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Chapter 302 Mu Dongjie and Mechanical Titan

Faced with Matthew's doubts.

Rhaegar yawned:

"Is there a possibility that you have been too busy recently?"

"I've talked to you about the preparations for this before."

Matthew rubbed his hands in embarrassment:

"But I didn't expect it to come to fruition so quickly."

Zeller explained with a smile:

"It's all been negotiated. It's so smooth thanks to the pressure from the Seven Saints Alliance."

"The current territory defined by the Rolling Stone Kingdom includes the mossy green hills, high leaf collar, red soil mountains, golden fertile fields and the main town of Rolling Stone."

"The demarcation of the other three territories did not exceed our expectations, but it is surprising that the frogman tribe in the Moss Green Hills actively wanted to join us. But no matter what, it is a good thing."

"Since last week, we have used Rolling Stone Kingdom as our official announcement. The expansion of Rolling Stone Town is also in progress. It is expected that the expansion in the northwest and northwest directions will be initially completed in the first half or second half of next year.

At that time we will initially build the framework of Rolling Stone City."

"Then in the summer or winter of the year after next, the Kingdom of Rolling Stone will be officially announced, and the middle-aged man in pajamas reading the newspaper in front of you will also become the first human king in this land to aspire to the throne."

Zeller briefly talked about the plan to establish the Rolling Stone Kingdom.

After hearing this, Matthew nodded repeatedly.

Although he doesn't quite understand this, Zeller's ability in domestic affairs is really impeccable, which makes people feel admired after listening to it.

"It turns out that it won't be officially established until the year after tomorrow."

Matthew breathed a sigh of relief:

"I thought I traveled through time and missed the kingdom's founding celebration."

Rhaegar blinked:

"Depending on how busy you are now, it is indeed possible that you will travel through time one day in the future and miss something important."

"But maybe this is the mage."

"Master Ronan was like this in the past. I hope that on the day when the kingdom is established, you can at least send a clone or mirror image here. This will be our supreme honor."

Matthew was too lazy to argue with the sinister Rhaegar.

He pointed to the name of the second heir and asked:

"I thought Patton was going to be in front of Brad."

Zeller said:

"That was the original plan, but after Ms. Liz learned about it, she persuaded Rhaegar."

"She told us that Brad had no intention of becoming a lord. Afterwards, with her coordination, Brad signed an agreement to give up his inheritance rights and automatically extend them. This agreement is still confidential for the time being. Little Patton said this

Not aware of it.”

"The meaning of this is actually to make the appearance more beautiful and more regular. After all, many forces on this continent attach great importance to the superiority of elders and younger ones when passing on power."

Matthew nodded.

"But it seems a little inappropriate for me, a person with a foreign surname, to become the fourth heir without doing anything, right?"

Rhaegar impatiently put up the newspaper and shouted:

"It's just a signature, why are you talking about your mother-in-law?!"

"I don't care? What do you care about!"

"Mrs. Wesley, a pot of coffee!"

The words were not spoken yet.

The elderly Mrs. Wesley walked in carrying a coffee pot.

She smiled as she walked and said:

"I guess it's time for you to call out at this point."

"Look, Rhaegar, I told you that I know everything about you, but you still didn't admit it yesterday!"

"Even if you just wiggle your butt, I can tell whether you want to fart or if your butt is simply itchy."

Rhaegar's face darkened.

He took Mrs. Wesley's coffee without saying a word, but he did not drink it immediately. Instead, he turned to Matthew and said:

"Actually, signing this confirmation is just a formality. I think I can live for a long time - maybe longer than you all!"

Mrs. Wesley put down the tray and interjected:

"Don't listen to Rhaegar's harsh words."

"He was very moody when he was drawing up this list, and he often secretly dropped little pearls alone."

"He was very worried that Rolling Stone would fall apart after his death."

Rhaegar rarely refuted Mrs. Wesley, but continued:

"So, will it?"

He asked the three of them seriously.

"What if that happens one day?"

"If I die, will Rolling Stone be burned to the ground?"

Matthew and Zeller were both silent.

Apparently no one can answer this question.

Only Mrs. Wesley smiled nonchalantly and said:

"Don't be ridiculous, kid. When I just lost my husband, I felt like the sky was falling. But haven't the days passed by?"

"The world will not stand still without anyone."

"Even if I admit that you are indeed a rare and good lord..."

As she spoke, she took the cleaning tools and walked toward the room inside.

Rhaegar breathed a sigh of relief.

But the expression on his face showed inexplicable melancholy.

He seemed to want to say something.

She was interrupted by Mrs. Wesley who came out as soon as she entered the room:

"Rhaegar, next time you use sword oil, could you please stop spreading it all over the bed in the lounge?"

"You've become more and more unruly since Sif left!"

"Isn't it good to let your lover serve you in the bedroom?"

Rhaegar coughed violently several times:

"Leave it alone, I'll just clean it myself!"

"Come on!"

Mrs. Wesley shouted very loudly:

"I won't let you find an excuse to fire me!"

"When you become the king, I will be the king's steward. This honor is not something that ordinary old ladies can enjoy!"

It didn't take long.

She walked out holding large and small bags of things.

"The sword oil I filled for you last time has been used up again. I'll go to the basement to get some."

"But remember to take it easy and don't create an illegitimate child."

"Sif will be sad!"

Her voice is still very strong.

Rhaegar held his forehead with one hand and groaned feebly:

"Jenny is not that ambitious."

Mrs. Wesley was unmoved:

"Jenny may not have it, but other people will, and people change."

"You are a king now. If you really want a child, you have to discuss it with a lot of people."

"But the person you are looking for first must be Sif, and of course, Matthew."

As she spoke, she patted Matthew on the shoulder with a smile on her face.

Matthew waved his hands awkwardly:

"If Rhaegar wants to have a child, there is no need to discuss it with me."

Mrs. Wesley shook her head and said:

"Silly boy."

"If I were you, I would definitely keep an eye on Rhaegar for Sif."

"He is different now. I don't know how many women are throwing themselves at him..."

"If I were you, I would secretly use magic to sterilize him. Of course, don't let him hear this, otherwise he will definitely fire me..."


She then left the room.

Rhaegar was left speechless.

He looked at Matthew with some suspicion:

"Is there really a sterilization magic?"

Matthew nodded:


Immediately he thought of something and hurriedly said:

"But don't worry, I will never use it on you!"

Rhaegar coughed heavily:

"Use it on me quickly!"

"I can't wait!"

"You don't know, those sheep intestine and fish soaks are not very easy to use..."

Matthew couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He handed the confirmation letter in his hand back to Zeller, who took it and looked at it with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Is this signed? Let me see!"

Rhaegar came over:

"I thought you would decline again."


"Who the hell is this Ma Xue Qi Xiu?"

Zeller corrected:

"It's Horse. Blood Flag. Xiu."

Then he looked up at Matthew:

"Are you a Sioux?"

Matthew shook his head:

"It's just that the places I once lived have a similar naming format."

As he spoke, he asked:

"Is there anything you need my help with regarding the establishment of the Rolling Stone Kingdom?"

Zeller thought for a while:

"There are also some mountain tribes to the west of the High Leaf Collar and the northwest of the Moss Green Hills. We plan to annex them before the celebration. This will be very helpful for the subsequent development of the Rolling Stone Kingdom."

"These tribes are not large in size, so they do not meet the conditions of the battle mode. I plan to send a force to deter them. I believe they will understand the direction of the wind."

"If possible, I hope you can send some of the undead to become members of this force."

Matthew readily agreed:

"no problem."

"Do you need a bone dragon?"

Zeller smiled gently:

"That couldn't be better."

"An ordinary bone dragon will do."

Matthew is still working out the details with Zeller.


This sound came from behind the desk.

But I saw Rega holding up the cup of coffee with a look of disbelief on his face:

“Is this water for washing the pot or boiling hot mud?”

"Why are they all scum and not filtered at all?!"

"Mrs. Wesley?!"

"Mrs. Wesley?!"

Rhaegar's cry received no response.

He pressed the cup on the desk angrily:

"This old woman is always just right deaf!"

"next week!"

"I will definitely fire her next week at the most!"

Zeller reminded:

"But next week is the Mudong Festival."

Rhaegar hesitated.

Then he vowed:

"Then next week!"

It’s the end of December in the blink of an eye.

Winter is coming unknowingly.


Matthew's shoes stepped on the pure white snow, leaving a mark more than a foot deep.

The cold wind from the Helen Mountains slapped his face.

He couldn't help but wrap up his clothes.

"It's been more than three years..."

Walking in the snowy woods.

Matthew felt quite emotional.

The snow started falling at noon yesterday and continued until this morning.

As soon as Matthew left the cemetery, he was amazed by the scenery of the silver-covered woods.

The sudden heavy snow covered the ground with a layer of silver frost overnight.

In the woods.

The canopy of the oak tree looked like it was stuffed with cotton.

The situation on the ground is slightly better.

But the frost, snow, and ice all over the ground also herald the coming of severe winter.

The ground is no longer suitable for small animals to survive.

But the biggest advantage of this land is that there are many burrows.

Under the influence of the Sanctuary of Life.

These burrows have higher temperatures, enough to provide shelter for most animals over the winter.


The Centaur tribe also built various large or small shelters next to the World Tree.

Although the world tree Bogaard cannot provide a warm spring-like environment.

But by his side.

At least the temperature will not drop as cold as other lands covered with ice and snow.

Centaurs are extremely cold creatures.

Generally speaking, they have not been active since winter, but due to the blessing of the Sanctuary of Life and the World Tree, the situation in the above-mentioned neighborhoods is somewhat different.

When Matthew passed near the centaur tribe.

I found many centaurs playing musical instruments.

When I saw Matthew.

They all gathered around and looked at Matthew with respect.

Matthew smiled and nodded to them.

He walked towards the entrance of the cemetery.

Passing by a large underground cave, the chirping sounds of small animals could be heard inside, as if they were in a vegetable market——

"have you eaten?"

"I haven't eaten! I'm hungry! Do you have anything to eat?"

"No, let's go hungry together!"

"Would you like to go out and find something to eat?"

"Are you stupid? If you go out now, you will be eaten by others!"

"It's better to go hungry! Starving is the right way!"

"This beautiful lady grouse, would you like to... wait a minute, you are not a grouse?

That's okay.

I go first!"

“Have any of you seen that rogue black peacock?

I'm looking for him, he's harassing my sister!

Which sister?


"This beautiful Miss Grouse, are you willing to accept my confession?

with me.

Thus entering a new chapter in Niusheng?"

"You are blind, I am a man!"

"Really? But you are also very good-looking. I saw you running in and out of the cave several times. What were you doing?"

"I'm looking for a black peacock! He's a gangster! He goes around seducing the women of our grouse clan!"

"Really? Haha! Fortunately, this matter has nothing to do with me. After all, I am a white peacock."

"You are very white! Otherwise I would have suspected you! Remember to notify me if you find that black peacock!"

"Understood! Goodbye..."

"Gan, why are you so wet? It turns out you are the damn black peacock!"

"I'll pluck all your hair!"

Listen to the little theater where the chickens and dogs are dancing in your ears.

Matthew laughed and shook his head.

He walked quickly past the snow-covered mushroom garden and then came to the stone staircase.

A farmer zombie was sweeping the snow with a broom. His movements were extremely standard, and he quickly cleared a passage for entry and exit.

When he met Matthew, he took the initiative to get out of the way.

This made Matthew extremely satisfied.

Walking along the stone stairs to the cemetery, the cold seemed to be isolated behind us.

relative to the earth's surface.

It's really warm in the cemetery.

Although negative energy is naturally chilly, it also represents a relatively stable temperature.

Coupled with the unique advantages of underground caves.

This makes Matthew's cemetery warm in winter and cool in summer, making it seem more livable than the woods.

Just walked into the cemetery.

Matthew saw red scarves hanging everywhere.

This is the symbol of Mudong Festival.

In Rolling Stone and surrounding areas.

Mudong Festival is the most serious and important festival of the year.

This is the last day of every year.

On this day, people will reunite with their families, celebrate the harvest of the past year, and look forward to good luck in the coming year.

The symbol of Mudong Festival is the red scarf.

People here simply believe that as long as they receive a red scarf on the day of Mudong Festival, they will have good luck in the coming year.

Matthew received a lot of red scarves early in the morning.

They come from Mrs. Wesley, Rhaegar, Zeller, Brad, Little Patton, Ms. Liz, Richard, teachers from Silver School, members of the garrison and some Matthew can't remember.

common people by name.

Ever since the Outstanding Citizen Award Ceremony and the Battle of Moss Green Hills.

Matthew became a household name in Rolling Stone.

The name of the new generation of guardians of Rolling Stone Town - Tree Planting Master is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although quite a few people are still afraid of necromancers.

But with the efforts of Matthew and others.

These fears have gradually turned into awe.

The fact that he received so many scarves on the morning of Mudong Festival is a clear proof.

At least the Mudong Festival in the previous two years.

The number of red scarves he harvests will not exceed ten.

Most of them are from our own students.

Especially Sif.

And Beanna.

In previous years, they both came early in the morning to give gifts to Matthew.

And about the meaning of red scarf in Mudong Festival.

It was Sif who told Matthew.

Matthew has a lot of people around him this year.

But those two girls went far away for various reasons.

It's obviously hard to come across.

"I hope they all go well."

Matthew ended his brief thought.

He casually took off the red scarf around his neck, casually hung it on the tombstone next to him, and then walked quickly towards the second underground floor.

Today is Mudong Festival.

It's a day off for everyone in Rolling Stone.

According to custom.

Matthew also gave his men a holiday.

Today is free time all day long.

Therefore, the cemetery seems to be more lively than before.

Next to the negative energy fountain on the basement floor.

Several arsonists are chatting with the Sphinx.

"Your job is to keep people's treasure?"

One of the arsonists looked up and asked.

The Sphinx nodded affirmatively.

The arsonist said with great interest:

"That's about the same as me!"

Sphinx said displeasedly:

"But as far as I know, you were just a bunch of arsonists before you were imprisoned."

The man said disapprovingly:

"We are urban gangs. We occasionally set fires, but most of the time we keep other people's property."

Sphinx shook his head and said:

"What you are doing is stealing or robbing, which is completely different from the nature of my job!"

"People like you are my enemies!"

The man asked back:

"Who do you work for now?"

The Sphinx answered honestly:

"Lord Matthew."

The man nodded:

"So are we."

"Suppose there is such a situation. Master Matthew orders us to steal a treasure, and that treasure happens to be guarded by you. Can you refuse Master Matthew's order?"

The Sphinx looked troubled.

He didn't answer for a long time.

The man reminded:

"I heard the Sphinx has to be honest?"

The Sphinx answered with difficulty:


The arsonist clapped his hands and laughed:

"In that case, aren't you just insisting on stealing and are in the same group with us?"

"According to this logic, our jobs are indeed similar!"

The Sphinx was stunned for a moment.

He immediately fell into deep thought.

Outside the Wanderer's Courtyard.

Peggy stopped Matthew who was about to walk past.

"I plan to hold a hide-and-seek contest today. All units in the cemetery can participate. Do you want to join us, Matthew?"

Her tone was full of anticipation.

Matthew smiled:

"This is my cemetery. I know every detail here. It would be unfair for me to compete."

"But I can be the referee."

Qiuka on the side jumped on the spot and turned into a white cat in an instant.

She fluttered on the spot a few times, then said with bared teeth and claws:

"Then I'll be a cat!"


"Why don't you hide?"

"Don't you mean hide and seek?"

While Peggy was explaining the detailed rules of the hide-and-seek contest to Qiuka.

Matthew quickly slid away.

However, as soon as he got down to the second underground floor, he bumped into Little Patton, who was carrying a heavy accessories bag and had a charcoal-black face.

When the latter saw Matthew, he danced excitedly:

"Hey Matthew, I was looking for you!"

"I got it!"

Matthew hesitated and said:

"What did you accomplish?"

"Wait a minute, what happened to your face?"

Little Patton waved his hand indifferently:

"I was just shocked."

"I'm used to it. I go back and wipe it with snow and it's all in vain."

"Let's get down to business, I've got that batch of electric lights from Bigfoot City!"

As he spoke, he pulled Matthew to the huge tombstone.

This tombstone is inlaid with white astral crystals, and is surrounded by groups of exposed copper wires.

Strings of light bulbs hung from the terminals of copper wire and crystal.

The source is a black suitcase.

"Before, I had no way to make the light shine continuously and stably. The fundamental reason was the problem of energy transmission frequency."

"I've checked all the runes, and there's nothing wrong with them."

"The problem lies in the supply of energy - I found that the big devil's heart is too luxurious for a small-scale power supply, and the energy output by the big devil's heart is not stable, sometimes strong and sometimes weak. I guess Stu Lu

Gram Industry should also have hidden energy stabilization and conversion technology. Unfortunately, we didn't get this technology last time, but it doesn't matter, I found a new means of energy supply!"

"That is to replace the big devil's heart with the devil's heart!"

"I have researched and found that the devil's heart is more stable and durable than the devil's heart. Because they are born with strong order attributes, their output frequency is extremely stable."

"Look, here is the heart of a little lemur..."

Speaking of which.

Little Paton excitedly pushed open a switch next to him.


A burst of electricity flowed through him.

He let out a strange cry and let go, his hair stood up suddenly, and his face turned darker than before.

In silence.

Rays of light bloomed from the tombstone!

that moment.

The entire catacombs were illuminated as bright as day.

"I did it!"

Little Patton pumped his fists excitedly.

Matthew also showed an expression of surprise and relief.

Previously, lighting in underground spaces still relied on torches or luminous gems and fungi.

These light sources are not stable.

And the brightness is much different from that of electric lights.

Even if Matthew himself has higher quality candles and mage fire as assistance.

He also had to admit it.

The electric light invented by Little Patton can give people more comfort and pleasure.

The light illuminates everything.

For a while.

Many undead people active nearby were attracted and pointed at the light source on the tombstone.


"How many sets of light bulbs can a little lemure's heart power at the same time?"

"How long will it last?"

“Is this plan feasible for promotion?”

“Can we make this light bulb ourselves?”

"There are also astral white crystals and copper wires used to transmit electricity. Do you think Rolling Stone Town has the ability to build such a factory?"

"In addition to lighting, this bioenergy can also be developed for other uses, right?"

Matthew asked a dozen application questions in one breath.

After hearing this, Little Paton patted his head:

"I have written down all these questions, and I will study them in two days."

"Now, I have to go home for the holidays!"

"After spending time in your cemetery every day, my mother thought I fell in love with a zombie, hahaha."

"I can't make her sad anymore!"

"After all, she just grieved for her other son last week -

My stupid brother Brad actually asked my mother to marry the little widow from the moonshine shop outside the town.

The reason is that he has already slept with her and must be responsible for her.

This made my mother very angry.

Come on, he is now the second-in-line heir to the Rolling Stone Kingdom!

Speaking of which, that little widow is quite awesome, right?

Already taking the second and third spots in bed.

It's a pity that Sif is not very convenient.

How about I introduce you to her?"

Matthew rolled his eyes after saying this.

Little Patton laughed:

"just kidding."

"Happy Mudong, Matthew."

"By the way, do you mind if I get you a scarf?"

Farewell little Parton.

Matthew walked into the workroom.

Close the door.

Everything became completely quiet.

He came to the table and continued his study last night.

With his unremitting efforts.

These days, Matthew's progress in the field of necromancy, especially in the knowledge of souls, can be described as rapid.

Every time he read a piece of information, he felt that his understanding of the world had deepened.

This feeling fascinated him.

And in this process.

He also once again realized how helpful Isabel was to him.

The nearly unlimited knowledge points means that the alliance's precious knowledge is completely available to him.

This is completely unthinkable to other mages.

They must accumulate enough knowledge points to be able to purchase a piece of knowledge.

But Matthew is different.

He has no worries about this at all.

So just focus on studying itself.

And be able to focus on learning itself.

It is a very happy thing in most times.

After one hour.

Matthew closed the document in front of him.

"The general framework has been set up..."

"The deep contract has been completely completed. I can also achieve the out-of-body state of the soul required to sign the deep contract through the ability of soul projection."

"The carrier for signing the contract is tentatively determined to be the scalp of Rand Devil and the blank tombstone obtained from the troll underground palace. Both of them are solid enough to withstand the energy of the deep contract."

"Next I need to make a Horcrux and equip it with a sanctioning object."

Matthew was thinking and writing his plan.

He is now 90% sure of controlling the fragments of the God of War's soul.

The remaining percent.

An inspection is still required.

"Who should I practice with first?"

Matthew rubbed his chin in thought.

But at this moment, there was a sudden roar above his head!

Matthew hurried to the surface.

But on the wasteland in the north, where it was originally covered by snow, a mechanical giant the size of a small mountain suddenly appeared!

The red spray paint on the giant's surface is so conspicuous in the white snow!

"Reminder: You encountered the Mechanical Titan (Fire Dragon Version)!"

"Do you like my lady, Matthew?"

A dull voice came from the Mechanical Titan.

This chapter has been completed!
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