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Chapter 331 The rules of the combination of gymnastic masks and undead

The first thing Matthew did when he returned to the devil's camp.

Just set up a teleportation stone tablet at the entrance of the camp.

The corpses of demons are also excellent materials.

Judging from the technology tree opened by Stuluk Industries, their hearts can at least be used to generate electricity.

Little Paton also verified this.

Matthew is currently vigorously promoting the installation of circuits and lights on all levels of the cemetery.

Other supplies are not in short supply.

Only the energy aspect is slightly lacking, and now it can just make up for it.


The remaining bodies of the demons also have a certain chance of being transformed into the undead through the summoning of the dead or the undead transformation pool.

It's just that the success probability of the general summoning of the dead is a bit low.

It is necessary to master the corresponding summoning technique of the abyssal undead.

This is very advanced knowledge.

Matthew, a necromancer with a wild background, naturally failed to master it.

But he plans to learn as he practices.

It's rare to have so many demon corpses to practice with. It would be unreasonable not to study the abyssal undead summoning technique.

As for the specific source of knowledge.

Isabelle's spell library has it all.

in this regard.

Matthew really didn't have too many worries.

Next, with Peggy's help, he began to search the entire camp.

The Devil's Camp covers a large area.

There aren't many things inside.

This is probably related to the relatively chaotic behavior of the demons.

Except for most of the barracks whose roofs have been blown off, what remains are some simple daily utensils.

When taking stock of these things, Matthew's horizons were slightly opened.

"Devils actually use toilets? And they are still stuck in the era of dry toilets? This aspect is indeed not as good as the devil civilization in purgatory..."

"What are these relatively soft sand balls? Why is there a hole in each sand ball? Hey...it feels pretty good."

"What is this shiny ointment? Why is there this ointment in every demon barracks?"

Peggy yelled beside her.

Matthew gradually showed a strange look on his face.

His knowledge of the abyss is not profound enough, and he actually doesn't understand what most of the props are used for.

But he knew this ointment very well.

The aura of this thing is too similar to Rhaegar's sword oil...

Then he coughed slightly:

"It must be used by demons to smear their weapons to increase their sharpness."

Then Paige suddenly realized.

Matthew took away all the ointment.

In addition to Tu Yile's daily items, the thing Matthew collected the most were bundles of "Abyss Candles."

"Abyss Candle" is a good thing.

You know, the light emitted by ordinary candles cannot illuminate the abyss.

This is related to the powerful shadow field of the abyss mother body.

Only the Abyss Candle can point the way for travelers in the abyss.

And besides that.

The halo emitted by the Abyss Candle can even scare away some weak demons to a certain extent.

It can also have a certain fog-repelling effect when there is heavy fog.

The demons have survived in the abyss for a long time.

Their bodies have long adapted to the harsh environment of the abyss.

So most of the Abyss Candles are made by demons to trade with other races.

This is to some extent the hard currency of the Abyss and surrounding areas.

Matthew took stock.

A total of 46 bundles of abyss candles were found in the camp, totaling 276. According to the knowledge he learned from ancient books, these candles can buy a small town on a certain plane in the abyss.

Of course, you can buy the towns in the abyss, but you also need to be able to defend them.

Except for the Abyss Candle.

More widely available in the camp is another type of hard currency.

His name is "Da Jin Yuan".

This is the currency of the Abyss and can be circulated among most demonic races.

Compared to the alliance's small gold coins.

The gold content of large gold coins is more than five times that of small gold coins.

But the purchasing power of the two is difficult to measure.

After all, the small gold coins are backed by the credibility of the alliance, and the productivity of the alliance and human society is absolutely overwhelming to the devil——

Exceptions are areas where Stuluk Industries is involved.

Matthew collected a total of more than 500 large gold coins, which was considered a small gain.

outside of currency.

Matthew also found some armor suitable for demons to wear. These armors were made of relatively rough materials, and at first glance they were used to fool the demons.

But having armor is definitely better than not having armor.

If these demons had worn these armors before and during the battle, Matthew might have had to work harder.

It's a pity that this batch of goods seems to have just arrived at the camp.

The demons didn't have time to dress.

This actually allowed Matthew to take advantage of a loophole.

Matthew really liked this batch of armors and immediately asked the coolie zombies who came from the teleportation tombstone to carry them back.

With this batch of armor.

At least we can arm the patrol first!

There are also two special items.

They were both found by Matthew in the central tent, namely the gymnastics mask and Eisner's horn.

"Gymnastics Mask (Special Object): After wearing it, you will master the basic abilities possessed by most circus employees——

Gymnastics +50;

Yoga +20;

Taming of animals +20;

Martial arts (for performance purposes) +20

Insight: You learn the history of this mask through your keen perception——

Demon Lord Eisner especially loved watching gymnastics performances, so he specially found someone to make this mask.

The blood and souls of fifty gymnasts are buried behind this item.

And every humanoid creature who wears this mask and performs gymnastics for Eisner will not be able to continuously output gymnastics performances that make Eisner feel novel.

Then soon he will become part of the mask until the next poor guy comes along."

"Eisner's Horn: The Order of the Demonic Cavalry Recruitment."

A person with demon blood or Lord Eisnar's token can blow this horn to summon a team of cavalry demons from the cracks of the abyss to serve him.

Warning, the cavalry demon will not necessarily be loyal to the owner of the horn, unless you can show convincing strength!

Alternative uses: Used with shining ointment, you can obtain higher charm blessings when competing with other male demons for the right to mate with the opposite sex.

The specific usage is to apply the ointment on the horn.

Then install the horn on your own native horn to make it look more majestic.

Knowledge (Abyss): You learned that male demons have the custom of applying ointment to their native horns to make them shiny to attract the opposite sex."

These two props are also hard to describe.

The knowledge contained in the former speaks of the sins of the demon lord Eisnar.

And the latter is not a simple summoning item.

It's more like a tool for picking up girls in the abyss.

"Did I misunderstand the demons?"

"Are these ointments really just for applying on the horns to make them more attractive?"

Matthew was deeply surprised.

But his attention soon refocused on the demon lord Eisner, who was related to both items.


The demon camp here has an inseparable relationship with this demon lord.

It's just that Matthew didn't run into him when he came in.

I don't know if this is just a unit under his name, or if he just happened to be out.

Matthew's eyes moved elsewhere, and then he searched for a while on the desk at the edge of the tent.


He found a letter and a relatively scrawled march record.

These texts are written in Abyssal.

Therefore, knowing the language and distinguishing characters are still useful.

Matthew translated these contents without difficulty——

He quickly read the letter through.

The content of the letter is very simple.

This is a letter written by the demon lord Eisner to a subordinate named Shuji.

The former asked Xiuji to choose a suitable place to build a demon camp in the Resting Wasteland, and secretly cultivate the abyssal bad soil and insect pond here.

Matthew has discovered several places in the Bad Land of the Abyss.

These are lands that have been polluted by demons and have acquired some abyss properties, making them very unfriendly to ordinary humanoid creatures.

Since the soil of the Resting Wasteland has been absorbed by the Mark of the Dead, it is reasonable that the land is more single in terms of element layer and can easily be transformed into the Abyssal Badlands.

But this is the result of looking at the problem from the perspective of a mage.

Eisner realizes this.

It shows that he is not an ordinary demon lord, at least he has some brains.

in letters.

Eisner repeatedly emphasized the need to keep a low profile, not to make a big show of things, and to focus on cultivating Badlands and Insect Ponds.

"Insect Pond?"

Matthew pondered over and over again this word unique to the Abyssal language.

He didn't quite understand.

But at this moment, Peggy's shout came from outside the barracks.

Matthew followed.

The two found a large piece of dug-out land in the northeast corner of the camp.

Light green liquid flows in those small and irregular pits.

Under these liquids, bubbles continue to bubble upward.

From time to time, there are some caterpillar-like creatures rolling comfortably on the surface of the liquid.

Matthew just took one look and felt goosebumps all over his body.

"What's this?"

Matthew glanced at the data column, which showed no response, indicating that he had encountered something that was seriously beyond his knowledge and knowledge.

He just asked casually.

Unexpectedly, Paige could actually answer:

""Abyss Midge"."

"They grow up, become parasites and become demons."

Matthew was slightly startled:

"But aren't demons transformed from "devil eggs"?"

This is common sense in the abyss.

Peggy nodded:

"That's the most mainstream one. The Abyss is different from Purgatory. The devil's reproduction method is relatively rigid and conservative, while the Abyss is much more unrestrained."

"Devil eggs are the most common, but they are definitely not the only ones."

"In my few memories, demons have many unnatural methods of reproduction——

Some demons will mate with stones, and then their offspring will pop out of the stones;

Some demons will plant themselves into the green abyss mother body before they die, and then grow more little demons in the next year;

Some demons can even split themselves, becoming stronger every time they split!

In comparison.

The way in which abyssal midges reproduce demons is quite conventional.

This kind of bug will enter the body of humanoids or other animals through parasitism, and then take over their brains, turning them into various demons.

Most of them are the Brazu demons we just killed.

This is also the lowest form of evil.


Abyss midges can only mass-produce these lowest level demons.

If you want to cultivate a high-level variety of demons such as great demons.

Then you have to go through the special environment of Devil's Egg and Death Beach.

I seem to have seen the tragic scene of little demons hatched from trillions of demon eggs fighting each other on the beach of death.

They must feed on other compatriots to obtain enough nutrients, then fully develop within seventeen or eighteen days, and finally master the ability to fly away from the death beach.

Have you ever seen the scene when thousands of little devils wave their newly born flesh wings with all their strength, trying to fly from the bottom of the cliff to the safety of the rock wall?

At that time, the entire beach of death was filled with the longing for life.

Those who survive will definitely evolve into great demons.

And the remaining little devils will be swallowed up by the merciless tsunami of the abyss.

Until a few months later.

A new round of demon eggs was dropped on this beach.


Those scenes seem so magnificent and sad now.


Why do I have such strange memories?

Even if I was once a battle angel of the Sun God, I shouldn’t be able to empathize with these scenes, right?”

Paige tapped her skull in confusion.

Matthew looked at her deeply.

Seeing that she was in good mental condition, she did not continue the topic, but chose to use fire to destroy all the insect ponds here!

Even the lowliest Brazu Demon is a huge trauma to the people of this land.

When Matthew encounters someone, he will naturally resolve it easily.

After destroying all the abyss midges.

Matthew quickly read the march record again.

Matthew soon realized.

It seems that this demon general named Shuji did not fully comply with the instructions of the demon lord Eisner.

Far from keeping a low profile, he did.

Instead, in the past month or so, he has frequently led his troops out.

What he mainly did was to plunder human villages and kill creatures everywhere.

The area he visited most was the southern part of the Resting Wasteland.

A place called "White River Valley".

Matthew knew this place. It was a medium-sized town on the map, probably bigger than Rolling Stone.

But Shukichi did not attack the "White River Valley".

He just circled crazily around the White River Valley, and of course there was burning, killing, and looting along the way.

Every time after finishing this vote.

Shukichi will lead the demons away.

And on the back of the record of going to the White River Valley, Shuji would deliberately put a strange character.

Matthew did not recognize the meaning of this character at first.

after awhile.

He suddenly realized that this character once appeared on the magic amulet he got from the Black Peacock!

He took out the magic amulet and took a look.

Sure enough they are exactly the same!

""Tower of Odin"!"

This term related to magic talismans came to Matthew's mind.


Every time this demon named Shuji goes to the White River Valley to harass him, it is inseparable from Odin's Tower!

It looks like.

Does the owner of Odin's Tower have some personal grudges with the White River Valley, or is he attracted to something in the White River Valley?

Matthew was a little curious.

He had inquired before and found that the Alliance did not have a mage tower called Odin's Tower in the entire south, which meant that this force was established by a wild mage.

Considering that the resting wasteland goes south, there is indeed a large no-man's land away from Apple Avenue.

It was a huge swamp.

There are a lot of poisonous animals and some tribes of frogmen living inside.

If Odin's Tower does exist.

Then it is only possible deep in that swamp.

Why would a mage living in a swamp collude with demons to harass the White River Valley?

Matthew was filled with doubts.

He didn't like to meddle in other people's business, but since he encountered it and it was related to the devil, reporting it to the Silver Council was just the most basic operation.

If conditions permit.

He wouldn't mind finding a suitable time to train the growing Death Fear Cemetery.

"I have to go back and ask the black peacock..."

After spending some time clearing out the demon camp.

Matthew burned the place to the ground.

Return to Oak Grove.

Matthew found the Black Peacock to learn more details about Odin's Tower.

However, I didn’t know that this guy actually didn’t know anything about it.

Faced with Matthew's questioning.

Black Peacock also seems to be plausible:

"My brain has been used to seduce my sister, how can I still hold information about my previous residence?"

"I'm not as spiritual as you humans."

"I'm just a peacock!"

Matthew was speechless.

Within the realm of the oak tree, he could easily identify whether a creature was lying.


What the black peacock said is true...

Matthew had no choice but to give up.

After reporting the information that Odin's Tower was suspected of colluding with demons to the Silver Council.

This matter has come to an end.

The next few days.

While Matthew was disposing of the corpses of the demons, he was frantically testing the "Undead Fusion Technique"!

A Bing, Renesmee, White Ghost Ali, Death Knight 47... Even A Piao, who usually has no sense of presence, was pulled out by Matthew and merged together!

As for Xiao Fei, Oluolin and Vasnov.

No chance yet.

Matthew will definitely not let them go in the future.

And what he gained after favoring these younger brothers was——

Not as good as Paige!

no way.

When Matthew merges with them, his strength is at the peak of the fifth level at best and cannot go any further.

Only when combined with Paige is a true legend.

Although the experience of combining with different brothers has its own merits, for example, Bing's assassination ability and Renesmee's archery skills are both very useful to Matthew.

But compared to the most powerful Peggy.

Combining them together doesn't seem to be cost-effective.

Especially after Matthew discovered that every time he used the Undead Fusion Technique, he would consume a lot of energy, and sometimes he couldn't even recover for two or three days.

He used this ability more cautiously.

Even when Peggy came to ask for a union, Matthew sternly refused.

The energy of the mage is very important.

This is the key to maintaining concentration. Matthew doesn't want his energy to decline day by day and become a confused person who frequently makes mistakes in casting spells.


Matthew also gave a summary of the state after the undead fusion technique.

There are roughly three rules.

The first is that the form of undead creations is more deeply influenced by the undead.

The undead creation after integration has the undead as its main frame, and Matthew, the master, is responsible for filling it with flesh and blood.

Therefore, merging with a skeleton often results in a half-blood skeleton.

If you combine with a zombie, you will become a fat man.

Combining it with a ghost will give it a more perfect appearance.

Article 2: Undead creations can inherit Matthew's authority and domain, but cannot inherit most spells and abilities.

This is easy to understand.

They have all become undead creations, so naturally they cannot cast spells calmly.

But the three major authorities of "Holiness", "Oath" and "Father" are all there and can be called upon at any time.

Domain is also similar to authority.

Article 3: The principles of equal harm sharing and automatic disintegration.

After receiving damage, the undead creation will distribute the damage evenly to Matthew and the undead, and it will automatically disintegrate after its health drops by 50%.

Neither Matthew nor the undead will be in good condition after disintegration.

But the good news for Matthew is.

among his tests.

After disintegrating from the undead creation, he can seamlessly enter the wilderness form.

This can be of great advantage in actual combat.


Matthew also once thought about whether he is still a mage if he spends most of his time fighting in the form of undead creations or wilderness forms.

The result of thinking is——

"Of course forget it!"

"The core principle of a battle mage is that the end justifies the means."

"This is what Margaret taught me..."

Matthew suddenly became enlightened.

I can't help but think of Margaret.

I wonder how she is doing in Cybertron now after being reincarnated?

"Perhaps we can go to Cyber ​​Dragon to see her sometime."

"I don't know how Lumiere's arm is installed..."

Matthew silently added another step to his itinerary plan in his mind.

The next period of time.

Matthew went to the moon from time to time to plant trees, occasionally supervise the development of the cemetery, and occasionally chat with the small animals hiding in the oak forest for the winter.


I am still working hard to learn spells and basic skills.

Days like this go by so fast.

It’s early February in the blink of an eye.

The cold current blowing from the Helen Mountains brought heavy snow to Rolling Stone Town.

The Death Fear Cemetery is as warm as spring.

Especially the third underground floor.

The temperature here is still over 30 degrees, which is enough to keep most of the undead away.

Matthew stood at the mouth of the well wearing single clothes, looking at the newly released batch of "pyremen" with satisfaction.

not far away.

A group of coolie zombies are sweating profusely building a new building.

From time to time, you can still hear the familiar and sweet sound of the whip of the Coolie Mother.

Currently, the Well of the Undertaker has produced 12 "Intrembers" for Matthew.

The fire buryer has two forms, one is extinguished, and the other is blazing.

The appearance of the burner in the extinguished state is somewhere between a zombie and a skeleton. In fact, it is the state of a charred corpse at the time of death. A piece of charred flesh will fall off as you walk.

And once it enters the hot state.

Their whole bodies will be burned with blazing flames, and they will suddenly look much more powerful.

in a hot state.

The pyromancer can use spells.

And their spell panel is very good.

It has been observed that every fire buryer is proficient in at least one fire spell, such as "Fireball", "Exploding Fireball", "Continuous Fireball", "Pumpkin Fireball", "Sun Flame Explosion"...


Although there are indeed differences in the subdivisions of the fireball skills mastered by different cremators.

But they are indeed fireball spells.

In Matthew's eyes.

This is not a bad thing.

On the contrary, the various fireball spells of the Burner have a lot of super magic special effect bonuses.

The power of these fireballs is much greater than that released by ordinary mages.

What makes Matthew most ecstatic is...

The effective distance of the Fireball of the Undertaker is generally between 60 meters and 80 meters.

This is a very abnormal number!

To know.

The effective distance of ordinary spells is between 18 meters and 25 meters!

Rays and missiles may be farther away.

But 30 meters is already a spell with a very long range!

At least below legend.

In the context of the lack of blessings from all kinds of heaven-defying supernatural abilities.

The 60-meter fireball range is equivalent to bullying primitive people in a wizard duel!

Not to mention that these fireballs also have a resonance effect.

Matthew estimated that the terrifying power produced by 12 pyromancers lined up in a row and throwing fireballs in the same direction would be enough to make a young dragon tremble!

If this were to lead to a battlefield.

Which general can be the enemy of Yihe?

What excites Matthew even more is...

There are thousands of charred corpses in his hands!

The Well of the Undertaker is still producing the Undertaker non-stop.

"The only drawback is that there is not yet an elite or lord among the cremators."

"If there are elite characters responsible for guiding, I will get some fire element crystal clusters for them. Maybe it can further increase the range and simulate the effect of the legendary spell "Meteor and Fire Rain"..."

Matthew thought secretly in his heart.

Except for the fireball technique.

The pyromancers have a special trait, which is the control of flames.

They can stably output flames in a hot state. Of course, the length of output time depends on the power.

If the flame output is high power, then most cremators will stop working after working for more than ten minutes.

And this relief will last for several days.

But if it is to maintain low power and smooth output.

The cremators can work eight or nine hours a day!

And after a night’s rest, you can still do it the next day!

After learning about this feature.

Matthew immediately contacted the white ghost Ali and the mother of coolies, Myasaki.

He plans to open a forging factory on the third underground floor!

The basic employees of the factory are of course these lovely cremators.

Together with the coolie zombies, the cremator can make preliminary modifications to the newly captured armors by Matthew.

After all, demon armor is definitely not suitable for zombies to wear.

The amount of melting and recasting work is huge.

For the time being, Matthew could only come up with such a plan to arm his younger brother.

"Pyromancers can solve the problem of flames."

"If we can recruit a group of blacksmiths."

"Perhaps arming the undead in the entire cemetery to the teeth will no longer be a dream..."

Such longing flashed through Matthew's heart.

He wandered around the third floor for a few times and was about to go to the fourth floor to check on the progress of Skeleton Prince Li Rick.

But at this moment.

The wild ghost Sanger suddenly appeared in front of him.

The messenger brought Matthew two letters from Jade Cangting.

These two letters are from Ai Lan and Beanna respectively.

Matthew knew that this was their reply to his last letter.

He hesitated.

First I opened Beanna's letter.

But after a few seconds.

Matthew's expression changed drastically:


"The reason why the wood elves secretly stated that they want to manage the Mark of the Dead themselves is because the Elders Council plans to cooperate with a magician?!"

"Are these elves mentally ill?"

"You still need to tie the bell to untie it, but that's not how people use it..."

Matthew cursed for a moment in a rare moment.

This news was too exciting and too nonsense for him.

Because Biana revealed the name of the sorcerer in her letter.

His name is "Lance".

From the Scourge Cult.

It was the culprit behind the pregnancy of the Elf Queen, and the initiator of the Mark of the Dead!


He returned to Jade Cangting again!

It also received enthusiastic support from some wood elves!

This chapter has been completed!
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