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Chapter 416 The legendary mage is also a mage

With the blessing of amplification spells.

Matthew's voice could be heard throughout the battlefield.

Many demons silently raised their heads and looked at him.

Matthew cast a calm and calm gaze.

He shouted invitations to duels three times in succession.

However, Oceedro, the coach of the demon army, did not respond.

On the other hand, the legendary demons who fought in the front line were all aggrieved:

"I'll fight you!"

"Come down, timid mage!"

"You don't deserve to call the Sage of the Abyss by his name!"

Among them, the loudest ones were the Twin Cavalry Demon and the Slaughter Demon Lord.

However, just like Osedro did not respond to Matthew.

It's impossible for Matthew to respond to these minions.

In front of the two armies.

The two sides seemed to be talking to each other and the air.

It's not on the same channel at all.

See the situation.

Matthew quietly threw a mirror image spell to keep his image in the original mid-air, and then said:

"I accept your challenge at any time and at any place, the conditions remain unchanged."

"I thought there were no cowards in the abyss."

"You disappoint me, Osedro."

But even so.

Matthew's provocative tactics only resulted in jumps and curses from those legendary demons.

Osedro has always been lurking like a turtle in the ocean of the abyss.

Matthew's call received no response.

This filled his heart with regret——

Osedro is arguably the most cautious opponent he has ever faced.

Cautious and not like a devil!

In order to avoid risks, he was not even willing to respond to Matthew's words, let alone show up and accept the challenge!

It's just that it's safer to do this.

But it actually did a lot of damage to the morale of the demon army.

Don't look at those legendary demons shouting so happily.

Matthew can clearly sense the changes in the morale of ordinary demons——

If this indicator is too vague.

Then the changes in intensity of the ceremonial venue for casting the holy weapons can be clearly seen!

"The strength of the Forged Holy Soldier has been weakened by at least one-third..."

Matthew nodded with satisfaction.

These are all the consequences of the devil's coach avoiding the fight.

Although the main goal was not achieved, he achieved results in other areas, so it was considered a waste of time.

Although the effect of the ceremony venue was affected.

But the demon army still did not stop advancing.

Matthew was now completely sure of Osedro's strategic intentions——

In the short term.

It is absolutely impossible for the opponent to collide with itself or other elite units in a top-notch duel.

Now Osedro just wants to take advantage of his military strength and bulldoze Rolling Stone City in one fell swoop!

You can only achieve the best results on the frontal battlefield as much as possible.

Only then will the lost morale be made up for.

Only then can the effects of the ceremonial ground of Forging Holy Weapons flow back again.

A few minutes later.

The three legions of the first echelon surrounded the area where the cemetery is located in a fan-shaped manner from three directions: northwest and east.

The demon troops at the front were lined up.

They extended the front line very long, as if they wanted to gradually go deep into the hinterland between Cemetery Mountain and Rolling Stone City after completing a carpet-like search.

From the perspective of force dispatch.

Osedro didn't want to play any tricks, he just wanted to crush all enemies with his numerical superiority.

Then push it flatly.

at the same time.

Matthew also noticed that the structure of the demon groups gathered at the front of the three demon legions was undergoing slight changes.

Along with this move.

The advance speed of the three major legions also slowed down a lot.

Matthew stared at the forefront of the battlefield with a serious expression.

over there.

A large number of small dogs, spiders, and bat-like demons were driven forward——

They are a type of Brezu Demon, relatively petite in size, but relatively agile.

behind them.

They are medium-sized humanoid creatures, or Brazu demons that have been transformed from medium-to-large four-hoofed creatures.

Further back.

Just some huge elite Brazu demons and squadrons or squads of cavalry demons!

"Osedro's control over the demon army has actually reached this level?"

Matthew was taken aback.

In his mind, the Brezu Demon is the lowest form of demon, and is used as cannon fodder by demons in all wars.

Anyway, when the war breaks out, just let the Brezu Demons turn into a tide of beasts and charge forward.

But the army in front of them was not that chaotic.

Although it was the Brazu Demon who was at the forefront.

But compared to the conventional charging method.

Whether it is the layout of the front and rear formations, or the connection and coordination between these Brezu demons, they look no different from well-trained human soldiers——

Even more obedient!

If you look down from a high place.

All sectors of the three major legions in the first echelon are clearly hierarchical.

Under Osedro's micromanagement.

The possibility of the demon army getting into chaos is almost zero!

The appearance of such a high degree of order in the demon army is simply a unique miracle!

Just when they were lining up their troops.

Ah Bing is still doing his best to harass the demons' major phalanxes.

But his efforts could only create a mild disturbance at best.

But as some abyss mages who controlled body-holding techniques and strong beam scrolls came from behind to replenish the army.

A Bing's actions were also restricted to a certain extent.


There is definitely nothing these mages can do against the soldiers.

Matthew restrained A Bing to be careful, just for the sake of safety.

Seven minutes after adjusting the battle formation.

The first batch of Brezu Demons roared excitedly and rushed to the forefront of the trench zone.

Their body type is very petite.

As soon as they rushed in, many fell into the pit.

But soon.

Those demons with flexible bodies and amazing bounce jumped out of the ditch!

They ran all the way south.

Not long after.

They met the bloated and tall figures standing up from the trench!

Those are the seven-headed demon abominations and the undead army led by Argus!

They blocked the only way for the Blazu Demon to charge.

On the battlefield.

Although it is not a narrow road, we will definitely meet each other!


The demon dog that rushed forward was slapped to the ground by the demon's hateful palm.

The demon dog's heavenly spirit cap was lifted on the spot, and sour green juice and thin brains flew to the ground.

But soon.

They were covered up by the corpses of other Brazu demons!


For a while.

The Brazu demons came like a tide and drowned the seven-headed demons in hatred.

Hate large and bloated bodies that seem very intimidating.

But on the frontal battlefield.

They are the most intuitive targets!

Although every demon has a strong combat power, there are simply too many Blazu Demons!

Less than a minute.

Then two demons fell down one after another. Their corpses were torn into pieces by the violent demons, and no intact organ or even muscle could be found at all!

After the abominations fell.

Facing the pressure is Argus and the undead cannon fodder army he leads.

The number of this group of undead is quite large.

But it was still not enough in front of the vast sea of ​​Brezu Demons.

Fortunately, the presence of abomination weakened the impact of the Blazu demon army.

When the two sides are fighting hand to hand.

Although many of the undead were shattered by a single touch, there were also many who became entangled with the enemy under the command of Argus.

The troops on both sides clashed together, and the demons and undead fought against each other.

The situation temporarily fell into chaos.

Matthew stared at the front battlefield intently, and soon he made a judgment in his heart:

"These cannon fodder can't resist for long..."

no way.

Compared to the strong and violent demons, the undead's physique is indeed too weak.

If there is no bonus from the ritual site.

The combat effectiveness of the undead army is a joke!

The current war situation between demons and undead is completely opposite to the war Matthew experienced in the sampan plane.

This shows the gold content of the Death Sky.

"Without the undead natural disaster, without the toughness appraisal and instant death judgment, without the support of negative energy smoke, the undead army really has no advantage against the armies of other races..."

Matthew pursed his lips slightly.

despite this.

He still won't easily cause undead natural disasters in the main material world.

It doesn't end well once it starts.

Secondly, it may also arouse the disgust of the will of the plane, including the resistance of the will of nature.

Unless the town of Rolling Stone really comes to a point of life and death...

"Extreme cold shooter, twenty-eight degrees northeast, free throw!"

"The first team of the Undertaker, heading northwest, aim at the cavalry demon troops and intercept them!"

On the swaying cemetery mountain.

White Ghost Ali began to issue specific combat plans based on Matthew's previous arrangements.

After the Brezu Demon rushed into the trench zone.

Matthew then lowered the flight altitude of the cemetery to make it more intimidating and make it easier for the undead on the cemetery to support ground troops.

The most effective support is of course the long-range attacks provided by Arctic Archer and Flamer.

According to Ali’s previous tests.

The pyromancers can throw 7 to 8 fireballs in succession within 10 minutes.

After this.

They need to rest for half an hour before throwing fireballs again, but the quality of the second round of fireballs will be weakened.

After this.

They still need half an hour's rest to recover from the loss of soul fire and magic power.

They will then be able to project the same number of fireballs as they did in the previous two rounds.

However, the power of the fireball in the third round is even weaker.

And after losing three rounds.

They must take a long rest of 6 hours before they can return to their peak form.

According to this characteristic.

Matthew divided more than two hundred cremators into several groups and ordered them to rest and attack alternately.

in a protracted war.

He asked Ali to ensure that at least one team of cremators was on duty at all times.

And like the current interception battle.

The instructions Matthew gave him were——

"Bomb all!"

"Be sure to stop those cavalry demons outside the trench belt!"

Matthew knew it very well.

The cavalry demons are the elite of the demon army, and the Brazu demons are just a bunch of cannon fodder.

Osedro's meticulous micro-management is to create enough stage for the cavalry demons to ensure that they can achieve good results with low losses.

Now that you've seen through this.

Of course Matthew can't do what the other party wants——

He deliberately let go of all the Brezu Demons at the forefront, and then put all the pressure of the cemetery drop and long-range strikes on the cavalry demon squad that was following behind!

Except for the fireballs of the Undertaker.

The extremely cold shooters who were also divided into several groups also started their own ultra-long-range projectiles on the mountainside!

Undead Naga's archery skills are excellent. The key is that they shoot ice arrows and undercurrent arrows with almost no damage!

Matthew just needs to provide them with ample water sources——

This is not a problem at all for a cemetery with nearly 10,000 coolie zombies!


Barrels of water that had been transported from Rolling Stone City were moved to the extreme cold shooter by the zombies one after another.

But when I saw the undead Naga reaching out and pinching the bucket, a water elemental bow and arrow quickly took shape.

Frostbolt is more effective at short range.

As for long-distance indiscriminate projectiles, the undercurrent arrows that Nagas are better at are more effective!

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

For a while.

There was a constant sound of strings in the cemetery, and the undercurrent arrows that were thrown out came to the heads of the cavalry demons like meteors.

Although undercurrent arrows do not have strong penetrating power like iron clustered bows and arrows.

But they have super inertia and deceleration effects that ordinary arrows do not have!


It was as if a basin of ice water had been poured on the armor of the Cavalry Demon.

Not only did their bodies become wet, but their natural armor also suffered varying degrees of wear and tear.

More seriously.

Being hit by an undercurrent arrow will bear a huge impact, and from certain angles it will be like being hit by a small trebuchet.

Two unlucky cavalry demons were hit in the head by undercurrent arrows and fainted on the spot. Then they were trampled several times by other demons who could not dodge, and they seemed to be in a state of uncertainty.

Except for the frontal battlefield where the cemetery is located.

The defense lines on the east and west wings are also facing threats from the frontal advance of the demon army.

Outside the oak forest.

The centaurs fired thousands of arrows, and the forest guards also transformed into trebuchets, inflicting long-range strikes on the approaching demons;

Near mossy green hills.

The Southern Magic Army controlled the Eye of Zhurong formation and lowered fire walls one after another——

Yu Qi cooperated with Matthew and strictly implemented the plan to isolate the cavalry demon army from the Blazu demon forward.

For a while.

There was frequent chaos on the battlefield on all sides.

Various methods were used, and although the effects varied, they more or less hindered the progress of the cavalry demons from entering the first half of the trench zone that was gradually filled by the Brezu demons.

"Well done."

Above the cemetery.

Matthew praised the Naga archers who were bending their bows and shooting arrows.

The effect of undercurrent arrows when thrown from a distance was beyond his imagination.

The stamina of the arctic archers is also much stronger than that of the firebreakers.

Matthew regretted not transforming more corpses in the Naga Cemetery!

"The cremator needs a special ceremonial ground, and may need Orolin's fireball, but the arctic archer does not need it. It seems that I must take the time to go to the Arun Inland Sea!"

Matthew's eyes were firm, and the eyes he looked at the extreme cold shooters became much gentler.

If nothing unexpected happens.

The extreme cold shooter is the high-level unit that he will vigorously cultivate and train next!

However, the arctic shooter is not the record holder for long-range kills in the cemetery.

The real life-seeking undead is now holding the emerald trade wind, constantly looking for a suitable shooting angle on the body of the cemetery——

Miss Zombie chooses different targets than ordinary arctic shooters.

She often targets high-level characters among the cavalry demons!

Thanks to its strong arm strength and the super range provided by the emerald trade wind.

Renesmee, one person and one bow, are equal to the weapons of ultra-long-range fixed-point sniping!


Another arrow was shot.

She used the most common white-feathered arrow, and the arrow accurately hit the right eye of a cavalry demon and penetrated through the back of his head.

The cavalry demon wailed and ran in the formation for a while.

Then he had no choice but to die!

Renesmee was neither arrogant nor arrogant. She just confirmed the death of the Cavalry Demon and then set her sights on the next target.

See this scene.

Matthew's heart was filled with relief, but he also felt a strange throbbing.

He could feel that Renesmee seemed a little different today than in the past.

She has a very lively temperament about her.

This is incompatible with the aura of the undead.

Of course, it is far from a living person.

"It's a bit like the aura when I poured XP or strengthened her before..."

Matthew thought thoughtfully.

In fact.

Renesmee was not the only undead person to give Matthew this feeling!

He counted them.

"Renesmee, Ali, Argus, the leader of the oozes... and an ordinary banshee."

"There are five cemetery units in total, four elite templates and one ordinary template."

"They all have a special kind of throbbing..."

that moment.

Matthew's perception stirred.

Immediately afterwards.

A realization arose in his heart:

"This feeling is too familiar, it's the smell of the realm..."

"The showdown between Rolling Stone City and the Army of the Abyss pushes us into a realm called war, which is intangible but everywhere."

"I am actually comprehending the field of war, and will soon reach the entry point, and the same goes for these five undead!"

"They resonate with the realm of war!"

Such thoughts flashed through Matthew's mind.

on the data column.

"Hint: You realize that you and the undead under your command are resonating with the realm of war.

You've been given a new mission "Learning at War!"

Learn in War: Every point of growth you gain in this war can provide double XP (war domain only).

These XP can be converted into related abilities in the field of war.

You can also infuse these XP into the body of the undead that resonates with it, so that it can gain more talents related to the field of war.

If you succeed in winning this battle.

You will receive a special ability "Training Contract" from the War Realm.

Training Contract: You can improve the cluster level of your army through daily training.

There are no race restrictions for army soldiers.

The only difference is that the swarm level of humanoid soldiers increases faster.

The group level of undead, constructs and other soldiers increases more slowly, but is also more stable."

“Sure enough, I’m about to realize a new realm.”

Matthew's eyes flashed with joy.

He was not happy because he was about to gain a new territory, but because he noticed the sign before the system prompted it and analyzed the general situation.

In comparison.

System tasks are more of an afterthought.

"This is the benefit of solidifying the equilibrium node..."

This realization flashed through Matthew's mind.


He returned his attention to the battlefield.

At the same time, Matthew also opened the attunement aura that can be used once a month.

Then list those five undead as key targets for enlightenment.

I hope they can grow more in this war!

A few minutes later.

Sif, who was in a hurry, rushed to the cemetery.


"You asked me for help?"

Before the girl could finish her words, Matthew grabbed her fair wrist and pulled her directly into the stone house next to her!


The small door of the stone house was closed.

In a small room with no windows on all sides.

Matthew hugged Sif's waist, and their chests were so close to each other that they could feel each other's heartbeat!

The girl's fragrance fills the mouth and nose, making people want to violate her.


Sif's voice was slightly trembling, as if she still didn't understand what happened.

In the dark.

She could only see a pair of eyes looking at him lovingly.

So she lowered her head and hummed:

"I'm ready!"

Matthew's cheerful voice came from the darkness:

"Is this ready?"

"That would be great!"

Sif's cheeks burned, and a trace of shyness that Matthew couldn't see flashed across her face, but the next second, she was pulled out of the dark room by Matthew!

"Is it exciting enough?"

"I need your help to release a hellfire. Just for a moment, release it when you hear my signal. Aim at the cavalry demon troops, okay?"

Matthew looked at the confused Sif eagerly.

At this time, he seemed to realize that he had made a mistake, so he asked apologetically:

"Well...if we need more stimulation, we can go back..."


Sif interrupted angrily:

"I feel so powerful now!"

"You better hurry up and tell me where to direct your anger!"

Matthew looked at her clenched fists and ran away without looking back!

Time is running out.

He found Yu Qi:

"Help me locate Ocedro!"

Yu Qi was a little confused:

"Although astrologers do have advantages in divination and tracking status."

"But the opponent is a legendary mage. If he can avoid revealing his flaws, it will be difficult for me to capture his position."

Matthew said calmly:

"I will create opportunities for you to track."

"Have you seen the changes in the march, formation, advance and retreat of those legions?"

"Such a neat and orderly change cannot possibly be coordinated by those great demon warlords who can't stand each other."

"The only explanation is that every step of the demon army's micro-management is controlled by Osedro behind the scenes. To achieve this, two conditions are indispensable - a global vision and a relatively central location."

"I guess Ocedro is hiding in a certain legion of the first echelon. Only in this way can he obtain enough information as soon as possible. Not to mention the delay in the information obtained by the magic vision, it cannot be compared to the information recognized by the naked eye.

, an old fox like Osedro cannot completely believe in information spells that may be distorted or tampered with!"

Yu Qi frowned and thought for a few seconds.

Then he gritted his teeth and said:


"I'll help you this time."

"But you have to think clearly, that is an out-and-out legendary mage. Although the creatures of the abyss will be punished by the material world, Osedro may be at his weakest now, but a legend is a legend after all. He and you met before

Every enemy you encounter is different..."

Regarding this.

Matthew just smiled faintly:

“You have to try to find out.”

"The legendary mage is, after all, a mage."

Yu Qi said nothing.

He returned to the cabin, took out a precious yellowed fragment and said:

"This is the remaining material from the Eastern Continent's mythical monster Xuanwu. I only have this last bit left in my hands."

"Hopefully we can find our enemy."

After receiving Yu Qi's promise, Matthew immediately returned to the cemetery and said to Sif, who was standing there like an iceberg:

"It's ready to burn!"

However, Sif turned around with a straight face and said coldly:

"Feel sorry."

"I can't help it, it's already burning!"

Matthew looked into the distance in astonishment——

But in the northern sky and earth, the familiar sky of flowing fire appeared again. Under the sky, black flames wrapped around the bodies of the demons like snakes, devouring their lives!

The intensity of Sif's hellfire is far greater than the strikes of the Flamer or the Ice Archer.

The cavalry demon squad that was hit head-on was almost completely wiped out.

The teams next to and behind also had to temporarily change their routes due to the sky of fire and the remaining flames.

Matthew knows.

Osedro, who likes micromanaging so much, would never let go of such an opportunity to mobilize his troops.

Whether it's a spell signal or a verbal command, now is the time when Osedro is most likely to reveal his flaws!

Ma Xiu wanted to remind Yu Qi that he could start divination.

However, yellow smoke suddenly appeared on the magic ship!

Immediately afterwards.

Yu Qi's excited voice came from inside:

"found it!"

"I found it--"

"Matthew, follow the direction of the starlight, you have three minutes, hurry up!"

Matthew looked up.

Sure enough, there is a starlight that is very faint in vision but very bright in perception from the sky!

Where the stars focus.

Astonishingly, it was an area in the second half of the Third Legion that was crowded with ordinary demons!

Matthew looked again.

"It's an illusion!"

"There aren't that many demons out there!"

"I see you, Osedro!"

next moment.

The huge cemetery suddenly flew forward, and the negative energy power was adjusted to the highest gear like never before.

Boom boom boom!

The high-speed flight in the cemetery caused severe air turbulence, which suddenly made everyone look up in shock.

This scene also fell in Osedro's eyes.

He looked at the stars on his body and realized that he was exposed:

"Stop him!"

"let's go!"

Immediately, several big demons flew high into the sky and rushed towards the cemetery.

But the next second.

The figures that had just flown up were knocked down by a huge black shadow!


The cemetery has not been established.

It was just a behemoth swooping down from the top of the cemetery. There was no glide or feather fall. Philoleus, who had just recovered from his weakness, just smashed his body straight into the formation of the demon army!


Countless demons were smashed to death on the spot, and nearby soldiers were also thrown off their feet.

Osedro's pupils shrank.

Others' attention was only attracted by the comeback of the Steel Bone Dragon.

But what he cares more about is the man standing above the bone dragon!

"This guy is truly a legend!"

"How dare you challenge me, a legendary mage, if you are not a legend!?"

Such thoughts flashed through Osedro's mind.


The distance between the two sides is only a few hundred meters.

At the same time, he ordered all the personal guards to step forward to intercept Matthew and Bone Dragon.

the other side.

He directly tore into pieces the scroll hanging on his chest.


Osedro's figure disappeared from the spot.

Then he appeared at the junction of the first echelon and the second echelon five hundred meters later.

Looking at the bone dragon being besieged by all the demons.

Osedro breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second.

The jasper wristband on his right hand suddenly became bright and hot——

That's a warning that a malicious unit is approaching!

Osedro's nerves became frayed again.

But his thinking remains calm:

"It must be the skeleton assassin who was lurking nearby!"

"No need to be nervous..."

Osedro flicked the jewel on his belt.

next moment.

Three consecutive frost-attributed resistance auras shot out from his body in all directions!

Wherever the aura goes.

All invisible units will lose their ability to sneak or hide.

as expected.

The skeleton assassin who came and went without a trace was no exception——

He appeared directly fifty meters to the right of Osedro, with fragments of ice still hanging on his body!

A cold smile appeared on Osedro's face.

It is different from ordinary legendary mage.

The thing he's least afraid of is the legendary assassin!

"What kind of legendary assassin have I not seen in the abyss?"

He sneered and opened a random door.

The other end of the door opened two hundred meters away, where the second echelon of elite demons were coming after hearing the news.

"It's just this distance, do you want to follow me?"

He suddenly shouted to A Bing, who seemed to be moving slowly.

The next second.

A Bing disappeared where he was.

Osedro stepped on the corner of the portal, but the assassin who jumped out of his shadow seemed to predict his movements——

Ah Bing stepped onto the portal one step ahead of him!

But at this moment.

Osedro's foot on the portal suddenly turned into nothingness.

It disappeared together with the foot.

And that random door two hundred meters away!

He looked at A Bing who was about to be teleported with a sneer on his face and said:

"Undead creatures really don't have any brains."

"Welcome to the abyss..."

But before he finished speaking, his voice condensed in his throat.

Because it was at that moment.

Osedro was horrified to find that a human being emerged from the body of the skeleton assassin!


The Skeleton Assassin was sent into the abyss by his random door trap.

But that human stood in front of him with a smile and a close face!

That is……


Ocedro wants to use an emergency spell.

Unfortunately it's too late.

A lavender light ball opened on Matthew's body——

"Spell invalidation barrier"!

Between breaths.

Osedro's eyes suddenly protruded.

He saw Matthew holding a shovel in his hand!

That's too late……


This chapter has been completed!
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