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Chapter 41

Chapter 41 On the verge of breaking out

Author: Ten Years One Click

Chapter 41 On the verge of breaking out

In the hall reflecting bright lights, the arcane runes symbolizing the "remote mirroring technique" were extinguished one by one.

Matthew blinked to adjust to the changing light.

"It's over. The cooperation was pretty good."

Zeller walked over from the side.

While removing the remaining rituals of the mirror image technique, he motioned for Matthew to relax.

Matthew quickly took off his stiff cloak and couldn't help asking:

"Does this really work?"

The reason why he asked this was because he felt that he had not contributed much in the process just now.

He just put on makeup to look like Archmage Ronan, and then walked back and forth in the area planned by Zeller, trying to make his temperament more like a legendary mage in every gesture.

Although Zeller explained the principle to him in advance——

He will use a mirroring ritual to present Matthew's image in three locations at Rolling Stone and the North and South Trading Posts at the same time.

At the same time, at the appropriate time, he ordered other people hiding at the scene to detonate the magic fireworks left by Ronan.

Benefiting from the strong festive atmosphere, most no one would notice Matthew pretending to be Ronan before the fireworks went off. But after the fireworks bloomed, with everyone consciously searching, naturally many "interested people" would see "Master Ronan"


The ensuing heckles came naturally.

But after the whole process is over.

Matthew still has a strong sense of unreality.

"It's hard to say, but it all depends on man. At least we have muddied the water, right?"

"I still have some things to deal with, wait a moment."

Zeller smiled apologetically at Matthew.

Then he hurriedly walked to another side hall.

Matthew had to remove his makeup himself.

It was at this time that he suddenly received a prompt from the system.

“Two elements in the world of fraud?”

Matthew touched his chin:

"Does this mean that fishing in troubled waters is at least half successful?"

Elements are preconditions for a domain.

Under normal circumstances.

If a mortal wants to dabble in a field, he must collect "elements" in related fields in advance. The more relevant elements are collected, the greater the possibility of dabbling in the field.

Elements are keys to access a domain.

But that doesn't mean it's the be all and end all of the field.

Like the previous three times, Matthew completely ignored the element key and directly broke into the field violently.

It can be seen that the system provides a stepping stone to the field of convenience.

Especially since unlocking the Legendary Way.

Matthew can clearly feel that his access to the field is a thousand times easier than others!

Even this time.

For anyone else, it would have been a significant "fraud experience" at best.

Although Matthew has not been directly involved in the field of fraud, he has indirectly mastered two keys to the field of fraud. As long as he works a little bit in this direction, he will have the opportunity to become a newcomer in this field like Oak, Temperance and Immortal.


According to Master Ronan’s opinion.

Domains are more advanced tools than spells.

Matthew has gradually realized that his "gift" in the field may be his greatest strength.

"Next, I can focus on the three existing fields and delve deeply into the three major fields to gain more capabilities in the field. I can also extend horizontally to get involved in other related fields."

Thinking room.

Matthew has taken off most of his makeup.

Zeller hurried in:

"There is good news, which proves that at least we are not doing useless work."

Matthew looked at him curiously.

Zeller smiled and said:

"While we were setting off fireworks, Brad captured a member of the Frost Brotherhood."

Matthew commented:

"Our guard captain still has two skills. How did he find out that the other party was a member of the Silver Frost Brotherhood?"

Zeller couldn't help laughing and said:

"It is said that the criminal took the initiative to sign up for the "Martin Run" event and won the first place - he ran so fast that he was recognized as an extraordinary person at a glance."

Is there such a thing?

Matthew was stunned for three seconds.

He gained a new understanding of the lower limit of IQ of members of evil organizations.

"Then he must have an accomplice."

Matthew spoke up.

Zeller nodded:

"This is an obvious thing. People from the Silver Frost Brotherhood mostly work in pairs when performing tasks. Although we were unable to find his companions, what is certain is that he and his companions saw it with their own eyes."

Grand Master Ronan', especially himself, reacted violently when he was arrested. He seemed eager to pass on this important news - to be honest, I am now struggling with whether to find an opportunity to give him

Let it go."

Matthew thought for a while:

"There's no need to be too deliberate."

Zeller agreed:

"You're right. With so many people present during the Spring Festival, the news will definitely spread. Anyway, so far, we are doing a good job. Thank you for your hard work, Matthew."

Matthew shook his head:

"I didn't help much."

Zeller said seriously:

"At least you are a real mage, which is of great significance in anti-divination."

"Okay, your mission is over. Next, we will deal with the three major evil organizations. We will not disturb you again if necessary."

"Of course, if you are willing, I would like to formally invite you to join the lord's mansion. Your identity is tentatively the lord's magic advisor, which is a role similar to mine."

Matthew's heart moved:

"Would Rhaegar agree?"

Zeller smiled:

"I'll convince him. I'm good at this."

Matthew thought for a while and asked two more questions:

"If I become a consultant to the Lord's Mansion, what do I need to do? How much will it be paid?"

Zeller's invitation was obviously not a temporary one. After listening to Matthew's words, he said without hesitation:

"I usually have nothing to do. I mainly provide assistance with magic and related knowledge when needed.

As you can see, I am just a warlock, and my understanding in the field of formal magic is far inferior to that of your mages.

Rolling Stone has been lacking a formal magic consultant, and I think you are just the person.

As for the remuneration, it will not be less than 200 gold coins per month in the first year. We will re-evaluate it based on your contribution in the past year, but the remuneration will only increase, not decrease."

If the work intensity is as easy as Zeller said, then the reward is quite generous.

But Matthew did not agree immediately, he just nodded:

"I will consider it carefully."

"It should be so, but I still hope to have the opportunity to continue working with you."

Zeller smiled and snapped his fingers.

In the mirror.

Lesina timidly lifted the frame of her glasses and looked at the two of them.

"Charge this staff."

Zeller handed the things over in a concise manner.

Lesina took the staff, with two blushes flying on her face:

"OK, just a second."

After a while.

Her hot figure appeared in the mirror again, but the flush on her face became more obvious:


Matthew took the coughing staff and was delighted to find that the staff had become "charged" and could be used at any time!

The only weird thing is...

When Matthew first took over the staff, he always felt a little moist and warm in his hand.


He didn't bother to ask how the succubus was charged.

After chatting with Zeller for a few more words.

Matthew got up and left the lord's mansion.

It was mid-afternoon, and there was still a lot of people outside.

Matthew took A Bing to stroll around the town for a whole afternoon, and after a rare experience of the festive atmosphere, he hurried back to the oak forest.

At dusk.

Matthew's hardworking figure appeared again near the pothole in the northern wasteland.

no way.

I have to make up for the missed work during the day with tears in my eyes no matter how late it is.

There are only four days left before the temporary state of "Double Harvest" ends.

In the next four days.

Nothing could stop Matthew from planting trees with all his might!

The night is deep.

In an abandoned mine northeast of Rolling Stone Town.

Dots of torches illuminated the dark and damp mine, and shadows, tall or short, swayed along the firelight. These shadows were reflected on the rock walls of the pit, making them look particularly ferocious.

The rustling sounds of discussion and the louder and louder arguments echoed in the cave for a long time.

"Ronan, it's impossible to appear here!"

A dull voice suddenly overwhelmed the other noises.

It was a young man with a somewhat oily appearance who held a torch high in his right hand. He was wearing a gray-brown robe, and his whole body was shrouded in a faint black light, which gave him an evil color.

"I swear in the name of my Lord, Ronan is definitely trapped in the star realm. This is a fact confirmed by many parties!"

The man looked around viciously.

There is undisguised malice in his eyes, and anyone who looks at him will involuntarily stand on their backs.

However, there are also those who are not afraid of him.

But I saw a slender black panther walking out gracefully. Her voice was hoarse and magnetic, attracting the attention of all the male creatures present almost instantly:

"But we have all seen Ronan and Edson with our own eyes. Until the evil god behind you shows true sincerity, everyone will only believe their own eyes."

Edson stared at the Black Panther with an evil look:

"You'd better use the right words, Kunna! My Lord is not an evil god. He has lived in Tianlun Palace for a long time and was once the master of this land!"

Kunna sneered:

"Every magician firmly believes that their master is the righteous god of Tianlun Palace. You'd better come up with something practical. In order to cooperate with your damn ritual, we have lost the opportunity - Rolling Stone Town has strengthened

Defense, everyone is very passive now, what you should do now is to be open and honest, instead of continuing to hide it, which is not beneficial to our cooperation."

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately received a lot of resonance.

In the shadows.

Leon from the Silver Frost Brotherhood took a step forward:

"Ms. Kunna is right. The public declaration of challenge was the suggestion of your Calamity Cult. We have cooperated with you to do a lot of work. Now the brothers have sneaked in, only to find out that Ronan may still be in the town!

The legendary mage is no joke!

In addition, I also heard that the lord of Rolling Stone Town has sent people to seek the support of a legendary monk. I am afraid that none of us want to face such a existence."

The others also agreed one after another.

The people of the three major organizations are already divided. This time they were incited by the Southern Patriarch Edson of the Calamity Order. They want to imitate the plundering rituals of the Enlightenment Era and reap various benefits by destroying Rolling Stone Town——

The most important one is the desire for the legendary way. Whether they are arsonists, blighters or warlocks, if they can personally participate in the destruction of an order territory, it will benefit them immensely.

However, the spiritual outlook displayed by Rolling Stone Town is obviously different from that of ordinary backcountry towns.

Under the leadership of Brad.

The garrison has greatly strengthened patrols and inspections of the North and South Trading Posts and Rolling Stone Town.

This greatly increases the difficulty for members of evil organizations to sneak in.

Even if you sneak in.

Most people also had to give up their favorite weapons.

This is also one of the dilemmas mentioned by Lyon——

Now that everyone has come in, not only are they confused about the general direction, but most of them are still using their bare hands. How can they make such a mess?

The news that Ronan was suspected to still be in Rolling Stone became the final trigger.

These evil elements are not stupid.

They are much better than ordinary people at adapting to the changing circumstances.

Even if there is just the slightest sign that something is wrong, they would rather retreat first and wait and see. No one wants to be the first daredevil to die.

Ever since.

The mine gradually became filled with the sounds of quarrels and accusations.

The members of the three major organizations argued for a long time with red faces, but no one was willing to complete the most important "initiation ceremony".


Edson shouted angrily.

"I knew it would be impossible to get anything done with a bunch of people like you. Fortunately, I didn't count on you from the beginning."

His cold, snake-like eyes scanned the crowd:

"First of all, shut your mouths! Your equipment and weapons will arrive soon!

Secondly, I will do the launching ceremony myself. After tomorrow, I will let the shadow of fear spread over Rolling Stone Town. I hope you weak guys will not find other excuses by then.

Then I want to emphasize again that Ronan is trapped in the star realm! This is the news told by my Lord personally. If you don't believe it, you can also verify it yourself - you should all have channels for verification behind your back.

Finally, you should fight like a man for the legendary way you believe in, instead of chattering here like you are now."

Edson said as he stepped out of the crowd.

He opened his hands and suddenly began to chant a spell loudly.

Everyone immediately backed away alertly.

Ederson's spell takes effect extremely quickly.


Almost transparent gelatinous living creatures appeared in the open space in front of him!

"Shedding gel?"

Kunna's voice was solemn and she took seven steps back in succession.

"Now, I will go to the farm to look for a few unlucky guys. If you are brave, come with me."

During the conversation.

Ederson waved his hand.

The staff in his hand shot out black shadows.

in a blink.

He put the dozens of "sloughing gels" on the ground in wooden boxes that appeared out of thin air.

In the shadow.

A group of short figures came out. They struggled to lift the box and followed the magician Edson step by step.

Everyone saw clearly that they were a group of kobolds!

"What do you say now? Let him enjoy the harvest of the launching ceremony alone?"

Seeing Edson's tenacious and determined will, the members of the evil organization were a little shaken, and some even calculated the benefits of the initiation ceremony.

"At least, we should follow and take a look. Only Edson from the Calamity Cult came today. The others may have other plans."

Kunna said with twinkling eyes:

"I remember that the Scourge Order has never had kobolds under its command."

In the mine.

Everyone discussed for a while and became eager to make a move again.

They plan to follow Edson and watch the situation from a distance.

And they didn't take a few steps.

Kunna suddenly remembered something:

"Where did Edson just say he was going to find the unlucky guy?"

Leon replied casually:


"Damn it!"

The claws of Kunna's limbs straightened instantly:

"There is an oak forest on the only way from here to the farm!"

Leon still doesn't know why:

"And? Are there flower fairies living in the oak forest?"

He even made a little joke.

"No, no...it's okay."

Kunna seemed to have thought of something, and her posture became relaxed again.

The next second.

She couldn't wait to quicken her pace:

"If you go late, there may not be much fun there, haha."

Oak Grove North.

The five Silver Moon zombies are still working hard.

But Matthew silently put down the shovel.

His eyes stared north.

Eli emerged from nowhere and stood side by side with him.

"There is a smell of evil, and it is stronger than ever before. They are coming!"

Along with Eli's warning.

A series of tall and short shadows came out of a mine entrance ahead.

At this time, dark clouds were passing by, covering the bright moonlight.

But at that moment.

Both sides saw each other!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The battle is about to break out.

If there are excessive chapters and updates, I will try to resume double updates tomorrow. In fact, the total number of words is about the same. Everyone knows the situation of new book issues, so there is really no way to update too quickly. There will be more after it is put on the shelves at the end of the month. Thank you for your support.


(End of chapter)

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