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Chapter 94 The Truth


When the pair of long and backward-looking dragon horns on the dragon's head appeared in Matthew's field of vision, his first reaction was to be surprised:

"Red Dragon?"

No, that's not right.

Soon, he realized that the dragon in front of him was far from the real red dragon.

The horns of his head resembled a red dragon, but below the neck, his appearance changed dramatically. Under the fine and rough scales, this guy's bloated, short and swollen neck almost blended into his fat body.

It is not difficult to see through the cracks in the collapsed building.

This dragon is almost fat and turned into a flat ball of flesh!

His weak forelimbs were completely buried in the fat pile on his chest, while his hind limbs were hidden in the building, making it hard to see clearly.

Matthew calmed down instantly.

This is a standard sub-dragon, with at least 1/4 red dragon bloodline. Judging from the appearance, it is most likely a sub-dragon hybrid between a red dragon and an earth dragon.

That is, a real earth fire dragon.

Although this kind of monster should not be underestimated, it is far inferior to a real dragon.

After the dragon roars.

A large number of rainforest creatures were frightened away.

The head of the fire dragon hung limply on the wooden shelf that was the only remaining fruit.

His gilded vertical pupils stared at Matthew and his group.

Immediately afterwards.

A very majestic voice sounded in everyone's ears:


"Help me!"

Matthew looked back at Bai.

The goblin warlock shrugged:

"They never let me enter this place. They only said it was a secret place. But I heard Blinken mention that he caught a fire dragon and put it inside for breeding purposes."


Matthew looked at the fat fire dragon again.

The latter cried out with tears in his eyes:

"That's right, Blinken, that damned necromancer, locked me up in the desert for five years. Five years. Do you know how I got here? Every day when I open my eyes, I eat, mate, and eat.

Breeding, he’s driving me crazy!”

"Don't think I'm fat. In fact, I wasn't fat at all before. I'm flexible. It's really because of Blinken's conspiracy and the pressure of breeding in recent years that I didn't manage my body shape well and turned into the ghost I am now.


"It's all the fault of that beast Blinken! Well, if you brave men can show up here, that bastard Blinken must have been eliminated by you, right?"

Matthew looked at him curiously:

"You speak the common language very fluently."


Earth Fire Dragon responded politely:

"My name is Alutelen. My grandfather is a powerful red dragon. My father is not that good. He is just an earth fire dragon who only knows how to fight and be in heat. Fortunately, my mother, who is a goblin, is smart enough.

She saved my bloodline in time, and she made me more intelligent and charming—in fact, after I lose weight, you will find that I am not bad looking."

As he said that, Aru stretched out five paws and wanted to scratch his chin.

As a result, he was too fat and couldn't reach it with his claws. Aru was scurrying around anxiously. In the end, Matthew accurately fired five arcane missiles to relieve his urgent need.

Matthew turned back and discussed with the team for a while. Everyone felt that this earth fire dragon was not a threat, so they planned to enter the central tower to check the situation, and then decide based on the results whether to release this dragon with mixed blood and high intelligence.

Although part of the tower collapsed, the remaining parts are still strong.

Matthew and others walked in cautiously.

They discovered the fatter lower body of the Earth Fire Dragon Aru in the tower. His belly and butt almost occupied 2/3 of the space inside the tower. The remaining feet, tail and short wings could only be retracted as much as possible.

Bunched under the belly and on the sides, it really looks no different from a ball.

There are more than 30 thick iron chains pierced through Arutrun's body.

There are also magic spells affixed to these iron chains.

"Are these spells used to restrict your actions?"

Matthew asked.

"No, part of it is used to assist me in moving. As you can see, I am too fat now. I can't even turn over on my own strength."

Despite being locked up as a breeding tool for five years, Aru still looks optimistic:

"And the other part, uh, is the one stuck on my belly and tail. Please help me get rid of it. It's used to aphrodisiac."

"Damn Blinken, you can't imagine what he did to me!"

While Matthew and his companions were checking the situation in the tower, he was chatting with Alu:

"How did you get caught by him?"

Arulent complained:

"At first, I lived in the depths of the Underdark without any worries. Unfortunately, one day the little black dragon in the Frozen City went crazy and wanted to double the tribute from all the creature nests around us. At that time, I couldn't even support myself.

Difficulty, what should I pay tribute to?

I had no choice but to move toward the surface three times.

Not long after my last move, I met Blinken.

At the beginning, he pretended to be very good. Seeing that I had a big appetite, he kept tempting me with large amounts of cattle and sheep blood.

I couldn't resist his temptation, and the more I ate, the more I gained weight, and we became good friends.

In about half a year, I went from a healthy and handsome young man to a round meat ball.

At this time, Blinken finally showed his ugly face. He forced me to breed for him. Of course I was unwilling. But at that time, I completely lost my fighting ability because I was too fat. I was killed by him in a few rounds.


After that, I was imprisoned in the territory of the Dragon Worship Cult and tortured by them day and night.

I really regretted it all these years.

If I had taken one less bite, would I have been able to run faster and finally escape from the clutches of that damned necromancer?


His tone was full of regret.

Matthew smiled and asked curiously:

“What animal did Blinken ask you to breed with?”

"Oh, there are so many. At the beginning, I tried mammoths, rhinoceroses, crocodiles, giant camels... I was quite happy at that time. I felt that even though I was fooled, my life was not that bad.

It was bad, but soon, my nightmare came. One day, he brought back two extremely terrifying creatures. A few days later, he told me that from now on, I would have to keep breeding with those creatures.

It really pissed me off at the time!”

"If that's the case, forget it. What's even more hateful is that they are always asking for more. Sometimes I feel that what they squeeze out is the fat on my body, but I haven't lost any weight at all. This is so hateful!"

Aru complained.

"Anyway, I don't want to mention the name of that disgusting creature at all. Anyway, you will see it soon."

What Alu said is true.

Not long after.

In a large number of giant cages at the bottom of the tower, the group saw ugly creatures with eight legs, short fine hair and densely packed compound eyes.

"Breast-Breasting Spider (LV11/Giant Creature/Ancient Creature): Good at participating in the reproduction and birth of any species. Most of the children born by it inherit the ability and form of the father's line; the reproductive methods of the children born by it are also inherited according to the father's line."

With just one glance, Matthew understood why the Earth Fire Dragon driven by the Dragon Cult was more like a spider in size.

"It's actually the product of large-scale crossbreeding between Earth Fire Dragon and Spider."

Matthew can basically conclude.

Blinken used the technology he mastered to continuously squeeze the reproductive potential of Aru and milk-breeding spiders, thus obtaining a large number of cheap and low-quality dragon eggs.

After these dragon eggs were quickly ripened and hatched, most of the young dragons were reduced to dragon mountain ashes in the black pit.

Blinken collected a large amount of this material, and if he just prepared for the Dracolich transformation ceremony, he could mass-produce hundreds of Dracolichs.

There must be other uses for this thing.

Those baby dragons that are lucky enough to survive in the pit are eligible to become members of the Dragon Cult, and they will be raised and tamed by specialized dragon trainers so that they can be driven by the Dragon Cult when they burn, kill, and plunder.

Although those earth fire dragons are not worth mentioning with the cooperation of Matthew and Bobo, they are still very difficult for ordinary adventure teams to deal with.

What's more, the targets of the Dragon Worship Cult are usually ordinary people.

"Judging from the number of dragon eggs in the dragon breeding farm, although it was just built not long ago, it is indeed prepared for a protracted war. But I don't know what happened later, which made Blinken completely give up.

With this thought, he simply abandoned the dragon breeding farm, and then disappeared."

Matthew walks outside a breeding spider's cage.

These spiders look dull and unresponsive, as if they are natural fertility machines.

"They don't seem very smart, and they even lack biological instincts."

Matthew asked doubtfully.

"That's right, so it's not interesting at all to be a breeding partner——

I mean, "breast-breeding spiders" are indeed not normal creatures. When Blinken introduced them to me, he proudly said that he got this creature from a big shot in the Seven Saints Alliance.

If you ask me, this must be another ghost thing made by some mage in the laboratory!

It is impossible for nature to give birth to such a pure machine."

Aru said so.

At this time, Li Weiqi, who had also been checking beside the cage for a long time, said to Matthew seriously:

"He is right. Breastfeeding spiders are not natural creatures, at least not the creatures that should exist in nature today. I sensed an uncoordinated "qi" in it, which means that it has traces of artificial synthesis."

"Not the current creature? What do you mean?"

Matthew didn't know why.

"It is the product of ancient creatures that were resurrected using magic, but magic can often only revive a small number of characteristics of ancient creatures. This flaw often produces many fatal sequelae."

Li Weiqi looked at Xiu Yi, who was weak:

"I heard that the Alliance of Seven Saints has conducted several rounds of "revival of ancient mythical creatures" experiments. Are there any such spiders among them?"

When Xiu Yi heard this, he spread his hands:

"I'm just a non-staff person responsible for running errands. I will do whatever the masters ask me to do. Even if such a project exists, it is not my turn to know about it."

Matthew's heart moved.

He had heard about this project from Talling 177.


Everyone quickly checked and counted the supplies in the tower.

Except that Matthew found a jar that was suspected to have contained a large amount of Longshan ash in the storage room and had just been taken away.

The rest of the things are basically in line with everyone's understanding of the Dragon Worship Cult.

These more than thirty breast-breeding spiders have high magical scientific research value. Matthew originally planned to transport them all back to Rolling Stone Town, but unfortunately Arutrun told him that these spiders must be fed Blinken's mana and blood regularly in order to survive.

Blinken has not returned for several days, and the lives of many spiders are showing signs of decline, and they will all die soon.

This made Matthew very sad.

At the moment, he can only continue to let these spiders stay in the iron cage, and then take away the bodies after they die, which can at least be used as materials for subsequent summoning of advanced undead creatures "Hades Spider" or "Frost Death Spider".

The work to free Arulente was long and laborious.

Fortunately, Lumiere called a large number of Jango people.

Even so, with the combined efforts of many people, it would take several hours to remove an iron chain running through the Earth Fire Dragon's body.

Fortunately, Arulente is very patient.

The Jango people here are still unloading the iron chains on him, but there are already snoring sounds near the head of the fire dragon over there.

It seems that what he said about being broad-minded and fat-bodied is true.

After leaving the tower.

Matthew checked several other buildings in the breeding farm.

After collecting all the things that should be collected.


Destroying the dragon breeding farm is just a matter of setting fire to it.

In the afternoon, the entire dragon breeding farm except for the central tower had been demolished.

After Aru successfully escapes, this place will also be burned to the ground.

From now on, the Dragon Cult's threat to the rainforest will be temporarily lifted.

Matthew, Rega, and Li Weiqi discussed for a while and jointly decided on a plan to deal with the cultists' captives.

After breaking through the dragon breeding farm, there were about twenty dragon cultists who fell into their hands, including three high-level officials: the necromancer Porter, the dragon-blooded warrior Kumbo Totela, and the elf warlock Bai.

Based on Xiu Yi's recommendation, Matthew planned to send all these people to the "Heisuo Mountain Fortress".

It is where the Seven Saints Alliance judges and imprisons prisoners.

The reason for making this choice was partly because Xiu Yi said that although he could not contact the alliance headquarters, he could contact the "Heso Mountain Fortress" just to the west of the desert.

According to the practice of the alliance headquarters, if these cultists are caught, they will be sent directly to Heishou Mountain or similar institutions. This is in line with official procedures.

On the other hand, it is because the Alliance of Seven Saints has offered high-priced bounties to members of the Dragon Worship Cult.

For Dragon Tooth level members, the bounty reward for being captured alive is usually between 2,000 and 2,500 gold coins!

And if you kill a dragon tooth, you can only receive about 500.

An ordinary Dragon Worshiper will be rewarded approximately 50 gold coins each.

Even out of profit and value considerations, they do not intend to kill these people directly.

Matthew estimated that these prisoners could provide them with a bounty of about 7,500 to 9,000.

This bounty is almost as good as the magic crystal they got in the dungeon!

The only hiccup is...

When checking the list of prisoners, Xiu Yi said that the existence of the goblin warlock Bai was embarrassing because she had only recently joined and the alliance did not offer a reward for her. If she was to be transferred to prison, she could only be treated as an ordinary cultist.


At this time, Bai said very politely that she was willing to pay the ransom herself.

Matthew was a little moved, but after thinking about it carefully, he finally decided to hand over the goblin warlock to the Seven Saints Alliance.

However, he proposed another way.

The next few days.

The group of people all lived in the central tower.

Those empty iron cages also became temporary cells for the Dragon Worshipers.

While they were rescuing Arutrun, they were waiting for the field staff from Mount Hesso Prison.

At the same time, they are also secretly preparing for Blinken, who may still appear.

Very quickly, two days passed.

Since the rebellion was about to expire, Matthew transformed the zombie lady and the bone dragon into his own summons.

The difference is that the former is just an ordinary summon. Even after the conversion ceremony, she still did not get the bonus of Silver Moon Zombie, which made Matthew feel a bit regretful.

The latter occupied a contract slot and became Matthew's fifth undead contract.

However, compared with Philoleus, this skull dragon is average in appearance and has poor attributes. Xiao Fei can beat two of them with one person.

After Matthew signed the contract, he threw it to the negative energy plane and let it pick up the bones.

But it doesn't really matter whether this skull dragon is powerful or not.

Its existence itself is of greatest significance to Matthew.


The task of expelling the Dragon Worshipers that I received in the Black Banyan Dream was also shown to have been completed.

Maybe it's because Matthew's subsequent killings weren't very brutal.

In the end, I only got three more Druid spells.

"Beast Sense: You touch a willing beast. When the spell is in effect, you directly feel the senses of the subject beast, including its special senses, but at this time your body is considered to be in a state equivalent to blindness and deafness."

"Plant location technique: If you call the name of a certain plant, that plant will respond to you within 10 kilometers."

"Withering Leaves: You grab a large leaf of any plant and wither it within about 5 seconds. During this period, you or your companions will recover a certain amount of health.

If you use this spell too much, you may go astray, so please use it with caution!

Available times per day: 5"

All three spells have certain uses.

Especially "Mixing Ye Shenghua", this is the first healing spell that Matthew has obtained. When his teammates fight in the future, he can finally be behind him!

As for mentioning this spell in the description, it is easy to go astray.

Matthew revealed that he was a necromancer.

Compared to normal druids, he is already so far gone that I don’t know where he went, so I’ll just sprinkle some water on his misunderstandings.

In the evening of the third day.

The floating ship used to escort prisoners in the Black Sole Mountain Fortress finally arrived near the ruins of the Dragon Breeding Farm.

This time, after receiving Xiu Yi's magic message, Heisuo Mountain urgently sent two field law enforcers to take custody of the prisoners of the Dragon Worship Cult.

The names of these two law enforcers are Dave and Macbeth. They are both fourth-level mages. They have served in Mount Blackos for several years and have rich experience.

It is worth mentioning that.

Macbeth actually knew Rhaegar. The two chatted for more than ten minutes at a dinner hosted by Archmage Ronan a few years ago. Although they didn't catch up with each other for too long after this meeting, with this relationship, the two sides became more intimate.

I gained trust and the handover was very harmonious.

Macbeth told Rhaegar that according to normal procedures, the prisoners who were taken to Mount Blackso needed to be released with the full bounty after the trial. Normally only half would be released at the time of handover;

But this time Xiu Yi specifically emphasized the bravery and contribution of the group in the magic message, so Heisuo Mountain also made special arrangements and directly asked them to send the bonus.

So far.

Matthew and his team received a high reward.

Dave and Macbeth also got their wish and harvested a group of important criminals.

Both parties are very happy.

However, in order not to delay work, the two parties did not chat for too long.

Ten minutes after everyone was escorted onto the boat.

The float ship started up again. During this period, Xiu Yi boarded the ship. He hugged the side of the ship and said goodbye to Matthew and others, saying that he had to go to Mount Blackos to report on his duties due to work needs.

Matthew sent Xiu Yi and the floating boat away with a smile.

Until the black shadow dissipated at the end of the desert.

The smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Are they all marked?"

Matthew asked Li Weiqi.

Li Weiqi nodded seriously:

"It's marked. The ship is confirmed to be from Heisuo Mountain, and the man is from the Seven Saints Alliance."

Matthew's expression was a little complicated when he heard this.

He turned his back to the sunset and sighed softly:

"At least tonight, the truth about why Blinken suddenly disappeared should come out."

"I hope I'm worrying too much."


A bonfire near the tower.

Li Weiqi hurriedly appeared in front of Matthew again.

Don't wait for him to speak.

Matthew nodded to indicate that he understood everything.

on the data column.

"Tip: The "Necromancer Potter" and "Dragon-Blooded Warrior Kumbo Totra" you marked are dead!"

"I'm afraid it won't be long before the news that the Black Suo Mountain float ship crashed due to some accident or encountered a giant dragon will reach our ears."

Matthew smiled helplessly at Li Weiqi.

"This world is really complicated and cruel."

Li Weiqi's expression did not change much.

He sat down next to Matthew and poked the campfire pointlessly with a branch:

"So, the reason why Blinken resolutely abandoned the Dragon Cult is already clear."

"He just wanted to survive."

Matthew nodded slightly:

"I couldn't figure it out at first. Blinken was so aggressive when negotiating with me, how could he never be seen again after the negotiation."

"Now that I think about it, during that negotiation, he had seriously misjudged my identity. He panicked when he saw Xiu Yi next to me and heard that I was related to the Seven Saints Alliance. He thought

I was the first step for a big shot in the league to test him, and what followed was the fate of eradicating him."

"The reason why I haven't thought of this for so long is probably because deep down in my heart I have some illusions about the Alliance of Seven Saints."

"The Alliance has allowed the Dragon Cult to develop without stopping it for so many years. I'm afraid internal resistance is a major reason."

"Xiu Yi said that he was sent by the alliance to monitor Blinken, but I am afraid only he knows whether the truth is monitoring or cooperation."

"After all, from beginning to end, he has been leading us to fight Blinken to the death."

"The Alliance always only distributes half of the bounty first. Dave and Macbeth are so enthusiastic this time just to shut our mouths. After all, I have Ronan's patron saint, and Rhaegar and you are also present, so they don't dare to worry about it.

I have evil thoughts."

"The dragon breeding farm was wiped out by us, and the dragon worshipers fled to death. Even the boss Blinken was like a drowned dog, daring not to take the lead."

"In a few days, people will start cheering and celebrating, and there will be one less scourge in the world."

"But who would have thought that Blinken, the notorious third priest of the Dragon Cult who everyone calls for beating, is most likely the black glove of a big shot in the alliance?"

"How much of the dragon mountain ash and other forbidden materials that Blinken collected on a large scale was used by himself, and how much was turned over to the behemoths hiding in the shadows in the Seven Saints Alliance?"

"I do not know……"

"I have no idea."

The light of hunting fire reflected on Matthew's face.

His expression was a little sad, a little helpless, and more importantly, a trace of anger.

I can’t finish it, I really can’t finish it. The next chapter will clarify the ins and outs of the plot. I’m going to kowtow.

This chapter has been completed!
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