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Chapter 100 Departure

 Such an elite force of more than a thousand people is already considered strong, considering that the overall number of dwarves is small and this is a relatively weak gray mountain area.

However, Snorri was not very relaxed. He knew that he might still face a fierce battle.

Night goblins are different from their green brethren who live on the plains and work as followers for the orcs. They have developed many characteristics against the dwarves during their thousands of years of confrontation with the dwarves.

Almost all night goblin melee and long-range units quench their weapons with poison. They smear the juice of various mushrooms or more disgusting things on their weapons, although these guys may not know what the venom is.


But combined with the strange power of thinking, a tiny wound caused by a poisoned weapon may make a brave dwarf lose his fighting ability.

They are also good at taming cave squigs, driving these pink meat balls directly or riding them into the battlefield. These guys' mouths full of dagger-like teeth can tear through the heavy armor of the dwarves.

There are also fanatics. Snorri shook his head. He didn't want to think about it anymore. Captain Glenson taught him that as a leader, he must not be afraid first.

Snorri tried his best to close his eyes and fell asleep, but at this time, there was no such peace outside Karak-Azgraz, a hundred miles away.

Early the next morning, in the mist in the mountains, Snorri climbed out of bed. He put on his armor, picked up his warhammer and climbed onto his blue sheep.

At the west gate of Karak-Norn, a coalition of dwarves and humans was gathering. Snorri saw Lord Porok and his wife, and he went straight to greet them.

"May the Ancestor Goddess protect you! How are you? Are there any supplies that need to be replenished?" Lord Porrok patted Snorri on the shoulder and asked.

It seems that the revenge of Lord Arik-Rufson is about to begin. The Porroks need to sit in the Desolate Keep to deal with the possible impact from the Athel Loren Forest. They will not go with the army.

"Don't worry! I believe that the ancestor goddess is watching here. Under her brilliance, nothing can stop us sons of the mountains!" Snorri made a confident gesture.

"I promise that I will successfully break the siege of Karak-Azgraz and severely punish those dirty greenskins who dare to attack our compatriots!" Snorri's words were loud in the underground tunnel, and the tribesmen cheered.

When they got up, their morale became higher and higher.

"Take this!" Snorri whispered and quietly handed a cube to Lord Porrok.

"This is this?" Lord Porok asked curiously, and he lowered his voice in response. Looking at the small square with the luster of runes in his hand, numerous guesses flashed through Lord Porok's mind.

"Is this something similar to a lich-mage phylactery? The ancestor goddess gave him the divine choice, giving him a chance to resurrect when he was fatally injured?" The imagination in his mind began to stir.

"This is a communication device!" Snorri took out another block from his pocket as he spoke. This pair of rune telegraph machines was made by him during his breaks along the way.

"When I inject rune energy into the piece in my hand, the piece in your hand will also light up simultaneously." Snorri explained while demonstrating.

Looking at the flickering runes on the object in his hand, Lord Porok was slightly stunned. Even though he was considered open-minded enough among the dwarves living in the mountain castle, he was still unable to recognize it on his own due to the limitations of the times.

See the great role of this object.

"What does it have...?" Lord Porrok asked.

"It can be used to convey information!" Seeing that it was almost time for the team to set off, Snorri simply stopped talking.

"If I make it glow in the order of long-short-long, it means that everything is going well and your troops supporting me will return soon, and if I send three short signals in a row, it means that the battle situation is unfavorable and there is an urgent need

Support!" Snorri explained.

Lord Porok stared at the object in his hand and nodded, "Can it still...?" He had some ideas and asked tentatively.

"Yes, it can also be used to convey other types of information. In principle, as long as it is not troublesome, we can use the same encoding rules to carry out conversations on any content." Snorri said.

"But time is urgent now, as long as it can work!" Seeing that Tommy had begun to wave, Snorri left Lord Pojok, who was deep in thought, and returned to the team.

Walking all the way to the middle of his Anvil Guards, Snorri noticed the Brass Guards supported by Queen Thelma. They were a unique force formed by Karak-Izo.

These twenty dwarves were wearing precision-cast refined brass armor, and they were holding one-handed shields and one-handed war hammers. These things were undoubtedly made of brass.

In addition to the golden light on the brass surface that has been polished to a mirror-like surface, these pieces of equipment are also engraved with runes. Their presence silently indicates the wealth of Tongshan Fort.

Following Snorri's order, the team quickly set off. Every member knew what they were about to face, but they were fearless. Responsibility and honor filled the chests of these people.

The team moved forward very quickly. Snorri did not go at the front. He handed over the command of the vanguard to Captain Glenson. This long-lived Hammer of Eternity guard has hundreds of years of experience in dealing with goblins.


The task of commanding the rear team was given to the manticore butcher Rogoff. This brave warrior always kept alert. In order to facilitate underground combat, he had put down his original two-handed heavy axe, and instead picked up two one-handed battle axes to increase the number of kills.


Snorri was surrounded by his own anvil guards and walked with the artillery crew. If you want to defeat the goblins efficiently, the role of the artillery is indispensable.

The Fatis Knight and his men lead their horses on both sides of the leyline network, and they will act as a mobile force to support the movement.

Karak-Dreadnaught Fortress was built like most dwarven fortresses by hollowing out the mountain, with three parts on the ground and seven parts underground. Under the bright moonlight, the flat land outside the city gate was crowded with densely packed night goblins.

Their eyes glowed with an evil red light.

Under the command, these goblins relied on simple ladders to try to storm the main entrance of the Dauntless Fortress, and several crooked goblin trebuchets provided fire cover for them.

"Old Crescent Moon, how is my Destroying Dive Catapult doing?"

"Dear boss, I have to think about it for a few days! Those little brats have just emerged from the soil and are not very good at it yet!"

Thanks to Jinqiu Soul, Dao Lai, Lin Bei is a Cat, Liu Guanren 123, Book Friends 20200514111747542, Xiaoyao Zhan Monthly Ticket

It will be on the shelves today, I will post a speech and a big chapter tonight, thank you book friends for your support

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