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Chapter 90 This is a gift from Sif!


Laila's body is undergoing a shocking change.

Originally, after suffering the fire of divine punishment, all the hair on her body was completely burned, at least 2/3 of her body surface was severely burned, and the organs in her body were constantly failing.

Her right hand was burned to the tip of her upper arm.

Both legs below the ankles were also burned.

Laila was undoubtedly unlucky. She failed to notice the anomaly at the altar and was struck head-on by the fire of divine punishment. There was also a lack of high-level priests at the scene to dispel it for her.

But she is also lucky.

The first time the Fire of God's Punishment took hold of her, there happened to be a powerful monk beside her. Li Weiqi had been using Qi to protect her key organs and reduce the damage of the Purple Fire, otherwise she would never have had the chance to recite the part of "Oathbreaker"

's prayer.

Afterwards, Matthew and others successfully blew up the altar, which directly saved her life.

If the normal process continues, even if Laila wakes up, she will still be in a highly disabled state.

But just as she was dying.

A monster lurks in the shadows reaches out to her.

"Creation of Twilight".

In the ancient myths woven by the gods.

Creatures of Twilight are a group of monsters who were born at the same time as the gods in the Age of Enlightenment. They come from outside the sky, and their bodies breed all kinds of evil, distortion and weirdness that mortals cannot imagine.

In the process of fighting with them, the gods discovered that they possess powerful divinity and are difficult to kill.

Finally, after paying a heavy price, the gods defeated the thirteen twilight creatures and sealed them all over the world.

However, as far as Matthew knows.

Twilight Creation actually doesn't care about being sealed.

They feel that this is just a new residence for their physical bodies.

Their spiritual tentacles can still penetrate the seal and contact all kinds of people around the world.

Therefore, during the first few hundred years of being sealed.

The Creatures of Twilight have always been committed to spreading their unique distortions in the world.

Within the Seven Saints Alliance, there is a saying:

This theory holds that dusk creations are the ultimate weapons created by an extremely advanced magical civilization, and the meaning of their existence is to destroy the world.

But the world cannot be destroyed casually.

Even if it is a creation at dusk, its destruction must follow the basic laws of the rise and fall of planes.

They must wait patiently for the world of Irondor to develop to its supreme peak, and then slowly embark on an irreversible downhill road before they can seize the opportunity to destroy the world.

This statement even puts forward a more radical conjecture:

That is, the power of Twilight Creation comes entirely from the ever-expanding dark side of the gods.

The reason why the natural disaster mage carries out the "Tianlun Palace Ascension" is to curb the power of the gods and the potential of the development of dusk creation, thereby slowing down the speed of the world's destruction.

And from the perspective of historical development.

After the gods were banished, the Twilight Creation's influence on the material world also decreased sharply.

Apart from this, there is no direct evidence to prove the correctness of this conjecture.

When Ronan introduced this conjecture to Matthew, he frankly admitted that this conjecture was suspected of pouring dirty water on the gods.

I'm afraid only the natural disaster mage himself knows the specific truth.

No matter what, Twilight Creation has always been synonymous with danger and distortion.

Matthew watched Laila's body warily.

Power from the depths of the shadow world is repairing her body.

Her pitch-black skin was burned clean by the divine fire, leaving only a red and white flesh film.

Now the bloody parts have been filled in with shadows, including the half of the breast that was cut off.

A small patch of short hair grew on her scalp, which looked a bit sharp.

After the transformation, Laila looks like a drow with severe albinism. Her skin is a mixture of black and white, which looks extremely dazzling regardless of the black and white background.

"I know Gai Lan."

Li Weiqi rarely said in a serious tone:

"He is deeply supported by the evil monks in the Far East. In recent years, even in Irondor itself, I have seen many monks who worship Galan."

"He gave them the power to twist their oaths, allowing them to gain far more powerful and evil power than ordinary monks by twisting their commandments."

Rhaegar looked at him directly after hearing this:

"Twisted oaths? Like eating turtles?"

Li Weiqi smiled bitterly and said:

"Not like me, they are truly twisted!

Monks who worship Gai Lan, they can twist "lust and caution" into "indulgence and lust".

They play and sing every night and cannot do without their women every day.

But if you don't follow this twisted commandment, you will suffer terrible backlash.

Many evil monks just couldn't control their inner desires at first, but later became slaves of desires.

There was also a monk who worshiped Gai Lan who confessed to me before he died. He said that in fact, later on, he didn’t want to be near women at all, and even felt like vomiting when he saw a woman.

But there was no way, the twisted vows forced him to indulge in joy, so he could only bite the bullet and repeat the boring vows day after day.

Do you know how he died in the end?

Because he resisted the twisted vows deep down in his heart, he actually lost his "transcendental body" as a warrior monk.

And while he was behaving numbly day after day, he accidentally contracted a strange flower disease. In the end, he suddenly became seriously ill and died suddenly!

Monk died of disease?

Can you believe it?

Of course, I think this may also be because Gai Lan was dissatisfied with his obedience, and finally punished him.

And here is this monk as an example.

The other evil monks didn't dare to neglect him anymore.

Some of them drank like crazy, some became murderous and turned into demons, and some indulged in lust and completely became slaves who twisted the commandments.

Look at me, although I am also bound by the precepts, it doesn't hurt if I break the precepts occasionally.

Although many people turn to evil gods or creatures of dusk when they are desperate, they may also understand in their hearts that they are just drinking poison to quench their thirst, and what they get now will have to be paid back sooner or later in the future."

After saying this, Li Weiqi looked at Laila with some compassion and sighed softly.

At this time, the shadow on Laila's body gradually receded.

The force that hung her in the air gradually became relieved.

Ten seconds later.

She opened her eyes and murmured:

"I seem to have regained my life?"

It's just that she doesn't seem to be very happy about this new life.

"Thank you guys for saving me."

She adjusted her body on the spot, then caught the clothes Matthew threw and quickly put them on.

"What happened to you while you were unconscious?"

Matthew asked.

Laila's condition doesn't look too bad, at least she's sane.

"Shadows, endless shadows. At the bottom of the darkness, there was a voice that promised me rebirth. I was already unconscious at the time. That voice was like a life-saving straw for a drowning person. I had no other choice.


Laila whispered.

Matthew comforted:

"No one here will blame you for your choice. In that situation, anyone would do something to survive."

Laila glanced at him gratefully.

Li Weiqi asked seriously:

"So Galan reshaped your body. Did he ask you to do anything?"

Laila hesitated for a moment, seeming to be thinking.

"Yes, He said three things to me."

"The first sentence is that He wants me to be His eyes. He promises not to hurt me or affect the people around me. He just wants to see the current world."

Hearing this, Li Weiqi and Matthew shook their heads subconsciously.

Neither of them believed Gai Lan's lies.

"What about the second sentence?"

Li Weiqi asked.

"In the second sentence, his original words were, "Ask the monk next to you if he is interested in joining my shadow sect. I can help him advance to legend. If he wants to bargain, you can let him do whatever he wants.

If you put forward conditions, I will appropriately relax the requirements on the precepts." This sentence seems to be telling you."

Laila looked at Li Weiqi with a strange expression.

Li Weiqi chuckled:

"Then I'd better choose Panlong."

"What about the third sentence?"

Matthew asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, Laila's expression became even weirder. She turned to look at Matthew:

"The third sentence is - help me ask the necromancer next to you if he is interested in joining my shadow army.

As long as he nods, I will help him become the new God of Shadows and ascend to the supreme throne of shadows!

Let him not care about sectarian opinions. It is also common for necromancers to work part-time as shadow mages;

I also told him not to worry about camp issues. People in the world always misunderstand me. I am actually a very talkative person.

Among all the creatures of dusk, I am the kindest one. This is a recognized fact. If you don’t believe me, you can ask him to find out.”

After speaking, she paused:

"This sentence must be for you, Matthew."

Matthew rolled his eyes and declined with a smile:

"Forget about the Shadow Throne, let Mr. Galan hire someone else."

At this time Rhaegar interrupted dissatisfiedly:

"What happened to Gai Lan? Didn't He ask the rest of us? You didn't ask Him what conditions He could give me to recruit me?"

Laila answered honestly:

"No, he doesn't seem to notice your presence."

Rhaegar was furious and wanted to draw his sword.

I was persuaded by Li Weiqi's good words:

"The shadow world is not a fun place. Gai Lan is sealed in the shadow world. Don't listen to his bragging. Besides, the monsters in the shadow world appear and disappear very quickly. If you pass by, you probably won't have time to wipe them away.

Sword oil, your life is gone."

These words made Lei Jia glare with anger.

When Matthew saw that Laila was in good health, he advised her to take a rest. She had just been reborn, and she was very exhausted both mentally and physically.

Laila did not refuse. She took the biscuits and water from Matthew's hand and found a place to take a nap after eating.

Li Weiqi said that he also needed to meditate and rest, but in fact he sat next to Laila, with a vague intention of warning and keeping an eye on her.

This was exactly what Matthew wanted.

He also did not completely let go of his vigilance towards Gai Lan.

"But if what Laila said is true, then Gai Lan was actually attracted to me and Li Weiqi, and saving her was just a way of doing it?"

This is not good news.

Matthew is already receiving a little too much attention from high-status beings.

The most terrifying thing about this thing is that it will show a snowball effect——

It's almost like a god staring at a mortal.

Another god came over:

"What are you looking at? Let me look at it too?"

So next, various evil spirits, purgatory lords, dusk creations, etc. may come to join in the fun.

Matthew felt extremely stressed when he thought about that scene.

He is just a third-level mage.

"My exposure has been a bit high recently. I will try my best to keep a low profile in front of these big guys in the future."

Unexpectedly, he just thought this.

A line of information flashed before his eyes.

"Tip: You and your team destroyed the altar of "The Great Evil Trier (Land of the Ancients)" in the form of a big explosion.

A nearby fungus tribe and a snot dragon (a fairy/spirit) hiding in a pile of stalactites witnessed the whole process.

It is expected that in the near future, the story of "The Demolition Team Fights Evil Demons" will be widely spread in the Underdark and the Fairyland.

The regional legend of your team (Underdark Area/Peach Spiritual Realm) +1;

Your tribe’s favorability (bacteria tribe +1/snot dragon tribe +1);

The hatred of Trier (God of Midnight) is +20!

Dusk Creation Gai Lan has paid attention to you!

Dusk Creation Bruchy has paid attention to you!

The Queen of Midnight (Arcane Wilderness/Fairy Suzerain) has paid attention to you!"

"What do you mean? In Ain, do bad things happen and good things spread thousands of miles?"

Matthew couldn't laugh or cry.

He stood up and looked around. There were ruins and rocks everywhere. Where were the traces of the fungus tribe and the snot dragon?

Why do people always see you when you do good deeds wherever you go?

It doesn’t matter if it is seen, it must be spread out to be satisfying, right?

What made his scalp numb the most was the last wave of attention.

Two dusk creations and a goblin lord of the same level were most likely attracted by him to destroy the altar of the Midnight God.

Only then did Matthew realize how reckless it was to destroy an altar to a god!

This not only represents the hatred of the person involved, but also means that he will be focused on by other big brothers and sisters of the same position!

"Gailan has already met. Bruchi's reputation is not good. I don't know which field he belongs to. And the Queen of Midnight is most likely the sworn enemy of the God of Midnight. Their fields almost overlap. In Tianlun Palace,

In the context of Shengque, the power that the Goblin Sect Master can show may be stronger than that of the True God."

Matthew learned from the pain and once the Dragon Cult matter was resolved, he returned to Rolling Stone Town to plant trees in peace and quiet.

If he doesn't become a legend, he will never come out to cause trouble again!


He directed the horned demon zombies to speed up the cleanup of the rockfall.

Not long after.

Rhaegar came over:

"I just checked the original road. Although it seems to be severely blocked by falling rocks, it is actually not that serious."

Matthew's tooth ached.

He originally wanted to ask Rhaegar whether he was great or not, but the words came to his lips like:

"Then I'll go take a look."

"According to my experience, for a landslide of this magnitude, as long as you have tools, it is easy to dig a passage. However, you must always be careful when digging to avoid secondary landslides."

This time the lord finally spoke human words:

"My suggestion is to dig back the way you came. You happen to have the manpower, and I happen to have the tools."


He took out a dozen shovels from his storage ring.

Matthew's eyelids twitched and he couldn't help but ask:

"How big is your storage ring?"

Rhaegar gestured with three fingers casually.

"30 cubic meters?"

Matthew was extremely envious.

"Three cubes!"

Rhaegar said proudly:

"This is a gift that Xifu gave me last year. It was bought with her own savings, haha, but I secretly gave the money back to her afterwards."

"After all, she is not yet an adult. I plan to let her keep the pocket money for herself and use it as a dowry in the future."

"Where's your luggage? It looks good. How big is it?"

When Matthew heard this, he touched his super version of the magic bag with some guilt, and then weakly pointed out a finger.

Rhaegar smiled and patted his shoulder:

"One cubic meter is not bad, at least you earned it through your own efforts."

"You are still young and you will get better in the future."

Say it.

Rhaegar dropped the shovel and walked away with great satisfaction like a victorious cock.

Matthew was left alone facing the pile of falling rocks, silently enduring the torment of a thief.

Three hours later.

The clanging noise finally came to an end.

The horned devil zombies successfully removed the pile of fallen rocks, and the road to the surface was opened in front of everyone.

After Matthew finished this high-quality short rest, his mental strength and mana have been greatly restored, and he is fully able to continue fighting.

The others, including Laila, have almost recovered.

Everyone did not stop and went straight to the surface exit.

Along the way.

Laila took the initiative to tell Matthew the information she had learned:

"Blinken is weak right now, there's no doubt about it.

He has been collecting the Book of Blasphemy, and according to Edson, he wants to use that book to defile a tomb in exchange for incredible power.

That is a kind of power that can transcend life and death.

I overheard it in their private conversation before the transaction."

Matthew looked solemn when he heard this.

The power beyond life and death?

So Blinken already knows that it is the tomb of King Mingtan?

No wonder his previous negotiation rhetoric was ineffective.

But why is it at this time?

Matthew asked:

"In addition to receiving the task of building an altar, does the Natural Disaster Religion have other actions?"

"For example, coming to the rainforest or something?"

Laila shook her head decisively:

"Probably not. The number of people in the Calamity Cult is not as large as you think. After these two attacks, the southern branch will basically be demolished and rebuilt."

"I can confirm that no one from the Scourge Order went to the surface during this period."

Matthew felt strange.

I went to Dalong Lake that day and saw a group of natural disaster cultists and a group of sand bandits fighting.

Thinking of the Wind Sand Bandits, Matthew suddenly realized that apart from appearing frequently in the rain forest at the beginning, this group almost never appeared again.

He asked Su Ya.

Even the Soul of the Rainforest could not find any trace of these people.

There isn't one in the dungeon either.

This shows that they have most likely exited the rainforest.

"Someone is stirring up trouble in the back!"

Matthew has a sharp mind and quickly sketched out an almost complete blueprint of events in his mind.

There are just some pieces that still need to be filled.

But now is not the time to think about this.

The Dragon Worship Cult is the number one enemy of the rainforest.

They must seize the moment when Blinken is weak and attack the Dragon Cult!

After leaving the surface.

The group picked up Xiu Yi, who had regained his mobility.

With Su Ya's permission.

Matthew led everyone to complete the long-distance teleportation in the rain forest through the node of Black Banyan Dream.

Just thirty minutes.

They arrived from the middle of the rain forest to the southwest.

At the edge of the rainforest.

The outlines of factories resembling lumberyards are vaguely visible.

Outside the factory were piles of large, felled trees.

And inside it was brightly lit.

Matthew looked at the sky.

It's almost midnight now.

He turned into a raven and flew over the factory, and found that there were a large number of Dragon Worshipers working all night inside!

But I saw them constantly going in and out of a huge building.

Every Dragon Worshiper who came out was holding a round egg in his arms!

"That's...a dragon egg?"

Matthew wanted to get closer and take a closer look.

Who knew it would be at this moment.

A sharp arrow tore through the air and flew past Matthew's feathers!

"Get away, this is not a place where druids can take care of things."

On a high platform.

A half-elf archer wearing tight leather armor warned coldly.

"Xiaoyi, you are always so kind and soft-hearted. If I could shoot as accurately as you, this druid might have become my new favorite."

In the factory building under the high platform.

A cunning necromancer came out holding a staff.

Behind him was a huge monster.

Matthew narrowed his eyes.

That's a...

Bone dragon!

"Hint: You discovered the "Dragon Breeding Farm" (Dragon Worshiping Base).

You encountered the half-elf archer Irasema (LV16)!

You encountered the Necromancer Zhannings (LV14) and his Bone Dragon (LV14)!"

This chapter has been completed!
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