white shirt, jet black trousers and spotless leather shoes. His hair was neatly styled and his waist was straight.

It seems that no matter what the scene.

He will never lose his elegance, calmness and rules.

"It's Mr. Richard!"


"Boss Richard!"

The crowd burst into cheers.

Most of the responders were young and middle-aged men working in crafts in Rolling Stone, but a large part of the cheers also came from people working in other industries.

As the most junior member of the five-member committee.

Richard has a very high popularity and reputation among the residents of Rolling Stone.

This gentleman is known for his meticulous work and fair and just decision-making, but he rarely appears in public, and today is the first time.

Richard appears.

The scene suddenly became much quieter.

He faced everyone, bowed a few times, and then began to follow the process step by step.

"Everyone, before the dog fighting competition begins, the five-member committee decided to award this year's outstanding citizen medals.

As we all know, since its establishment, the Outstanding Citizen Award has been shelved for many years due to controversy.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to award even one medal in the past few years.

We are also very lucky that Rolling Stone can welcome its first outstanding citizen worthy of the medal this year.

I believe you can't wait to know who the winner is - I won't be too pretentious. After the resolution of the five-member committee and the personal approval of the lord, the first person to be elected as the outstanding citizen of Rolling Stone Town is -

The "Tree Planting Master" that is popular among everyone.

Mr. Matthew!”

The crowd was very happy and cheered and whistled.

Although most people at the scene still had doubts about "Who is Matthew?" and "What is a tree-planting mage?", this did not prevent them from expressing their love for Aiwujiwu.

In the cheers of the crowd.

Matthew took the stage with a smile to receive the award.

He had been dressed up today. As the saying goes, a man depends on his clothes. He put on a new set of fashionable and crisp clothes, got a fashionable and trendy hairstyle, and added to Matthew's already extremely high charm.

This made him win the favor of most people as soon as he appeared on the scene!

Girls may also try to make their eyes look more reserved.

But the middle-aged women did not restrain the ambiguity in their eyes at all.

Matthew stood behind Richard.

Richard shook Matthew's hand, and then began to talk about Matthew's "contribution":

"In the past three years, Matthew has single-handedly made an indelible contribution to the greening of Rolling Stone Town..."

"Although he is a necromancer, his love for the way of nature far exceeds any of us..."

Richard's eloquence is actually very good.

But the content of this part does seem to be lengthy.

At first, everyone was surprised because they were suddenly told that "the trees around them were actually planted by the handsome guy on stage" and "there really is a necromancer in Rolling Stone Town".

But later.

The mood underneath became a little dull.

Fortunately, Richard didn't introduce him for too long.

After finishing the narration.

The five-member committee represented by Richard held a brief award ceremony for Matthew.

And when the heavy medal was really caught in Matthew's hand.

The audience in the audience was already a little distracted.

Next came Matthew’s award-winning speech.

Holding the medal in his hand, he quickly came to the center of the stage. Suddenly his face turned pale, and a sinister aura emerged from his body:

"For those of you who didn't applaud just now, I will turn you all into immortal slaves!"


Everyone in the audience was excited.

Before panic could spread, Matthew immediately added a second sentence:

"Just a joke."

Everyone was still staring at Matthew in surprise.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention being aroused, Matthew whistled towards the audience, and a big black dog with jet-black fur rushed up.

Matthew grabbed the noose around his neck, then smiled and said the third sentence to everyone in the audience:

"I'm just a tree planter, but they told me there was a bonus here, so I came. Instead of letting everyone applaud for my past honors, I hope everyone can support me in the next dog fighting competition."

My ‘Hank’.”

As he spoke, he shook the noose with a smile, and Hank immediately barked at the audience.

Hank's response was the barking of hundreds of dogs.

that's all.

Matthew waved and walked off the stage with the medal and Hank.

For a while.

The audience burst into applause.

The originally lifeless square seemed to suddenly come to life.

Everyone is cheering!



Someone was calling Matthew's name.

This was not because they were impressed by Matthew's charm, but because Matthew's resignation meant that the dog fighting competition had officially begun.


The flow of people in the square began to flow quickly.

With the help of volunteers.

Competitors in the dog fighting competition lead their dogs to different sub-venues.

More intense barking sounded from every corner of the square.

This was followed by cheers, curses and quarrels.

A corner of the square.

Below the high platform.

Richard looked at Matthew and his dog with some surprise:

"I thought you would prepare a long speech. Didn't Rhaegar want to take this opportunity to dispel people's doubts about you?"

Matthew smiled softly:

"The heat is unbearable, and letting everyone listen to me bragging about my achievements under the sun is not a wise choice."

"Besides, I think the current effect is pretty good, what do you think?"

Richard looked at several young people around him who greeted Matthew curiously.

He couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Although Matthew's acceptance speech was only three short paragraphs, it had a good effect.

The opening joke can eliminate people's prejudice against the Necromancer to a certain extent.

And then revealing that you are also a dog fighting contestant can quickly shorten the distance between you and ordinary people.

Everyone will realize that "it turns out that necromancers can also joke and love dog fighting competitions as much as we do."

Matthew felt that this step was enough.

His purpose is just to eliminate the fear of himself among the residents of Rolling Stone Town.

Rather than gaining more people's love.

He just wants to get along with the residents in a relatively normal manner. There is no need to mingle or be aloof.

Just leave a good impression in everyone's mind.

All the previous rumors about the oak forest will be self-defeating.

Since the Outstanding Citizen Medal itself is endorsed by the official Rolling Stone Town, and Richard and Rhaegar, who represent the official Rolling Stone Town, both have strong credibility, Matthew himself does not really need to do much.

Just push the boat along with the current.

The only thing that surprised Matthew in this award ceremony was...

The Outstanding Citizen Medal is actually solid gold!

Plus a bonus of 300 gold coins.

This amount of money was definitely a huge amount of income for Matthew a few months ago.

But after getting the bone dragon.

Not only did Matthew improve by leaps and bounds in strength, but the speed at which he acquired wealth was also elevated to another level.

He thought about it carefully.

The bonus of 300 gold coins is a wealth that takes several months to accumulate for myself who is still busy planting trees;

And since he got in touch with the Moonlight Goddess and figured out the trade route to the Gold Coast, he could make tens of thousands of gold coins in profit from a round trip;

It can be used in the "Project-Gold Coin" realization system represented by the Seven Saints Alliance.

He is expected to earn at least two million gold coins from an S-level project.

Compare the three together.

They clearly represent the different income levels brought about by the power and power of the world's ordinary producers, top speculators and the absolute ruling class.

"It comes down to it."

"In the world of Irondor, magic is the greatest productivity."

Matthew thought with some emotion.


Matthew took Hank to a branch venue on the east side of the square.

Here he will officially compete in the Potato Dog Fighting Contest.

The content of the competition is actually very simple.

It means putting two dogs in a huge cage, with a small iron cage in the center, and a piece of cooked meat in the small iron cage.

Two dogs compete with each other, and whoever can occupy the small iron cage in the center of the cage will win the final victory.

And after the game, the winning dog can eat the piece of cooked meat on the spot.

The content of the competition sounds boring.

But for Rolling Stone Town, which is seriously lacking in entertainment projects, this is already second only to the excitement of many competitions during the Spring Festival.

Not to mention, there's a lot of fun to watch in the actual games.

There have been many outrageous incidents in dog fighting competitions in the past years.

For example, at a branch meeting in a certain year.

Two fighting dogs that were fighting fiercely in a cage suddenly stopped fighting.

Changed to mating.

And the intensity is no less intense than before.


Dog owners on both sides are trying to prove they have won.

Even the referee didn't know how to give the penalty.

Each side has its supporters.

Proponents of male dogs believe that the male dog successfully overpowered the female dog;

Supporters of the female dog believe that the female dog successfully seduced the male dog.

This incident soon expanded into a topic of national discussion.

Both sides hold their own opinions and each other has their own reasons, and neither side is convinced by the other.

Both sides hold their own opinions and each other has their own reasons, and neither side is convinced by the other.

So much so that that year's dog fighting competition soon turned into a national debate competition.

In the end, the five-member committee could only settle the matter by condemning both dogs.

It is worth mentioning that.

The two dogs got together afterwards, and the dog owners on both sides became good friends.

There are many similar things.

In short, dog fighting competitions can always provide a lot of fun to the residents of Rolling Stone Town.

Matthew is not too enthusiastic about this.

He just came here to make up the numbers.

Even the hunting dog Hank that accompanied him in the competition was borrowed from Mrs. Wesley's house.

Although Hank looks very fierce.

But he is actually a natural coward.

For example, now.

During the warm-up of the first round.

Hank looked at Matthew and said seriously:

"Can I just admit defeat as soon as I get in?"

"The other side looks untouchable."

Matthew took a look and saw that the dog opposite was only two-thirds the size of Hank, but it was indeed very fierce in appearance.

"Can you put some water in?"

Matthew took advantage of the fact that the dog owner opposite was not paying attention, used animals to talk, and tried to bribe him on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the hunting dog was stunned for a moment and actually agreed:

"I want ten pieces of meat."

Matthew readily agreed:

"make a deal!"

So this round of fighting ended very quickly.

Hank just rushed over and bared his teeth.

The enemy was huddled in the corner of the cage.

No matter how loudly his master shouted and cheered, he looked at Hank timidly.

Thirty seconds passed.

The referee immediately awarded Hank the victory.

Under the puzzled eyes of the dog owner.

The dog barked at Matthew:

"Remember to keep your promises."

Matthew blinked and conveyed in a way that only animals can understand:

"I will find you tonight."

In the end, the dog owner took his dog and left in despair.

Hank advanced to the next round with great pride.

This battle brought a revelation to Matthew.

Dogs are always the most spiritual animals.

But now, almost all the dogs in Rolling Stone Town have gathered in front of him, and he can seize this opportunity and chat with the dogs like crazy all day long.

Use this to quickly improve the progress of the animal conversation task!

He roughly estimated that there were at least a hundred fighting dogs participating, and the dog fighting competition would be held for a total of three days.

I can definitely hook up with all the dogs.

By then, this task will be pushed forward to one-third in one breath!

Just do it if you think of it.

Matthew's style has always been vigorous and resolute.

During the second round, he freed himself by asking Hank to surrender quickly.

after that.

He took Hank to travel between different branch venues.

Come on when you see a dog.

Because Hank was covering and Matthew was very attentive, almost no one noticed that he was not just watching the fun, but was frantically harassing the contestants.

"Good morning, Mr. White Dog."

"No, it's not good at all. My master only lets me eat leftovers every day. Damn it, I really want to let him eat my leftovers every day!"

"You look very energetic, Mr. Dalmatian."

"My master must be a lunatic. I'm so cute and he actually asked me to participate in a dog fighting competition. Can you help me slap him?"

"You are beautiful, Ms. Golden Retriever."

"Thank you, can you tell my master to stop bathing me? Sometimes the look in his eyes makes me shudder, and sometimes he even forces himself..."

"Almost qualified for the next round, Mr. Hound."

"No, there is no excuse for losers. I need to become stronger to qualify for the next round. Can you make me better? My master will only pamper me blindly. He doesn't even know that I have a heart.

The heart of a strong man!”

"Um, with all due respect, what kind of dog are you?"

"Shh, don't tell others. I'm not a dog at all. I'm a wolf. It's just that my master dressed me up as a dog to participate in the competition. This is called misplaced competition. I'm here to crush these losers, haha.

Ha ha……"

After a while.

"Mr. Wolf, why were you eliminated?"

"I don't know, there must be something wrong somewhere. The opponent is so fierce. I suspect he is also a wolf!"

Matthew silently looked at the dog in front of him, which looked somewhat similar to a husky, and fell into deep thought.

All day long.

Matthew’s animal conversation progress increased to 60/300 in one go!

This is much faster than before.

It also makes the lich rewarded by the mission seem to be very close at hand.

Matthew, who originally planned to participate for only one day, suddenly changed his plan.

Next three days.

He will be transformed into a social butterfly in a dog fighting competition.

You must have in-depth communication with each dog!

That night.

Little Patton found Matthew.


"You want to install electric lights?"

Matthew looked at each other in great surprise.

Little Paton nodded excitedly:

"Don't you think the working environment is too depressing?"

"You've seen what's going on in Bigfoot. The ubiquitous electric lights make the city's nights as bright as the day."

"For you mages, doesn't this mean you can get an extra chunk of night time out of thin air?"

Matthew shook his head slightly.

When there is no electric light, he will also rely on mage fire, candles and fluorite to obtain light.

It’s just that these lighting methods are indeed not as stable and powerful as electric lights.

Just back in time, when Matthew was relatively poor, he couldn't even afford candles.

There were candles behind him, and he often felt his eyes were dry and itchy.

This is because of insufficient light.

Although he has become accustomed to it over the years, when little Patton made such a suggestion, his heart was undoubtedly very moved.

"Are you sure you can spread electric lighting in Rolling Stone Town?"

What Matthew cared about was the difficulty of doing it.

"I can conduct a pilot in your cemetery."

"That's why I came to find you."

Little Patton said with joy:

"Remember the things I stole from Stuluk's branch? After that, I stole a lot more things, including a large number of components for making electric lights and energy items."

"In fact, the principle of electric lights is very simple. As long as the four links of power generation, storage, transportation and terminals can be solved, more people can enjoy the light."

"I have a set of small generators in my hand. I need the devil's heart for energy. I can ask Rhaegar for this. He definitely doesn't lack the devil's heart, so there is no problem in generating electricity;

Storage and transportation can be performed using Tostuluk Industries' Astral White Crystal.

I also have ready-made raw materials here, I just need to assemble them temporarily.

As for the terminal, I also have several light bulbs. In fact, the difficulty in promoting this thing is that our industrial level is not enough to produce the tungsten wire, copper wire, etc. required in the entire process.

But that’s something to consider later.

Now I just want to try to assemble what I got back.

Your cemetery is the best place I can think of to install an electric light."

Matthew thought for a while.

There doesn't seem to be any harm in letting little Patton toss around a bit.

What if he really made the light bulb himself?

Maybe we can develop more power products in the future.

For example, the elevator that Matthew is obsessed with.

It will be more convenient to enter and exit the dungeon in the future.

Think about it this way.

He agreed to Little Patton's request.

But Matthew also strictly defined the scope of his tossing.

The first electric lights.

Limited to Matthew's workshop and the arsonists' workshops.

As for the installation location of the generator.

Matthew agreed with Patton's strong suggestion and placed it in an open space near the ghost activity area.

After that, he left little Paton to fend for himself.

The next two days.

Matthew focused all his energy on talking to animals.

Emperor Tian pays off his conscientious people.

By the afternoon of the third day, when the final dog king was about to be decided, the progress of the animal conversation had reached 112/300.

This far exceeded Matthew's expectations.

Now he stood in the square and looked around.

There is no dog in the whole town of Rolling Stone that he has not hooked up with!

His heart was filled with satisfaction.

But at this moment.

All the dogs in the square suddenly barked in unison.

Immediately afterwards.

All the dogs closed their mouths in unison.

They rarely ignored the dog owner's leash and abuse, and tried their best to escape in different directions!

"Help, help!"

Matthew heard the fighting dogs making such noises in unison.

In an instant.

A strong sense of fear also surged in his heart.

However, this feeling of fear suddenly faded away.

A few seconds later.

When everyone is confused and ignorant.

A shadow suddenly shrouded the sky over Rolling Stone Town.

Immediately afterwards.

It’s the overwhelming air wave—

That is.



A strange dragon roar came down from high in the sky.

Sweeping every corner of Rolling Stone Town.

"Warning: Dragon is coming!"

This chapter has been completed!
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