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Chapter 54 Rapids Pass

 After listening to his father's words, Snorri nodded. He now has clear thoughts.

Probably because the Iron Chisel Master has become the vice-president of the Rune Blacksmith Guild with the support of the clan,

Master Kragg does not want Snorri to grow up quickly with the support of his relatives and increase the royal family’s voice in the guild.

However, based on his memory, he knew that although Master Kragg did not give him any additional instruction, he still kept the most basic knowledge intact and taught him step by step.

In this respect, Krag the Harsh is still a dwarf who sticks to his principles.

Under the combined influence of Master Kragg's extremely pure understanding of the power of runes and Snorri's own talent, he became an official rune blacksmith at a very young age.

He is quite grateful to this strict master.

After a brief discussion, Snorri decided to visit Riptide Pass with the dwarves who came to watch the ceremony. He couldn't wait to see the high-end technology of the dwarves.

At noon that day, Thorgrin returned to Karaz-a-Karak sitting on the Throne of Power. In order to finalize the trade agreement, the other two dwarf lords stayed for a while.

In the afternoon, Snorri said goodbye to his brother, and set off with the team at Torrent Pass amidst everyone's condolences.

King Serentin, Prince Balentine and Master Alberic-Silverfinger all kindly invited Snorri to go with them, but Snorri finally chose to ride the Anvil of Doom with Master Silverfinger.

Snorri euphemistically calls this decision "communication skills", but the fundamental reason is that his blue sheep are currently being trained.

Master Silverfinger is extremely envious of Snorri, a fellow student with a profound knowledge.

Due to the uniqueness of his school of thought, almost no rune users of the same level are willing to have academic exchanges with them, so he and his predecessors can only work behind closed doors over the years.

The two rune masters communicated non-stop along the way, and by night they had become close friends who ate at the same table and slept on the same bed.

Although Snorri's own accumulation has not reached the level of a rune master, the mainstream rune concepts he learned from Master Cragg still benefited Master Silverfinger a lot.

Many of the difficulties that had troubled him for a long time were awakened by Snorri's words.

For Snorri, he also got a lot of inspiration from the Silverfinger Master.

In his original understanding, he thought that runes could only be engraved on weapons, equipment and accessories.

Through Master Silverfinger's sharing, he learned that runes could be carved on ballistas, cannons and other war machines to increase the power of the fired shells, provide tracking capabilities, speed up the reloading, or make the equipment unfavorable in battle.

Self-destructs when falling into enemy hands.

Early the next morning, the dwarf team made a half-circle around the Blackwater Lake.

Just after noon, they had entered the northernmost canyon of Black Water. Here, the raging black lake water rushed over the edge of the cliff and merged into the magnificent waterfall.

The roar of the rapids echoed on the mountainside, and behind the noise was another clear, more harsh sound, which was the collision and clanking of machines in operation.

Dozens of waterwheels are laid on the cliff below the waterfall, some of which are tens of meters high. Gears, chains and pulleys are constantly creaking, driving the forging hammer and crusher at the far end. The stone elevated

Aqueducts and culverts cleverly direct water to cooling tanks and smelters.

Iron bridges and stone portholes are dotted in a fountain of steam, and many gun barrels protrude from the shooting holes, quietly watching the entrance to Jufba.

Steam and smoke rose from countless boilers and gathered above the canyon, forming a dense cloud. As they cooled and descended, the thick water vapor in the air condensed on the beards and armor of the dwarves.

The path winds up along the rock wall on the south side of the canyon, a spiral staircase is carved out of the rock, and a curved bridge with low railings spans the canyon.

Beneath them, Jufuba shimmered in a sea of ​​moist air and flashing red light.

At the foot of the canyon, a long staircase spirals up to the main entrance to the north, passing many fortifications on the way.

The news of the arrival of the team had already been conveyed to the guard by the watchtower. As a low roar came from under the feet, the water flowing through the gate was redirected. The heavy iron bolt and granite lock separated from each other, and the gate was moved by the gears and chains.

It slowly opened up and eventually submerged into the rocks on both sides.

As usual, there are two huge ancestor sculptures on the left and right sides of the door. On the left is the father god Granny, and on the right is the engineer god Mogrim, who is mainly worshiped in Torrent Pass.

A moment later, a dwarf appeared alone behind the door. He stood in front of the door that was five times as tall as him but still did not seem small. He put the battle ax on his shoulder and blocked the way of the team. Ba

Lundin took two steps forward to inform.

"Who wants to enter Zhufuba?" the gatekeeper asked from a distance.

"Serentine, the King of Jufuba. And the respected Master Snorri, chosen by the goddess!" Balentine replied.

"Welcome back, Your Majesty and his distinguished guests." The gatekeeper heard this and stepped aside.

As the queue of dwarves continued to move forward, they passed under a stone door that was almost as tall as them. The lintel was engraved with runes and the faces of their ancestors.

According to Balentine's introduction, this is the oldest stone in the fortress, almost the same age as the legendary ancestors. The dwarves of Torrent Pass believe that if some uninvited guests try to pass through it, then it will break and then hit them hard.

head and seal the entrance to the door.

Every clan member is happy that this rumor has never been tested.

Soon, the dwarves entered the foyer. This long, narrow doorway was lit by countless lanterns in niches placed every few meters.

The city wall was cut into battlements, with three floors on each side. Thundering gunners patrolled the long city head, and artillery and other war machines watched eagerly, always ready to pour a heavy rain of metal on enemies who tried to invade the gate.

This is because Rapids Pass is located on the outskirts of the Mountain Kingdom and is often subject to various attacks.

After passing the foyer, there are countless tunnels extending from the interior of Zhufuba to the north, east and south. The maze-like intricate tunnel system runs up and down and criss-crosses.

Here, in the center of the entire underground city, the straight walls appear solid and reliable, decorated with runes and reliefs, silently telling the stories of our ancestors.

Several outward galleries were opened in the hall, overlooking the canteen, armory, reception room and forging hall.

Snorri was taken all the way to the room on the upper floor of the fortress to rest. He will speak at the reception banquet in the evening.

According to King Serendin's arrangement, Snorri will go to the Rune Blacksmith Guild in Torrent Pass early tomorrow morning to communicate, and then visit the armory here.

Thanks to Xiao Guyu in the Twenty-Four Solar Terms for the reward, residual blood is big, Dragonfly, Melbourne Knight, Brave Azheng, Yakult is really delicious, Kangmao Beibi Rice Dog, 0115660 monthly ticket.

There will be additional updates in the evening

This chapter has been completed!
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