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Chapter 99: War Preparation

 Snorri has always been a person who always does things from beginning to end, and dwarves are a race that attaches great importance to oaths and promises. He will never give up on his mission just because some goblins block his way.

"Elders, please listen to what I have to say!" After receiving a nod of agreement from Lord Pojok and his wife, Snorri jumped onto the stage.

"Everyone, I know something about the situation in Karak-Azgraz. Although each of us sons of the mountains is tenacious and good at fighting, it is difficult for our compatriots to defend their mountain forts with the help of damaged fortifications."

When Snorri's voice sounded, the dwarves in the hall fell silent. In the case of Lord Porok and his wife, whose prestige was not good because of their deviance, Snorri, the divine choice of the ancestor goddess, the rune master and the high king The parents and children make the tribe more trustworthy.

"Father God Granny taught us that if we don't take the initiative to end the war, the war will end us!" Snorri said word by word.

"If we ignore the suffering of our compatriots in Dreadnaught, once the greenskins gain a foothold there, won't we be the next ones to suffer disaster?" Snorri explained the truth of the death of lips and teeth. This evoked a part of the world. The support of the people in the audience.

"In my opinion, these goblins won't have much power! Even if they find a new war boss from nowhere and gather together again, they have just experienced a large waaagh, and their total number has increased. How many can there be?"

Snorri began to make an objective analysis. Since the Pot-Belly King Gulu, who had just invaded at the beginning of the year, was the most waaagh goblin warmaster in the history of the Warhammer world, many tribesmen were affected by goblin phobia. For those who had not experienced long beards, For the tribesmen who fought in the war, I am afraid that many mustaches think that goblins are the first of the four spirits!

Forest goblins compete against the wood elf Islay, night goblins compete against the dark elf Druzi, and normal goblins compete against the high elf Asul. It's very reasonable, isn't it?

"Everyone, you may all know something about how I gained the favor of the Mother Goddess!" Snorri slowly continued.

"Of course, praise the brave Master Snorri!"

"The Ancestral Goddess favors true warriors!"

"Even the big-bellied King Gulu can't do anything to you!"

Snorri and his story have been spread throughout the dwarf mountains intentionally or unintentionally. Although Snorri has not verified it, he can be sure that this story has gone through layers of exaggeration or not, and is no longer It was the original appearance of a stupid man with a mustache who was sent to his death without knowing the meaning and then was driven away.

The tribesmen reacted to Snorri's personal statement, and the war-weariness in their hearts was gradually dispelled.

"I made an oath in front of the Mother Goddess. In addition to liquidating every unforgettable hatred, what is more important is to try to avoid new hatreds! Every one of our compatriots is the most precious wealth. Mother Goddess I will never sit back and watch anyone suffer a tragic fate! The same goes for everyone here, and the same goes for the compatriots in Dreadnaught!"

After hearing this, Lord Pojok and his wife were the first to react, and they gave Snorri warm applause.

"I also swore an oath before my father, His Majesty Thorgrin - the Hater of Resentment, that I would protect the convoy to reach Karak Zfulin smoothly, even if there were a group of giant dragons tamed by the pointy-eared people in front of me!

Wherever the oath comes, it is as solid as a rock!"

"Whatever you swear is as solid as a rock!"

Listening to Snorri's heroic words, the atmosphere in the hall became heated, and the tribesmen expressed their support for Snorri and the upcoming war.

"Please allow me to lead the charge with my people! Without further ado, we don't know how long our compatriots in Fearless Castle can hold on!" Snorri turned to the lord and his wife and said loudly.

"Praise for your courage, the choice of the goddess!" Queen Thelma said, "I am willing to give you half of my brass guards. I wish you victory and fulfill your promise!"

Queen Thelma's leading support shocked most dwarves, including Snorri, and dispelled many local clans' worries about offending the queen who was born in Copper Mountain Castle by providing help to Snorri.

"Our Dragon Beard Clan can provide twenty thunder gunners, all of them are good at shooting down falcons!"

"On behalf of the Hard Rock Clan, I provide five iron-breaking warriors and ten long-bearded warriors! Fighting under the watchful eye of the Mother Goddess is the supreme glory of every son of the mountains!"

"We can also hire some human adventurers! Now the production of the human empire has been greatly damaged. As long as they can afford the right price, there will still be people who are willing to join!" Lord Pojok gave his decision,

It was Lord Porrok's consistent style to resort to external forces when conditions permitted. This helped reduce the losses of the tribesmen of Desolate Fort, but it also brought him criticism.

There is a three-day journey from Desolation Castle to Fearless Castle. Considering that there is a high probability that the journey will not go smoothly and this time may increase, the dwarves decided to spend two days to assemble the team and set out for support early in the morning of the third day.

Snorri returned to his room to rest. Early the next morning, he issued an order to assemble the caravan. Through feedback from Tommy and Balin, Snorri learned that some merchants were worried about the risk of goblins and gave up moving forward. They decided to dispose of the goods on the spot.

Or divert to the Human Empire.

However, more than 80% of the caravan members still chose to believe in the armed forces provided by Snorri and Lord Porrok, and they resolutely packed up their carriages and prepared to set off.

On the eve of departure, Snorri received the soldier list sent by Lord Pojok. The strength he now has on hand is as follows:

Eighty Anvil Guards

Forty Hammer Warriors, including ten Hammer of Eternity Guards

Twenty Iron-Smashing Warriors

Twenty Brass Guards

One hundred long-bearded warriors

Two hundred dwarf warriors

There are sixty thunder gunners and heavy arrow crossbowmen each

Thirty Dwarf Rangers

Twenty Dwarf Butchers

Three ballistas

Two cannons

A flame cannon

Twenty iron dragon gunners

One hundred and fifty human adventurers, including thirty horsemen

Three hundred dwarf merchants and adventurers formed a convoy

Karak-Norn is equipped with a large amount of long-range firepower to fight against the wood elves, so the support provided by Lord Porrok is mainly based on this. He also generously dismantled a flame cannon on the city wall.

Snorri calculated with his fingers that he now had more than a thousand men, including a considerable proportion of elites. At the same time, he had sufficient artillery to provide support. If that was not enough, he also had two more on his carriage.

Organ cannon is available.

Snorri made up his mind, as long as necessary, he would not begrudge the depreciation cost of the artillery. The organ cannon performed very well when attacking enemies with large numbers but low quality like goblins.

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