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Chapter 18 System Upgrade

 The guild members present were already familiar with the performance of Krag the Harsh, and other onlookers were also aware of the weird temperament of this oldest and most stubborn rune master.

Ignoring his departure, the dwarves began to celebrate for the addition of a powerful Rune Master. Thorgrin-The Grudge-Bearer jumped onto the high platform and snatched the Rune Microphone from the Iron Chisel Master

"I, Thorgrin, the patriarch of the Drazkrad clan, and the father of Master Snorri!" The High King's face was filled with a rare smile:

"I announce that every tavern under our clan will provide free ale to everyone tonight! Let us celebrate my son together!" His generosity pushed the cheers to a new climax.

At this time, Snorri's attention was distracted by the voice prompt in his mind: "It has been detected that the host has completed the career level promotion and passed the novice stage. The system is about to start upgrading and the welfare functions will be turned off. New functions will be unlocked after the upgrade, so stay tuned!"

Deeply attracted.

He passively arrived at the largest tavern in the city, surrounded by dwarves, and then lost consciousness in the sea of ​​free ale.

When Snorri woke up with a splitting headache after a hangover, it was already noon the next day. Touching the emblem with runes on his chest, Snorri couldn't help but laugh!

He has taken an important step after time travel. From today on, he will be qualified to form his own force and compete with many powerful powers across the entire continent and even subspace.

Hearing his laughter, Balin came in with a glass of water. "Drink some water, cousin, uh no, respected Master Snorri!" Balin also smiled very happily. As a personal advisor, his status is also

With Snorri the tide lifts all boats.

"My ancestors and gods! You don't even know that I woke up that day and found that you were gone and the door of my room was turned into powder. I was so scared! If there was something wrong with you, I would have to be a butcher.


For dwarves who value honor, when they think they have been greatly humiliated, or have broken a promise, or have encountered tragedy or failure, they will choose to take the Butcher's Oath.

These dwarves will shave off excess hair on their bodies and heads, leaving only a wisp of hair, dye their hair and beards orange, and then cover their dishonorable bodies with blue tattoos.

After that, they traveled far away from home, pursuing a glorious death--especially preferring to independently challenge huge beasts or armies. For a follower like Bahrain, failing to protect his master was obviously worth his while.
As a young dwarf, Balin did not like to be immersed in memories as much as the bearded elders. He quickly changed the topic because of his out-of-the-box thinking.

"Cousin, I heard that people outside call you the Goddess' Choice," Snorri spit out a mouthful of water when he heard this title that was full of aura, but Bahrain continued talking, <


"You must have really seen the ancestor goddess. What does she look like? Among the records of the appearance of the three main gods in the book, she has the most changes. Is she beautiful? There is the pearl of our Karaz-a-Karak

,Is your second sister, Princess Nina, beautiful?"

Just when Snorri was tired of dealing with the nymphomaniac Balin despite his hangover, there was a knock on the door. "Is Master Snorri up?" Balin still did not forget his duty and ran to open the door.

Open the door.

Three dwarves with white beards that extended over their abdomens walked in outside the door. Snorri could tell they were from their highly recognizable equipment - a two-handed long-handled warhammer made of meteorite and glowing with runes.

They are Hammer Warriors, another elite unit of the dwarf clan.

They are generally the personal bodyguard of the dwarf lord, and their members are the most loyal and powerful warriors personally selected by the lord. Each member has proven himself in countless battles.

Hammer warriors have a high status in the dwarf city. When the lord goes out to fight, they surround the lord and wield heavy hammers that can shatter the enemy's shields and armor to open a bloody path for the lord; when there is no protection mission, they

They will guard key parts of the fortress such as the throne room, the main entrance or the treasure house.

The leading dwarf bowed and spoke: "Good morning, Master Snorri! The ancestor goddess bless you! My name is Glenson, and I am a squad leader of the Hammer of Eternity."

"The Hammer of Eternity!" Snorri and Balin were both shocked when they heard the name. In dwarf society, normal troops are directly called by the name of their arms. Only elite troops with a long history and repeated military exploits will have their own unique

Names, such as Longyan Pass Warriors (Dwarf Warriors), Resolute Veteran Guards (Iron Dragon Hand Artillery), etc.

The Hammer of Eternity is the name of the High King's personal guard. This force has existed since the day Karaz-a-Karak was built, which is also the origin of their name.

The number of members of the Hammer of Eternity is around one hundred all year round. Although they are small in number, they are extremely powerful.

Becoming a member of the Eternal Hammer and fighting beside the High King is the highest honor for every dwarf warrior.

Only when a dwarf is outstanding in his clan's strength will he be eligible to come to Karaz-a-Karak. After passing through the layers of selection, he will be given the opportunity to join the Hammer of Eternity. Their equipment is also better than that of the normal Hammer Guards.

The army is even better.

In the history of the dwarves, there are countless unforgettable hatreds that were settled after the Eternal Hammer entered the battlefield with the High King. At the same time, there were also many times where the dwarf army was able to return from the battlefield thanks to the rearguard of this army who sacrificed his life.

Escaped from a tragic failure.

With respect for this iron army, Snorri stood up, put his hand on his chest and returned the salute. "Dear Changxu, what do you want to learn from me here?"

"His Majesty the Supreme King has summoned you, Master Snorri!" Hearing this, Snorri nodded. He washed briefly and followed the three Hammer Warriors out of the room.

Although they still went to meet the Supreme King, the route this time was different from three days ago. The four of them no longer headed to the upper level of the fortress but instead walked half a circle along the mountainside.

Walking out of the corridor, what appeared in front of Snorri was a door sandwiched between two towers. From his memory, he knew that this was the settlement area of ​​the Drazkrad clan, and the stone plate armor mark on the arch proved that he

Remember that correctly.

Walking through the residential areas of the outlying clans, greeting the relatives around him while walking, Snorri felt the warmth from the clan, and soon he came to the clan's meeting hall. This hall was slightly larger than the Rune Blacksmith Guild's.

The hall is even more grand.

At the door was a statue of a dwarf wearing stone plate armor and holding a battle ax on the ground. He must have been the ancestor who first established the clan. Entering the hall, Snorri saw Thorgreen discussing with several bearded elders on the high platform in the center.

What were they talking about? When they saw Snorri from a distance, they all waved their hands.

"My good son, you have grown up! We were just guessing when you would wake up! It seems that your drinking capacity has improved!" Thorgreen said with a happy face.

After receiving feedback from readers, I decided to "upgrade" the system. If you have any suggestions, I will reply when I see them.

Thanks to book friend artoriasw for the tip, there will be more updates tomorrow. The editor gave me a recommendation, please give me some votes and favorites.

This chapter has been completed!
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