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Chapter 97 Lorraine's Magical Use of Magic


In the hotel lobby, sitting at the edge of a table surrounded by leisure guests, was a man with a bohemian temperament.

His dazzling blond hair is casually spread over his shoulders, and the satin cardigan on his upper body is opened as much as possible, exposing the thick chest hair underneath; the emerald green flute on his waist exudes a magical luster from time to time, and the flute

The dazzling legendary charms hanging nearby remind others all the time that their owner is either rich or noble.

Coupled with that saucy temperament that is ready to come out, who else could it be if it wasn't Luo Lan?

Matthew said hello to the innkeeper Truger, ordered two glasses of juice for himself and Laila, and then walked over.

As soon as Loren saw Matthew, she jumped down from the corner of the table happily.

He pushed away the intruders, spread his arms and cheered:

"Matthew? You came back just in time. I was planning to tell them your glorious history!"

Matthew could not stand the poet's enthusiasm.

After a brief hug, he calmly stopped Roland's attempt to go further, pulled up a chair and sat down quickly:

"My matters are not worth mentioning. Why don't I talk about you? Aren't you happy and happy on Shengji Island? Why are you back so soon? How is the customs on the island?"

As soon as I heard about Shengji Island.

Loren suddenly became energetic and sat down on the table in front of Matthew.

Then he held up a glass of mead and said happily:


You don't know what happened to me there. Well, I was quite bored for a while. At that time, I was caught by a group of Nagas and forced to go to the bottom of the sea.

At that time, I was bored to death. The creatures I saw every day when I opened my eyes were all Nagas. Although Nagas also have different flavors, some are big and gentle, and some are small and meaningful.

But as time goes by, it becomes the same thing.

So I tried to escape.

Later, I got my wish and landed on Shengji Island. My friend really didn't say that she had heard about my experience and knew that I was no longer interested in Naga, so she arranged for "Sea Elves" and "Crab People"

"Come and entertain me."

How can I put it this way? The taste of the sea elf young woman is not bad.

The same cannot be said about Crab girls. Their bodies are always filled with the smell of rotten seafood, and even if they spray a lot of perfume, they are off-putting.

Seeing how pitiful they were, I let them play with me on the island for three days before sending them away.

At that time, I was still feeling quite depressed. The scenery of Shengji Island was nice, but it was not as fun as I imagined.

Until my friend finished something and came to accompany me in person..."

Matthew's heart moved:

"That friend of yours?"

"Yes, she is the stone elemental beauty I told you!"

Lorraine said happily:

"Isn't it unexpected? The stone element in the main material world is so rare. At first, I wondered if she was lying to me in the letter, but after we met, I knew that the stone element she was talking about was herself!"

"It's not convenient for me to go into details later. In short, she and I spent several wonderful nights."

At this time, the boss Truger came over. He brought a generous glass of juice to Matthew and Laila each, and said with a smile:

"Welcome back, Lao Jitou has talked about you two before. He would be very happy to know that you both returned safely."

The two nodded slightly.

Wait until Truger leaves.

Matthew quickly used a "purifying food" on the juice on the table.

Within the horizon.

A touch or two of mottled sheen that symbolized bacteria and viruses was eliminated by the bold greenery.

Matthew took a sip with relief.

The juice tastes really good.

"Loraan, I have a question."

Matthew asked curiously while drinking:

"This question may involve privacy, but it is mainly out of academic curiosity. What I mean is - the structure of stone elements is different from that of ordinary humanoid creatures, right?"

Lorraine said of course:

"Of course, I had no way of finding it at the beginning. It was like holding a stone. It was really no fun."

"Until I thought of the spell "Fossils to Mud"..."


Matthew sprayed half of Laila's body with a mouthful of juice on the spot!

"Is this how to turn fossils into mud?"

He looked at Lorraine in shock.

Unexpectedly, Luo Lan also looked at Matthew with a confused look:

“Wasn’t the transformation of fossils into mud invented for this purpose?”

Matthew glanced at Laila apologetically.

The latter shook his clothes indifferently, took the initiative to ask Truger for a key, and went upstairs to change clothes.

"Spells were certainly not invented for this sort of thing."

Matthew's eyes moved back to Lorraine and corrected him seriously:

"As far as I know, this is a spell invented to resolve specific roadblocks or terrain."

Lorraine asked:

"Are you sure? Can't the roadblock be moved or dismantled? Do you have to invent a spell to deal with it?"

Matthew frowned.

Luo Lan took advantage of the victory and pursued:

"You said your mages are doing fine, why did you suddenly invent a spell that can turn stones into sewage?"

"There must be some strong motive for this."

"And I think love that can cross race is a strong enough motivation. What do you think, Matthew?"

Matthew was silent.

Lorraine further commented:

"Actually, there are many spells that can support my point of view, for example, the "Mage's Hand" most commonly used by your mages!"

Matthew’s head was filled with questions:

"What happened to the Mage's Hand?"

Lorraine blinked:

"Legend has it that in the Age of Enlightenment, many mages would lock themselves in wizard towers and stay away all day in order to study spells. Under such circumstances, it was common to not see other people for several years, let alone the opposite sex."

"So they invented the "Mage Hands" in order to experience the feeling of being comforted by a hand other than their own."

"If you think about it, those otaku mages in ancient times were quite pitiful."

"About this, I also have a unique theory. You can judge whether a mage has a partner by observing the quality of his "Mage Hand", and whether he is happy with his partner..."

Matthew felt his temples jump.

He wanted to refute.

But looking at Luo Lan's confident and talkative demeanor, he realized that arguing with the other party was not a wise move.

The main thing is to continue the debate like this.

Maybe Matthew himself will be convinced by him!

"Your understanding of magic is indeed unique."

Matthew could only compliment him against his will:

"Or you could write a book in a related field, which might sell better than your novel."

Luo Lan's eyes lit up:

"You're right, let me think about it, how about the name of this book is "Loran's Magical Uses"?

But since this is a serious work in the field of magic, I am definitely not authoritative enough as a bard. I have to find a powerful magic consultant, and this person can only be you, Matthew!

In addition to providing the necessary magic knowledge, you also have to help me speak out.

How about this, Matthew, let me see your mage hands first?"

Luo Lan showed a dazzling smile.

"I reject!"

Matthew immediately and strongly rejected Lorraine's invitation.

But then he explained two more sentences to himself:

"I am a necromancer. I have been exposed to negative energy all year round. It is inevitable that the hands of a mage will be contaminated. This is not enough to be used as a typical case."

"Besides, my magic power is low and not worth mentioning, so for the position of magic consultant, Luo Lan, you should hire someone else who is talented."

Upon hearing this, Luo Lan suddenly showed an unhappy expression:

"Hey Matthew, you're not a friend enough. You can lie to others by saying you have low magic power, but it doesn't count here. Someone who can create a tornado of the undead and blow up the altar of the big evil easily.

It has nothing to do with low magic power."

Matthew looked at him with some surprise:

"You know everything?"

Lorraine proudly puffed out her chest and opened the lining of her coat even more.

Only then did Matthew notice that this guy's chest hair had been specially trimmed into the shape of a heart, which made him look as sexy as possible.

"The bard knows everything, my dear.

High-level bards have a professional feature called "catching wind and shadows".

That is to say, major events that happen within 20 to 100 kilometers around us have a certain chance of being perceived by us. If a poet's perception is high enough, he can even witness some fragments of the scene of the major event in the form of visions.

Let me tell you, blowing up the demon altar is nothing, but that tornado is really cool!

I followed the vision all the way on Shengji Island.

You can even see the zombie's brains and intestines clearly when they are thrown out by the tornado!"

Lorraine said proudly.

"Catching wind and shadow"?

Bards in this world actually have this ability?

No wonder whenever something big happens, people always know about it.

With these humanoid news machines around, it's almost impossible to do something big in a low-key manner.

Matthew made a mental note of this.

Seeing that the topic had been successfully changed, he simply took the initiative to talk about his experiences in the rain forest.

Starting from his landing on Junliu Island, he went to Kordo City to visit Yu Lian, then returned to the rainforest to fight against the Dragon Cult, and finally ended with Blinken's escape.

He brushed off many of the details, but Luo Lan still listened attentively.

But what surprised Matthew was that what this guy cared about most during this period of his adventurous career was actually the Earth Fire Dragon!

"What happened later, did you rescue him? I mean that poor dragon named Aru? He is so fat now, he must be inconvenient to move, right?"

Lorraine asked with concern.

Matthew reminded:

"Alutelen is a male earth fire dragon."

Lorraine disagreed:

"I just want to talk to him about my experience. Don't you think he is very powerful? He has been squeezed by the Dragon Worship Cult for five full years and he is still full of energy."

I saw that he had a strong thirst for knowledge.

Matthew had no choice but to tell:

"The dragon was too fat and couldn't squeeze into the path leading to the Dark Territory. In the end, the Black Banyan Tribe took him in.

The rainforest is rich in ecology, but the Black Banyan tribe will definitely not be able to support him. I'm afraid he will have to learn to hunt by himself.

But it's not without good news. Before I left, he told me that he wanted to lose weight and plan to become a vegetarian in the next period of time.

If he really becomes a vegetarian, he may have a chance to improve his health."

Luo Lan was amazed when he heard this, and kept saying that he wanted to go to the fire dragon in the future to share his experiences.

The two chatted for a while.

After having lunch.

Matthew still didn't wait for Lao Jitou. He originally planned to take Laila to leave Zeshui City in the afternoon and continue on the road.

Naihe met Luo Lan, who enthusiastically pulled Matthew and said that he would treat him to a good show.

The time is tonight.

Considering that the theater in Zeshui City was indeed well-known in the south, Matthew half-heartedly agreed.

At that moment, he found a room with his boss and explained the situation clearly to Laila. The latter said that she also wanted to visit more places in Zeshui City.

So the two sides acted separately.

Lorraine took Matthew to buy tickets for the evening.

Laila walked toward the deeper stone door alone.

Southern Theater Theatre.

There was a long queue outside the ticket office.

The men, women, and children in the team are generally in good spirits, and their clothes are cleaner than ordinary people walking on the street.

"They are probably all servants of the powerful people in Zeshui City, buying tickets for their masters."

Lorraine pointed at the team and said:

"This theater is very famous. The last time we came here, their circus and several important actors were invited to tour several cities in the north. They just came back a few days ago. This performance tonight is part of the tour.

It’s the first show since the team’s return. It is said that they have prepared a new script, costumes and performance format for this, which is really exciting!”

"You can see how popular this place is when you see so many people queuing up."

"Of course, if their script and performance can please or even conquer me, I will naturally not be stingy with applause, but if the result disappoints me, I will have to criticize them severely!"

Matthew saw a poster standing next to the ticket office.

In the center of the poster is a handsome man with a bright smile. He shows two rows of white teeth, and behind him is a somewhat fake island setting.

The man was surrounded by several young girls who were completely exposed.

Somehow, this layout structure made Matthew feel familiar.

"Brandon White, the top name of the Southern Theater Theater, a big killer who specializes in attracting female audiences. People from Zeshui City and several surrounding cities, ranging from a ninety-year-old woman to a nine-year-old girl, all like him.


Lorraine whistled:

"But I think his smile is a bit unnatural, and his body movements are not as good as that clown over there!"

Matthew took a look, and sure enough he found half of a clown's face in the corner of the pictorial. It looked like an insignificant character.

Right above the poster is the name of the show——

"A particularly wonderful story"

A better translation would be——

"A good show"

"Let's go buy tickets."

Lorraine walked directly towards the ticket office.

He found the person next in line and handed him a handful of gold coins:

"It won't take you too much time to queue up again, sir."

The man looked very angry when he was patted on the shoulder by Lorraine.

But soon his face expressed joy from the bottom of his heart:

"Of course! Of course! You're right sir, I'd be happy to stand in line again."

With that said, he voluntarily left the team and exchanged positions with Luo Lan.

Loren proudly flashed his gleaming biceps at Matthew in the queue.

"Hello sir, how many tickets do you have?"

Perhaps because she saw the scene just now, the conductor lady had a very good attitude.

"Two, want the best position."

Loren rested his arm casually on the ticket office window.

The conductor lady took a quick look at his chest, and two blushes appeared on her cheeks:

"One hundred and twenty gold coins, sir. You can choose to experience the charm of the drama up close in the first row, or you can have a room in the box on the second floor. The view there is better and it is quieter. No matter you and your partner

You can do anything without being disturbed."

"Only 120? It's not as expensive as I thought."

Lorraine said with a smile.

He fumbled around in the storage items for a while and grabbed a handful of gold coins of different shapes.

The conductor lady suddenly looked troubled:

"Is this Naga's gold coin? Sorry, sir, we only accept Seven Saint Alliance standard gold coins here."

Luo Lan was a little dissatisfied, and immediately slapped a gold brick in front of her:

"Then do you accept this?"

The conductor was dumbfounded. She said blankly:

"This, I have to ask the group leader about this."

Matthew went over and stopped her.

"What's wrong?"

he asked Lorraine.

"I've run out of alliance gold coins. She won't accept Naga's gold coins or gold bricks. Do I need to find someone who can cash them out now?"

Lorraine complained, then looked at Matthew:

"Do you have any gold coins with you?"

Matthew spent a long time counting the money with pain in his body before handing over the full amount of gold coins.

"Thank you, just treat it as if you borrowed it from me. I'll find a place where I can exchange the money tomorrow, and then I'll return it to you."

Lorraine paid the money and collected the gold bricks and Naga gold coins.

He took two tickets from the dizzy conductor and handed one of them and a yellow little book to Matthew.

"The Book of Plumpness?"

Matthew was a little surprised.

"Of course you need collateral to lend money to others."

Lorraine smiled and patted his shoulder:

"Come on Matthew, let's go back and talk before my gold bricks don't attract more thieves."

The two of them had just walked a few steps out.

Matthew could feel that there were many people following behind him.

And these people are suspected to come from different forces.

“Is this the charm of gold bricks?”

He looked at Lorraine with some envy.

The latter still walked with his head held high and fearlessly.

When he arrived at the Jungle Dance Hotel, which was still two blocks away, he even took the initiative to take Matthew on a small path!

Just a moment later.

Luo Lan looked at the empty alley in surprise and said:

"What's going on? Are you not even fooled by gold brick fishing now?"

Matthew walked past him with a smile and patted Loren on the back:

"Let's go, maybe the pickpockets have become smarter."

at the same time.

In an alley two streets away.

After a muffled sound.

The last pickpocket fell on the pile of people in embarrassment.

At this time, there were more than a dozen people lying on the ground in the alley. They were either in a coma, or they were conscious but weak, and they could only lie on the ground and moan continuously.

And the instigator of all this was a man in black wearing a cloak.

After doing all this, he turned around and left.

However, just when the man in black was about to walk out of the alley.

He suddenly stopped.

Under the horrified eyes of all the pickpockets.

He turned back silently.

Immediately afterwards.

That pair of withered bones without any flesh and blood.

He began to attack the weak bodies of the pickpockets!

"Tip: Your summoned soldier defeated the pickpockets who came after hearing the news.

A Bing awakened part of his past life memories, and he began to become slightly interested in the money of the living.

A Bing began to pick up the wealth from the pickpockets.

Your summoned soldier, Bing, has acquired the new keyword "Intermittent Picking Up Gold".

Intermittent Picking Up Gold (Gray): In most cases, he will not pick up loot and gold coins for you.

The effect of A Bing's keyword "Elementary Enlightenment" has been improved——

Elementary enlightenment (enhanced): A Bing’s current intelligence is equivalent to that of a 7-year-old child.”

This chapter has been completed!
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