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Chapter 345 How to make the Necronomicon

"Let's put it this way, Matthew, the Rolling Stone Kingdom is about to be established, and there are many places where money is needed."

Rhaegar looked at Matthew thoughtfully.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Matthew's eyes, but he still nodded:

"I can understand."

Rhaegar spoke again:

"So I can only contribute at most one-third, which is about 300,000 yuan."

"This three hundred thousand can be simply regarded as my personal investment in this magic guild. I don't expect any profit, as long as it can be of some use."

Seeing that things had taken a turn for the better, Matthew became more active and couldn't help but continue to persuade:

"Put in more, Rhaegar, and another three hundred thousand."

"I will figure out a solution for the remaining 300,000."

Rhaegar bared his teeth:

"I haven't had much money recently..."

However, in Matthew's extremely longing eyes.

He still nodded hesitantly:

"Okay, I promise you."

"A total investment of 600,000 gold coins, but in addition to the conditions you promised before, I hope to obtain an additional initial guild member quota."

Matthew thought for a moment and asked:


Rhaegar answered without hesitation:

"It's Sif."

Matthew showed a surprised expression, then he smiled and nodded:


The initial quota in the Magic Guild is actually quite valuable.

Unless Matthew can upgrade the magic network and the level of the guild later, the upper limit of the first-level magic guild's members will be twenty.

This transaction is definitely not a loss for Rhaegar.

Seeing Matthew agreeing so happily.

Rhaegar became suspicious instead:

"The function you said before, that members can send each other to each other, is real, right?"

Matthew smiled:

"Absolutely true."

"However, this function requires a second-level magic guild to be realized. In the early stage, if you want to find Sif, you can use me as a relay. I will be happy to help."

Rhaegar pursed his lips, seeming a little dissatisfied with everything.

But under Matthew's good words.

He finally agreed to maintain his previous investment plan.

Six hundred thousand gold coins are in place.

The cost required to build a miniature magic network was reduced to two-thirds.

The remaining three hundred thousand is a huge sum of money for the recent Matthew.

He found that with the improvement of strength.

Although my ability to make money is increasing day by day, my ability to spend money seems to be soaring even more!

After purchasing the Magic Siwen before.

The cash in Matthew's hand was somewhat insufficient.

If you want to raise 300,000 working capital immediately, just diverting some from the Oak Chamber of Commerce is not enough!

But the Magic Guild has a very high priority in Matthew's heart.

In order to raise funds as soon as possible.

He went to Moonglade.

With the help of Ella and other nature spirits, Matthew dug three feet into the Moonwood and finally collected a large amount of blue moon grass and golden edge fragments.

These are two alchemy materials that are relatively affordable.

Then Matthew found 177 and sold these materials in one fell swoop at a price slightly lower than the market purchase price.

This filled the funding gap.

After doing all this.

Matthew began ordering raw materials from the Alliance Mall and the Crucible House.

The materials used to build the miniature magic net are actually not particularly high-end.

However, many of the materials mentioned in the spell book that Matthew obtained cannot be found in the real world.

He must find alternatives based on the functions of those materials.

Therefore, a lot of energy has to be expended in this process.

to this end.

Matthew also consulted two alchemists in the field of enchantment.

After paying the expensive consultation fee.

He has become a complete pauper.

But there is always a way out.

While wandering around the Crucible Room, Matthew accidentally passed by Isabel's spell library.

His heart moved.

When I got back, I made two copies of the magic book.

Matthew found one of the copies and found the staff of the spell library, saying that he wanted to make some contribution to the alliance.

At first the staff didn't pay much attention.

But after Matthew revealed his identity.

He quickly evaluated the copy, and soon he realized the novelty and specialness of the Magic Guild.

Because it's just a copy.

The staff gave two acquisition options——

One is to pay a one-time spell buyout of 550,000 yuan;

The other option is to pay a spell deposit of 50,000, and then if someone wants to learn or buy the spell book, Matthew can get a spell rental income.

Each rental income is about 50,000 gold coins.

The prices of both options were slightly lower than Matthew imagined.

Considering the complicated conditions required to set up a magic guild, it is unlikely that many people will read this magic book.

But Matthew still chose option two.

He thought about it for a while.

There are still a lot of legendary mages in the alliance. Even out of curiosity about new spells, some big guys will probably buy them to have a look. For them, they only need to pay knowledge points, but what Matthew got is

Real gold and silver.

As long as the number of people viewing the spell exceeds nine.

Option two is more profitable than option one.

"I understand, after signing this contract, your spells will be officially stored in the warehouse."

The staff's attitude is very dedicated.

The whole process only took half an hour.

Not long after that.

Matthew found the spell he provided on the new list of the spell library.

Then he rolled his eyes and said to the staff:

"I want to buy this spell."

"Let's buy it ten times first."

The staff member was stunned for a moment:


Matthew smiled and nodded:

"Buy with knowledge points."

As he spoke, he handed over his magic license.

The staff suddenly realized after seeing the balance on the license.

He said bravely:

"This seems a little wrong..."

Matthew's attitude is still very gentle:

"What's wrong?"

"Can't I buy my own spells?"

"Does the league have such a rule?"

The staff sweated on their foreheads:

"There is no such rule, but according to common sense, a spell only needs to be purchased once."

"If there are ten purchase records, I may be held accountable..."

Look at him sweating profusely.

Matthew couldn't help but sigh softly:

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore, just buy it once."

"Okay, we'll do it for you!"

The staff member wiped his sweat and crossed out the knowledge points on the magic license with unusual diligence.


He handed over a brand new copy of the spell to Matthew, along with the one hundred thousand gold coins that the latter deserved.

The acquisition of this money has slightly alleviated Matthew's capital chain problem.

At the same time, he also discovered a way to make money.

He can completely use this spell to convert knowledge points into alliance gold coins reasonably and legally.

Although the staff said that a single person is not allowed to purchase multiple times.

But Matthew can find other mages to buy it!

Just give people some benefits.

"But this method can only be used when you are in a tight situation. If you use it too much, it will not be good if the teacher finds out..."

Matthew knew what was going on.

Isabel gave herself a large amount of knowledge points to make it easier for herself to acquire all the spell knowledge in the alliance.

You are not here to cash in on yourself.

No one cares about relieving financial pressure once in a while.

Doing too much will most likely be self-defeating.

Before we knew it, it was mid-March.

Rolling Stone Town has ushered in the season of melting ice and snow.

spring is coming.

Matthew also noticed that the "Frigid Wrath" buff on his body had disappeared.

This means that tree planting has been added to daily tasks.

And just at the tail end of winter.

Matthew still found time in his busy schedule to complete the production of the two-headed bone dragon.

The soul strength of these two bone dragons is far less than that of the Wild Boar King, so the grade of the formed bone dragons is also lower.

Matthew appointed the two skull dragons as the younger brothers of the Wild Boar King. The three skull dragon and the skeleton prince Li Rick lived together on the fourth floor of the cemetery.

Recently, Matthew has been going to the third and fourth floors underground significantly more frequently.

Making a bone dragon is certainly one aspect.

The output of Skeleton Axeman and Pyromancer is the more important factor.

The Skeleton Prince didn't brag.

Groups of skeleton swordsmen and axe-hands were trained by him in a steady stream.

Matthew soon felt the outstanding fighting power of these swordsmen.

The same goes for cremators.

It's just that the number is much smaller than that of the Axeman.

at the same time.

The fifth floor developed under the personal supervision of White Ghost Ali is also in full swing.

It can be said that the entire cemetery has not been affected by the severe winter. Throughout the past winter, the Death Fear Cemetery was under vigorous construction.

In addition to the increasingly lively cemetery.

Matthew also received a brand new piece of good news at the beginning of spring——

The ceremonial venue "Fairy Veil" supervised by the formation master Lele himself has been completed.

It is different from the rain or shine of the cemetery.

Lele, his assistants and apprentices will still be affected by the harsh winter.

Therefore, the construction progress of the Fairy Veil is actually much slower than Matthew expected.

But fortunately the coldest days are over.

The progress of this ceremony site was immediately accelerated.


What Lele handed over to Matthew was a comprehensive ceremony venue that comprehensively covered the entire town of Rolling Stone, focusing on the core area of ​​Rolling Stone Town, Death Fear Cemetery, Oak Forest and its surrounding areas.

Under the influence of fairy veil.

The entire town of Rolling Stone has its own fog of war effect, which means that gods or other powerful people cannot spy here through prophecy spells.


Fairy Veil also has its own anti-espionage and anti-evil creature effects.

Any malicious creature entering may be sensed.

Appointed by Matthew.

Lele also built an observation platform next to the negative energy fountain on the first floor of the cemetery.

There are more than a dozen suspended crystal balls on the observation platform.

Through these crystal balls.

Matthew can spy on every corner of Rolling Stone!

This is equivalent to a monitoring room.


A small number of areas required by Rhaegar, such as the Lord's Mansion and the official post house, are blind spots for surveillance.

The privacy of the lord must still be protected.


There is also a similar secondary observation platform in the Lord's Mansion.

Rhaegar can monitor the situation in Rolling Stone Town except the Lord's Mansion, the forest, and the cemetery through the observation tower.

This is the respect and sincerity Matthew showed to Rhaegar!

After all, he didn't forget it either.

Rhaegar also paid half of the money for the Fairy Veil ceremonial venue.

In general.

Both Matthew and Rhaegar are quite satisfied with the effect of the fairy veil.

The only drawback is that.

When Lele was handed over to the ceremony venue.

The Southern Division Division Corps has already started drastic construction projects in the northwest of Rolling Stone Town.

Look at their enthusiastic construction efficiency.

Matthew suspected that it would not be long before he had to find Lele to upgrade the fairy veil to cover more areas.

but now.

He really doesn't have that kind of money.

I am too embarrassed to ask Rhaegar for money again.

A few more days passed.

The magic materials previously ordered are arriving one after another.

Except for the "Gathering Stone", the core material of the rally technique, which needs to be transferred from Roderick's factory in the north, everything else is already complete.

Theoretically Matthew is ready to start work.

But he was in no hurry to do so.

Because right now Matthew encountered a more urgent problem——

The number of undead registered in the cemetery is almost exceeding the limit.

As we all know.

There is an upper limit on the number of summons that the Necromancer can summon.

The same is true for cemeteries as ceremonial sites.

Matthew has summoned a lot of undead these days, but whether they are axemen or arctic shooters, they are essentially skeletons and zombies.

His own summoning quotas for these two categories have long been full, and if he wants to temporarily summon a new batch, he will have to cancel a batch of old ones.

Before, he was able to stuff some skeletons and zombies into the cemetery roster.

But now the cemetery list is almost full.

This is a very serious problem.

Matthew had to find a solution.

He consulted some related books and found two paths that seemed more feasible -

The first method is to improve the strategic level of the cemetery.

The improvement of the strategic level of the ceremony ground can effectively increase the upper limit of the roster.

The upper limit of similar summons in the first-level cemetery is 480, and the total number of summons must not exceed 2,000.

This number is too small for Matthew, who is sitting on a large number of corpses.

If it can be upgraded to a secondary cemetery.

Then the registration limit for summons of the same type will reach 2,400, and the total number of summons shall not exceed 10,000.

This would greatly alleviate the population constraints faced by Matthew.

However, improving the level of the cemetery does not happen overnight.

In addition to the expansion of the area and the construction of functional buildings, the ceremony venue itself also needs a new round of updates.

This requires Matthew to put a lot of effort into the layout.

He has already made a rough plan and will definitely implement it step by step, but this method will not work so quickly.

Matthew estimates that it is quite optimistic that the strategic level of Death Horror Cemetery can be raised to LV2 before this summer.

The second method is to make a special Horcrux——

"Roster roll".

In a sense, this kind of Horcrux is a movable ritual venue.

You can transfer the undead in your name to the roster.

Then indirectly control these undead through the control point roster.

The roll call is equivalent to a medium and operating platform between the necromancer and the undead army.

Necromancers only need to spend a small amount of concentration and mana to harvest an army of undead.

As far as Matthew knows.

A general roll call can only control 100 to 500 undead.

There is only the most advanced roll call - this level of roll roll is often called the "Book of the Dead", which can control 1,000 to 5,000 undead.

Matthew's need for the roll call or the Necronomicon is quite urgent!

on the one hand.

They can relieve Matthew's pressure on the number of summons.

on the other hand.

This type of Horcrux is highly in line with Matthew's next strategic layout and money-making plan——

Considering that the number of undead in the cemetery is close to overflowing.

Matthew plans to do some business around the roster!

The roll call is not the exclusive weapon of the necromancer.

This is a tool that anyone can use after acquiring it.

It happened that this trip was going to the Arunai Sea and the Gold Coast for business, and Matthew successfully caught up with Yu Lian and Sumi.

It can be foreseen that the Gold Coast will not be too peaceful next.

Yu Lian can't always rely on those devils to do things, right?

As Matthew promised to invest in him.

Naturally, I wanted to share his worries and solve his problems——

Selling some of the unused undead to him would not only relieve Matthew's financial pressure, but also effectively provide Yu Yan with loyal combat power.

Matthew knew very well that Yu Lian was not short of money.

The coolie zombies, pyromancers, arctic shooters, and skeleton axemen in his hands are all very practical undead units.

As long as you can make a roster yourself.

The lord of Cordo City will definitely pay a high price for this!

In fact.

Not just Yu Lian.

Almost all the city lords in Irondor would not refuse an obedient secret undead army.

The reason why this thing has not become popular is.

Simply because the Necromancer is really too poor.

It was too late for them to get the elite undead for their own use. Those with stable output like Matthew were rare in the entire Irondor.

In Matthew's plan.

The improvement of the cemetery's strategic level and the preparation of the roll call must be a two-pronged approach.

Available at the execution level.

Matthew unexpectedly discovered——

Isabel's spell library and the alliance's large library don't even have the method of making the roster or the Necronomicon!

Matthew found out after some inquiries.

This matter has something to do with Baiyan City.

The original founder of White Rock City briefly joined the alliance, but soon withdrew. Since then, the successive lords of White Rock City will hold a neither high nor low position in the alliance, but no other necromancers in the city will join the alliance.


The joining and withdrawal of the city lord back then must have involved a lot of exchange of interests between White Rock City and the alliance.

One of the conditions for both parties to finally reach a tacit understanding is——

Only the necromancers of White Rock City are qualified to master the method of making rosters.

Therefore, there are no relevant records in the alliance's spell library and knowledge base.

This was artificially deleted.

Of course you can't go to the teacher directly for this kind of thing.

Matthew thought for a moment.

Decided to take a trip to Baiyan City.

By the way, I would like to pay a visit to the current lord of Baiyan City.

Just do it if you think of it.

After Matthew made some preparations, he took Peggy and Bing and flew all the way to the northeast on the magic carpet.

From a geographical point of view, Baiyan City is an isolated island.

It is located in the narrow valley east of the resting wasteland northeast of Rolling Stone Town.

There are abrupt and towering mountains stretching for hundreds of miles to its north and south.

To the north is the Eversong Forest. The proud night elves have built barriers on the mountains to prevent the infiltration of evil undead creatures;

To the south is Apple Avenue. There are a large number of manors and mines on both sides of Apple Avenue. These areas provide logistical support for many prosperous port cities on the east coast. The manor owners here also hate undead creatures, and from time to time someone will claim that they have undead creatures.

Zombies steal their fruits or horses to eat, but because the mountains in the south are higher, the interests related to Apple Avenue do not set up too many defense lines in the north;

The eastern part of Baiyan City is considered an extension of the Parthian Wasteland, and is also called the Eastern Parthian Wasteland.

The East Parthian Heath is actually wider than the Parthian Heath.

Cross this uninhabited land and go three hundred miles east to reach the Lion City.

If you look down from high in the sky.

This special valley, surrounded by two mountain ranges, is like a narrow eye embedded in the southern land.

The eyeball of this eye is the Baiyan Mountain dotted in the center of the valley and the Baiyan City built on the mountain.

When Matthew came to the suburbs outside White Rock City again.

The first thing that catches the eye is the chains hanging from the sky.

These chains originate from the ruins of an ancient floating city.

Its source points to an artifact called "Human Desire Chain".

This artifact is the root of the founding of White Rock City. It provides additional strength and foundation for the necromancers, making it easier and more harmonious for ordinary people to get along with the undead.

But it is also said to have some unknown negative effects.

When Matthew rides a magic carpet over the most densely chained level.

Gray-brown snowflakes suddenly appeared in the sky.

Some of the snowflakes fell on his clothes.

He looked down.

It was clearly bone powder condensed together!

"I bumped into "Gray Snow" again..."

Matthew muttered in his mind.

Gray snow.

This is a unique but rare climate phenomenon in Baiyan City and its suburbs.

Often thought to bring good luck to necromancers.

This is not Matthew's first visit to White Rock City.

The last time he came to Baiyan City.

It seems that it also ran into gray snow.

Looks like a good sign.

But Matthew is actually not interested in these gray-brown bone meals because they contain higher impurities.

These bone meal are very strong when used to light phosphorus fire, and are almost useless.

The scenery of Baiyan City seems to remain unchanged all year round.

Everything that happens outside seems to have no impact at all here.

When passing by the city gate.

Matthew saw the same scene as when he came last time——

He saw a skeleton soldier and a human soldier holding hands and discussing something;

After paying two bones of average quality as entry fee.

Matthew ran into Hatred pushing a cart of snacks, who was selling his snacks to people walking along the street.

These snacks range from curious things like the eyes and hair of the undead, to normal snacks for humans.

But I hate the boss for putting all these things together.

Matthew could only decline the other party's enthusiastic selling.

Walk all the way along the center of the road.

The scenery on both sides comes into view——

The buildings of different heights do not have a unified style, and each house seems to be built in a unique way.

The door of the pub.

A skeleton is dancing erotically with a human beauty.

Matthew took a few glances.

I found that skeletons dance better than beauties.


The skeleton might also have been a great beauty in life.

In the alley.

The two human children each held a thigh bone and waved it wildly, as if they were simulating a sword duel.

There was a quarrel at the door of a blacksmith shop.

A well-dressed mage apprentice depressed the fat dwarf blacksmith and tried to reason with him:

"Your naughty kid stole Doug's bones!"

The fat dwarf seemed to have drunk some wine, and he spoke in a drunken manner:

"Who is Dao... Ge...?"

The mage apprentice was so angry that he itched his teeth:

"Doug is the skeleton dog I summoned!"

"It took me a lot of bones to summon it!"

"You have to pay for my bones!"

The fat dwarf scratched his head:

"and who are you?"

The mage apprentice was stunned for a moment.


The mage apprentice started to argue with the other party with a red face.

Eventually the two got into a fight.

It attracted countless undead humans to watch.

Matthew walked through the crowd, not surprised.

White Rock City has the largest number of undead with independent personalities in the entire world of Irondor.

The origins of these undead are quite mysterious.

They even became a scenic spot in White Rock City that attracted other mages to visit.

But as time goes by.

Everyone is not surprised.

Matthew had done some homework on this before coming.

He knew that the undead residents of White Rock City were part of the chain of human desire.

They are the guarantee for the normal operation of this artifact.

And the chains of human desire will also provide protection to these undead.

There are quite a few necromancers in White Rock City who will sign contracts with these undead.

This kind of contract is similar to Matthew and Peggy or Xiao Fei's.

relatively equal.

And many necromancers will become one of the undead after death due to the power of the chains of human desire.

There is an ecology here that is very different from the outside world.

This is also a paradise for necromancers.

People always feel that places where necromancers and the undead gather must be filled with strong negative energy, a terrifying depressing atmosphere, and an extremely depressing atmosphere.

But cognitions other than negative energy are indeed stereotypes.

In Matthew's eyes.

Baiyan City is even more lively than many city-states.

This may be a huge tomb.

But every day thousands of dead spirits dance on the graves.

ten minutes later.

Matthew successfully arrived outside the city lord's mansion and informed the guards of his origins.

The current lord of White Rock City is a member of the Reitz family.

According to unwritten rules.

The position of lord of this city usually only circulates internally among the three major families.

Matthew had heard such a joke before——

It is said that after the first generation founder left the alliance.

Every generation of city lords in White Rock City hopes to return to the alliance, but they all fail.

The reason is that they will encounter strong opposition from the other two families.

The other two families strongly opposed it.

It is because they all hope that the great achievement of re-merging White Rock City into the alliance can be attributed to them.

This joke is also full of prejudice against necromancers.

But it also proves from the side the great power of the three major families in Baiyan City.

Matthew didn't wait long at the door.

Soon a housekeeper came out and led him into the city lord's mansion and to the city lord's study.

But what Matthew didn't expect was...

What was waiting for him in the study was not the Lord of Retz whom he wanted to visit today.

It was a woman wearing an exaggerated mage robe.

The lady in front of me is about thirty years old. She looks sexy and hot, with a very charming look on her face.

Matthew glanced at the robe with slits on both sides to the waist, as well as the looming waist and hips inside the robe, and silently calculated in his mind how much partial armor such a robe could provide...

When Matthew came in.

The lady seemed to be flipping through something in the study, and she said absently:

"My name is Ashe Reitz. My father is not in White Rock City. If you have anything to do, you can talk to me."

Matthew couldn't help but frown when he saw this.

This is not the attitude of the other party to discuss matters.

So he raised his chin slightly:

"Perhaps I should come visit you some other time."

Unexpectedly, the lady named Ai Xue suddenly stopped Matthew:


"You can't leave!"

Matthew was a little confused:


Ai Xue also seemed to realize her gaffe.

Two blushes quickly appeared on her face, and then she said with some embarrassment:

"Sorry, I was just looking for something I left behind..."

"I've heard of you, Matthew, right?"

"If you really need anything, you can tell me. You will know later that my father is not as easy to talk to as I am."

There seemed to be some apology in her eyes.

Matthew thought for a while and said bluntly:

"I want to find out how to make the Necronomicon."

Ai Xue was a little surprised:

"Are you doing this in the name of the League or the town of Rolling Stone?"

Matthew shook his head:


"I only represent my personal needs."

Ai Xue looked embarrassed:

"I'm afraid that won't work."

"The production method of the Necronomicon is only open to the necromancers of White Rock City, and it is impossible for outsiders to obtain it."

Matthew asked:

"Isn't there any leeway?"

Ai Xue said categorically:

"No room left!"

"This is not something that I or my father can decide alone. Even if we agree, the other two major families will object."

Matthew nodded expressionlessly:

"I see."

This result was actually within his expectation, and he had already conceived several countermeasures in his mind.

But the next second.

What Ai Xue said in a joking tone was beyond his expectation:

"There are two other ways to get what you want."

"The first is to push White Rock City to merge into the Seven Saints Alliance. As long as you succeed, White Rock City will become part of the Seven Saints Alliance, and the previous constraints will no longer exist. Of course, you can obtain the undead through the alliance's channels.

How the book is made."

"But this method is very troublesome. You have to have strong enough skills and enough energy."

"The second one is much simpler."

"As long as you help me kill my father and my brother, I can succeed as the lord of Baiyan City."

"Afterwards, I can reveal the production method of the Necronomicon to you in a private capacity."

When it comes to the last sentence.

She had an indifferent expression on her face, as if she was really joking.

Matthew could see a hint of nervousness in her eyes.

(End of chapter)

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