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Chapter 390 The Nightmare Pendant and Beannas Choice

Matthew looked at Tyrani's devastated look and couldn't help but feel a little emotional in his heart.

Tyrani is actually a very rebellious elf woman.

She likes women, bullies and dominates the market, and has done many excessive things while relying on her position as General Windseeker.

It must have given Terraste a lot of headaches in the past.

But now.

The situation of the two seemed to have suddenly turned around——

The rebellious Tyrani was shocked to find that her father was ten thousand times more rebellious than herself!

Tyrast's behavior cannot even be described as rebellious. In the elf society, he is the enemy of the whole world, and he can cover the sky with one hand.

And it seems so far.

He had no intention of restraining himself.

It seems that Tyrani tried to dissuade Tyrast, but the final result was not satisfactory.

This situation.

Will it remind Tyrani of the time her father tried to restrain her behavior, but failed?

But Matthew didn't gloat about his misfortune for too long.

The current situation of Terrani is the current situation of most wood elves in Jade Cangting.

They certainly would not succumb to Terraste's violence.

But besides not bowing his head.

They can't do anything.

Matthew stood there quietly, giving Tyrani a chance to breathe.

The latter was sitting softly on the bed, his eyes looking dull and weak.

Matthew had never seen her look like this before.

This is probably the first time in his life that this General Wind Chaser, who has been calling the shots in Jade Cangting for a long time, has encountered such a painful setback.

And the frustration came from his own father.

He is so powerful that it is difficult for people to look directly at him, and it is even more difficult for him to have the determination to fight against him.

Tyrani was clearly in despair and confusion.

after a long time.

Only then did she regain her composure.

She looked up at Matthew:

"Is there anything you can do to stop my father?"

Matthew answered truthfully:

"It's hard."

"But I'm trying to figure it out."

"First of all, I came to you to confirm Ms. Ai Lan's situation."

Tyrani shook her head weakly:

"I have no idea."

"I've been with Biana recently. I don't dare to go to the Wind Chaser camp. I don't know how to face them..."

"I went to see my father, but he seemed to be a different person. When I was talking to him, I found that he didn't seem to be listening at all..."

"It was like overnight, he lost all patience."

"He doesn't look too impatient on the surface, but I always feel like he is racing against time. I even suspect that he has some terminal illness - but there is no reason. He is a sword master and a high-ranking legend. If nothing unexpected happens

He can live at least two thousand years! What can possibly defeat him?"

Speaking of the back.

Tyrani seemed to be talking to herself.

"Terminally ill?"

Matthew was slightly startled, and then thought that this was Tyrani's whim.

He had also seen Terraste that day.

The old elf man is in very good physical condition and can survive the death of most people in this world.

After a person is promoted to Legend, he or she becomes immune to all common diseases and symptoms.

It was impossible for Terraste to suddenly change his mood because he was ill.

But for Tyrani.

Once this idea arises, it's like a drowning man grabbing a straw.

She suddenly stood up from the bed, her swollen eyes widened:

"No, he really might be suffering from some disease and wants to fulfill his wish before he dies, so he is so impatient!"

"I have to go find him and ask him!"

"I have to find him..."

As she said that, she wanted to rush out the door.

Matthew subconsciously wanted to stop Tyrani, but the latter instinctively wanted to make an aggressive move.

Fortunately, Matthew's physical fitness is also good now.

He turned sideways to avoid Telani's push and was planning his next move.

Just at this moment.

A gentle voice sounded:

"Nini, look into my eyes!"

Those words seemed to have magic power.

Tyrani turned her head seriously. At this moment, Beanna, who was standing beside the bed, raised her right hand, and there was a topaz pendant in her palm.

The pendant is slowly swinging in mid-air.

Tyrani's eyes straightened.

"Look at my eyes and listen to my voice. The wind and clouds tell you that everything is fine. It's time for the moon and flowers to rest. It's time for us to sleep..."

Beanna's voice was as gentle as water.

That moment.

Matthew seemed to have returned to his infancy, with his mother's warm whispers in his ears as he coaxed him to sleep.

"Warning: Biana is using "Demi-artifact: Nightmare Pendant" and "Calming Spell"!

You are about to undergo a drowsiness test. If you fail the save three times in a row, you will fall asleep (lasts from twenty minutes to four hours)."

Why does Beanna have an extra semi-artifact in her hand?

Such thoughts flashed through Matthew's mind.

However, he is not too worried. He believes that his willpower is strong enough and he can be exempted from the sleepiness judgment without the assistance of external objects!

"Warning: Fail your first drowsiness save and you are about to fall asleep!

Fail the second drowsiness save and you are about to fall asleep!"

Matthew's eyelids instantly became extremely heavy.

At the critical moment.

He pressed his chest hard, and the three divinities took effect simultaneously——

Matthew's brain suddenly woke up!

"so smart?"

Matthew was quite surprised.

His spiritual power was not low to begin with, and after eating away at the spiritual origin of the warlock Lance, he reached a legendary level.

But even so.

He actually couldn't exempt the other party from hypnosis?!

He took a look.

Beanna's level is still around level 10. Her own strength is quite transparent and it is impossible for her to pose such a big danger to herself.

Then the key is the pendant in her hand!

At this moment.

After failing consecutive saves, Tyrani's body softened, her head tilted, and she hit Biana's soft chest directly.

Biananna was still whispering comfort.

Tyrani fell into a deep sleep, even drooling.


Beanna's chest became wet.

She glanced at Matthew quickly and her face turned crimson.

Matthew quickly looked away.

Only then did Biana move Terrani to the bed, and after making her lie down comfortably, the two of them carefully exited the room.

"Sorry, I can't let Terrani go to Mr. Terraste."

"This can be dangerous - for all of us."

As soon as you leave the door.

Beanna apologized to Matthew one after another.

Matthew looked at each other thoughtfully:

"That pendant just now was given to you by Terraste?"

Beanna bit her lip, and then nodded quickly:

"The night Terraste returned to Jade Cangting, he was probably the first one to find me. He gave me this pendant and how to use the calming spell, and told me to use this to control Terrani when necessary.

Take action, otherwise unpredictable things will happen.”

"I didn't understand what he was talking about at first."

"It wasn't until I woke up the next morning and people started talking about the murder in the city that I became vaguely aware of Mr. Terraste's intention."

Speaking of which.

She smiled bitterly and sighed:

"I can actually understand what he did, but I don't dare or want to go against his will. For ordinary people like us, he... is like a god."

I felt the anxious look in Biana's eyes.

Matthew immediately spoke to comfort him:

"You did the right thing. If Tyrani is allowed to go to Terrast, it may only intensify the conflict."

"And you are not the only one who will feel fearful and powerless when facing Terraste. I am actually not much better."

A look of relief quickly flashed across Beanna's face.

But she still lowered her head, seeming to feel very guilty about helping Terraste.

Matthew thought for a while:

"During this period of time, you and Tyrani should go to my mage camp to stay."

"That should be the safest place in Jade Cangting at present. As long as Tyrast doesn't go completely crazy, he won't attack the alliance's camp."

Unexpectedly, Beanna lowered her head, and the uneasiness on her face became more intense:

"No, I can't do that."

Matthew wondered:

"Are you afraid of offending Terraste?"

Beanna nodded. She hesitated for a moment before she mustered up the courage to say:

"Mr. Terraste, he, he said he was willing to take me on as his disciple."

Matthew suddenly realized:

"Is this the condition he uses in exchange for you to control Terrani for him?"

Beanna said bitterly:


Matthew frowned:

"But what about Terrani?"

"Have you ever thought about what she would think of you if she knew about this?"

"Didn't you tell me before that although she is very weird, she is actually a very good person and is very suitable for being friends?"

The guilt on Beanna's face became even stronger.

But she still bit her lip and said:

"I know that if I do this, I may lose my friend Tyrani, and I may also regret the many wood elves who have helped me."

"But that's life, isn't it?"

As she spoke, she raised her head with red eyes:

"I always have to make a choice."

Matthew looked up and down at the beautiful human girl in front of him.

Only at this moment did he realize that he had overlooked many things about Biana.

Compared to a year ago when I first came to Jade Cangting.

She has really changed a lot.

"Mr. Terraste did go too far, but I don't care about that."

Beanna's speaking speed became extremely fast:

"I didn't know until two months ago that the original reason why my father was willing to spend a lot of money to send me here to learn the elf dance and sword chanting skills was to marry me to the lord of the high leaf collar -

That one was known in the village for his love of elven arts.

It's a pity that after the Black Dragon Disaster.

The lord family of the High Leaf Territory was in ruins.


He also planned to marry me to the lord of Red Earth Mountain.

As you know it is.

Not long after, the original lords and nobles of Red Earth Mountain also lost power.

But for a savvy businessman like my father.

His investments almost never lost money.

He knew very well that many nobles in the south admired the elven culture.

Only his daughter can become a rare human sword chanter and master the dance that only elves can do.

Then it must be a hot commodity in the marriage market.

He originally planned for me to study here for two years.

But now things have changed.

I guess it won’t be long before he finds an excuse to write a letter urging me to go back..."

Matthew looked at her quietly:

"How did you know?"

Beanna lowered her head and said:

"My brother wrote to me and told me that he and I have had a good relationship since childhood. He only found out about his father's plan when he overheard his parents' conversation in the middle of the night."

"The most important thing is, I can't go back - at least not now."

In Matthew's slightly puzzled eyes.

Beanna was very embarrassed and said:

"The current situation is that my father plans to marry me to...Uncle Rhaegar!"

Speaking of that last noun.

Her expression was extremely shy, and her speech became light and floating.

Matthew didn't hear it clearly at first.

It was only later that I realized:

"Who are you talking about? Rhaegar?"

Beanna nodded heavily, her neck and ears turning completely red.

After hearing this, Matthew felt it was ridiculous and thought that Bernard's father was just dreaming.

But after a while.

He wasn't so sure anymore.

"I heard that many people are now persuading Uncle Rhaegar to leave more children. There are many unscrupulous women who find a reason to run to Uncle Rhaegar's house. They all want to give him children, especially

It’s a son.”

"I don't want to be that kind of woman. I can't imagine how I would face Sif in that situation..."

It seems that the most shameful thing has been said.

Beanna became much calmer.

She whispered to Matthew about her family situation——

Originally, Matthew only knew that Beanna was born into a wealthy family, and that her father was also a prominent businessman in Rolling Stone Town.

He didn't know until today.

It turns out that Biana's father, like Ms. Liz and others, is a close confidant brought by Rhaegar from the Blood Banner Kingdom.

Beanna's father was deeply trusted by Rhaegar and ran most of the grain industries in Rolling Stone Town, and was also involved in handicrafts, textiles and some arms procurement.


Biana also has very light tiefling blood.

These factors are enough for the family behind her to become the powerful people in the Rolling Stone Kingdom in the future.

to be honest.

If Rhaegar really wants to have another son, or wants to renew his relationship, it seems that Banna's father can't find anything wrong with marrying his daughter to him...

"You could have told me this kind of thing earlier."

Matthew blinked:

"I can help."

Beanna smiled gratefully, her eyes shining with strange light:

"But I can't always ask you to help me, right?"

"Actually, I don't blame my father. He just made the choice that was best for the family and himself out of his own position."

"He gave me very generous conditions. I had no worries about food and clothing since I was a child. I lived a happier life than most of my peers. I also had the opportunity to study in Jade Cangting. This is already a very luxurious condition, so I don't

I will complain or blame him."

"But it's impossible for me to do exactly what he wants."

"I don't want to rely on anyone else anymore - whether it's my father or you, Matthew."

Matthew frowned:

"So you chose to follow Terraste?"

Beanna said solemnly:

"He promised to teach me the true way of sword chanting."

"He promised to give me the strength to protect myself and even gain a foothold in this world."

"This is enough."

Talking room.

Beanna's eyes became brighter, and there was an indescribable flavor in her eyes when she looked at Matthew:

"I actually don't like wielding swords and guns that much, but power is indeed a fascinating thing, isn't it?"

"You see, so many elves are against Mr. Terraste, but they can't do anything about him."

"I don't want to be like Mr. Terraste, but I hope to be able to rely on my own strength to find an inch of living space."

"For me, this is the best opportunity. Even if I lose my friend Tyrani, I will do it."

Matthew sighed softly:

"Of course it is not wrong to pursue power. I am also on the road to pursuing power."

"But Terraste's situation is too extreme. I suspect he has lost control..."

But who would have expected that Beanna unexpectedly interrupted Matthew:

"But you just like the power that is so powerful that you can lose control of it, don't you?"

Matthew looked at her confused.

Biananna stared at him with bright eyes:

"You like Sif just because she can easily tear apart those terrible monsters, right?"

"I heard that there is a type of people who will not fall in love with ordinary girls easily. They will only fall in love with women who have strong power, because the latter make them feel dangerous, and the aura of danger is actually the biggest difference between men and women.

A source of excitement and attraction.”

"Is that what you are, Matthew?"

Today is also unlucky. I wrote that the screencasting software crashed and my writing was affected, so I can only keep it short. Sorry! (My current way of writing is to use screencasting software to cast the iFlytek notes on my phone to my computer.

On the screen, use the mobile phone as an input device and the screen as a display. Only in this way can you perform voice input fluently without hurting your eyes. At the same time, your hands can assist on the keyboard. Problems in any aspect of this solution will affect the code.

Word status, but there is no other way. This is the best solution I can find when my hands and throat are disabled, sigh)

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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