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Chapter 205 War information, Heisuo Mountain’s services!


Matthew didn't hide anything, and roughly told Melinda's story.

177 was disappointed after listening:

"That's it?"

Matthew is angry and funny:

"Then what else do you want to hear?"

177 immediately said:

"I'm not interested in human women."

"But as for Heisuo Mountain, I do know some ways.

Blackso Mountain Fortress is a place used by the Alliance to imprison prisoners with powerful magic powers.

In addition to official prisoners, they do also provide private prison services, but the cost is relatively high."

Matthew quickly asked:

"Can I pay with knowledge points?"

177 thought for a while:

"I remember it's okay. The top leaders of Heisuo Mountain are all mages, and they are usually the ones with poor academic ability. They are generally hungry for knowledge points."

"I can give you a letter of recommendation and ask you to take it to Alexander, the warden of Mount Hesso. For the sake of this letter, he should give you some convenience."


A bright blue magical light lit up deep in the hall.

A letter with a familiar material and style appeared in front of Matthew.

Matthew took a closer look.

The handwriting on it is exactly the same as the letter of recommendation Ronan wrote for himself before to join the alliance.

Open the content and take a look.

Sure enough, it was written by Master Ronan!

"Is this left behind by Master Ronan in advance?"

Matthew was filled with surprise.

177 shrugged:

"Ronan is a person who likes to make every effort. In fact, he has written many letters of recommendation for you in advance and left them with me. No matter which connections you need to use, there are relevant letters that you can use."

"Of course these are just high-sounding statements. If you ask me, he may be afraid that you will commit a crime and go to jail, so he left a token in advance to smoothen the relationship with the warden."

"You must not be moved just because of this small favor. Remember, we are the founders of Ronan Must Die!"

Matthew was indeed a little moved.

Unexpectedly, Master Ronan was floating in the star world, but he had already prepared so much for himself in advance.

But after being moved.

Matthew also vaguely realized that maybe Ronan had learned some news before going to the star realm.

"There is also a possibility that he really stayed in the star realm voluntarily or actively..."

between thoughts.

Melinda in A Bing's arms let out a muffled groan, as if her consciousness was waking up.

Matthew frowned.

177 reminded:

"She's about to wake up. Do you need help?"

Matthew nodded and said:

"Please let her sleep for a few more hours."

177 took out another magic collar with his backhand:

"This is my newly researched work, called "Sleep Collar". Not only can it be powerfully electrified, it also has two effects: "Sleep" and "Paralysis". You can try it out!"

Matthew hesitated.

Seeing that Melinda's awakening condition was getting more and more serious, he had no choice but to put the collar on her personally.

"Ah you are……"

At this time, Melinda weakly opened one eye. Her memory seemed to have been temporarily lost, and she did not recognize Matthew immediately.

Matthew took the new remote control from 177.

Press the yellow button.


A powerful electric current burst out from the collar, instantly stunning Melinda.

"Thank you 177."

Matthew thanked.

177 Piao Piao Ran said:

"No need to thank me for my skills in making collars!"

"But a friendly reminder, try to control the number of times you power on, otherwise you may have to prepare cleaning spells and a change of clothes in advance."


When such words popped into Matthew's mind.

When he saw Melinda's comatose body still twitching involuntarily on the ground, he knew that what 177 said was true.

So he quickly asked A Bing to carry Rhaegar's ex-wife.

After saying goodbye to 177.

He quickly headed to the teleportation hall.

Just stepped out of the magic elevator.

A man with a big smile walked over. When he saw Matthew, an exaggerated expression of surprise quickly appeared on his face:

"Oh my, I really didn't expect to meet you here, Mr. Matthew."

"Mr. Fandral?"

Matthew looked at the mage in surprise.

Fandral had no intention of walking into the elevator, but kept chatting with Matthew.

Matthew quickly realized——

Fandral didn't bump into him accidentally, he was waiting for him specially!

Judging from the other party's posture, I'm afraid he has something to say to himself.

So he suggested finding a place to sit.

Fandral readily agreed.

The two of them found a secret corner and sat down one after another in the rest hall of the Crucible House.

"I really didn't expect to meet you here today. I thought you were busy recruiting new mages."

Matthew took out two cups from his bag, poured milk in them one after another, and handed one of them to Fandral.

Strictly speaking.

He and Fandral didn't have a deep relationship. They first met during Matthew's assessment to join the alliance. Fandral was the main mage responsible for the assessment.

Since then, Fandal has been very enthusiastic about Matthew due to his identity as A1 and his suspected relationship with Isabel.

Even after Isabel snubbed Matthew.

This considerate middle-aged mage always maintained a very good attitude when he met Matthew.

Although I know that Fandral is a tactful and sophisticated person, he can't afford to be too early if there is no benefit.

But it's also hard for Matthew to dislike him.

Facing Matthew's seemingly random probing, Fandral chuckled, showing his trademark harmless expression:

"I have long ceased to be responsible for reviewing new members. Of course I am not the only one like this. The Alliance stopped absorbing new mages a month ago."

Matthew raised his eyebrows:

"Is this happening?"

"Then it seems that I was lucky enough to join the alliance before it stopped recruiting new members."

Fandral smiled:

"You are different from others."

However, he did not elaborate on what was different, but changed the subject:

"In the context of war, most of the manpower in the alliance is currently being trained to be the arbiter of battles."

"I heard that a battle will be equipped with at least three official mages and more apprentices. These three mages are one main adjudicator and two deputy adjudicators respectively.

The two deputy adjudicators were responsible for tracking and recording the march of both sides and the details of the battle——

The most important thing is to determine whether both parties strictly abide by the secret war orders.

The main adjudicator has a high degree of discretion over the content of the war and even the victory or defeat.

Of course, most mages will use this power with caution.

The war itself still depends on the strength of both sides.

What do you think?"

Hear this.

Matthew's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

He realized that Fandral was here to leak the secret to him!

"What if one of the parties during the battle violates the secret war order?"

Matthew asked.

Fandral smiled faintly:

"I don't know, but rumors say that the legendary mage will take action himself."

Matthew was shocked again.

"Are there enough legendary mages? Do they have that much energy?"

he asks.

Fandral shook his head:

"This is what I have no way of knowing, but the top management attaches great importance to the coming wave of war. It seems that there have been several violent quarrels among the Seven Saints, but the final result has been decided. All legendary mages will work together to ensure that

All battles are conducted under control."

"If someone really dares to risk the world's disapproval, then the Alliance probably wouldn't mind letting the world see the power of the legendary mage."

Fandral's statement greatly subverted Matthew's understanding of the Seven Saints Alliance.

He originally thought that the Alliance was a rather loose organization of mages, and that the War Code was more like a guiding framework than a golden rule.

But now it seems that the alliance's top leaders are unusually determined to control the war on the continent.

If all the legendary mages in the alliance can work together, then the direction of the continent's structure may really be within the control of the alliance.

Fandral added:

"In the south, the battle between Rolling Stone Town and High Leaf Territory has been designated as the first battle after the issuance of the secret war order."

"This war is attracting much attention. In addition to the three adjudicators responsible for this battle, there will also be a large number of Alliance mages watching.

They were required to learn the art of war and the principles of refereeing in this battle.

In order to cope with future battles that break out elsewhere.

The place for the battle has been decided.

Right in the "Mossy Green Hills."

Matthew nodded calmly.

Does the Alliance intend to use this battle as a teaching model?

As for the location of the battle being arranged in the Moss Green Hills, Matthew was not surprised.

The alliance artificially arranged the battle in order to reduce the intensity of the war and reduce casualties.

The largest no-man's land between Rolling Stone and High Leaf Collar is the Moss Green Hills.

There are only a few bullywugs active there. As long as part of the bullywug tribe is removed, it can become an excellent professional battlefield.

The bad news is.

The most elite soldiers in Rolling Stone Town are the cavalry in the Lord's Guard, and the cavalry obviously cannot play the same role in hilly areas as it does on the plains.

Fandal later revealed some details.

For example, the specific time of the battle is set on August 2.

And on August 1st.

The troops of both sides will be inspected by the deputy adjudicator, and then enter the predetermined positions to prepare for the battle.

For another example, there are currently two conditions for victory in a battle.

The first is "occupying points".

The second is "annihilation".

Needless to say, annihilation. Whether it is Rolling Stone Town or High Leaf Territory, as long as the enemy's army is defeated until it is unable to reorganize, or the opponent surrenders, it can be regarded as a victory in this round of battle.

It would be more interesting if you take up points.

This victory condition was formulated to prevent one party from continuing to circle in the mountains and engage in guerrilla warfare.

Take the moss green hills for example.

Watch Mountain in its central south was set as a strategic target.

As long as one of the parties in the battle occupies Watch Mountain and persists for more than 15 days, the battle will be automatically won.

From another angle.

Gaining victory points also seems to reduce unnecessary casualties.

It can only be said that the Alliance of Seven Saints worked really hard to control the intensity of the war.

The end.

Fandal lamented:

"In fact, there are many different voices within the alliance, but the current Silver Council has completed internal coordination.

Only some details are still being worked out.

For example, is it reasonable for the dragon to only occupy one spot in the battle list?

Most people find it unreasonable.

The combat power of any giant dragon exceeds that of three to four hundred people, or even more.

In the small-scale battle, each side had 1,000 people.

A giant dragon can sweep everything——

Doesn't this force the major territories to seek help from the dragon?

Even if there is no dragon, we must still seek the ultimate personal force, especially the kind of personal force that can circumvent the rules.

After all, the influence of such an existence will only be weakened in battles involving more than ten thousand people.

And such a battle is too difficult to break out.

Looking at the entire south, Lion City, with 3,000 elite soldiers, is already a strong candidate to compete for southern hegemony.

Several other competitors are also of similar magnitude.

A real war involving tens of thousands of people will probably have to wait until they annex a large amount of nearby territory and engage in a decisive battle with each other.

So in this case.

The existence of the dragon as an individual is actually a loophole in the alliance rules.

But the strange thing is.

The Silver Council does not seem to intend to close this loophole.

I heard that many places are now actively contacting the dragon, and the rulers of those territories hope to become the dragon's ally.

Tell me that's really ridiculous.

If the dragon can become the ruler's ally, why doesn't he become the ruler himself?"

Fandral said a lot.

Matthew memorized all the key contents.

In fact, regarding the loopholes, he and Fandral have similar views.

For ordinary territorial battles, the dragon is indeed too buggy.

But he did not express his opinion.

Because he had already registered as a mage in Rolling Stone Town early, he was not allowed to speak out on related matters.

Strictly speaking.

Only Alliance mages like Fandral, who are not registered in any city and will not participate in the war in the future, can serve as the adjudicator of the battle and can express their opinions on the details of the war order.

He could only listen to the information Fandral revealed to him like a story.

After a while.

Fandral put down the cup, straightened his clothes, and stood up with a smile:

"Speaking of which, today's unexpected encounter is all thanks to Lord Ekmund. He has been training me for a long time today, which delayed my rush to the floating city in the far north. As a result, I accidentally came in and went out, but I rarely met Ma.


"Just treat what we just talked about as a story, don't take it seriously."

"Okay, after chatting for so long, I have to go do some business. I wish everything goes well."


Is this Ekmund expressing his kindness to himself again?

Matthew immediately asked:

"Are these stories... highly confidential?"

Fandral glanced left and right.

Finally he whispered:

"It's not too high, it's not too low. But if no one tells you, I'm afraid you won't know until the war starts."

"And as far as I know, that black dragon also has many informants within the alliance."

"So there is no need for you to feel any psychological burden. After all, there may be many more people tipping him off than you!"

As he spoke, he patted Matthew on the shoulder:

"Come on, don't think too much, Lord Ekmund just doesn't want that black dragon to win, that's all."

Fandral left with a smile on his face.

Matthew thought for a while.

After a while, he took A Bing and Melinda and set foot on the teleportation array heading to Heisuo Mountain.

Blackso Mountain is a floating fortress suspended above the western desert of Irondor.

The teleportation array within the alliance can only reach the teleportation platform south of the fortress.

If you want to enter the heavily guarded Hesso Mountain Prison, you must take a 20-minute cable car.

Passed the guard's inspection successfully.

Matthew and his group got on the cable car and slowly headed towards the Big Mac in the sky.

On the cable car.

Matthew looked around, and everywhere there was vast Gobi and desert.

It is said that the field here has been permanently stabilized as a "desert labyrinth". People who enter this place by mistake will almost 100% lose their way and eventually die miserably in the ruthless desert.

This is where the alliance mage's expression turns pale.

Because Black Suo Mountain has the largest forbidden magic zone in the entire alliance and professional jailers who specialize in fighting mages——

"Hessian Army".

This is not only a desert for living things, but also a desert for magic.

From the moment he got on the cable car, Matthew felt that the magic power in his body was continuously suppressed.

This feeling became stronger the closer I got to that ferocious fortress.

And twenty minutes later.

When the cable car officially landed on the Hesso Mountain Fortress.

Matthew found that his mana was suppressed to the point where he could only mobilize one-tenth of it.

The effect of the spell has been greatly weakened.

He hasn't entered the real Forbidden Zone yet, this is just the edge affected by the Forbidden Zone!

"No wonder no mage wants to come here."

Matthew's back kept feeling cold.

He also instinctively disliked this place, and the thought of leaving quickly kept rising in his mind.

He could only convince himself to try to restrain this instinct.

"Visiting the prison or what else?"

After the cable car landed, a Hessian soldier came up to meet him.

He wore jet black armor on his face, making it difficult for people to see his face clearly. He was holding a weapon similar to a gun in his right hand, and his tone was extremely harsh.

"I have something to do with Mr. Warden."

Matthew greeted him with a smile, first handed over a few small gold coins, and then took out Ronan's letter of recommendation.

The Black Sussex soldier skillfully took the gold coins back into his pocket, then glanced at the letter of recommendation, turned around and left, saying:

"Then please wait here for a while."

About fifteen minutes passed.

The Hessou Army trotted out:

"Master Alexander, please come with me."

The two passed through two huge gates.

Follow an internal path that quickly leads deep into the fortress.

Along the way, Matthew didn't see any prisoners, but the tight guards at nearly every post still put a lot of pressure on him.

Every Hessian soldier is extremely strong.

They can even keep up with the barbarians in the north.

And the strong smell of blood emanating from their bodies makes people feel sick involuntarily.

The whole prison was filled with an indescribable smell——

Matthew didn't react at first.

But later, he realized that it was the spread of magic caused by excessive use of cleaning spells.

This spread of magic mixed with the pressure of the Forbidden Zone creates an environment that is extremely unfriendly to mages.

Because it's just too depressing.

In the end, Matthew could only keep comforting himself:

"Actually, you are a druid..."

Fortunately, this journey didn't take too long.

After passing through four huge gates, they came to a platform. They climbed up the spiral stone stairs behind the platform and came to a towering round tower.

According to the introduction of the Hessou soldier.

This round tower is the mage tower of Alexander, the warden of Mount Hesso.

This is the tallest building in the Hesso Mountain Fortress. Standing on the top of the tower, you can overlook the entire fortress and the Baiyang Desert below.

The warden's office is on the first floor of the mage tower.

"I have given the letter to Lord Alexander for review. He is waiting for you inside now."

Hesuo Jun pointed to the door of the mage tower politely and said.

Matthew nodded politely to him and walked in quickly.

Just stepped through the gate of the Mage Tower.

An unprecedented sense of relaxation came to Matthew's heart.

He was surprised to find that the pressure from the Forbidden Zone suddenly disappeared!

"Are you feeling better?"

A very tall and muscular man wearing a very formal black suit came over:

"Hello, I am Alexander, the warden of Mount Hesso."

Matthew quickly held his strong hands:

"Hello, I am Matthew, a registered mage from Rolling Stone."

While speaking, he inadvertently looked at Alexander's palm again——

Is this too big?

One limb is as big as three of Matthew's!

"Don't be surprised, because I have barbarian blood."

Alexander's expression was meticulous and business-like:

"I have already read Lord Ronan's letter. The content in it is vague. I don't quite understand his specific meaning."

"But no matter what, when we reach the territory of Heisuo Mountain, everything must be done according to the rules here. I will not allow the corrupt practices in the alliance to appear under my rule. Do you understand?"

If I hadn’t experienced the Dragon Worship Incident, I would really believe it!

Matthew secretly complained in his heart.

However, it is also possible that the Dragon Cult incident was controlled by Ekmund, and Sanda, as the warden, did not know this.

no matter what.

Now it was Matthew who had something to ask for.

So he stated his request as quickly as possible.

"Private custody?"

Alexander's eyes quickly focused behind Matthew:

"Is it that woman?"

Matthew nodded.

Alexander Lisso says:

"As your identity as A1, you can theoretically apply for a certain amount of private custody business, provided you pay enough gold coins."

Matthew quickly said:

"I can pay the equivalent knowledge points."

Alexander nodded:

"Okay, please bring over those who need to be detained."

As he spoke, he led Matthew towards the depths of the first floor of the Mage Tower.

After passing through a hall full of dazzling fish tanks.

They came to an open room.

On the left side of the room is a dim magic circle, and on the right side is a huge scale.

"Put her on the scale of sin."

Alexander pointed to the magic scale and said.

Matthew immediately asked A Bing to put Melinda on the scale.

A few seconds later.

A light blue number appeared directly above Melinda——


"The crime index is 30. The detainees are not too bad. At best, they have only done a little bit of immoral things."

Alexander had a very mini notebook in his hand.

As he spoke, he recorded meticulously.

Matthew asked curiously:

"Can this scale reflect a person's level of sin?"

"How much does an average person cost?"

Alexander calmly replied:

"Around 20, lower for kids, usually no more than 15."

Matthew is eager to try:

"Can I try?"

Alexander nodded and said:


So Matthew asked A Bing to take Melinda away, and he jumped on it.


A light green number appeared on his body.


Alexander's eyes changed, and the next second, his tone became somewhat respectful:

"Your sin index is the lowest I have ever seen."

"It seems that the atmosphere of the alliance has improved in the past two years. At least there are still mages like you here."

Matthew was a little embarrassed by his praise.

He felt that he actually didn't do much.

Then he asked curiously:

"Is there anyone with a lower sin index than me?"

Alexander nodded and said:

"Yes, but if the sin index is too low, it may not mean how pure a person is."

"For example, if the Seven Saints of the Alliance stand on the scale, the number displayed will only be 0."

Matthew was very curious:


"Because I'll be scared!"

The scale under his feet suddenly spoke.

Matthew looked down and saw a pair of naked eyes looking at him under his feet.

He hurriedly walked down.

Those eyes quickly disappeared again.

Alexander said with some emotion:

"Actually, the crime index is just an indicator. It can only represent a person's past, but it cannot reflect a person's future."

"I know a person who came here as a trainee mage when he first entered the Black Soil Mountain Prison. He stood on the scale of sin, and the index displayed was exactly 12 points."

"But then he left Heisuo Mountain, and a few years later I personally caught him back. When he stood on this scale again, the crime index had turned into a pitch-black 200 points."

"It can be seen how fragile human beings are. They always change their will and state of mind for one reason or another. There are very few people who can stick to their original aspirations, and they may even become an outlier among the crowd. Ha, it's really ridiculous.


Alexander's words seemed to mean something.

Matthew didn't answer.

Immediately, Alexander activated the magic circle next to him, and after letting Melinda lie down in it, he assessed her abilities.


Colorful magical lights surrounded Melinda.

Alexander quickly interpreted these different magic runes. During the recording process, he dictated the results to Matthew:

"The Mystic is level 19, the Space Wanderer is level 1, the intelligence is 20 points, and he has mastered 6 areas, including: occult, knowledge, astral, intimidation, self and spell-like.

The equipment analysis on the body is as follows...

The arrival of detainees is suspected to be related to Stuluk Industries, well, we will have to pay more for this."

Along with the rows of evaluation results, Alexander's small notebook appeared.

Melinda's custody information has been initially entered.

"Next we have to talk about the treatment of detainees in prison. These are some detailed issues -

Is torture necessary?

How many times a day are you tortured?

Is there a time and frequency for venting?

Is it necessary to provide companionship of the opposite sex?

Will library access be opened?

Are additional recreational measures needed?

Normal diet or high-calorie diet? Or reduce food supply?

Are detainees allowed to defecate?

How is the sanitary environment?

What is your sleeping environment? Do you need to make noise or release soothing music in the room?

Single room, double room, triple room or Datongbu?

Here, please fill out this form."

Alexander handed a blue form to Matthew.

Matthew checked quickly.

Melinda is really not easy to deal with. After all, she is Rhaegar's ex-wife, so Matthew can't go too far.

But her identity is indeed very sensitive.

Rhaegar may have lost his mind, and Zeller seemed to have made an oversight. Matthew could only plug this loophole for them.

At least during the war.

Melinda must be imprisoned!

"Just imprison her normally. Don't abuse her, don't violate her, don't deliberately cause harm to her, but there's no need to make her live too comfortably. It's best not to let her have contact with others. Any conditions she puts forward will be rejected...


Matthew ticked boxes while verbally communicating with Alexander.

The latter seemed to listen very carefully.

Nod occasionally.

Immediately, Matthew couldn't help pointing to one of the options and asked:

"What do you mean by not allowed to defecate?"

Alexander immediately replied:

“Customers in the private prison business always have strange requirements, and in order to keep up with their needs, Hessoshan has been improving its business capabilities.

Regarding this, we have developed a constipation technique that can prevent detainees from having normal bowel movements.

At the same time, we can also provide services such as enema.”

Matthew was shocked after hearing this.

Who is using the private incarceration service at Mount Blackso Prison?

Why does the style of painting gradually become less serious?

Seeing Matthew's face full of surprise.

Alexander took the initiative to introduce:

"The same is true for the environment below. We raise a lot of fleas and cockroaches in the prison to meet the needs of different customers. Similarly, we also have very powerful pesticides to repel fleas and cockroaches."

"If you want to artificially create a worse prison environment, then water prisons may be a better choice, but the current water prisons are all occupied, so you may need to schedule it if you want."

"We can even provide body mutilation business. Don't worry, after the prison term is over, we 100% guarantee that we can put it back together for you."

Matthew shook his head after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, the roads on the Heisuo Mountain side are even wilder than 177!

At most, he just wants to teach Melinda a lesson, rather than really destroying her.

At that moment, he quickly completed checking all the items.

After consulting with Alexander for a while.

Both parties signed a contract.


Melinda moved into a private room in the Black Solo Prison at the astronomical price of 1 knowledge point per week.

While incarcerated.

She couldn't go out for a step, the food was mediocre, the environment was mediocre but at least there were no fleas, no one would talk to her, and no one would harass her.

She will be completely isolated from the world for a while.

After doing all this.

Matthew bids farewell to Alexander.

When leaving the prison on Mount Blackso.

Matthew suddenly saw a group of people taking a cable car from the platform on the other side of the teleportation array from a distance.

There are two familiar faces on the cable car.

Surprisingly, it was Xiu Yi and Macbeth who had come into contact with the Dragon Cult incident before!

They looked like they were escorting two disheveled prisoners to the Sky Fortress.

The two also saw Matthew.

At that moment.

Their expressions seemed a little embarrassed, but soon they turned into stiff smiles.

Matthew returned them with a gentle smile.

This seemed to calm them down, and their smiles became much more natural as they walked away.

The cable car gradually descends.

Matthew looked back and saw that the fortress in the sky was moving away.

at some point.

He suddenly felt that the fortress looked like a ferocious beast lying in mid-air.

And the cable cars are like food leading to the mouth of the giant beast.

He couldn't help but recall Suriel's words.

"The world is like a dirty fish tank..."

Matthew shook his head and couldn't help laughing at himself.

After returning to Rolling Stone.

Matthew immediately shared the information obtained from Fandral with Zeller and Rhaegar.

This information is very critical and can affect the direction of the next war.

Two days later.

The Alliance issued war licenses to Rolling Stone Town and Highleaf Territory respectively, and issued more detailed war instructions for this battle.

Most of the content mentioned in this document was revealed by Fandral in advance.

Therefore, almost no additional preparations are needed, and the army in Rolling Stone Town has been assembled.

The next day.

That is August 1st.

Finally the day came for the battle to begin.

At noon.

After the troops from Rolling Stone Town completed their assembly at the Lord's Mansion.

Then one after another they moved towards the moss-green hills in the northwest.

The residents of Rolling Stone Town walked across the street to see each other off.

Countless flowers and tears fell on this originally peaceful land.

It adds a sense of coolness to this hot summer.


Large swaths of dark clouds gathered above the mossy green hills.

It seems that an unprecedented storm is brewing.

I know that everyone wants to fast forward to overthrowing the black dragon in one go, but it is not possible. Many things must be written interspersed in order to have a richer sense of layering. In the next few days, I will try my best to write it in one big chapter.

Thank you for your understanding in this battle! By the way, those who have monthly votes can vote. It is not necessary to double the number at the end of the month. One vote at the beginning of the month is better than 10 at the end of the month!

This chapter has been completed!
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