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Chapter 312 The Mystery of the Blood Moon and Qin Wuyue’s Meeting Ceremony

The blood moon is about to fall.

This terrible incident shocked many people.

When Ronan ran towards the moon, there were countless eyes watching his back among the mountains.

Inside and outside the Fortress, many people were concerned about Ronan's battle with the God of Hunting.

But no one expected that Ronan would make such a big mistake when he came up!

Seeing the blood moon continue to approach the earth.

Some people who were observing secretly couldn’t sit still!

Figures of people immediately flew up between the mountains.

What followed was a flurry of angry accusations:

"Ronan, what are you doing!?"


"You are such a madman!"

Matthew looked up at the figures heading straight towards the Blood Moon, and then said thoughtfully:

"They seemed more anxious."

177 shrugged:

"Of course."

"If the moon really falls, then the first place to suffer is the ancient land, which will be the first point of contact where the moon hits the earth."

"According to several previous simulations, if this event comes true, then the Helen Mountains and Yunshang Plateau under our feet will be smashed into a huge deep pit. The mountains will be torn to both sides, and endless seawater will pour in. This place is extremely dangerous.

It is possible to form a Mediterranean Sea."

"Of course, the gap may continue to expand, tearing it all the way to Watcher's Heights or even Jade Cangting. Then it will be great!"

Matthew said strangely:

"What's so wonderful about it?"

177 optimistically:

"In that case, our town of Rolling Stone can transform directly from an inland city to a coastal city!"

“Being able to sit on the calm inland sea is exciting just thinking about it!”

Matthew touched his chin:

"What if Rolling Stone is also flooded?"

177 A spread of hands:

"Ronan will definitely not let his hometown become an undersea ruins."

Matthew thought about it and it made sense.

Then he looked at the oppressive moon in the sky:

"Then should we run away now?"

Route 177:

"Being not."

"The exiles are somewhat capable..."

The voice fell.

Everyone then saw the black shadows that had disappeared appear one after another on the blood moon.

Because the distance is too far.

Matthew could only see shadows swaying over the blood moon, leaving one reflection after another in the world.

It didn't take long.

Then they saw a huge dark claw sticking out from underneath the night.

It's like there is an invisible giant.

Zheng was holding the moon in the night sky with one of his own hands, preventing him from falling.


Matthew also saw a woman's figure on the moon. Next to her was a thick tail and a round thing.

"Who are they?"

Even at such a long distance, Matthew could still feel the excitement on the moon and the intimidating power of those dark shadows.

"The Beholder Swordmaster, the Faded Dragon, the Last Giant and the God-Eater Queen."

177 Many family treasures:

"They are the four most powerful leaders among the exiles, and they are also powerful beings that have been active in the ancient land since its birth."

"From the perspective of age, each of them is qualified to be Ronan's ancestor; but from the perspective of strength, the four of them alone cannot defeat Ronan."

"Of course, if these four guys can work together and truly cooperate, then Ronan will have to run away when he encounters them."

at this time.

It is also displayed on the data bar.

The exiles from the ancient land worked together to hold up the blood moon that was about to fall.

Matthew breathed a sigh of relief.

"In my opinion, Ronan just wants to find something for them to do, as a little punishment for their dishonesty."

177 concluded.

"A little punishment?"

Matthew felt a little unbelievable:

"What if they can't hold the moon?"

"Or maybe they were more shameless than we thought and simply chose to escape?"

177 said calmly:

"First of all, they can't run away. The Ancient Land is their home base and their lifeblood. To them, there is no difference between running away and dying."

"Secondly, even if the moon does fall, it will fall."

"It's not like mages have never done this kind of thing in history. Otherwise, where do you think Arunaihai comes from?"

Matthew really doesn't know the cause of the formation of the Aru Inland Sea.

Then he showed an expression of willingness to hear the details.

177 said mysteriously:

"The Arun Inland Sea used to be a desert rich in gold and magic gems. There were many lizards and Toh dragons living there."

"When the Scourge Mage came to Irondor, he first arrived in that desert."

"She met some lizard people in the desert. These ignorant guys wanted to kidnap her back. As a result, she was reprimanded and warned by the natural disaster mage."

"But the lizard people were indifferent to the warning. After seeing the powerful skills of the Scourge Mage, they even united with the Tuhe dragon tribe to encircle and suppress the Scourge Mage. As a result, the latter pulled a moon from the sky in a rage, and then

Smashed all the lizards and Toh dragons in the desert to death."

"Since then, Irondor, which originally had two moons in the sky, has only one moon left, and there is also an area called the Arun Inland Sea in the south of the continent."

"According to my observation, all the admirers of the Scourge Mage have the urge to smash the moon for fun."

"Obviously, most Alliance mages are admirers of the Scourge Mages, and Ronan is no exception."

"And to be honest, the Alliance has long wanted to take action against Blood Moon, but due to certain agreements, it cannot spare the manpower and energy to deal with the guys on the moon."

"I just got an opportunity for Ronan today. He is not a believer. Once he takes action, he will definitely make a big fuss. All he needs to do is watch the show!"

177 has the tone of a crowd eating melons.

Matthew thought for a while.

Still, a teleportation tombstone was erected next to it for easy evacuation at any time.

"Let's go see the cave."

Since the moon didn't really fall, Matthew definitely had no reason to let go of the ice elemental lord's lair.

A group of people entered the ice cave.

Didn't take a few steps.

They found that it seemed to be warmer here than outside.

It's just that the ice cave is empty.

It looks like most of the useful stuff has been moved away.

Although the other party ran away in a hurry.

But it was kept quite clean.

Everyone searched around and looked disappointed.

The most disappointing one is the silver dragon girl Sylvia.

Matthew and others stopped.

She continued to search deep inside the ice cave.

"Where do we go next?"

177 asked.

Matthew lay down on the stretcher:

"Take a rest!"

"I see that the zombies are very cold. Let them warm themselves up by the fire."

Of course what he said was nonsense.

In fact, he just wanted to find a reason to paddle in the water.

Be prepared to run away at any time.

However, Lumiere believed it to be true, and he rushed out:

"I'll go find some firewood."

It didn't take long.

He actually carried a large bundle of dry firewood in, and then skillfully lit a fire in the entrance of the ice cave.

The firelight illuminated the zombies' faces.

Seeing this, Matthew simply lay down next to the fire and let the zombies come over to ward off the cold.

Then he took out some ingredients from his bag and asked Lumière to help cook them, just as a meal for the night.

His attention remained outside in heaven.

World events directly marked the important event of the Blood Moon's fall. If there was any trouble, he would be able to get the news in advance.

And while the fire was warming up.

Matthew asked 177:

"Do you know about the bloody meteor incident?"

This is a statement he heard from Bird, the cloud elf captain, and it is said to be related to the formation of the blood moon.

177 nodded confidently:

"This is highly confidential information, and I had no chance to access it originally."

"But now that Ronan is back, I can use his identity information to access these top-secret files. If you have anything you want to know, just ask. I will leak more secrets to you while I can. When Ronan discovers this,

, he will take back my authority and clear this part of my memory. When the time comes, I will ask you quietly, and you can just relay this information to me."

Matthew looked hesitant:

"That's not good?"

177 said unhappy:

"You even joined in that Ronan must die. Are you still afraid of this?"

"If you don't want to hear it, then I won't tell you anything?"

Matthew made a quick decision:


177 shrunk several times, then took out a small bench from somewhere, raised his butt and squatted next to Matthew, and then said:

“For our western continent, the Blood Meteor brought only a more terrible disaster;

But for the once extremely prosperous Dongfang, what the Blood Meteor brought to them was a real disaster!

its appearance.

It heralds the destruction of the Soviet Union..."

Matthew frowned slightly:

"The destruction of the Su Kingdom was related to the Blood Meteor? Didn't it mean it was because of the Abyss?"

177 shook his head and said:

"There may be some terrifying monsters in the abyss, but they alone cannot defeat the powerful Su State."

"In fact, the Soviet Union has been bordering the Abyss since its founding. That legendary country has never stopped fighting against the Abyss. The Great Border Wall is used to resist the invasion of demons."

"During the long war of attrition, the demons found that they could not destroy the Su Kingdom no matter what, so more than a dozen demon monarchs got together. They attracted the evil gods from other worlds through the whispers coming from the cracks in the abyss."

"And the blood meteors that attack the moon are the vehicles carried by the messengers of evil gods from other worlds."

“They came on a blood meteor and brought the blood of the evil god to Irondor;

They caused appalling genocide on the moon, turning half of the moon into a sea of ​​blood;

Using the blood moon as a springboard, they successfully opened up the channel that eroded the Eastern Continent.

The messengers of evil gods from other worlds are too terrifying.

The spells, abilities and corrosive methods they use have never been seen by native creatures and cannot be defended against.

Soon the country of Su was reduced to a sea of ​​fire.

And when the Eastern Continent is about to be destroyed.

The mages of the Su Kingdom launched a series of actions that would destroy both the enemy and the enemy.

It is also in these revenge incidents where death is inevitable.

The abyss was hit hard.

The evil messenger was also sealed.

since then.

The Eastern Continent turned into a scorched earth, a land with only ruins and curses left.

The moon is also divided into two halves, one half is a contaminated blood moon, and the other half is what we usually see.

In order not to be infected by the blood moon.

Asya, who was still the moon goddess at the time, was forced to give up half of her priesthood and authority.


This was not a big deal for her at the time.

After all, there were still two moons at that time.

It was not until the arrival of the Scourge Mage that she was forced to give up more of her priesthood.

He even downgraded from the Moon God to the Moonlight Goddess, so that he could keep his status as a god..."

I see!

Matthew had a look of surprise on his face.

Asia also told herself that she voluntarily gave up the priesthood of the Moon Goddess.

Matthew was doubtful at that time.

This is indeed the case.

"In normal times, we basically can't see the blood moon because the natural disaster mage performed a round of sealing afterwards."

"But as long as it is a seal, it will be loosened one day."

"For a long time, the creatures in Tianlun Palace and the outer planes have been staring at the blood moon. This is a very special field and a special place."

"According to Tianlun Palace's speculation, Blood Moon is one of the very few places in the material world where one can become a god!"

"First of all, the moon is part of the main material world, which is essentially a secondary plane, but it is half a level higher than other secondary planes.

The normal level limit for secondary planes is 23.

But the Moon's upper level limit is level 27.

This provides the prerequisites for becoming a god.

Secondly, due to the special seal set by the natural disaster on the blood moon, the people in Tianlun Palace were surprised to find that the natural disaster mage's blockade of the way of gods could not restrain the blood moon!

The only thing that can cause them to worry is the remaining evil god pollution inside the blood moon.

But for many people.

Such concerns can be ignored.

It's just that most of them are in the star realm and cannot enter.

In comparison.

Asia, who has the moonlight priesthood, and the God of Hunting, who was demoted to a demigod in advance, are truly qualified to be deified in the blood moon.

In fact, the latter did the same.

He ordered his pet to annex the Blood Moon Domain and used her as a test subject to test the remaining power of the evil god in the Blood Moon.

The purpose of the God of Hunting is actually very obvious.

He just wanted to take this opportunity to become a god again in the blood moon!

It's a pity that he met Ronan, a lunatic!

After he went up, he blew up Blood Moon's star core without saying a word.

No more star core.

This secondary plane also loses its gravitational anchor.

No more gravity anchor.

Falling is a matter of time!

Of course, in a sense, Ronan is free from future troubles.

At least the people in Tianlun Palace will no longer stare at the moon..."

177 concluded seriously:

"Anyway, Ronan did something rare!"

"Of course, he also made a huge mistake!"

Matthew thought:

"Are these the information you just found using Lord Ronan's authority?"

"How authentic is the information?"

177 nodded:

"It's absolutely true. Information at this level of confidentiality has been verified countless times."

"One more thing, most of the information I just mentioned was provided by Ms. Qin Wuyue, especially the content about the Su Kingdom..."

Hear this.

Matthew suddenly thought of something:

"Could the name Qin Wuyue mean literally?"

"Because of the tragedy in Su country, she wants the moon to disappear from this world?"

"And after Ronan learned this, he plotted hard, and today he just found a reason to poke fun at him?"

Reminiscent of the Phoenix Ship and the Southern Magistrate Corps, which almost never show up.

Matthew felt that his conjecture was very likely to be true!

"So based on Lord Ronan's behavior, how do you think this matter will end?"

Matthew asked.

177 shook his head:

"Maybe he himself hasn't thought about how to end it."

"Don't look at me like that, mages never consider matters in a thorough manner."

"They usually just start solving the problem at hand."

"After that, they will consider how to solve other problems that arise from solving this problem..."

"This way of thinking is said to be passed down by the natural disaster mages, and is said to be the kind of thinking that only successful mages can possess."

Matthew's first reaction was absurd.

But soon he felt that this was extremely real.

After all, when Isabel faced the problem of the Mark of the Dead, the plan she proposed was to use Mordenkainen's scalpel to cut it off directly.

As for whether this plan will cause a series of problems such as space-time cracks.

She didn't seem to think about it at all.

Is this the thinking of a successful master?

Matthew smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It seems that you don't agree with this way of thinking, which is good. I also hate mages who only know how to be straightforward."

177 said with a look of relief:

"They are hopelessly violent."

"And we are the hope of this world!"

Just at this time.

Sylvia's joyful voice came from the ice cave:

"Matthew, Matthew!"

"I think I found Babos' secret room!"

Everyone immediately stood up and came over.

Deep in the ice cave.

Matthew saw Sylvia pointing to a thick piece of ice and saying:

"It's right behind here! I can feel it!"

"That's the smell of treasure, that's an intoxicating smell..."

"Oh, baby, don't worry, I'll get you soon!"

Sylvia gently stroked the surface of the ice, her technique as gentle as if she were stroking her lover's face.

The vertical pupils in her eyes shrank and shrank, as if she was enjoying the ultimate pleasure.

"This ice is not easy to break."

177 looked at the ice and said:

"The time has come to test your wits, Matthew."

Matthew smiled slightly:

"Look at me!"

As he said that, he took out the shovel with his backhand and cut into the solid ice with one shovel!

Matthew threw the shovel to the zombies.

The latter started digging noisily.

It didn't take long.

An ice path that can accommodate one person's entry and exit quickly took shape in the solid ice!

See this scene.

177 couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands:

"Oh, damn!"

"I should have known that mages are all straightforward and violent maniacs, there can be no exceptions!"

The ice elemental lord's treasure house has a rich collection.

After digging the tunnel, Matthew ordered the zombies to move them out box by box.

Lord Barbossa must not have guessed that the person who came to visit him was a silver dragon that was extremely sensitive to treasures.

For this kind of windfall.

Matthew was always rude, and after counting the money, he divided it equally with everyone.

177 and Lumière successively stated that they did not need it.

The silver dragon girl is only interested in treasures and shiny things.

So Matthew gave all the treasures in the cave to Sylvia.

This made Sylvia look a little embarrassed.

But Matthew told the other party.

You gain more.

This is indeed the case.

Among non-treasure collections, there are mainly the following four things -

First, there is a whole box of spell scrolls.

It is not difficult to judge by identifying spells that these are all high-level ice spells:

Blizzards, thousands of miles of ice, extremely cold places, summoning of snow maidens, freezing to death, protection of ice...

The combined value of these spell scrolls is immeasurable.

If you follow the price of the alliance mall, it will be at least 600,000 yuan!

According to Matthew's observation.

These scrolls have very obvious traces of manual work and lack of standardized manufacturing processes.

This shows that the scribe of the scroll was not a professional maker.

Take into account the nature of the spell and its location.

Matthew suspected that these scrolls were written by the ice elemental lord himself!

Soon after he found it, he pulled out an order form for the Feast Hotel from the bottom of the box.

The spell items listed on the order and the scroll he dug out of the box matched up one by one.

This shows that the ice elemental lord Barbossa was commissioned by the Feast Inn to create this batch of spell scrolls.

Matthew knows.

In addition to the edible spell books, the Feast Inn also sells high-quality spell scrolls every year.

"So at least some of the spell scrolls sold at the Feast Inn are outsourced?"

"What is the Lord of Ice Element selling scrolls for? In exchange for money? He needs money again..."

Think so.

Matthew couldn't help but become more interested in this Lord Barbossa.

He quietly left a spell mark in the corner of the secret room.

He will come back often to visit in the future.

The second priceless collection is the ice element crystal cluster.

There is also a whole box of this stuff.

Each one is of extremely high quality and full of purity.

Similar to negative energy crystal clusters, ice element crystal clusters can only form naturally under special circumstances.

Crystal clusters have always been a necessary casting material for high-level spells in specific fields.

Fifth-level spells, especially legendary and above, consume terrible amounts of crystal clusters. Without a sufficient number of crystal clusters, the effect of the spell will be greatly reduced.

This is especially obvious in the elemental realm and the negative energy realm.

Therefore, no matter what kind of element crystal cluster, as long as the purity is high enough, it will be very popular in the market.

In addition to being used for spellcasting and alchemy.

Elemental crystal clusters can also be used to decorate ritual venues.

For example, negative energy crystal clusters growing near a cemetery can greatly enhance the power of a ritual site.

Matthew can also use these ice element crystal clusters to arrange a small ice room in the cemetery.

Maybe you can use this to enter realms such as "severe cold" and "ice element".

No matter how bad it is, it is also good to use it to make iced watermelon in summer.

The third item is a rather precious "Source of Ten Thousand Waters".

It is also a spring with fresh water flowing out. This source of ten thousand waters is two levels higher than the source of fresh water that Matthew bought before.

Matthew suspected that the ice elemental lord had stolen it from the home of a high-ranking water elemental lord.

With this thing.

It is equivalent to owning a large freshwater lake that will not dry up in 500 years!

Matthew plans to throw it into his own demiplane, which can greatly increase the formation speed of the demiplane.

As for the fourth category of items.

There are two whole boxes of leggings.


This ice elemental lord seems to have a hobby of collecting various styles of leggings.

The properties of the leggings can only be said to be average, most of them are of the following level——

"Wind Leggings: Increase running speed by 20%"

"Elf Leggings: Makes the wearer's calf curves look more graceful"

"Glass leggings: they can strongly reflect light in the sun and have the effect of flash magic"

Of course Matthew doesn't like these attributes.

But there are too many leggings to hold up here, more than three hundred pieces!

After thinking about it, he simply took it back and installed it on the zombies. It was better than nothing.

The undead can also wear equipment.

But most necromancers don't have the money to arm their undead. After all, they themselves may not be able to afford their favorite staffs, let alone arm their subordinates.

The same thing happened to Matthew before.

However, with the continuous improvement of economic strength, it is time for the younger brothers to enjoy the feeling of being armed.

The zombies who are responsible for carrying stretchers tonight are the first batch to be eligible to wear leggings.

Matthew dressed them up on the spot.

It looks pretty good.

It looks much better than the previous state of poverty and poverty.

And in this process.

Matthew also discovered a hidden attribute of these leggings——

"Remarks: Due to the long-term play of the Ice Element Lord, all the leggings you obtain can provide the additional attribute of "cold resistance +10""

"Is this okay?"

Matthew raised his eyebrows:

"It seems that Mr. Babos is also a master of enchantment!"

After clearing the secret room.

After tasting the sweetness, Sylvia went to other places to try.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she could not find any trace of the second secret room.

It's almost time to meet.

Matthew then suggested going to the next random place——

You have to touch the fish well.

Otherwise, it would be too disrespectful to Ronan.

The group left Xuefeng, and then, led by 177's random teleportation spell, they visited many locations in the Ancient Land overnight.

From south to north, from east to west.

Almost every area has been hastily stamped.

Before I knew it, dawn broke in the east and it was already dawn.

On the western wilderness of Yunshang Plateau.

Matthew stretched comfortably on the stretcher:

"I would say that the folk customs in the ancient land are quite simple."

“The security is very good!”

"At least we walked around all night and didn't bump into a single bad person!"

177 also nodded and said:

"That's the truth."

"But I've heard another theory."

Matthew straightened up and looked east:

"you say."

Route 177:

"Some people say that if you walk around the street and find that there are no bad people along the way, then you may be the biggest bad person on the street."

Matthew looked at him:

"So do you think we look like bad people?"

177 said decisively:

"Of course not!"

Matthew clapped his hands with satisfaction:

"Isn't that okay?"

"knock off!"

He thought that he should collect the bodies of the white dragon and the mammoths before the moon fell!

These are all precious materials for making large undead units!

177 nodded. Just as he was about to use the spell, a whistling wind suddenly came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

A burning sensation came down from the top of his head.

Everyone looked up.

But I saw that huge magical ship that looked like a divine bird was rapidly approaching here!

Phoenix ship!

The ship did not land, but was suspended about 100 meters above the ground.

"You're Matthew, right?"

"I am Qin Wuyue."

A masked female mage suddenly appeared in front of Matthew. Her voice was gentle, but also had a thickness of vicissitudes:

"Ronan often mentions you in front of me."

"It's our first meeting. I didn't prepare anything good. You happen to be a necromancer, so this spell book is just a meeting gift."


A spell book shining with black and gold light suddenly appeared in front of Matthew.

Matthew hurriedly greeted Master Ronan's wife and bowed.

He took a moment to glance at the data column.

"Tip: You have obtained the spell book "Taint" (a necromancer exclusive spell/level 5) given by Qin Wuyue.

Defile: You can use a medium to inject negative energy into a target (non-undead unit) to change the nature of its body and gradually turn it into a half-dead or undead!

The medium that can be used to inject negative energy: hands, feet, mouth or tentacles can be used.

Currently suitable media: Pale Hand, Claw of Esdrael, Finger of Death...

Note: You can and only master it in the form of signature spells.

Note 2: Under different fields, "Taint" will have different additional effects..."

Matthew didn't have time to appreciate the beauty of this spell.

Qin Wuyue's gentle voice came over:

"You have the stamp of the Sioux on you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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